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Slow myosin in developing rat skeletal muscle   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
Through S1 nuclease mapping using a specific cDNA probe, we demonstrate that the slow myosin heavy-chain (MHC) gene, characteristic of adult soleus, is expressed in bulk hind limb muscle obtained from the 18-d rat fetus. We support these results by use of a monoclonal antibody (mAb) which is highly specific to the adult slow MHC. Immunoblots of MHC peptide maps show the same peptides, uniquely recognized by this antibody in adult soleus, are also identified in 18-d fetal limb muscle. Thus synthesis of slow myosin is an early event in skeletal myogenesis and is expressed concurrently with embryonic myosin. By immunofluorescence we demonstrate that in the 16-d fetus all primary myotubes in future fast and future slow muscles homogeneously express slow as well as embryonic myosin. Fiber heterogeneity arises owing to a developmentally regulated inhibition of slow MHC accumulation as muscles are progressively assembled from successive orders of cells. Assembly involves addition of new, superficial areas of the anterior tibial muscle (AT) and extensor digitorum longus muscle (EDL) in which primary cells initially stain weakly or are unstained with the slow mAb. In the developing AT and EDL, expression of slow myosin is unstable and is progressively restricted as these muscles specialize more and more towards the fast phenotype. Slow fibers persisting in deep portions of the adult EDL and AT are interpreted as vestiges of the original muscle primordium. A comparable inhibition of slow MHC accumulation occurs in the developing soleus but involves secondary, not primary, cells. Our results show that the fate of secondary cells is flexible and is spatially determined. By RIA we show that the relative proportions of slow MHC are fivefold greater in the soleus than in the EDL or AT at birth. After neonatal denervation, concentrations of slow MHC in the soleus rapidly decline, and we hypothesize that, in this muscle, the nerve protects and amplifies initial programs of slow MHC synthesis. Conversely, the content of slow MHC rises in the neonatally denervated EDL. This suggests that as the nerve amplifies fast MHC accumulation in the developing EDL, accumulation of slow MHC is inhibited in an antithetic fashion. Studies with phenylthiouracil-induced hypothyroidism indicate that inhibition of slow MHC accumulation in the EDL and AT is not initially under thyroid regulation. At later stages, the development of thyroid function plays a role in inhibiting slow MHC accumulation in the differentiating EDL and AT.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Isozymes of myosin have been localized with respect to individual fibers in differentiating skeletal muscles of the rat and chicken using immunocytochemistry. The myosin light chain pattern has been analyzed in the same muscles by two-dimensional PAGE. In the muscles of both species, the response to antibodies against fast and slow adult myosin is consistent with the speed of contraction of the muscle. During early development, when speed of contraction is slow in future fast and slow muscles, all the fibers react strongly with anti-slow as well as with anti-fast myosin. As adult contractile properties are acquired, the fibers react with antibodies specific for either fast or slow myosin, but few fibers react with both antibodies. The myosin light chain pattern slow shows a change with development: the initial light chains (LC) are principally of the fast type, LC1(f), and LC2(f), independent of whether the embryonic muscle is destined to become a fast or a slow muscle in the adult. The LC3(f), light chain does not appear in significant amounts until after birth, in agreement with earlier reports. The predominance of fast light chains during early stages of development is especially evident in the rat soleus and chicken ALD, both slow muscles, in which LC1(f), is gradually replaced by the slow light chain, LC1(s), as development proceeds. Other features of the light chain pattern include an "embryonic" light chain in fetal and neonatal muscles of the rat, as originally demonstrated by R.G. Whalen, G.S. Butler- Browne, and F. Gros. (1978. J. Mol. Biol. 126:415-431.); and the presence of approximately 10 percent slow light chains in embryonic pectoralis, a fast white muscle in the adult chicken. The response of differentiating muscle fibers to anti-slow myosin antibody cannot, however, be ascribed solely to the presence of slow light chains, since antibody specific for the slow heavy chain continues to react with all the fibers. We conclude that during early development, the myosin consists of a population of molecules in which the heavy chain can be associated with a fast, slow, or embryonic light chain. Biochemical analysis has shown that this embryonic heavy chain (or chains) is distinct from adult fast or slow myosin (R.G. Whalen, K. Schwartz, P. Bouveret, S.M. Sell, and F. Gros. 1979. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 76:5197-5201. J.I. Rushbrook, and A. Stracher. 1979. Proc Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 76:4331-4334. P.A. Benfield, S. Lowey, and D.D. LeBlanc. 1981. Biophys. J. 33(2, Pt. 2):243a[Abstr.]). Embryonic myosin, therefore, constitutes a unique class of molecules, whose synthesis ceases before the muscle differentiates into an adult pattern of fiber types.  相似文献   

