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Prey species gain protection by imitating signals of unpalatable models in defensive mimicry. Mimics have been traditionally classified as Batesian (palatable mimic resembling an unpalatable model) or Müllerian (unpalatable mimic resembling a similarly unpalatable model). However, recent studies suggest that rather than discrete categories, the phenomenon of mimicry can be better understood as a continuum. The level of unpalatability of defended prey is a key factor in determining the type of mimetic relationship. Herein, we used insects (ladybugs and true bugs) from a putative European “red–black” mimetic complex as experimental models of defended species and crickets as a control prey. We offered the prey to two species of sympatric invertebrate predators (praying mantis and spider) and video recorded the interactions. We tested three alternative hypotheses, namely (i) the three red–black species tested are similarly defended against both predators; (ii) some red–black species are better defended than others against both predator species, and (iii) the effectiveness of the red–black species defenses is predator dependent. Both predators attacked all prey types with a similar frequency. But while all three red–black species similarly elicited aversive behaviors in spiders, the mantises' aversive reactions varied depending on the prey species. Our results provide support to the third hypothesis, suggesting that the same prey species can fall into different parts of the spectrum of palatability–unpalatability depending on the type of predator.  相似文献   

The Australian Wet Tropics World Heritage Area (WTWHA) contains a number of highland vertebrates predicted to face extinction due to a warming climate, but little is known about risks to invertebrates, which are vital to ecosystem health. This study investigates the distribution and abundance patterns of the Dipteran sub-order Schizophora along an altitudinal transect in the Carbine Uplands of the WTWHA using Malaise traps. The season of peak abundance changed with altitude, with highland abundance peaking in October, and lowland abundance peaking in April. There was a high level of species turnover with altitude, and some evidence for distinct low-, mid-, and high-elevation assemblages, with the high-elevation assemblage containing the most restricted species. We would expect this high-elevation assemblage to be at risk of local extinction with 2–3° of warming, and the mid-elevation assemblage to be at risk with 4–5° warming. Future work should continue sampling to confirm patterns presented here and to monitor range shifts with climate change. A highland species—Helosciomyza ferruginea Hendel is suggested as a good indicator species for such monitoring.  相似文献   

Maternally inherited endosymbionts are found in numerous insect species and have various effects on host ecology. New symbioses are most commonly established following lateral transfer of an existing symbiont from one host species to another. Laboratory study has demonstrated that symbionts commonly perform poorly in novel hosts, with weak vertical transmission and maladaptive pathogenicity being observed in the generations following transfer. This poor performance probably limits symbiont occurrence. We here use microarray technology to test whether poor symbiont performance observed following 1 year of vertical transmission through a new host is associated with alteration in host gene expression or whether it occurs independently of this. We utilize the Drosophila melanogaster--Spiroplasma interaction and test the response of the host in the presence of both natural Spiroplasma infections and novel Spiroplasma infections transinfected previously from other host species. None of the Spiroplasma infections investigated produced upregulation in host haemolymph/fat body-based immune responses, and we therefore rejected the hypothesis that failure to thrive was associated with immune upregulation. One infection was associated with a downregulation of genes associated with egg production compared to uninfected controls, indicative of damage to the host. The Spiroplasma infection showed that the weakest vertical transmission showed no significant disturbance to host gene expression compared to uninfected controls. We conclude that the failure of Spiroplasma in novel host species is associated either with causing harm to their new hosts or through a failure to thrive in the new host that occurs independently of host responses to infection.  相似文献   

《Life sciences》1995,57(13):PL147-PL152
We investigated the effects of nitric oxide (NO) synthesis inhibition on mortality rate and TNFa serum levels in rats inoculated with E. Coli endotoxin (30 mg/kg i.V.). Pre-treatment of endotoxemic rats with NG-monomethyl-L-arginine (L-NMMA), an inhibitor of NO synthesis by both the constitutive and the inducible isoforms of the NO synthase, did not change the mortality rate but significantly reduced TNFa serum levels. By contrast, administration of aminoguanidine, a more specific inhibitor of the inducible NO synthase, did not modifiy serum TNFα. These results suggest that, in E. Coli endotoxemic rats, NO synthetized by the constitutive isoform of the NO synthase positively modulates TNFa synthesis.  相似文献   

