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Summary Protoplasts of a chloroplast-defective cultivar of Nicotiana tabacum were fused with gamma-irradiated protoplasts of Petunia hybrida. Over 100 photoautotrophic plants were regenerated; of these 94 were tested for Petunia chloroplast traits and all but one had Petunia chloroplasts based on their sensitivity to the fungal toxin, tentoxin. Chloroplast DNA was analysed for 3 of the sensitive plants and was shown to be identical to Petunia chloroplast DNA. Most of the plants (about 70%) appeared to be normal N. tabacum plants, based on morphology and chromosome number. They were fully fertile with normal pollen viability, seed set, and seed viability. The remaining 30% of the plants showed varying degrees of vegetative and reproductive abnormalities.The techniques of somatic cell genetics have led to many possible nuclear-organellar combinations that may be considered as cybrids. In this paper, we use the term to include the combination of nucleus from one species and chloroplast from another species  相似文献   

Summary Protoplasts of a mutant line of Nicotiana tabacum having a maternally-transmitted chlorophyll deficiency were fused with protoplasts of two alloplasmic-male-sterile Nicotiana lines by the donor-recipient technique. In both fusion experiments variegated plantlets were regenerated which were shown to contain cytoplasms of mixed chloroplast nature. This confirms that with the donor-recipient method one can obtain mixed cytoplasms of genetically different chloroplasts. We present a convenient system to assay for genetic recombination between chloroplasts by combining use of several cytoplasmic markers: vis. chlorophyll pigmentation, chloroplast DNA restriction patterns, tentoxin resistance and male sterility. Within the limits of the experiment no recombinant types were recovered.  相似文献   

Summary Embryogenic nucellar-callus from three Citrus types was used for protoplast isolation. The protoplasts were fused by the donor-recipient procedure by which the nuclear-division of the donor-protoplasts was arrested by gamma-irradiation and the metabolism of unfused recipient-protoplasts was transiently inhibited by iodoacetate. The following fusion combinations were performed: (1) Poorman x Poncirus trifoliata with Villafranca lemon; (2) Poorman x P. trifoliata with Sour orange; (3) Sour orange with Villafranca. Combinations 1, 2 and 3 resulted in 120 (125), 70 (5) and 19 (89) calli (regenerated plants), respectively. The mitochondrial-DNA (mtDNA) restriction profiles of Poorman x P. trifoliata obtained by fragmentation with Bcl I, Bam H1 or Sal I differed from the respective profiles of Villafranca and Sour orange but no differences in mtDNA restriction profiles were detected between Villafranca and Sour orange. When Southern blots of Villafranca and Sour orange mtDNAs were hybridized with radiolabelled heterologous mtDNA probes, the mtDNAs of these two Citrus types could be differentiated. The fusion-derived plants from all three donor-recipient combinations had the recipients morphological (nuclear-coded) features. MtDNA restriction profiles, with and without hybridization to heterologous probes, indicated that the analysed plants were cybrids.Contribution from the Agricultural Research Organization, The Volcani Center, Bet Dagan, Israel, No. 1917 E, 1986 series  相似文献   

To investigate cytoplasmic effects on homeotic floral morphology, Nicotiana tabacum and N. suaveolens protoplasts were fused and cybrids obtained to contrast with the sexual alloplasmic line Nta(sua)S. Nta(sua)S contains the nucleus of N. tabacum and cytoplasm of N. suaveolens while cybrids derive from fused cells where the cytoplasms can interact. The three male-sterile somatic cybrid plants analyzed contained mitochondria with N. tabacum and N. suaveolens mtDNA sequences, but not all the N. tabacum or all the N. suaveolens mtDNA sequences were present. The flowers were N. tabacum-like but with a split corolla (not observed in Nta(sua)S) and the whorl of stamens replaced by a whorl of carpel-like structures. Based on scanning electron microscopy the carpelloid stamens had a characteristic N. tabacum stigma, a style of variable length and a pseudo-ovary with ovule-like structures. The Southern blot data were consistent with mtDNA recombination. These genomic changes were maternally inherited. Chloroplasts were either of the N. tabacum or N. suaveolens type. AFLP analysis showed transfer of variable amounts of N. suaveolens nuclear DNA. However, it is the presence of the N. suaveolens sequences and/or absence of N. tabacum sequences in the mitochondria that correlates with the homeotic floral morphology. These cybrids will facilitate the analysis of the role of mitochondrial DNA sequences in floral organ identity; which has received limited attention in genetic flowering models based primarily on Arabidopsis research.  相似文献   

