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Cultivation of herbicide-tolerant strain of GM corn involves applications of a non-selective herbicide. Mortality of arthropod natural enemies resulting from the application of herbicides is negligible. But nothing is known how herbicides affect the behaviour of natural enemies and thus alter their pest control efficacy. Aim of the study was to assess the effect of the Roundup residues on the predatory, defensive, locomotory and reproductive behaviour of epigeic spiders and carabid beetles. Specimens of Pardosa agricola (Araneae: Lycosidae) and Poecilus cupreus (Coleoptera: Carabidae) were exposed for 2 h to the fresh and 1-day old residues of Roundup Biaktiv (Monsanto, IPA 480 g/l). Predation rate was similar for all treatments in both spiders and beetles. Spiders did not avoid surface treated with herbicide residues more than the control surface, but beetles slightly avoided surface with fresh residues. The speed of locomotion of spiders was not altered by herbicide residues, but beetles exposed to residues crawled at significantly lower speed than the control group. Herbicide residues did not affect the escape efficacy of spiders from a predator. Residues had no detrimental effect on the courtship, mating frequency and duration in spiders. Roundup Bioaktiv thus appears to be harmless to lycosid spiders and only slightly harmful to carabid beetles. The biological control potential of both predators should not be reduced by the application of Roundup Bioaktiv.  相似文献   

Male Pardosa milvina wolf spiders use their pedipalps both for copulation and courtship. Pedipalp loss is significantly more common among adult males compared to females. We measured the courtship and mating effects associated with the loss of one or both pedipalps among adult male P. milvina. Pedipalp loss significantly reduced courtship intensity, but had no influence on mounting success. Intact males were less likely to be cannibalized and suffered fewer predatory attacks by females than autotomized males. Loss of the left pedipalp resulted in significantly less intense courtship, higher female aggression levels, and delayed onset of courtship whereas loss of the right pedipalp minimally affected male and female behavior relative to intact males. Pedipalp displays may function in reducing female aggression rather than increasing female receptivity.  相似文献   

Spiders possess a suit of characteristics, which play important roles in the fields of sensory modalities and sexual selection. Although the effects of temperature on spider prey-hunting, web-building, sexual signaling and habitat selection are well-documented, the effects of environmental temperature on spider courtship and copulatory behaviours are largely unexplored. In order to determine the effects of temperature on the sexual behaviours of the wolf spider Pardosa astrigera, we subjected pairs of male and female to five temperatures from 16 to 32 °C at an interval of 4 °C in a controlled laboratory conditions. Results indicated that in males most behavioural parameters, except the number of hematodochal expansions, were significantly influenced by environmental temperature. Male P. astrigera courtship latency, courtship duration, and copulatory duration declined gradually with increasing temperature within the range of 16–28 °C, whereas the number of pedipalp insertions and frequencies of both pedipalp insertions and hematodochal expansions increased gradually with temperature.  相似文献   

Limb loss is common in the wolf spider Pardosa milvina, appearing in nearly one third of adult males but occurring less frequently among adult females and juveniles. Since males wave their first pair of legs during courtship displays, the reproductive consequences of limb loss may be significant. We measured the courtship and mating effects of the loss of one, two, or four legs among adult male P. milvina. Missing one or two legs did not significantly reduce a male's ability to mate, but missing four legs was detrimental to mating success, reduced both courtship intensity and copulation duration, and increased cannibalism frequency. Results suggest behavioral flexibility in compensating for limited leg loss and a defensive function of the anteriormost legs to thwart female cannibalism attempts.  相似文献   

To improve the efficiency of the lady beetle H. axyridis as a biological control agent against aphids, a flightless population was obtained by feeding adults with a mutagen and selecting their progeny for nonflying but otherwise morphologically normal individuals. These flightless adults attempted to fly but immediately fell. They softened their fall by opening their elytrae and wings. The inability to fly could result from change in their flying behavior compared to control adults. The flight duration was very much shorter, and the wing beat frequency and, more particularly, the amplitude of the wing beats were clearly lower. More time was spent in the other components of the flight behavior such as wing rotation, wing immobility, and wing folding. The sequence of these patterns differed slightly, due mainly to change in their frequency. The locomotor behavior was not modified by the mutation, which affected only the wing muscles. Searching behavior of mutant adults differed from that of control adults only in that they took longer to encounter and ingest aphids. Nevertheless, the larval growth and reproductive rate remained unchanged. The behavioral and biological features of these flightless adults indicate that it should be possible to use them in biological control programs.  相似文献   

