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Patterns of arthropod abundance and diversity in an Arabian desert   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We captured desert arthropods from sand and gravel substrates at five coastal or inland locations m Abu Dhabi around the new moon once every 28 days for two years Three replicated lines of 20 unbaited pitfall traps were used from two hours before dusk until two hours after dawn We examined the data for spatial and temporal variation, especially in relation to climate Around 53 400 arthropods were caught, 97.3% being insects and the rest arachnids Ants were most common (75.4%), followed by the Thysanura (12%), Coleoptera (8.4%), Araneae (1.5%) and Scorpiones (1.1%) Catches differed significantly among sites, substrates and time of year In general, the number of arthropods caught matched the annual temperature cycle Peak catches also followed the annual rains Summer catches were higher at coastal than inland sites Fewer arthropods were caught at gravel sites than on sand, but the number of taxa did not differ consistently between substrates Community composition was generally less similar among sites than between substrates although this was not always the case Inland communities had fewer taxa and generally fewer individuals than those near the coast Isoptera, Tettigonndae and Carabidae occurred less frequently (if at all) inland We suggest that the higher humidity at sites near the coast allows more taxa to occur and to remain active during the extreme heat of summer Further into the Empty Quarter we would expect a decline in the number of taxa and in the total catch  相似文献   

Interactions between native diversity and invasive species can be more complex than is currently understood. Invasive ant species often substantially reduce diversity in the native ants diversity that act as natural control agents for pest insects. In Indonesia (on the island of Sulawesi), the third largest cacao producer worldwide, we show that a predatory endemic toad (Ingerophrynus celebensis) controls invasive ant (Anoplolepis gracilipes) abundance, and positively affects native ant diversity. We call this the invasive-naivety effect (an opposite of enemy release), whereby alien species may not harbour anti-predatory defences against a novel native predator. A positive effect of the toads on native ants may facilitate their predation on insect vectors of cacao diseases. Hence, toads may increase crop yield, but further research is needed on this aspect. Ironically, amphibians are globally the most threatened vertebrate class and are strongly impacted by the conversion of rainforest to cacao plantations in Sulawesi. It is, therefore, crucial to manage cacao plantations to maintain these endemic toads, as they may provide critical ecosystem services, such as invasion resistance and preservation of native insect diversity.  相似文献   

Dietzsch AC  Stanley DA  Stout JC 《Oecologia》2011,167(2):469-479
One major characteristic of invasive alien species is their occurrence at high abundances in their new habitat. Flowering invasive plant species that are visited by native insects and overlap with native plant species in their pollinators may facilitate or disrupt native flower visitation and fertilisation by forming large, dense populations with high numbers of flowers and copious rewards. We investigated the direction of such a proposed effect for the alien invasive Rhododendron ponticum in Irish habitats. Flower visitation, conspecific and alien pollen deposition, fruit and seed set were measured in a self-compatible native focal plant, Digitalis purpurea, and compared between field sites that contained different relative abundances of R. ponticum. Flower visitation was significantly lower at higher alien relative plant abundances than at lower abundances or in the absence of the alien. Native flowers experienced a significant decrease in conspecific pollen deposition with increasing alien abundance. Heterospecific pollen transfer was very low in all field sites but increased significantly with increasing relative R. ponticum abundance. However, lower flower visitation and lower conspecific pollen transfer did not alter reproductive success of D. purpurea. Our study shows that indirect interactions between alien and native plants for pollination can be modified by population characteristics (such as relative abundance) in a similar way as interactions among native plant species. In D. purpurea, only certain aspects of pollination and reproduction were affected by high alien abundances which is probably a result of high resilience due to a self-compatible breeding system. Native species that are more susceptible to pollen limitation are more likely to experience fitness disadvantages in habitats with high relative alien plant abundances.  相似文献   