Summary The mitochondrial genomes of cybrids of Nicotiana tabacum containing chloroplasts of Petunia hybrida were characterized by restriction endonuclease digestion and agarose gel electrophoresis. Cybrids that displayed normal growth and development contained mitochondrial DNA indistinguishable from N. tabacum mitochondrial DNA. Cybrids that displayed abnormal growth and development contained mitochondrial DNA that differed from N. tabacum either by possessing a few additional fragments, by lacking a few fragments, or both. In spite of these differences, the mitochondrial DNA of cybrids showing abnormal growth and development was much more similar to N. tabacum than to P. hybrida mitochondrial DNA. In those cybrids that contained P. hybrida chloroplasts and N. tabacum mitochondria, cotransfer of cytoplasmic organelles did not occur. Although P. hybrida chloroplasts can interact compatibly with the N. tabacum nucleus, no cybrids were found in which P. hybrida mitochondria coexisted with the N. tabacum nucleus.  相似文献   

Nicotiana tabacum was used as a pistillate parent and crossed with three self-compatible species, N. rustica, N. repanda and N. trigonophylla, which were previously reported to have pollen tubes unilaterally inhibited by N. tabacum pistil. Temporal and morphological observations revealed distinct differences of pollen tube behavior among these incongruous crosses. Pollen tubes of N. repanda were arrested in stigma and those of N. rustica in the middle of the style. On the other hand, pollen tubes of N. trigonophylla continued growing at a slow rate. Tubes of N. repanda and N. rustica showed morphological abnormalities such as swelling, thick wall, and irregular callose deposition. In addition, tubes of N. rustica often elongated in reverse direction and wound about in the middle of the style. Although the tubes of N. trigonophylla were apparently normal in morphology, they were distributed throughout the transmitting tissue, differing from the self-pollination of N. tabacum in which they were confined to the peripheral region of it. The diversity of pollen tube behavior indicates that physiological causes of incongruity are different among the three crosses. Bud pollination enabled pollen tubes to reach the ovary in all crosses, indicating that the N. tabacum pistil acquired its ability to inhibit foreign pollen tube elongation with its development. When interspecific hybrids between N. tabacum and the other three species were pollinated by parental species, tubes reached the ovary in all crosses, but the elongation rate of tubes slowed down and morphology was abnormal.  相似文献   

Summary In a previous study, six recombination sites have been confirmed in the chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) of pt14, a somatic hybrid of Nicotiana tabacum and Nicotiana plumbaginifolia. In the present study, physical mapping revealed six recombination sites in the 11.4-kb SalI fragment alone, only one of which has been previously identified. This fragment is located in the large unique region. We assume, therefore, that the pt14 cpDNA is a fine mosaic of the parental genomes with a recombination site about every 2 kb. A 748-bp region that comprised the intergenic region between ORF73 and ORF74B, and 460 bp of the petD intron have been sequenced. Parent-specific sequences in the pt14 DNA defined the regions within which recombination took place. The exact site of recombination events could not be determined because the parental sequences were identical between the polymorphic markers, and these sequences have been preserved in the pt14 line.  相似文献   

Inheritance of organelle genomes in citrus somatic cybrids   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) were used for the characterization of citrus organelle inheritance in somatic cybrids produced during six different citrus protoplast fusions. All the cybrids in this work inherited their mitochondrial genome from the embryogenic fusion partner (callus or cell suspension). In some of the combinations, non-parental bands were observed among the mitochondrial configurations. In contrast, the cybrids inherited plastid DNA from either the embryogenic or the nonembryogenic (leaf) fusion partner. The relative abundance of organelle DNAs in the embryogenic and leaf cells was in accordance with these inheritance patterns. Stochastic processes may therefore influence the outcome of somatic cell fusions with respect to organelle genomes.  相似文献   

Summary Somatic hybrid plants, produced between Nicotiana rustica and N. tabacum by heterokaryon isolation and culture and also by mutant complementation, were examined regarding their ability to set seed. From a total of seventeen independent somatic hybrids, three were found to be partially self-fertile while the others did not set seed. Differences regarding the methods of hybrid selection, parental varieties and chloroplast composition of hybrids did not appear to be significant regarding the ability of plants to set seed. Much variation in fertility was observed in subsequent generations and by recurrent selection of the most fertile, over two generations, it was possible to increase the level of self-fertility in some of the progeny. One R2 derivative possessed approximately a tenfold higher level of self-fertility than it's somatic hybrid parent. The presence of genetic markers from both parents were observed in all progeny indicating their hybrid nature.  相似文献   

