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Genotype-by-environment (G × E) interaction for tree height measured at ages 7 to 13 was investigated in 20 large open-pollinated progeny trials for Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst.) in southern and central Sweden. Factor analytic method using spatially adjusted data and a reduced animal model was used to explore the pattern of G × E interaction. Extended factor analyses captured 93.0% of additive G × E interaction variances using three factors. The mean daily temperature less than 3.2 °C in May and June explained 27.8% G × E interaction, and it was moderately correlated with the first factor, indicating that spring or autumn frost weather condition could be a main driver for G × E interaction in Norway spruce. Cluster analysis has divided 20 trials into either 6 clusters or 3 clusters. Both sets of clusters reflected the geography of the trials (climates) and the genetic connectedness among testing series, indicating that more trials with better connectedness are required to examine whether current delineation of breeding or seed zones is optimal. Parental stability using latent regression could be used to locate best parents that have the highest breeding values and are highly stable across trials.  相似文献   

More than 2 M ha of remnant vegetation in Australia is predicted to be at risk from shallow water tables by 2050. Currently, vegetation is considered to be at risk where the water table is predicted to be less than 2 m below the soil surface, yet casual observation of areas affected by secondary salinity in the Western Australian wheatbelt has suggested that small differences in elevation (< 0.5 m) are important in determining plant health. In this study, we investigated how small changes in elevation (and hence depth to the water table) affected soil Cl concentrations and water contents, and whether small changes in elevation were associated with major changes in tree health in two remnants of Eucalyptus wandoo Blakely woodland with secondary salinity. At one site there were strong dissimilarities between soil samples collected above or below relative elevations of 0.5 m in areas with a shallow (0.3 m deep in September 2001) and saline water table. This was reflected in almost complete tree mortality at relative elevations below 0.5 m. However, low rainfall in 2001 meant that it was unlikely that current soil conditions had caused tree death. When water table data for 1999 was overlaid over plots of tree health and transect topography, high levels of tree mortality corresponded with areas where the water table was at or above the ground surface. At the other site, there was no clear relationship between elevation, soil characteristics and tree health. Localised variation in abiotic conditions and ecosystem processes at a fine-scale may buffer, to some extent, the spatial impact of soil salinity and waterlogging in remnant vegetation. Collapses in tree health at some sites are likely to be related to extreme and episodic events, which we may have limited ability to predict.  相似文献   

为明确黑松海防林种群种子生产动态,以胸径作为年龄和个体大小的度量,对烟台黑松海防林种群胸径与种实性状的关系进行了研究。根据结实黑松的胸径大小及分布比例,将黑松海防林种群分为5个径级(3.5~6.5、6.5~9.5、9.5~12.5、12.5~15.5、15.5~19 cm), 并分别以5、8、11、14和17 cm作为代表值,对各径级黑松种实性状进行多重比较及回归分析。结果表明:胸径大小对黑松种子生产有显著影响,随胸径增大,其生育力逐渐升高,达到17 cm径级时开始略有下降;种子大小和百粒质量随胸径增大有下降趋势,种翅大小则有所上升,这是黑松种子生产中的一种权衡,种子减小的同时传播能力增强;各径级黑松均以可育种鳞数为预测球果产生种子数量和质量的最有效指标,但可育种鳞数并不能由球果的其他性状(如球果长、宽、干质量以及总鳞片数等)进行很好的预测,说明黑松种子生产为多因素控制过程。  相似文献   

系统采集了12个不同胸径的南方红豆杉当年生针叶和树皮样品,用超高效液相色谱(UPLC)测定其紫杉醇(taxol)和10-去乙酰基巴卡亭Ⅲ(10-deacetylbaccatin Ⅲ,10-DAB)含量,结果显示针叶的两种被测试物质含量的平均值分别为0.0127mg·g-1和0.0805mg·g-1,树皮的这两种物质含量平均值分别为0.1164mg·g-1和0.4842mg·g-1。当年生针叶、树皮中紫杉醇含量与胸径相关性不显著。对植株不同构件(枝条、针叶、树皮和根)中紫杉醇和10-DAB含量的测定表明,根中紫杉醇和10-DAB含量最高,当年生针叶紫杉醇含量最低。天然和人工栽培南方红豆杉当年生针叶中紫杉醇和10-DAB含量呈明显的季节变化,各月份间含量差异显著,人工栽培和天然植株针叶在生长速度明显减缓的10月份,紫杉醇和10-DAB含量均出现一个明显的峰值。  相似文献   