Davies KW 《Oecologia》2011,167(2):481-491
Exotic plants are generally considered a serious problem in wildlands around the globe. However, some argue that the impacts of exotic plants have been exaggerated and that biodiversity and other important plant community characteristics are commonly improved with invasion. Thus, disagreement exists among ecologists as to the relationship of exotic plants with biodiversity and native plant communities. A better understanding of the relationships between exotic plants and native plant communities is needed to improve funding allocation and legislation regarding exotic plants, and justify and prioritize invasion management. To evaluate these relationships, 65 shrub–bunchgrass plant communities with varying densities of an exotic annual grass, Taeniatherum caput-medusae (L.) Nevski (medusahead), were sampled across 160,000 ha in southeastern Oregon, United States. Environmental factors were generally not correlated with plant community characteristics when exotic annual grass density was included in models. Plant diversity and species richness were negatively correlated with exotic annual grass density. Exotic annual grass density explained 62% of the variation in plant diversity. All native plant functional groups, except annual forbs, exhibited a negative relationship with T. caput-medusae. The results of this study suggest that T. caput-medusae invasions probably have substantial negative impacts on biodiversity and native plant communities. The strength of the relationships between plant community characteristics and T. caput-medusae density suggests that some exotic plants are a major force of change in plant communities and subsequently threaten ecosystem functions and processes. However, experimental studies are needed to fully substantiate that annual grass invasion is the cause of these observed correlations.  相似文献   

  1. In peri-urban areas, many farmers are transitioning from conventional agriculture to agroecological practices to reduce pesticide input and preserving ecosystem services such as natural pest control. Field margins represent a stable habitat for arthropods, but community structure depends on many factors, including management type and vegetation features.
  2. We studied the effects of agroecological transitions and vegetation features on arthropods of horticultural field margins, focusing on three feeding guilds (herbivores, predators and parasitoids). We sampled arthropods using the beat-sheet method in five conventional fields and five under agroecological transition. We also measured vegetation height, richness, flower abundance and plant cover.
  3. Our results showed that arthropod diversity was higher in agroecological fields whereas herbivore abundance was lower, with a consistent pattern across most taxonomic orders. Vegetation features displayed multiple effects among functional and taxonomic groups. Herbivores did not respond to most vegetation variables whereas predators correlated with several, with similar trends among orders.
  4. We conclude that agroecological transitions and field margins with high vegetation richness and floral resources influence arthropod communities with potential benefits regarding pest regulation. These practices might be more effective if considered alongside other methods that enhance biodiversity and if they are consistent at a landscape scale.

We investigated whether small pits on the surfaces of stream stones affected abundances of net-spinning, hydropsychid larvae (Trichoptera) and species diversity in the Acheron River, southeastern Australia. On stream stones, nets occurred more often in small (at least 5 mm width) pits than expected by chance. However, proportionately high numbers of pits were not associated with high abundances of either of two species of hydropsychid larvae (both Asmicridea spp). A colonization experiment, using bricks with 0, 4, 12 or 30 small (diam. 5.5 mm) and large (13 mm) pits drilled into the top surfaces, showed that numbers of nets were related to numbers of pits. Small pits were preferred over large ones and the pits, as a group, were occupied almost entirely by late instars of both species. However, only Asmicridea sp. 1 was more abundant on pitted bricks; Asmicridea sp. 2 showed no response. The differences between the species, and between the stone and brick results, can be explained by different proportions of late instars in the samples. Many I instars probably did not make nets. Hence, higher numbers of larvae on pitted surfaces is expected only when late instars are relatively frequent, as was true for Asmicridea sp. 1 on bricks. There were no effects of pits per se or increased numbers of hydropsychid nets on species diversity or the abundances of other common species. These results contrast with those of other studies, which found stone topography or hydropsychid nets to increase species diversity on stones.  相似文献   