In the wolf spider, Hogna helluo , we tested the response to insect and spider prey chemical cues and whether they show a preference for cues associated with prey consumed most recently. Thirty adult female H. helluo were maintained on a diet of either females of a smaller co-occurring wolf spider ( Pardosa milvina ) or domestic crickets ( Acheta domesticus ). A single P. milvina or cricket nymph was maintained on filter paper for 24 h, after which the papers from both prey sources were simultaneously presented to individual H. helluo from each diet treatment group. H. helluo locomotor behavior on each treatment and initial substrate preference was recorded (n = 15/treatment). H. helluo fed crickets showed significantly longer residence time and decreased mobility on filter paper previously occupied by a cricket; spiders fed P. milvina showed longer residence times and decreased mobility on filter paper previously occupied by P. milvina . H. helluo fed P. milvina exhibited an initial preference for substrates previously occupied by P. milvina but H. helluo fed crickets did not show a corresponding initial preference for crickets. Results suggest that H. helluo can detect distant cues associated with P. milvina but not crickets before contacting the substrate and that H. helluo respond to chemical cues from prey and show a preference for those cues associated with their most recent prey.  相似文献   

Female spiders deposit chemical cues that elicit male courtship behavior with silk. These cues are often assumed to be species-specific although male spiders may court in response to chemical cues of closely-related species. We used behavioral assays to test the extent of species discrimination of female chemical cues by male Schizocosa ocreata, a wolf spider (Lycosidae). Discrimination, expressed as relative courtship intensity of males, varied significantly with phylogenetic distance. Males did not discriminate between female cues of conspecifics and a sibling species, S. rovneri. Courtship response was intermediate for another species within the ocreata clade and not different from control for spiders outside the clade. These findings support the sibling species status of S. ocreata and S. rovneri, and also suggest the composition of female chemical signals is conserved across closely related wolf spider species.  相似文献   

Lycosa tarentula is a ground-living spider that inhabits a burrow where it awaits the appearance of prey or conspecifics. In this study, circadian rhythms of locomotor activity were examined as well as the ocular pathway of entrainment. Thirty-three adult virgin females were examined under constant darkness (DD); all of them exhibited robust circadian rhythms of locomotor activity with a period averaging 24.1h. Fourteen of these spiders were studied afterwards under an LD 12:12 cycle; they usually entrained to in the first or second day, even when the light intensity was as low as 1 lx. During the LD cycle, locomotor activity was generally restrained to the darkness phase, although several animals showed a small amount of diurnal activity. Ten males were also examined under LD; they were also nocturnal, but were much more active than the females. Seven females were examined under constant light (LL); under this they became arrhythmic. Except for the anterior median eyes (OMAs), all the eyes were capable of entraining the locomotor activity to an LD cycle. These results demonstrate that under laboratory conditions and low light intensities locomotor activity of Lycosa tarentula is circadian and in accordance with Aschoff's 'rule'. Only OMAs are unable to entrain the rhythm; the possible localization of circadian clock is therefore discussed.  相似文献   

Differences in foraging patterns mediated by sensory cues were examined between adult and juvenile male and female wolf spiders (Schizocosa rovneri; Lycosidae). Patch residence time for thirty-one spiders were tested among juveniles and adults in artificial foraging patches. Patches varied in sensory information provided by live prey (crickets) as follows: visual stimuli alone; vibratory stimuli alone; visual and vibratory stimuli together; and control (no stimuli). Spiders moved between patches for one hour, but could not feed. Adult Schizocosa rovneri use primarily visual information to determine patch residence time, but juveniles use vibratory cues as well. Significant age and sex-based differences in the use of sensory cues suggest that observed divergent foraging strategies are partly due to the use of different perceptual cues in prey detection.  相似文献   

Lycosa tarentula is a ground-living spider that inhabits a burrow where it awaits the appearance of prey or conspecifics. In this study, circadian rhythms of locomotor activity were examined as well as the ocular pathway of entrainment. Thirty-three adult virgin females were examined under constant darkness (DD); all of them exhibited robust circadian rhythms of locomotor activity with a period averaging 24.1h. Fourteen of these spiders were studied afterwards under an LD 12:12 cycle; they usually entrained to in the first or second day, even when the light intensity was as low as 1 lx. During the LD cycle, locomotor activity was generally restrained to the darkness phase, although several animals showed a small amount of diurnal activity. Ten males were also examined under LD; they were also nocturnal, but were much more active than the females. Seven females were examined under constant light (LL); under this they became arrhythmic. Except for the anterior median eyes (OMAs), all the eyes were capable of entraining the locomotor activity to an LD cycle. These results demonstrate that under laboratory conditions and low light intensities locomotor activity of Lycosa tarentula is circadian and in accordance with Aschoff's 'rule'. Only OMAs are unable to entrain the rhythm; the possible localization of circadian clock is therefore discussed.  相似文献   