Predictive models in invasion biology rely on knowledge of the life history and ecological role of invading species. However, species may change in key traits as they invade a new region, making prediction difficult. For marine invertebrate invaders there have been too few comparative studies to determine whether change in key traits is the exception or the rule. Here we examined populations of the intertidal barnacle Chthamalus proteus in three locations in its native range in the Caribbean and Atlantic, and in the Hawaiian Islands, where it has recently invaded, as a model system for such comparative studies. We measured body size, fecundity, population density and vertical distribution, compared habitat use and investigated aspects of the barnacle’s ecological role in Curaçao, Panama and Brazil and the main Hawaiian Islands. In terms of these measures, the barnacle has undergone little change in its invasion of Hawaii. Thus, if this barnacle had been studied in its native range, predictions about its spread in Hawaii could have been made. As little was known about this barnacle in either its native range or Hawaii, we also carried out studies of its larval life history, fecundity, growth, and mortality. Based on this work, we predict that this barnacle will continue to spread, aided by vessel traffic, throughout the Hawaiian Islands and elsewhere in the Pacific.  相似文献   

Effects of weather variables on suicide are well-documented, but there is still little consistency among the results of most studies. Nevertheless, most studies show a peak in suicides during the spring season, and this is often attributed to increased temperatures. The purpose of this study is to test the relationship between monthly temperature and monthly suicide, independent of months or seasons, for five counties located across the United States. Harmonic analysis shows that four of the five counties display some seasonal components in the suicide data. However, simple linear regression shows no correlation between suicide and temperature, and discriminant analysis shows that monthly departure from mean annual suicide rates is not a useful tool for identifying months with temperatures that are colder or warmer than the annual average. Therefore, it appears that the seasonality of suicides is due to factors other than temperature.  相似文献   

We have examined the effect of hypoxanthine on adenosine transport and [3H] NBTI binding in peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) cultures. Pre‐incubation with hypoxanthine originates a dose dependent decrease of adenosine transport and [3H] NBTI binding sites in PBL.  相似文献   

Three sibling pairs of six-month old boars of each of four breeding groups (Yorkshire, Poland, China and the reciprocal crosses) were maintained in an area held at or below 21.5°C with a 12-hour daily light cycle. After a three month acclimation period, a randomly selected boar of each pair was subjected to 33°C, 50% RH for 72 hours. Semen was collected from each boar once during the treatment and every fourth day for 64 days post-treatment (PT). There were significant (p < 0.05) decreases in sperm concentration per ml, and total sperm number. The inverse of the methylene blue reduction time and the per cent motile sperm and total motile sperm in the ejaculate were significantly decreased (p < 0.01). The percentages of primary and secondary morphologically abnormal spermatozoa were increased significantly (p < 0.01). Maximal pair differences occurred at days 28 to 32 PT; all had returned to pretreatment levels by day 64 PT.
Zusammenfassung Drei Geschwisterpaare 6-Monate alter Saubären aus 4 Zuchtgruppen (Yorkshire, Polen, China und deren reziproken Kreuzungen) wurden bei 21, 5°C in einem 12-Stunden Lichtzyklus gehalten. Nach einer Akklimatisationsperiode von 3 Monaten wurde ein zufällig ausgewählter Saubären jedes Paares 72 Stunden bei 33°C und 50% RF exponiert und von jedem Tier Samenproben einmal während der Hitzebelastung und an jedem 4. Tag bis zum 64. Tag nach der Behandlung gesammelt. Die Samenkonzentration im ml und die Gesamtspermienzahl waren signifikant reduziert (p < 0,05). Die Umkehrung der Methylenblau-Reduktionszeit und die prozentuale und totale Anzahl motiler Spermien im Ejakulat waren signifikant reduziert (p < 0,01). Der prozentuale Anteil primär und sekundär morphologisch abnormer Spermien war signifikant erhöht (p < 0,01). Maximale Unterschiede zwischen den Paaren traten zwischen dem 28. und 32. Tag auf. Am 64. Tag waren die Unterschiede verschwunden.

Resume On a soumis 3 paires de verrats frères âgés de 6 mois à une atmosphère de 21, 5°C et à un cycle lumineux de 12 heures. Ces animaux provenaient de 4 groupes d'élevage (Yorkshire, Polen, China et leurs croisements réciproques). Après une période d'adaptation de 3 mois, on a choisi au hasard une bête de chaque paire qui fut placée durant 72 heures à 33°C et à 50% d'humidité relative. On a alors prélevé de la semence de chaque animal et cela durant la période de contrainte thermique, puis tous les 4 jours jusqu'au 64ème après l'essai. La concentration des semences par ml et le nombre total de spermatozoïdes furent réduits de façon significative (p < 0,05). L'inverse du temps de réduction au bleu de Méthylène, le taux et le nombre total de spermatozoïdes mobiles dans l'éjaculat furent également réduits de façon significative (p < 0,01). Le taux des spermatozoïdes présentant des abnormités morphologiques primaires et secondaires fut plus élevé de façon significative (p < 0,01). Les plus grandes différences entre les individus d'une même paire furent relevées du 28ème au 32ème jour après le traitement. Au 64ème jour, toute différence avait disparu.