High abundances of non-native species in the invaded range may be linked to changes in fitness related traits. However, few studies have compared differences in both life-history traits and abundances of introduced species between their native and invaded ranges. We determined differences in 12 morphological traits, an important fitness related trait (body size), and the abundance of the porcelain crab, Petrolisthes elongatus, in its native (New Zealand) and invasive (Tasmania, Australia) ranges. P. elongatus was more abundant in the introduced range; however, changes in abundance depended on tidal height, with higher abundances only at mid and low tidal zones. The biomass of male crabs was higher in the invaded range compared to the native range, but there was no difference in female biomass between ranges. Despite increases in male biomass, sex ratios between native and invasive populations did not differ. In addition, principal components analysis showed no differences in overall morphology between Tasmania and New Zealand. Our study indicates that increased abundance in the invaded range of P. elongatus may be linked to high values of an important trait (greater biomass) in the invaded range. Importantly, changes in biomass and abundance may be due to P. elongatus being able to utilise mid/low zones more in the invaded range. Furthermore, our findings indicate that understanding how sex specific changes in biomass interact with the recipient environment (biotic and abiotic) in the introduced range will be important for determining the mechanisms underpinning the establishment and spread of P. elongatus.  相似文献   

Invasive terrestrial plants often substantially reshape environments, yet how such invasions affect terrestrial snail assemblages remains understudied. We investigated how snail assemblages in deciduous forest soils with dense Berberis thunbergii (Japanese barberry), an invasive shrub in eastern North America, differ from forest areas lacking the shrub. Leaf litter and soil samples were collected from forest patches with dense B. thunbergii understories and adjacent control areas within two exurban forest tracts in western Pennsylvania, U.S.A. Snails were identified to species and quantified by standard diversity metrics. Contrary to our expectations, snails were significantly more abundant and diverse in B. thunbergii-invaded areas. Despite differences in abundance, the snail community composition did not differ between invaded and control habitats. The terrestrial snail assemblage we observed, which was composed entirely of native species, appears to respond favorably to B. thunbergii invasion and therefore may not be negatively impacted by physicochemical changes to soils typically observed in association with the plant. Such findings could reflect the fact that B. thunbergii likely creates more favorable habitat for snails by creating cooler, more humid, and more alkaline soil environments. However, the snail assemblages we retrieved may consist mostly of species with high tolerance to environmental degradation due to a legacy of land use change and acid deposition in the region.  相似文献   

We monitored the recruitment, survival, and growth of tree saplings on invasive (Larix kaempferi) versus native species (Betula and Populus) using 16 20 m × 20 m plots established along elevation gradient on the volcano Mount Koma, Japan, for 7 years because the sapling behaviors should determine forest structures. The crowding of overstory consists mostly of Larix decreased with increasing elevation. Larix recruits were conspicuous, particularly at middle elevation where overstory crowding was intermediate, while Betula recruits were least. Larix overstory crowding inhibited the recruitment of all the taxa, although intermediate crowding promoted the recruitment of Larix. The restriction of sapling emergence was conspicuous at lower elevation where the overstory crowding was highest, probably because of shading, and/or competition with overstory trees. Sapling recruitment for all taxa was restricted at higher elevation, due to high stresses derived from direct solar radiation and strong wind without overstory. The survival of saplings was 96% for Larix and Betula, while it was ca. 50% for Populus. Larix overstory decreased the survival and growth of all the taxa, except Larix survival and Betula growth. The results implied that Larix could establish by high survival once the recruits succeeded everywhere and native sapling regeneration was restricted by Larix overstory. Strong recruitment, survival, and growth of Larix, together with resistance to overstory crowding, enables it to dominate and persist in such disturbed areas regardless of the canopy closure.  相似文献   

Arthropod abundance has been hypothesized to be correlated with plant diversity but the results of previous studies have been equivocal. In contrast, plant productivity, vegetation structure, abiotic site conditions, and the physical disturbance of habitats, are factors that interact with plant diversity, and that have been shown to influence arthropod abundance. We studied the combined effect of plant species diversity, productivity and site characteristics on arthropod abundance in 71 managed grasslands in central Germany using multivariate statistics. For each site we determined plant species cover, plant community biomass (productivity), macro- and micronutrients in the soil, and characterized the location of sites with respect to orographic parameters as well as the current and historic management regimes. Arthropods were sampled using a suction sampler and classified a priori into functional groups (FGs). We found that arthropod abundance was not correlated with plant species richness, effective diversity or Camargo's evenness, even when influences of environmental variables were taken into account. In contrast, plant community composition was highly correlated with arthropod abundances. Plant community productivity influenced arthropod abundance but explained only a small proportion of the variance. The abundances of the different arthropod FGs were influenced differentially by agricultural management, soil characteristics, vegetation structure and by interactions between different FGs of arthropods. Herbivores, carnivores and detritivores reacted differently to variation in environmental variables in a manner consistent with their feeding mode. Our results show that in natural grassland systems arthropod abundance is not a simple function of plant species richness, and they emphasize the important role of plant community composition for the abundance patterns of the arthropod assemblages.  相似文献   