Shrimp is one of few marine species cultured worldwide for which several selective breeding programs are being conducted. One environmental factor that can affect the response to selection in breeding programs is the density at which the shrimp are cultured (low-medium-high). Phenotypic plasticity in the growth response to different densities might be accompanied by a significant genotype by environment interaction, evidenced by a change in heritabilities between environments and by a genetic correlation less than one for a unique trait between environments. Our goal was to understand whether different growth densities affect estimates of those genetic parameters for adult body weight (BW) in the Pacific white shrimp (Penaeus vannamei). BW heritabilities were significantly different between environments, with the largest at high density. These differences resulted from both an increased additive genetic variance and a decreased environmental variance when grown at high density. The genetic correlation between BWs at the two environmental conditions was significantly less than one. Whereas these results might be suggestive for carrying out shrimp selective breeding for BW under high density conditions, further understanding of genetic correlations between growth and reproductive traits within a given environment is necessary, as there are indications of reduced reproductive fitness for shrimp grown at high densities.  相似文献   

A set of asymmetric hybrid tetramers of Escherichia coli d-3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase (PGDH) have been made by gene co-expression and KSCN-induced dimer exchange. These tetramers contain varied numbers of active sites and effector binding sites arranged in different orientations within the tetramer. They reveal that PGDH displays half-of-the-sites activity with respect to its active sites and that the two sites that are active at any particular time lie in subunits on either side of the nucleotide binding domain interface. Half-of-the-sites functionality is also observed for the effector even though all four sites eventually bind effector. That is, only two effector sites need to be occupied for maximum inhibition. Binding of the last two effector molecules does not contribute functionally to inhibition of activity. Furthermore, positive cooperativity of inhibition of activity by the effector is completely dependent on the positive cooperativity of binding of the effector. Binding of the first effector molecule produces a conformational change that essentially completely inhibits the active site within the subunit to which it binds and produces an approximate 33% inhibition of the active site in the subunit to which it is not bound. Binding of the second effector at the opposite regulatory domain interface completes the inhibition of activity. This simple relationship defines the positional and quantitative influence of effector ligand binding on activity and can be used to predict the maximum level of inhibition of individual hybrid tetramers. In addition, the site-specific quantitative relationship of effector binding to individual active sites can be used to model the inhibition profile with relatively good agreement. These simple rules for the site to site interaction in PGDH provide significant new insight into the mechanism of allostery of this enzyme.  相似文献   

In a cross-sectional study of growth, 5,155 children (2,591 females, 2,564 males) from the town of Zagreb (Croatia) were measured. Four traits of linear dimensionality (stature, sitting height, arm and leg lengths) were studied in the age span of 3 to 18 years. A significant average annual increase of all four anthropometric parameters were observed up to 14 and 15 years of age in girls and 16 years of age in boys, showing that girls had a shorter growing period. In the prepubertal period until 9 years of age, gender differences were negligible. At the age of 10, boys were overgrown by girls in all parameters due to the earlier onset of puberty in girls. The growth gains for girls, when compared with those for boys, show a different pattern across variables. The female growth advantage remained in a two years period for the limbs length, but in a three year period for stature and the longest, for 4 years, for sitting height. The male predominance in size had an onset at the age of 13 for the limbs and in the age of 14 for stature and sitting height. The patterns of sexual dimorphism in stature and sitting height during growing years are similar to those observed in other populations of Europe. Growth of Croatian children and youth is very similar to that of the tallest European populations.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To establish whether karyometry was likely to detect change in the proportion of abnormal cells in random periareolar fine needle aspiration (RPFNA) specimens from high-risk women in a 6-month prevention trial with an aromatase inhibitor. STUDY DESIGN: Papanicolaou-stained ThinPrep slides of RPFNA samples from 11 of 42 women were digitally recorded at high resolution, with 200 cells measured per slide, at baseline (BL) and at the end of study (ES) after 6 months. The nuclear chromatin pattern characteristics were assessed by multivariate analytic techniques; determination of nuclear abnormalities was performed and cells that showed expression of abnormality were identified. RESULTS: The BL FNA samples contain approximately 90% cells with a chromatin pattern as expected in a normal cell population. A small subpopulation of cells had deviations from normal. At ES the proportion of these cells was reduced, to a statistically significant degree,from < 10% to 2-5%. CONCLUSION: Nuclear karyometry is a promising technique for characterizing the proportion of cells deviating from normal in cytologic specimens and should be explored further as an intermediate endpoint in prevention trials.  相似文献   


