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Roots are involved in acquisition of water and nutrients, as well as in providing structural support to plant. The root system provides a dynamic model for developmental analysis. Here, we investigated quantitative trait loci (QTL), dynamic conditional QTL and epistatic interactions for seedling root traits using an upland cotton F2 population and a constructed genetic map. Totally, 37 QTLs for root traits, 35 dynamic conditional QTLs based on the net increased amount of root traits (root tips, forks, length, surface area and volume) (i) after transplanting 10 days compared to 5 days, and (ii) after transplanting 15 days to 10 days were detected. Obvious dynamic characteristic of QTL and dynamic conditional QTL existed at different developmental stages of root because QTL and dynamic conditional QTL had not been detected simultaneously. We further confirmed that additive and dominance effects of QTL qRSA-chr1-1 in interval time 5 to 10 DAT (days after transplant) offset the effects in 10 to 15 DAT. Lots of two-locus interactions for root traits were identified unconditionally or dynamically, and a few epistatic interactions were only detected simultaneously in interval time of 5–10 DAT and 10–15 DAT, suggesting different interactive genetic mechanisms on root development at different stages. Dynamic conditional QTL and epistasis effects provide new attempts to understand the dynamics of roots and provide clues for root architecture selection in upland cotton.  相似文献   


Key message

QTL were identified for root architectural traits in maize.


Root architectural traits, including the number, length, orientation, and branching of the principal root classes, influence plant function by determining the spatial and temporal domains of soil exploration. To characterize phenotypic patterns and their genetic control, three recombinant inbred populations of maize were grown for 28 days in solid media in a greenhouse and evaluated for 21 root architectural traits, including length, number, diameter, and branching of seminal, primary and nodal roots, dry weight of embryonic and nodal systems, and diameter of the nodal root system. Significant phenotypic variation was observed for all traits. Strong correlations were observed among traits in the same root class, particularly for the length of the main root axis and the length of lateral roots. In a principal component analysis, relationships among traits differed slightly for the three families, though vectors grouped together for traits within a given root class, indicating opportunities for more efficient phenotyping. Allometric analysis showed that trajectories of growth for specific traits differ in the three populations. In total, 15 quantitative trait loci (QTL) were identified. QTL are reported for length in multiple root classes, diameter and number of seminal roots, and dry weight of the embryonic and nodal root systems. Phenotypic variation explained by individual QTL ranged from 0.44 % (number of seminal roots, NyH population) to 13.5 % (shoot dry weight, OhW population). Identification of QTL for root architectural traits may be useful for developing genotypes that are better suited to specific soil environments.  相似文献   

QTL controlling root and shoot traits of maize seedlings under cold stress   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The improvement of early vigour is crucial for the adaptation of maize (Zea mays L.) to the climatic conditions of central Europe and the northern Mediterranean, where early sowing is an important strategy for avoiding the effect of summer drought. The objectives of this study were to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) controlling cold-related traits and to investigate the relationships among them. A set of 168 F2:4 families of the Lo964 × Lo1016 cross was grown in a sand–vermiculite substrate at 15/13°C (day/night) until the one-leaf stage. Twenty QTL were identified for the four shoot and two seed traits examined. Analysis of root weight and digital measurements of the length and diameter of primary and seminal roots led to the identification of 40 QTL. The operating efficiency of photosystem II (PSII) was related to seedling dry weight at both the phenotypic and genetic level (r=0.46, two matching loci, respectively) but was not related to root traits. Cluster analysis and QTL association revealed that the different root traits were largely independently inherited and that root lengths and diameters were mostly negatively correlated. The major QTL for root traits detected in an earlier study in hydroponics were confirmed in this study. The length of the primary lateral roots was negatively associated with the germination index (r=–0.38, two matching loci). Therefore, we found a large number of independently inherited loci suitable for the improvement of early seedling growth through better seed vigour and/or a higher rate of photosynthesis.This paper is dedicated to our friend and colleague Alberto Soldati, who passed away unexpectedly.  相似文献   


Key message

This study provides a foundation for further research on root genetic regulation and molecular breeding with emphasis on correlations among root traits to ensure robust root growth and well-developed root systems.