The below-canopy soil moisture content and litter-layer arthropod abundance and diversity of Acacia karroo trees parasitized by each of three mistletoe species (Erianthemum ngamicum, Plicosepalus kalachariensis, and Viscum verrucosum) and uninfected A. karroo trees were investigated in semi-arid savanna, southwest Zimbabwe.


The soils below the canopies of mistletoe-infected trees were significantly low in moisture content compared to those beneath uninfected A. karroo trees. Nevertheless, arthropod species diversity was greater by up to 34 % below the canopies of mistletoe-infected trees than beneath uninfected A. karroo trees, with greater abundances beneath trees infected by E. ngamicum and P. kalachariensis. In addition, the majority of the arthropod species associated with mistletoe-infected trees had litter as their dominant foraging substrate.


Our findings show that mistletoes increase the abundance and diversity of litter-dwelling and –foraging arthropods due to increase in the quality and quantity of litterfall beneath mistletoe-infected trees. By altering the below-canopy arthropod communities and soil moisture content, mistletoes have potential to modify ecosystem processes such as decomposition, soil process rates, and nutrient cycling. Therefore, we suggest that the resulting increase in resource heterogeneity plays an important role in determining the structure and functioning of semi-arid savanna ecosystems.  相似文献   

Bischofia javanica Blume, an exotic tree, dominates many forest areas of the Bonin Islands in the western Pacific of Japan. The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that the success of B. javanica (a mid-successional plant species) is related to its high acclimation capacity to sudden light increase due to canopy gap formation. We compared its ecophysiological response to simulated canopy opening with those of native species of different successional status: Trema orientalis Blume, Schima mertensiana (Sieb, et Zucc.) Koidz, Elaeocarpus photiniaefolius Hook.Et Arn. and Ardisia sieboldii Miquel. In all species, transfer of leaves developed in shade (5.3% of full sun) to full sun resulted in a substantial initial reduction in the dark-adapted quantum yield of photosystem II (Fv/Fm). T. orientalis, a pioneer plant species, showed the least reduction (38%), whereas E. photiniaefolius and A. sieboldii, both late-successional plant species, demonstrated large reductions (about 80%). In all four native species, Fv/Fm in shade leaves gradually recovered following transfer, but B. javanica recovered more fully and rapidly than the other species. Unlike Fv/Fm, the chlorophyll content in all species did not recover following the initial decline. This indicates that the recovery of quantum yield (Fv/Fm) was independent of the reduction in chlorophyll. Among all the species, B. javanica showed the highest (1) increase in maximum photosynthetic rate of shade leaves after transfer, (2) production of newly formed sun leaves, and (3) increase in relative growth rate. Ecophysiological characters of B. javanica in simulated canopy openings indicated rapid photosynthetic acclimation in existing shade leaves by minimizing photoinhibition and a rapid deployment of new sun leaves with high photosynthetic capacity. Because its habitats on these Pacific Islands are prone to typhoon disturbance, the successful invasion of B. javanica may lie in the congruence of its acclimation potential and the frequent gap events.  相似文献   