The myosin of developing and dystrophic skeletal muscle   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
H A John 《FEBS letters》1974,39(3):278-282

The structural changes of phalloidin-rhodamin labelled F-actin at relaxed and contracted skeletal muscle fibre containing phosphorylated myosin and at contracted state after dephosphorylation were investigated by measuring of polarized fluorescence of the fluorophore. The mechanical properties (isometric tension development) of fibre were studied in parallel. At submaximal concentration of Ca ions (0.6 mumol/l) the isometric tension was decreased after dephosphorylation of fibre myosin. The changes in polarization of fluorophore bound to actin filament were correlated with isometric tension developed by the muscle fibre. The angles between the actin filament long axis and the absorption and emission dipoles for contracted and relaxed fibre were different, suggesting changes in the organization of the actin monomers in thin filament, dependent on the physiological state of the fibre. The flexibility of the thin filaments during transition of the fibre from relaxed to "contracted" state increases as indicated by greater average angle between the F-actin long axis and the fibre axis.  相似文献   

K Ajtai  T P Burghardt 《Biochemistry》1989,28(5):2204-2210
We describe a protocol for the selective covalent labeling of the sulfhydryl 2 (SH2) on the myosin cross-bridge in glycerinated muscle fibers using the sulfhydryl-selective label 4-[N-[(iodoacetoxy)ethyl]-N-methylamino]-7-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazole (IANBD). The protocol promotes the specificity of IANBD by using the ability to protect sulfhydryl 1 (SH1) from modification by binding the cross-bridge to the actin filament and using cross-bridge-bound MgADP to promote the accessibility of SH2. We determined the specificity of the probe using fluorescence gel scanning of fiber-extracted proteins to isolate the probe on myosin subfragment 1 (S1), limited proteolysis of the purified S1 to isolate the probe on the 20-kilodalton fragment of S1, and titration of the free SH1's on purified S1 using the radiolabeled SH1-specific reagent [14C]iodoacetamide or enzymatic activity measurements. We estimated the distribution of the IANBD on the fiber proteins to be approximately 77% on SH2, approximately 5% on SH1, and approximately 18% on troponin I. We characterized the angular distribution of the IANBD on cross-bridges in fibers when the fibers are in rigor, in relaxation, in the presence of MgADP, and in isometric contraction using wavelength-dependent fluorescence polarization [Ajtai, K., & Burghardt, T. P. (1987) Biochemistry 26, 4517-4523]. With wavelength-dependent fluorescence polarization we use the ability to rotate the transition dipole in the molecular frame using excitation wavelength variation to investigate the three angular degrees of freedom of the cross-bridge.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The regulation of vertebrate muscle contraction with respect to the role of the different subunits of myosin remains somewhat uncertain. One approach to gaining a better understanding of the molecular basis of contraction is to study developing muscle which undergoes changes in myosin isozyme composition and contractile properties during the normal course of maturation. The present study utilizes single fibers from psoas muscles of rabbits at several ages as a model system for fast-twitch muscle development. This approach eliminates the inherent problems of interpreting results from studies on whole muscles which usually contain heterogeneous fiber types with respect to contractile properties and isoenzyme composition. Maximum velocity of shortening and tension-generating ability of individual fibers were measured and the myosin heavy chain composition of the same fibers was examined using an ultrasensitive sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel system. The results indicate that 1) with regard to contractile properties, there is a transitional period from slow to fast shortening velocities within the first postnatal month; 2) a strong, positive correlation exists between the speed of shortening and tension-generating ability of individual postnatal day 7 fibers, suggesting that as more myosin is incorporated in these developing fibers it is of the fast type; and 3) there is a wide variation in maximum velocity of shortening among postnatal day 7 psoas fibers which is also a time when a mixture of heavy chain isoforms characterizes the myosin composition of single muscle fibers.  相似文献   

The membrane properties of individual skeletal muscle cells were studied with intracellular microelectrodes as the fibers developed, in vitro, from mononucleated precursor cells. Passive membrane constants were determined from analysis of transmembrane potential responses to pulses of current assuming the myotubes could be represented as sealed, finite cylinders. Resting membrane potentials increased from 10–15 mV in the shortest, youngest myotubes to ca. 60 mV in the longest, most mature fibers. The increase in membrane potential was not associated with a change in membrane resistivity. Action potentials occurred spontaneously in the most mature cells and repetitive spikes could be evoked by depolarizing current pulses. Spikes and twitches could be evoked in young myotubes provided the membrane was first hyperpolarized to 60–70 mV. Apparently the membrane potential is the rate limiting factor in the maturation of excitation-contraction mechanisms.  相似文献   