Background: This study estimates the burden of cancer in Korea during 2000–2020, ameliorating the Global Burden of Disease Study Group (GBD) method with the Incidence–Prevalence–Mortality (IPM) Model. Methods: Besides using the GBD approach to calculate the Years of Life Lost in Korea during 2000–2020, this research calculates the Years Lived with Disability (YLDs) of major cancers based on the combination of the GBD method and the IPM Model. Results: Colon, breast and thyroid cancers became more significant in terms of Disability Adjusted Life Years during 2000–2010 and this will continue during 2010–2020, colon cancer leading the pack instead of stomach cancer in 2020. The rise of colon cancer is more evident for the older age group and the opposite is true for breast and thyroid cancers. Indeed, stomach and liver cancers were resilient in terms of DALYs during 2000–2010 and this will continue during 2010–2020. Overall, the burden of cancer in Korea is characterized by an increasing centrality of YLDs (chronic components) as in other advanced nations. Conclusions: Korea's convergence with other advanced nations in cancer burden might reflect their convergence in living standards, the age structure, health behavior and medical technology during the past four decades. These transitions have been reflected in the Second 10-Year Plan for Cancer Control in Korea during 2006–2015, government policy consisting of four main programs, i.e., primary prevention, early detection, diagnosis/treatment and palliative care.  相似文献   

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is one of the most common neurological diseases in elderly people. The mean age of onset is 55 years of age, and the risk for developing PD increases 5-fold by the age of 70. In PD, there is impairment in both motor and nonmotor (NMS) functions. The strategy of PD motor dysfunction treatment is simple and generally based on the enhancement of dopaminergic transmission by means of the L-dihydroxyphenylalanine (L-dopa) and dopamine (DA) agonists. L-dopa was discovered in the early -60''s of the last century by Hornykiewicz and used for the treatment of patients with PD. L-dopa treatment in PD is related to decreased levels of the neurotransmitter (DA) in striatum and ab-sence of DA transporters on the nerve terminals in the brain. L-dopa may also indirectly stimulate the receptors of the D1 and D2 families. Administration of L-dopa to PD patients, especially long-time therapy, may cause side effects in the form of increased toxicity and inflammatory response, as well as disturbances in biothiols metabolism. Therefore, in PD pa-tients treated with L-dopa, monitoring of oxidative stress markers (8-oxo-2’-deoxyguanosine, apoptotic proteins) and in-flammatory factors (high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, soluble intracellular adhesion molecule), as well as biothiol com-pounds (homocysteine, cysteine, glutathione) is recommended. Administration of vitamins B6, B12, and folates along with an effective therapy with antioxidants and/or anti-inflammatory drugs at an early stage of PD might contribute to improvement in the quality of the life of patients with PD and to slowing down or stopping the progression of the disease.  相似文献   

Kusumi  Kensuke  Hirotsuka  Shoko  Shimada  Hiroshi  Chono  Yoko  Matsuda  Osamu  Iba  Koh 《Journal of plant research》2010,123(4):617-622
Chloroplast biogenesis is most significant during the changes in cellular organization associated with leaf development in higher plants. To examine the physiological relationship between developing chloroplasts and host leaf cells during early leaf development, we investigated changes in the carbon and nitrogen contents in leaves at the P4 developmental stage of rice, during which leaf blade structure is established and early events of chloroplast differentiation occur. During the P4 stage, carbon content on a dry mass basis remained constant, whereas the nitrogen content decreased by 30%. Among carbohydrates, sucrose and starch accumulated to high levels early in the P4 stage, and glucose, fructose and cellulose degradation increased during the mid-to-late P4 stage. In the chloroplast-deficient leaves of the virescent-1 mutant of rice, however, the carbon and nitrogen contents, as well as the C/N ratio during the P4 stage, were largely unaffected. These observations suggest that developing rice leaves function as sink organs at the P4 stage, and that chloroplast biogenesis and carbon and nitrogen metabolism in the leaf cell is regulated independently at this stage.  相似文献   