When invasive species establish in new environments, they may disrupt existing or create new interactions with resident species. Understanding of the functioning of invaded ecosystems will benefit from careful investigation of resulting species-level interactions. We manipulated ant visitation to compare how invasive ant mutualisms affect two common plants, one native and one invasive, on a sub-tropical Indian Ocean island. Technomyrmex albipes, an introduced species, was the most common and abundant ant visitor to the plants. T. albipes were attracted to extrafloral nectaries on the invasive tree (Leucaena leucocephala) and deterred the plant’s primary herbivore, the Leucaena psyllid (Heteropsylla cubana). Ant exclusion from L. leucocephala resulted in decreased plant growth and seed production by 22% and 35%, respectively. In contrast, on the native shrub (Scaevola taccada), T. albipes frequently tended sap-sucking hemipterans, and ant exclusion resulted in 30% and 23% increases in growth and fruit production, respectively. Stable isotope analysis confirmed the more predacious and herbivorous diets of T. albipes on the invasive and native plants, respectively. Thus the ants’ interactions protect the invasive plant from its main herbivore while also exacerbating the effects of herbivores on the native plant. Ultimately, the negative effects on the native plant and positive effects on the invasive plant may work in concert to facilitate invasion by the invasive plant. Our findings underscore the importance of investigating facilitative interactions in a community context and the multiple and diverse interactions shaping novel ecosystems.  相似文献   

The brown anole, Anolis sagrei, is one of the most widespread and successful colonisers of the diverse Anolis genus, which comprises c. 400 species occurring naturally in Central and South America and the Caribbean. Based on extensive between and within population sampling from a previously published study (334 mitochondrial DNA sequences) and sampling for this study (37 mtDNA sequences), we reconstruct a phylogeny and produce a haplotype network to assign a recently introduced population in St Vincent, Lesser Antilles to its geographic origin. A single haplotype was present in the St Vincent population, which was identical to a haplotype from Tampa, FL. We show that genetic diversity within native range populations, combined with low frequencies of introduced haplotypes in native ranges, may impair attempts to identify source populations, even despite intensive sampling effort. The absence of mtDNA haplotype diversity suggests a significant genetic founder effect within the St Vincent population.  相似文献   

Seaweeds are a refuge from stressful conditions associated with life on rocky intertidal shores, and there is evidence that different macrophytes support different assemblages of mobile epifauna. Introduction of non-indigenous macroalgae may have a great impact on associated epifaunal assemblages and ecosystem processes in coastal areas. Previous studies have reported conflicting evidences for the ability of epifauna to colonize non-indigenous species. Here, we analyzed epifaunal assemblages associated with three species of macroalgae that are very abundant on intertidal shores along the Galician coast: the two native species Bifurcaria bifurcata and Saccorhiza polyschides and the invasive species Sargassum muticum. We collected samples of each species from three different sites at three different times to test whether variability of epifaunal assemblages was consistent over space and time. Epifaunal assemblages differed between the three macroalgae. Results suggested that stability and morphology of habitat played an important role in shaping the structure of epifaunal assemblages. This study also showed that the invasive S. muticum offered a suitable habitat for many invertebrates.  相似文献   

Many sandy beaches worldwide receive large amounts of drift seaweed, known as wrack, from offshore algal beds and closer rocky intertidal shores. Despite the important influence of algal wrack on macrofaunal assemblages from different coastal systems, relatively little attention has been paid to the macrofaunal responses in sandy beaches to macrophyte wrack supplies. Algal wrack is a key resource, i.e. for food and/or refuge, for beach invertebrates while its availability can affect diversity and abundance of intertidal animals including shorebirds, but the role of certain types of wrack and its location on the shore has not been examined experimentally to date. In this paper, we use experimental manipulation of two species of brown seaweeds, i.e. artificial wrack patches made up of the native macroalgae Saccorhiza polyschides and the invasive species Sargassum muticum, to test hypotheses about influences on macrofaunal assemblages inhabiting the drift line and supratidal levels of exposed beaches. Results pointed out that different types of wrack deposits were not used uniformly by invertebrates. Nutritional value differed between the two species of wrack. In most cases, the carbohydrates, lipids and organic carbon content were greater in patches of S. muticum than in patches of S. polyschides. Data also provided evidences that nutritional content and microclimatic conditions of wrack deposits, i.e. temperature and humidity, might affect macrofaunal assemblages.  相似文献   

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