Myosin mRNA distribution among subcellular compartments of anterior tibialis muscles in rabbit is monitored by in situ hybridization. A high density of mRNA was widely distributed throughout myotubes from 29-day fetal muscle and from regenerating adult muscle. All cytoplasmic spaces contained mRNA except where scattered myofibrils and centrally located nuclei were found. In fibers from 22-week-old rabbits, myosin mRNA was concentrated under the sarcolemma and excluded from the consolidated myofibrils and peripheral nuclei. The dispersal of mRNA through the cytoplasm in myotubes suggests that translation of myosin is widespread and that rapid myofibril assembly can occur throughout the fiber.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesisthat low specific tension (force/cross-sectional area) in skeletalmuscle from aged animals results from structural changes in myosin thatoccur with aging. Permeabilized semimembranosus fibers from young adultand aged rats were spin labeled site specifically at myosin SH1(Cys-707). Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) was then used toresolve and quantify the structural states of the myosin head todetermine the fraction of myosin heads in the strong-binding (forcegenerating) structural state during maximal isometric contraction.Fibers from aged rats generated 27 ± 0.8% less specific tensionthan fibers from younger rats (P < 0.001). EPRspectral analyses showed that, during contraction, 31.6 ± 2.1%of myosin heads were in the strong-binding structural state in fibersfrom young adult animals but only 22.1 ± 1.3% of myosin heads infibers from aged animals were in that state (P = 0.004). Biochemical assays indicated that the age-related change inmyosin structure could be due to protein oxidation, as indicated by adecrease in the number of free cysteine residues. We conclude thatmyosin structural changes can provide a molecular explanation forage-related decline in skeletal muscle force generation.


In this study, myosin types in human skeletal muscle fibers were investigated with electrophoretic techniques. Single fibers were dissected out of lyophilized surgical biopsies and typed by staining for myofibrillar ATPase after preincubation in acid or alkaline buffers. After 14C-labelling of the fiber proteins in vitro by reductive methylation, the myosin light chain pattern was analysed on two-dimensional gels and the myosin heavy chains were investigated by one-dimensional peptide mapping. Surprisingly, human type I fibers, which contained only the slow heavy chain, were found to contain variable amounts of fast myosin light chains in addition to the two slow light chains LC1s and LC2s. The majority of the type I fibers in normal human muscle showed the pattern LC1s, LC2s and LC1f. Further evidence for the existence in human muscle of a hybrid myosin composed of a slow heavy chain with fast and slow light chains comes from the analysis of purified human myosin in the native state by pyrophosphate gel electrophoresis. With this method, a single band corresponding to slow myosin was obtained; this slow myosin had the light chain composition LC1s, LC2s and LC1f. Type IIA and IIB fibers, on the other hand, revealed identical light chain patterns consisting of only the fast light chains LC1f, LC2f and LC3f but were found to have different myosin havy chains. On the basis of the results presented, we suggest that the histochemical ATPase normally used for fibre typing is determined by the myosin heavy chain type (and not by the light chains). Thus, in normal human muscle a number of 'hybrid' myosins were found to occur, namely two extreme forms of fast myosins which have the same light chains but different heavy chains (IIA and IIB) and a continuum of slow forms consisting of the same heavy chain and slow light chains with a variable fast light chain composition. This is consistent with the different physiological roles these fibers are thought to have in muscle contraction.  相似文献   

The time-resolved fluorescence polarization anisotropy signal has been measured from fluorescent-labeled myosin cross-bridges in single glycerinated muscle fibers in the relaxed and rigor states. In one experimental configuration, the polarization of the excitation light and the fiber axis are aligned, and the anisotropy is sensitive to rotational motions of the probes about axes other than the fiber axis. The rotational correlation times are approximately 1000 ns for relaxed fibers and greater than 7000 ns for rigor fibers. In another experimental configuration, the excitation light polarization is perpendicular to the fiber axis, and its propagation vector has a component parallel to the fiber axis so that the anisotropy is sensitive to probe rotational motion about different axes, including the fiber axis. In this configuration, the rotational correlation times are approximately 300 ns for both relaxed and rigor fibers. The theory of rotational diffusion in a potential described in a related paper [Burghardt, T.P. (1985) Biophys. J. (in press)] is applied to the relaxed fiber data.  相似文献   