BackgroundCancer is one of the most common causes of death. Excess body weight (EBW), a risk factor for cancer, is highly prevalent in China. We aimed to estimate the number and proportion of cancer deaths attributed to EBW and their changes during 2006–2015 in China.MethodsPopulation attributable fractions in 2006, 2010, and 2015 were calculated with 1) prevalence of overweight/obesity, exacted from the China Health and Nutrition Survey conducted in 8–9 provinces of China in 1997, 2000, and 2004; 2) relative risks for EBW and site-specific cancers, obtained from previous studies; 3) data on cancer deaths in 2006, 2010, and 2015, originated from the Chinese Cancer Registry Annual Report.ResultsIn 2015, EBW contributed to 45,918 (3.1% of all) cancer deaths in China, with 24,978 (2.6%) in men and 20,940 (3.8%) in women. By region, the fraction of cancer deaths attributable to EBW ranged from 1.6% (West) to 4.1% (Northeast). Cancers of liver, stomach, and colorectum were the main EBW-attributable cancers. The fractions of cancer deaths attributable to EBW were 2.4% (95%CI: 0.8–4.2%) in 2006, 2.9% (95%CI: 1.0–5.2%) in 2010, and 3.1% (95%CI: 1.0–5.4%) in 2015, respectively, and increased for all gender, region, and cancer site during 2006–2015.ConclusionsThe proportion of cancer deaths attributed to EBW was higher in women and Northeastern China, with an upward trend in the recent decade. A combination of comprehensive and individualized measures is necessary to reduce the prevalence of EBW and related cancer burden in China.  相似文献   

Ibrahim  K. S.  El-Sayed  E. M. 《Neurophysiology》2020,52(2):169-175
Neurophysiology - Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a heterogeneous neurodegenerative disorder, characterized by depletion of dopamine resulted from the death of dopaminergic neurons in the...  相似文献   

Effect of the monoclonal antibody (MAb) 5B6 produced to the solubilized preparation of bacteriorhodopsin on the protein photocycle was studied to examine conformational rearrangements on the surface of a functioning bacteriorhodopsin molecule. Using solid phase enzyme immunoassay, peptide phage display, and 1H NMR spectroscopy, we demonstrated that the epitope recognized by MAb 5B6 is the Val69-Pro-Phe-Gly72 fragment of the protein, with the aromatic ring of Phe71 and the methyl groups of Val69 participating in the binding. MAb 5B6 exerted no significant effect on the photocycle of bacteriorhodopsin solubilized in Triton X-100 at pH 6.2 and 7.4 which suggested that, when functioning, bacteriorhodopsin retains the conformation and position of its Val69-Pro-Phe-Gly72 fragment.  相似文献   

The existing scenarios generally predict that herbivory will increase with climate warming. An analysis of the published data on the background foliar losses of woody plants to insects in natural ecosystems across the globe from 1952 to 2013 provided no support for this hypothesis. We detected no temporal trend in herbivory within the temperate climate zone and a significant decrease in herbivory in the tropics. From 1964 to 1990, herbivory in the tropics was 39% higher than in the temperate region, but these differences disappeared by the beginning of the 2000s. Thus, environmental changes have already disturbed one of the global ecological patterns—the decrease in herbivory with latitude—by affecting ecosystem processes differently in tropical and temperate climate zones.  相似文献   

In songbirds, developmental stress affects song learning and production. Altered hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis function resulting in elevated corticosterone (CORT) may contribute to this effect. We examined whether developmental conditions affected the association between adult song and HPA axis function, and whether nutritional stress before and after nutritional independence has distinct effects on song learning and/or vocal performance. Zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) were raised in consistently high (HH) or low (LL) food conditions until post-hatch day (PHD) 62, or were switched from high to low conditions (HL) or vice versa (LH) at PHD 34. Song was recorded in adulthood. We assessed the response of CORT to handling during development and to dexamethasone (DEX) and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) challenges during adulthood. Song learning and vocal performance were not affected by nutritional stress at either developmental stage. Nutritional stress elevated baseline CORT during development. Nutritional stress also increased rate of CORT secretion in birds that experienced stress only in the juvenile phase (HL group). Birds in the LL group had lower CORT levels after injection of ACTH compared to the other groups, however there was no effect of nutritional stress on the response to DEX. Thus, our findings indicate that developmental stress can affect HPA function without concurrently affecting song.  相似文献   

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