A set of 447 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from a cross between Jingdou23 (cultivar, female parent) and ZDD2315 (semi-wild, male parent) were used to analyze inheritance and detect QTLs related to root traits at the seedling stage using major gene plus polygene mixed inheritance analysis and composite interval mapping. The results showed that maximum root length (MRL) was controlled by three equivalent major genes, lateral root number (LRN) was controlled by two overlapping major genes, root weight (RW) and volume (RV) were controlled by four equivalent major genes. Hypocotyl length (HL) was controlled by four additive main genes, and hypocotyl weight (HW) was controlled by four additive and additive × additive epistatic, major genes; however, polygene effects were not detected in these traits. Shoot weight (SW) was controlled by multi-gene effects, but major gene effects were not detected. Twenty-four QTLs for MRL, LRN, RW, RV, SW, HL, HW were mapped on LG A1 (chromosome 5), LG A2 (chromosome 8), LG B1 (chromosome 11), LG B2 (chromosome 14), LG C2 (chromosome 6), LG D1b (chromosome 2), LG F_1 (chromosome 13), LG G (chromosome 18), LG H_1 (chromosome 12), LG H_2 (chromosome 12), LG I (chromosome 20), LG K_2 (chromosome 9), LG L (chromosome 19), LG M (chromosome 7), LG N (chromosome 3), LG O (chromosome 10), separately. Root traits were shown to have complex genetic mechanisms at the seedling stage, SW was controlled by multi-gene effects, and the other six traits were controlled by major gene effects. It is concluded that correlations among root traits must be considered to improve the development of beneficial root traits.  相似文献   

Huangzaosi, Qi319, and Ye478 are foundation inbred lines widely used in maize breeding in China. To elucidate genetic base of yield components and kernel-related traits in these elite lines, two F2:3 populations derived from crosses Qi319?×?Huangzaosi (Q/H, 230 families) and Ye478?×?Huangzaosi (Y/H, 235 families), as well as their parents were evaluated in six environments including Henan, Beijing, and Xinjiang in 2007 and 2008. Correlation and hypergeometric probability function analyses showed the dependence of yield components on kernel-related traits. Three mapping procedures were used to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) for each population: (1) analysis for each of the six environments, (2) joint analysis for each of the three locations across 2?years, and (3) joint analysis across all environments. For the eight traits measured, 90, 89, and 58 QTL for Q/H, and 72, 76, and 51 QTL for Y/H were detected by the three QTL mapping procedures, respectively. About 70% of the QTL from Q/H and 90% of the QTL from Y/H did not show significant QTL?×?environment interactions in the joint analysis across all environments. Most of the QTL for kernel traits exhibited high stability across 2?years at the same location, even across different locations. Seven major QTL detected under at least four environments were identified on chromosomes 1, 4, 6, 7, 9, and 10 in the populations. Moreover, QTL on chr. 1, chr. 4, and chr. 9 were detected in both populations. These chromosomal regions could be targets for marker-assisted selection, fine mapping, and map-based cloning in maize.  相似文献   

玉米叶绿素含量的QTL定位   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
王爱玉  张春庆 《遗传》2008,30(8):1083-1091
为了探讨玉米叶绿素含量的遗传规律, 以A150-3-2×Mo17杂交组配的189个F2单株作为作图群体, 构建了具有112个标记位点的玉米分子遗传图谱, 于喇叭口期和开花期分别进行了玉米叶绿素a含量(chla), 叶绿素b含量(chlb), 其他叶绿素含量(chlc)和叶绿素总含量(chlz)4个性状的测定, 并进行QTL分析。在喇叭口期和开花期共检测到32个QTL, 分布在除第6和10染色体以外的其他染色体上。在喇叭口期检测到24个QTL, 分布于第1、2、3、5、7、8和9染色体上, 叶绿素a、叶绿素b、其他叶绿素和叶绿素总含量各检测到6个QTL, 在同一区间内检测到的4个性状的QTL之间的距离在0~2 cM之间。喇叭口期检测到控制叶绿素a、叶绿素b、其他叶绿素和叶绿素总含量的4个主效QTL位于第5染色体上的umc1098~bnlg557区间, 分别可解释表型变异的11.63%、10.3%、10.77%和11.51%。开花期检测到8个QTL, 分布于第4和5染色体上。其中叶绿素a、叶绿素b、其他叶绿素和叶绿素总含量各2个QTL。标记umc1098和bnlg557之间同时存在控制喇叭口期4个叶绿素含量性状的QTL和开花期控制叶绿素a和叶绿素b的QTL。标记umc2308和bnlg386之间只存在控制开花期4个叶绿素含量性状的QTL。  相似文献   