Positron emission tomography studies (PET) on dopamine (DA) D2 receptors of schizophrenics provided conflicting data, perhaps because the ligands generally used, raclopride (RAC) and spiperone (SPI), did not label the same sites. In this study, we found that the in vivo binding characteristics of [3H]RAC and of [3H]SPI in rat brain, differed in many ways. 1) [3H]RAC labeled twice as many sites in striatum and olfactory tubercle and [3H]SPI twice as many sites in pituitary. 2) The kinetic was much shorter with [3H]RAC than [3H]SPI in striatum. 3) RAC, unlike SPI, did not exhibit limbic selectivity. 4) The modulation of [3H]RAC and [3H]SPI binding by endogenous DA were diametrically opposite: D-amphetamine decreased, and reserpine + α-methyl-p-tyrosine increased [3H]RAC binding in striatum whereas the opposite occured with [3H]SPI. This distinct binding pattern of [3H]RAC and [3H]SPI suggests that these two radioligands do not label the same receptor sites.  相似文献   

The nature of forces maintaining variation for quantitative traits can only be assessed at the level of individual genes affecting variation in the traits. Identification of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with variation in Drosophila sensory bristle number at the Delta (Dl) locus provides us with the opportunity to test a model for the maintenance of variation in bristle number by genotype by environment interaction (GEI). Under this model, genetic variation is maintained at a locus under stabilizing selection if phenotypic values of heterozygotes are more stable than homozygotes across a range of environments, and the mean allelic effect is much smaller than the standard deviation of allelic effects across environments. Homozygotes and heterozygotes for two SNPs at Dl, one affecting sternopleural and the other abdominal bristle number, were reared in five different environments. There was significant GEI for both bristle traits. Neither condition of the model was satisfied for Dl SNPs exhibiting GEI for sternopleural bristle number. Heterozygotes for the abdominal bristle number SNPs were indeed the most stable genotype for two of the three environment pairs exhibiting GEI, but the mean genotypic effect was greater than the standard deviation of effects across environments. Therefore, this mechanism of GEI seems unlikely to be responsible for maintaining the common bristle number polymorphisms at Dl.  相似文献   

The antiestrogen tamoxifen is important in the treatment of hormone-dependent breast cancer, although development of resistance is inevitable. To unravel the molecular mechanisms of antiestrogen resistance, a search for involved genes was initiated. Retrovirus-mediated insertional mutagenesis was applied to human ZR-75-1 breast cancer cells. Infected cells were subjected to tamoxifen selection and a panel of resistant cell clones was established. Screening for a common integration site resulted in the identification of a novel gene designated BCAR3. Transfer of this locus by cell fusion or transfection of the BCAR3 cDNA to ZR75-1 and MCF-7 cells induces antiestrogen resistance. BCAR3 represents a putative SH2 domain-containing protein and is partly homologous to the cell division cycle protein CDC48.  相似文献   

It is anticipated that enrichment of the atmosphere with CO(2) will increase photosynthetic carbon assimilation in C3 plants. Analysis of controlled environment studies conducted to date indicates that plant growth at concentrations of carbon dioxide ([CO(2)]) anticipated for 2050 ( approximately 550 micromol mol(-1)) will stimulate leaf photosynthetic carbon assimilation (A) by 20 to 40%. Simultaneously, concentrations of tropospheric ozone ([O(3)]) are expected to increase by 2050, and growth in controlled environments at elevated [O(3)] significantly reduces A. However, the simultaneous effects of both increases on a major crop under open-air conditions have never been tested. Over three consecutive growing seasons > 4700 individual measurements of A, photosynthetic electron transport (J(PSII)) and stomatal conductance (g(s)) were measured on Glycine max (L.) Merr. (soybean). Experimental treatments used free-air gas concentration enrichment (FACE) technology in a fully replicated, factorial complete block design. The mean A in the control plots was 14.5 micromol m(-2) s(-1). At elevated [CO(2)], mean A was 24% higher and the treatment effect was statistically significant on 80% of days. There was a strong positive correlation between daytime maximum temperatures and mean daily integrated A at elevated [CO(2)], which accounted for much of the variation in CO(2) effect among days. The effect of elevated [CO(2)] on photosynthesis also tended to be greater under water stress conditions. The elevated [O(3)] treatment had no statistically significant effect on mean A, g(s) or J(PSII) on newly expanded leaves. Combined elevation of [CO(2)] and [O(3)] resulted in a slightly smaller increase in average A than when [CO(2)] alone was elevated, and was significantly greater than the control on 67% of days. Thus, the change in atmospheric composition predicted for the middle of this century will, based on the results of a 3 year open-air field experiment, have smaller effects on photosynthesis, g(s) and whole chain electron transport through photosystem II than predicted by the substantial literature on relevant controlled environment studies on soybean and likely most other C3 plants.  相似文献   