Foragers of the ant Formica schaufussitend to return to and search at a site of a previous food find. The search tactic employed by a forager on its return trip is related to the type of food previously encountered: search is more persistent in response to carbohydrate than to protein food. Using different reinforcement schedules with carbohydrate and protein food rewards, we show that, on a short-term as well as on a long-term basis, the basic pattern of search observed in naive foragers is only slightly modified through foraging experience. Foragers do not increase their search effort or adjust their search pattern when either type of food is systematically renewed on a fixed reward schedule and thus do not seem to be able to learn to assess the food predictability. Collective responses that could compensate for this lack of individual flexibility and increase foraging efficiency at the colony level are discussed.  相似文献   

A variety of host-related substances was assessed in relation to their ability to induce arrestment and antennal examination behavior in adult females of the aphid hyperparasitoid Alloxysta victrix (Westwood). In laboratory bioassays, whole-body homogenates of both unparasitized host aphids [Myzus persicae (Sulzer)] and those parasitized by the primary parasitoid Aphidius colemani Viereck failed to elicit a response. However, significant kairomonal activity was associated with aphid cornicle secretions, aphid honeydew, and solvent extracts of parasitized aphids. Solvent extracts of unparasitized aphids (in either hexane or butan-1-ol) failed to elicit arrestment or antennal examination behavior in hyperparsitoid females. The response to aphid honeydew was significantly lower in experienced females than in naive individuals, suggesting that even relatively strong innate responses can be modified by learning.  相似文献   

The communal orb-weaving spider, Philoponella republicana,was observed in the subtropical moist forest of Southeast Peru. These spiders live in colonies of conspecifics whose individual orbs are connected by silk. The wrapping of a prey prior to feeding is a large component of the prey capture process because P. republicanahas no venom with which to kill an insect. Wrapping time was the only aspect of prey capture that was strongly correlated with the size of the insect captured. Occasionally we observed several individuals working together to wrap a prey item. These joint efforts were more frequent on prey larger than the capturing spider. Although group captures accounted for only 5.5% of captures, they represented 14.7% of the biomass obtained. A comparison of the relationship between wrapping time and prey size for solitary and group efforts suggested that, by working together, the spiders reduced their total handling time. In most cases only one spider fed on the captured prey.  相似文献   

The copulation duration of male wolf spider Pardosa astrigera, was significantly influenced by environmental temperature, as had been found in some insect species. Therefore, temperature during male courtship and copulation may influence the amount of sperm and seminal fluids transferred during copulation, which in turn could influence female fitness. In order to test this hypothesis, we subjected pairs of male and female P. astrigera to five temperature groups from 16 to 32 °C at an interval of 4 °C, and investigated whether and to what extent the various temperatures during male courtship and copulation influenced female reproductive output and female adult longevity under controlled laboratory conditions. With the increase of copulation temperature, females were more likely to lay egg sacs. The total egg sacs and lifetime fecundity of female were positively influenced by copulation temperature, whereas female lifetime spiderlings and adult longevity were independent of copulation temperature.  相似文献   

拟环纹豹蛛的生物生态学研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王智 《昆虫学报》2007,50(9):927-932
运用田间观察和室内外饲养相结合的方法,对稻田蜘蛛优势种拟环纹豹蛛Pardosa pseudoannulata的生物生态学特性进行了研究。拟环纹豹蛛在湘西北1年发生2~3代,第3代不完整,以第2代历期最短,第3代(越冬代)历期最长;以成蛛、亚成蛛或幼蛛越冬,其分布图式为聚集分布;4月下旬即由田埂向稻田内迁移,在水稻生育期有3次数量高峰; 属游猎型蜘蛛,可步行在水稻、水面、陆地等处捕食飞虱、叶蝉等多种目标害虫; 受惊时潜入水中或潜伏。雌雄蛛均可多次交配,雌蛛一生最多可产卵5次,实验种群卵囊含卵量76~337粒,平均156粒。孵化的幼蛛,先群集在雌蛛背面,3~5天后开始扩散,6~7天扩散到高峰。幼蛛期47~158天;成蛛期121~236天,雌蛛较雄蛛长21~62天。性比除第2代外的各代均为雄性多于雌性。本文详细记述了拟环纹豹蛛的求偶与交配行为,产卵与护卵习性,孵化与携幼行为,幼蛛生长、蜕皮、各龄期形态特征及耐饥、耐旱能力等。  相似文献   