QTL mapping with near-isogenic lines in maize   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A set of 89 near-isogenic lines (NILs) of maize was created using marker-assisted selection. Nineteen genomic regions, identified by restriction fragment length polymorphism loci and chosen to represent portions of all ten maize chromosomes, were introgressed by backcrossing three generations from donor line Tx303 into the B73 genetic background. NILs were genotyped at an additional 128 simple sequence repeat loci to estimate the size of introgressions and the amount of background introgression. Tx303 introgressions ranged in size from 10 to 150 cM, with an average of 60 cM. Across all NILs, 89% of the Tx303 genome is represented in targeted and background introgressions. The average proportion of background introgression was 2.5% (range 0–15%), significantly lower than the expected value of 9.4% for third backcross generation lines developed without marker-assisted selection. The NILs were grown in replicated field evaluations in two years to map QTLs for flowering time traits. A parallel experiment of testcrosses of each NIL to the unrelated inbred, Mo17, was conducted in the same environments to map QTLs in NIL testcross hybrids. QTLs affecting days to anthesis, days to silking, and anthesis-silk interval were detected in both inbreds and hybrids in both environments. The testing environments differed dramatically for drought stress, and different sets of QTLs were detected across environments. Furthermore, QTLs detected in inbreds were typically different from QTLs detected in hybrids, demonstrating the genetic complexity of flowering time. NILs can serve as a valuable genetic mapping resource for maize breeders and geneticists. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Stomata are adjustable pores on leaf surfaces that regulate the tradeoff of CO2 uptake with water vapor loss, thus having critical roles in controlling photosynthetic carbon gain and plant water use. The lack of easy, rapid methods for phenotyping epidermal cell traits have limited discoveries about the genetic basis of stomatal patterning. A high-throughput epidermal cell phenotyping pipeline is presented here and used for quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping in field-grown maize (Zea mays). The locations and sizes of stomatal complexes and pavement cells on images acquired by an optical topometer from mature leaves were automatically determined. Computer estimated stomatal complex density (SCD; R2 = 0.97) and stomatal complex area (SCA; R2 = 0.71) were strongly correlated with human measurements. Leaf gas exchange traits were genetically correlated with the dimensions and proportions of stomatal complexes (rg = 0.39–0.71) but did not correlate with SCD. Heritability of epidermal traits was moderate to high (h2 = 0.42–0.82) across two field seasons. Thirty-six QTL were consistently identified for a given trait in both years. Twenty-four clusters of overlapping QTL for multiple traits were identified, with univariate versus multivariate single marker analysis providing evidence consistent with pleiotropy in multiple cases. Putative orthologs of genes known to regulate stomatal patterning in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) were located within some, but not all, of these regions. This study demonstrates how discovery of the genetic basis for stomatal patterning can be accelerated in maize, a C4 model species where these processes are poorly understood.

Optical topometry and machine learning tools allow assessment of epidermal cell patterning and analysis of its genetic architecture alongside leaf photosynthetic gas exchange in maize.  相似文献   