Myosin was localized in situ in the posthatch chicken pectoralis using isoform-specific mAbs. The distribution among myofibrils was demonstrated by immunofluorescence and by immunogold EM. Fluorescein- or rhodamine-labeled antibody (12C5) specific for the head region (S1) of myosin was used as a marker to identify "embryonic" myosin. In longitudinal semithin frozen sections, a minority population of myofibrils stained intensely with 12C5. All other myofibrils in the same cell stained only weakly. Similarly, in Lowicryl-embedded ultrathin sections prepared for EM, a minority population reacted preferentially with gold-labeled 12C5. An antibody (5B4) specific for the rod portion of "neonatal" myosin reacted strongly with nearly all myofibrils, and this was evident by light and electron microscopy. A few of the fibrils that reacted strongly with 12C5 reacted weakly with 5B4. These observations demonstrate that an epitope reacting with 12C5 is more abundant in some myofibrils than in others within the same cell. Three categories of myofibrils can be identified by their relative proportions of embryonic and neonatal forms of myosin: in nearly all fibrils, a neonatal isoform predominates; in a minority population, embryonic and neonatal isoforms are both abundant; and in a few fibrils, an embryonic isoform predominates. It is concluded that there are distinct populations of myofibrils in which specific isoforms are segregated within an individual cell.  相似文献   

Defining the organization of endocytic pathway in multinucleated skeletal myofibers is crucial to understand the routing of membrane proteins, such as receptors and glucose transporters, through this system. Here we analyzed the organization of the endocytic trafficking pathways in isolated rat myofibers. We found that sarcolemmal-coated pits and transferrin receptors were concentrated in the I band areas. Fluid phase markers were taken up into vesicles in the same areas along the whole length of the fibers and were then delivered into structures around and between the nuclei. These markers also accumulated beneath the neuromuscular and myotendinous junctions. The recycling compartment, labeled with transferrin, appeared as perinuclear and interfibrillar dots that partially colocalized with the GLUT4 compartment. Low-density lipoprotein, a marker of the lysosome-directed pathway, was transported into sparsely distributed perinuclear and interfibrillar dots that contacted microtubules. A majority of these dots did not colocalize with internalized transferrin, indicating that the recycling and the lysosome-directed pathways were distinct. In conclusion, the I band areas were active in endocytosis along the whole length of the multinucleated myofibers. The sorting endosomes distributed in a cross-striated fashion while the recycling and late endosomal compartments showed perinuclear and interfibrillar localizations and followed the course of microtubules.  相似文献   

The orientation of the N-terminal lobe of the myosin regulatory light chain (RLC) in demembranated fibers of rabbit psoas muscle was determined by polarized fluorescence. The native RLC was replaced by a smooth muscle RLC with a bifunctional rhodamine probe attached to its A, B, C, or D helix. Fiber fluorescence data were interpreted using the crystal structure of the head domain of chicken skeletal myosin in the nucleotide-free state. The peak angle between the lever axis of the myosin head and the fiber or actin filament axis was 100—110° in relaxation, isometric contraction, and rigor. In each state the hook helix was at an angle of ~40° to the lever/filament plane. The in situ orientation of the RLC D and E helices, and by implication of its N- and C-lobes, was similar in smooth and skeletal RLC isoforms. The angle between these two RLC lobes in rigor fibers was different from that in the crystal structure. These results extend previous crystallographic evidence for bending between the two lobes of the RLC to actin-attached myosin heads in muscle fibers, and suggest that such bending may have functional significance in contraction and regulation of vertebrate striated muscle.  相似文献   

Sections of chicken tibialis anterior and extensor digitorium longus muscles were incubated with monoclonal antibodies against myosin heavy chains (MHC). Ventricular myosin was present in developing secondary intrafusal myotubes when they were first recognized at embryonic days (E) 13–14, and in developing extrafusal fibers prior to that date. The reaction in intrafusal fibers began to fade at E17, and in 2-week-old postnatal and older muscles the isoform was no longer recognized. Only those intrafusal fibers which also reacted with a monoclonal antibody against atrial and slow myosin contained ventricular MHC. Intrafusal myotubes which developed into fast fibers did not express the isoform. Hence, based on the presence or absence of ventricular MHC, two lineages of intrafusal fiber are evident early in development. Strong immunostaining for ventricular MHC was observed in primary extrafusal myotubes at E10, but the isoform was already downregulated at E14, when secondary intrafusal myotubes were still forming and expressed ventricular MHC. Only light to moderate and transient immunostaining was observed in coexisting secondary extrafusal myotubes, most of which developed into fast fibers. Thus at the time when nascent muscle spindles are first recognized, differences in MHC profiles already exist between prospective intrafusal and extrafusal fibers. If intrafusal fibers stem from a pool of primordial muscle cells, which is common to intrafusal and extrafusal myotubes, they diverged from it some time prior to E13.This paper is dedicated to Prof. D. Pette, Konstanz, on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   

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