The organic–inorganic hybrid materials have been used in different fields to immobilize biomolecules since they offer many advantages. The aim of this study was to optimize and characterize the alginate‐silica hybrid hydrogel as a stable and injectable form for microfluidic systems using internal gelation method and increase the stability and activity of immobilized enzyme for biocatalytic conversions as well. Characterization was carried out by scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive spectroscopy/mapping, Brunauer–Emmett–Teller, Barrett–Joyner–Halenda, and Fourier‐transform infrared spectroscopy analyses, and the shrinkages of monoliths were evaluated. Subsequent to optimizing the enzyme concentration (40 μg), hydrolytic conversion of 4‐nitrophenyl β‐d ‐glucopyranoside (pNPG) was performed to understand the behavior of the bioconversion in the microfluidic system. The yield was 94% which reached the equilibrium at 24 h indicating that the alginate‐silica gel derived microsystem overcome some drawbacks of monolithic systems. Additionally, bioconversion of Ruscus aculeatus saponins was carried out at the same setup in order to obtain aglycon part, which has pharmaceutical significance. Although pure aglycon could not be achieved, an intermediate compound was obtained based on the HPLC analysis. The developed formulation can be utilized for various life science applications.  相似文献   

Summary In human erythrocyte, permeability to the anion is instantaneously, reversibly, and noncompetitively inhibited by the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, niflumic acid. The active form of this powerful inhibitor (I 50=6×10–7 m) is the ionic form. We demonstrated that: (i) The binding of niflumic acid to the membrane of unsealed ghosts shows one saturable and one linear component over the concentration range studied. The saturable component vanishes when chloride transport is fully inhibited by covalently bound 4-acetamido-4-isothiocyano stilbene-2,2-disulfonic acid (SITS). Our estimate of these SITS protectable niflumate binding sites (about 9×105 per cell) agrees with the number of protein molecules per cell in band 3. These sites are halfsaturated with 10–6 m niflumic acid, a concentration very close toI 50. (ii) Niflumic acid inhibits the binding reaction of SITS with anion controlling transport sites. These results indicate that niflumic acid and SITS are mutually exclusive inhibitors, suggesting that niflumic acid interacts with the protein in band 3.Niflumic acid also decreases glucose and ouabain-insensitive sodium permeabilities. However, these effects are produced at a very high concentration of niflumic acid (in millimolar range), suggesting unspecific action, possibly through lipid phase.  相似文献   

PECAM-1/CD31 is a cell adhesion and signaling molecule that is enriched at the endothelial cell junctions. Alternative splicing generates multiple PECAM-1 splice variants, which differ in their cytoplasmic domains. It has been suggested that the extracellular ligand-binding property, homophilic versus heterophilic, of these isoforms is controlled by their cytoplasmic tails. To determine whether the cytoplasmic domains also regulate the cell surface distribution of PECAM-1 splice variants, we examined the distribution of CD31-EGFPs (PECAM-1 isoforms tagged with the enhanced green fluorescent protein) in living Chinese hamster ovary cells and in PECAM-1-deficient endothelial cells. Our results indicate that the extracellular, rather than the cytoplasmic domain, directs PECAM-1 to the cell-cell borders. Furthermore, coculturing PECAM-1 expressing and deficient cells along with transfection of CD31-EGFP cDNAs into PECAM-1 deficient cells reveal that this PECAM-1 localization is mediated by homophilic interactions. Although the integrin alphavbeta3 has been shown to interact with PECAM-1, this trans-heterophilic interaction was not detected at the borders of endothelial cells. However, based on cocapping experiments performed on proT cells, we provide evidence that the integrin alphavbeta3 associates with PECAM-1 on the same cell surface as in a cis manner.  相似文献   

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