Three types of sterile cytoplasm in cytoplasmic-male-sterility (CMS) maize, T, C and S, can be identified according to their fertility-restoration and mitochondrial DNA RFLP patterns. CMS-S, which is the least stable among the three types of CMS, is controlled by sterile cytoplasm interactions with certain nuclear-encoded factors. We constructed a high-resolution map of loci associated with male-restoration of CMS-S in BC1 populations of maize. The map covers 1730.29 cM, including 32 RFLP, 51 SSR 62 RAPD and 21 AFLP markers. Genome-wide QTL analysis detected 6 QTLs with significant effects on male fertility as assessed by their starch-filled pollen ratios. Four QTLs out of six were located between the SSR markers MSbnlg1633-Mrasg20, MSbnlg1662-Msume1126, MSume1230-MSumc1525, and RAPD marker MraopQ07-2-MraopK06-2 on chromosome 2. Two other minor loci were mapped between MraopK16-1-Mraopi4-1, on chromosome 9, and between Msuncbnlg1139-MraopR10-2, on chromosome 6. The Rf3 nuclear restoring gene was precisely located on the chromosome 2, 2.29 cM to the left of umc1525 and 8.9 cM to the right of umc1230. The results provide important markers for marker-assisted selection of stable CMS-S maize.  相似文献   

QTL analysis of root traits as related to phosphorus efficiency in soybean   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Background and Aims

Low phosphorus (P) availability is a major constraint to soybean growth and production, especially in tropical and subtropical areas. Root traits have been shown to play critical roles in P efficiency in crops. Identification of the quantitative trait loci (QTLs) conferring superior root systems could significantly enhance genetic improvement in soybean P efficiency.


A population of 106 F9 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from a cross between BD2 and BX10, which contrast in both P efficiency and root architecture, was used for mapping and QTL analysis. Twelve traits were examined in acid soils. A linkage map was constructed using 296 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers with the Kosambi function, and the QTLs associated with these traits were detected by composite interval mapping and multiple-QTL mapping.

Key Results

The first soybean genetic map based on field data from parental genotypes contrasting both in P efficiency and root architecture was constructed. Thirty-one putative QTLs were detected on five linkage groups, with corresponding contribution ratios of 9·1–31·1 %. Thirteen putative QTLs were found for root traits, five for P content, five for biomass and five for yield traits. Three clusters of QTLs associated with the traits for root and P efficiency at low P were located on the B1 linkage group close to SSR markers Satt519 and Satt519-Sat_128, and on the D2 group close to Satt458; and one cluster was on the B1 linkage group close to Satt519 at high P.


Most root traits in soybean were conditioned by more than two minor QTLs. The region closer to Satt519 on the B1 linkage group might have great potential for future genetic improvement for soybean P efficiency through root selection.  相似文献   

Yuan L  Tang J  Wang X  Li C 《PloS one》2012,7(6):e38696
During maize development and reproduction, shading stress is an important abiotic factor influencing grain yield. To elucidate the genetic basis of shading stress in maize, an F(2:3) population derived from two inbred lines, Zhong72 and 502, was used to evaluate the performance of six traits under shading treatment and full-light treatment at two locations. The results showed that shading treatment significantly decreased plant height and ear height, reduced stem diameter, delayed day-to-tassel (DTT) and day-to-silk (DTS), and increased anthesis-silking interval (ASI). Forty-three different QTLs were identified for the six measured traits under shading and full light treatment at two locations, including seven QTL for plant height, nine QTL for ear height, six QTL for stem diameter, seven QTL for day-to-tassel, six QTL for day-to-silk, and eight QTL for ASI. Interestingly, three QTLs, qPH4, qEH4a, and qDTT1b were detected under full sunlight and shading treatment at two locations simultaneously, these QTL could be used for selecting elite hybrids with high tolerance to shading and high plant density. And the two QTL, qPH10 and qDTS1a, were only detected under shading treatment at two locations, should be quit for selecting insensitive inbred line in maize breeding procedure by using MAS method.  相似文献   