Tunneling behavior of laboratory-maintained cultures of Reticulitermes flavipes (Kollar) and R. virginicus (Banks) was examined to determine (1) if the termites build tunnels along preexisting wires or tunnels, and (2) whether tunnels are arranged to optimize search efficiency. Tunnel patterns were considered optimal if, for the number of tunnels present, the maximum area was explored. Termites entered either control arenas or arenas in which they encountered a wire or a pre-formed tunnel. Analyses revealed that R. flavipes and R. virginicus almost always follow pre-formed tunnels, but do not follow wires as readily. Within each species, the distributions of tunnels in treatment arenas were different from distributions in control arenas, most often when pre-formed tunnels were the treatment. Optimal tunnel arrangements in control arenas were found in 62% of R. flavipes patterns with 2 tunnels and in 43% of R. virginicus patterns with 2 tunnels. None of the 3-tunnel patterns from control arenas of R. flavipes and 29% of those of R. virginicus had optimal arrangements. Overall, the spatial arrangement of tunnels in control arenas was significantly different between R. flavipes and R. virginicus.  相似文献   

We studied the courtship and copulation ofFlorinda coccinea (Hentz) and described 18 behavioral acts for this species.F. coccinea exhibits many behaviors typical of the Linyphiidae such as web reduction, abdominal vibration, palpal jabbing, stridulation, pseudocopulation, and prolonged copulation. The numbers of palpal insertions during pseudocopulation and copulation are positively correlated to the durations of these phases. Pseudocopulation requires over three times more time on average than copulation, although females copulate longer than is required for fertilization. We found no correlation between the durations of pseudocopulation or copulation and fitness characters, and we hypothesize that lengthy pseudocopulation and copulation may function as a form of internal courtship.  相似文献   

为明确拟水狼蛛对食物中镉的吸收和排泄及生物学响应,采用原子吸收光谱法检测了连续3代拟水狼蛛对食物中Cd2+的吸收和排泄情况,并测定了Cd2+对其生长发育、繁殖力和耐饥力的影响。结果表明:食物中过量的Cd2+能够通过食物链进行传递并在拟水狼蛛体内积累,积累量随拟水狼蛛代数的增加而增加,第2代和第3代拟水狼蛛体内Cd2+积累量浓度显著高于第1代中Cd2+积累量,第2代和第3代间差异不显著,积累量与消耗的黑腹果蝇数量极显著正相关,P<0.01;与消耗食物中Cd含量显著正相关,P<0.05。连续3代拟水狼蛛分别吸收了食物中65.4%、68.5%和69.1%的Cd,生物营养级放大因子分别为1.71、2.12和2.17。连续3代拟水狼蛛Cd排泄量极低。Cd处理能显著改变拟水狼蛛背胸甲宽、幼蛛存活率、生长历期和繁殖力。随拟水狼蛛受胁迫代数的增加,幼蛛存活率显著减少,生长历期显著延长。卵袋重量显著减轻,卵数目显著减少,卵体积显著升高。Cd处理还能显著降低拟水狼耐饥力。研究结果可为进一步研究环境中Cd沿土壤-昆虫-天敌传递、放大和生理耐受提供更为充分的理论依据。  相似文献   

The spider Leucauge marianaprobably uses the presence of temporary spiral (TSP) lines already in place to determine sites of attachment of currently produced loops of temporary spiral, but less rigidly than has been previously supposed for orb weavers. Memory of distances and directions traveled recently to and from TSP lines is implicated by the fact that adjustments to experimental and natural discontinuities in previous TSP lines occur gradually rather than being abrupt. Distances and directions traveled along both radii and previous TSP lines correlate with relative amounts of adjustment. Body size may also be used as a reference measure, but not in the simple, inflexible way suggested by R. W. G. Hingston (A Naturalist in Himalaya,Small, Maynard, Boston, 1920). Tensions on radii are not used as cues in any simple way, and may not be used at all, since experimental changes in tensions produced effects consistent with resulting changes in thread positions but inconsistent with tension differences.  相似文献   

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