A high-resolution chromosome arm-specific mapping population was used in an attempt to locate/detect gene(s)/QTL for different root traits on the short arm of rye chromosome 1 (1RS) in bread wheat. This population consisted of induced homoeologous recombinants of 1RS with 1BS, each originating from a different crossover event and distinct from all other recombinants in the proportions of rye and wheat chromatin present. It provides a simple and powerful approach to detect even small QTL effects using fewer progeny. A promising empirical Bayes method was applied to estimate additive and epistatic effects for all possible marker pairs simultaneously in a single model. This method has an advantage for QTL analysis in minimizing the error variance and detecting interaction effects between loci with no main effect. A total of 15 QTL effects, 6 additive and 9 epistatic, were detected for different traits of root length and root weight in 1RS wheat. Epistatic interactions were further partitioned into inter-genomic (wheat and rye alleles) and intra-genomic (rye–rye or wheat–wheat alleles) interactions affecting various root traits. Four common regions were identified involving all the QTL for root traits. Two regions carried QTL for almost all the root traits and were responsible for all the epistatic interactions. Evidence for inter-genomic interactions is provided. Comparison of mean values supported the QTL detection.  相似文献   

The relationship between root-hair growth, acid exudation and phosphorus (P) uptake as well as the quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with these traits were determined for a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population derived from the cross of two contrasting common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) genotypes, DOR364 and G19833, which were grown in solution culture and under field conditions with low-P availability. In the solution-culture study, root-hair density, root-hair length, H+ exudation and total acid exudation were measured. Substantial genotypic variability was observed for these traits and their response to P availability. The P-efficient parent G19833 had greater root-hair density, longer root-hair length, and greater exudation of H+ and total acid than the P-inefficient genotype DOR364. These traits segregated continuously in the RIL population, with obvious tendency of trait transgression. Genetic analysis revealed that the root traits measured had various heritabilities, with h b 2 ranging from 43.24 to 86.70%. Using an integrated genetic map developed for the population, a total of 19 QTLs associated with root hair, acid exudation and P-uptake traits were detected on 8 linkage groups. P uptake in the field was positively correlated with total acid exudation, basal root-hair length, and basal root-hair density. Acid-exudation traits were intercorrelated, as were root-hair traits. Total acid exudation was positively correlated with basal root-hair density and length. Linkage analysis revealed that some of the root-trait QTLs were closely linked with QTLs for P uptake in the field. We propose that marker-assisted selection (MAS) might be a feasible alternative to conventional screening of phenotypic root traits.  相似文献   

QTL mapping of resistance to Sporisorium reiliana in maize   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We mapped and characterized quantitative trait loci (QTL) for resistance to Sporisorium reiliana. A population of 220 F3 families produced from the cross of two European elite inbreds (D32, D145) was evaluated with two replications at a French location with high natural incidence of S. reiliana and at a Chinese location employing artificial inoculation. The 220 F3 families were genotyped with 87 RFLP and seven SSR markers. Using composite interval mapping, we identified two different sets of 3 and 8 QTL for the French and the Chinese locations explaining 13% and 44% of respectively. Individual QTL explained up to 14% of σ^2 p. The 11 QTL mapped to eight maize chromosomes and displayed mostly additive or partial dominant gene action. Significant digenic epistatic interactions were detected for one pair of these QTL. Only a few QTL for S. reiliana were in common with QTL for resistance to Ustilago maydis and Puccinia sorghi, identified at a German location for the same population. Consequently, in our materials resistance to these three fungal pathogens of maize seems to be inherited independently. Received: 14. December 1998 / Accepted: 30 January 1999  相似文献   

Mathematically-derived traits from two or more component traits, either by addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division, have been frequently used in genetics and breeding. When used in quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping, derived traits sometimes show discrepancy with QTL identified for the component traits. We used three QTL distributions and three genetic effects models, and an actual maize mapping population, to investigate the efficiency of using derived traits in QTL mapping, and to understand the genetic and biological basis of derived-only QTL, i.e., QTL identified for a derived trait but not for any component trait. Results indicated that the detection power of the four putative QTL was consistently greater than 90% for component traits in simulated populations, each consisting of 200 recombinant inbred lines. Lower detection power and higher false discovery rate (FDR) were observed when derived traits were used. In an actual maize population, simulations were designed based on the observed QTL distributions and effects. When derived traits were used, QTL detected for both component and derived traits had comparable power, but those detected for component traits but not for derived traits had low detection power. The FDR from subtraction and division in the maize population were higher than the FDR from addition and multiplication. The use of derived traits increased the gene number, caused higher-order gene interactions than observed in component traits, and possibly complicated the linkage relationship between QTL as well. The increased complexity of the genetic architecture with derived traits may be responsible for the reduced detection power and the increased FDR. Derived-only QTL identified in practical genetic populations can be explained either as minor QTL that are not significant in QTL mapping of component traits, or as false positives.  相似文献   

Grain yield (GY) is one of the most important and complex quantitative traits in maize (Zea mays L.) breeding practice. Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for GY and three kernel-related traits were detected in a set of recombinant inbred lines (RILs). One hundred and seven simple sequence repeats (SSRs) and 168 insertion/deletion polymorphism markers (Indels) were used to genotype RILs. Eight QTLs were found to be associated with four yield-related traits: GY, 100-kernel weight (HKW), 10-kernel length (KL), and 10-kernel length width (KW). Each QTL explained between 5.96 (qKL2-1) and 13.05 (qKL1-1) per cent of the phenotypic variance. Notably, one common QTL, located at the marker interval between bnlg1893 and chr2-236477 (chromosomal bin 2.09) simultaneously controlled GY and HKW; another common QTL, at bin 2.03 was simultaneously responsible for HKW and KW. Of the QTLs identified, only one pair of significant epistatic interaction involved in chromosomal region at bin 2.03 was detected for HKW; no significant QTL × environment interactions were observed. These results provide the common QTLs and for marker-assisted breeding.  相似文献   


Key message

Genetic diversity in elite rye germplasm as well as F 2:3 testcross design enables fast QTL mapping to approach genes controlling grain yield, grain weight, tiller number and heading date in rye hybrids.


Winter rye (Secale cereale L.) is a multipurpose cereal crop closely related to wheat, which offers the opportunity for a sustainable production of food and feed and which continues to emerge as a renewable energy source for the production of bioethanol and biomethane. Rye contributes to increase agricultural crop species diversity particularly in Central and Eastern Europe. In contrast to other small grain cereals, knowledge on the genetic architecture of complex inherited, agronomic important traits is yet limited for the outbreeding rye. We have performed a QTL analysis based on a F2:3 design and testcross performance of 258 experimental hybrids in multi-environmental field trials. A genetic linkage map covering 964.9 cM based on SSR, conserved-orthologous set (COS), and mixed-phase dominant DArT markers allowed to describe 22 QTL with significant effects for grain yield, heading date, tiller number, and thousand grain weight across seven environments. Using rye COS markers, orthologous segments for these traits have been identified in the rice genome, which carry cloned and functionally characterized rice genes. The initial genome scan described here together with the existing knowledge on candidate genes provides the basis for subsequent analyses of the genetic and molecular mechanisms underlying agronomic important traits in rye.

Root elongation induced by phosphorus deficiency has been reported as one of the adaptive mechanisms in plants. Genetic differences were found in rice for the root elongation under phosphorus deficiency (REP), for which a distinct quantitative trait locus (QTL) was detected on the long arm of chromosome 6. Subsequently, the effect and position of the QTL, designated as qREP-6, were confirmed using chromosome segment substitution lines (CSSLs), in which the background of a japonica cultivar, ‘Nipponbare’ with non-REP, was partially substituted by chromosomal segments from an indica cultivar, ‘Kasalath’ with remarkable REP. Out of 54 CSSLs, two lines (CSSL28 and CSSL29) that retain a common ‘Kasalath’-derived segment on the long arm of chromosome 6 showed a significantly high REP. The high REP lines also showed high adaptabilities such as enhanced tillering ability and shoot phosphorus content. Accordingly, conditional dependencies between the related traits were assessed using a graphical Gaussian model (GGM). Direct interactions between REP and root length, and between root length and tiller number were detected under P deficiency in CSSLs. Furthermore, qREP-6 for REP and qTNP-6 for tiller number under P deficiency were fine-mapped with an F2 population of a cross between Nipponbare and CSSL29. A region containing qREP-6 accounted for more than half of the phenotypic variance, the most plausible interval of which contained 37 candidate genes. The result provides a foundation for cloning of the qREP-6 gene which will be applicable to study P deficiency-dependent response and to improve rice’s adaptability to P deficiency stress. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

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