Male-sterile chicory cybrids obtained by intergeneric protoplast fusion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Male-sterile chicory plants were obtained by fusion of chicory mesophyll protoplasts and hypocotyl protoplasts derived from male-sterile sunflower plants. The protoplasts of both species were fused by the PEG method and the products were selected manually and cultivated at very low density in a liquid medium. Three to twenty percent of the heterokaryocytes divided and evolved into microcalli, then into calli where budding could be induced. The mitochondrial genome of ten male-sterile or totally sterile plants was studied. Restriction endonuclease profiles of mitochondrial DNA and molecular hybridization with specific genes of the mitochondrial genome used as probes indicated that mitochondrial DNA rearrangement had occurred between sunflower and chicory and the intensity of the rearrangements correlated with the degree of sterility of the different plants.  相似文献   

Summary The molecular size of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) molecules and the number of copies of mtDNA per mitochondrion were evaluated from cultured cells of the tobacco BY-2 line derived fromNicotiana tabacum L. cv. Bright Yellow-2. To determine the DNA content per mitochondrion, protoplasts of cultured cells were stained with 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI), and the intensity of the fluorescence emitted from the mitochondrial nuclei (mt-nuclei) was measured with a video-intensified photon counting microscope system (VIM system). Each mitochondrion except for those undergoing a division contained one mt-nucleus. The most frequently measured size of the DNA in the mitochondria was between 120 and 200 kilobase pairs (kbp) throughout the course of culture of the tobacco cells. Mitochondria containing more than 200 kbp of DNA increased significantly in number 24 h after transfer of the cells into fresh medium but their number fell as the culture continued. Because division of mitochondria began soon after transfer of the cells into fresh medium and continued for 3 days, the change of the DNA content per mitochondrion during the culture must correspond to DNA synthesis of mitochondria in the course of mitochondrial division. By contrast, the analyses of products of digestion by restriction endonucleases indicated that the genome size of the mtDNA was at least 270 kbp. Electron microscopy revealed that mtDNAs were circular molecules and their length ranged from 1 to 35 m, and 60% of them ranged from 7 to 11 rn. These results indicate that the mitochondrial genome in tobacco cells consists of multiple species of mtDNA molecules, and mitochondria do not contain all the mtDNA species. Therefore, mitochondria are heterogeneous in mtDNA composition.Abbreviations DAPI 4, 6-diamidino-2-phenylindole - mtDNA mitochondrial DNA - mt-genome mitochondrial genome - mt-nucleus mitochondrial nucleus - ptDNA proplastid DNA - pt-nucleus proplastid nucleus - VIM system video-intensified photon counting microscope system  相似文献   

Summary A physical map containing six restriction sites of the Nicotiana tabacum chloroplast genome, together with the BamHI maps of N. tabacum, N. otophora and N. knightiana, and the SmaI maps of N. acuminata, N. plumbaginifolia, N. langsdorffii, N. otophora, N. tabacum, N. tomentosiformis and N. knightiana was constructed. In Nicotiana chloroplast genomes, the most frequently observed variations are point mutations. Deletions are also detected. Most of the observed changes are confined to one area of the large single copy region, which is designated as the hot spot. Based on the evidence obtained from Nicotiana chloroplast genomes, an origin of the inverted repeats in this genus is proposed. We suggest that the inverted repeats represent a vestige of what were once two identical, complete chloroplast genomes joined together in a head-to-head and tail-to-tail fashion, and that deletions generated the current chloroplast genome organization.  相似文献   

Summary RuBPCase, the enzyme responsible for carboxylation and oxidation of RuBP in a wide variety of photosynthetic organisms, is the major protein found in the chloroplast. Here we present the first evidence for direct expression in E. coli and B. subtilis of tobacco and Chlamydomonas ct-DNA sequences coding for the LS of RuBPCase as demonstrated by a simple in situ immunoassay.  相似文献   

Summary Restoration of male fertility was achieved by fusing protoplasts from male sterile (CMS) Nicotiana sylvestris plants with X-irradiated protoplasts derived from fertile N. tabacum plants. The CMS N. sylvestris plants were derived from a previous somatic hybridization experiment and contained alien (Line 92) cytoplasm. About one quarter of the regenerated plants were found to be cybrids. i.e. they consisted of N. sylvestris nuclei combined with all or some components of N. tabacum cytoplasm. In one half of these cybrids male fertility was restored to different levels. The chloroplasts of the two parental donors differ in respect to tentoxin sensitivity: chloroplasts of CMS N. sylvestris are sensitive while those of N. tabacum are insensitive. It could therefore be demonstrated that there was an independent segregation of chloroplast type and male fertility/sterility: several somatic cybrids were male fertile but tentoxin sensitive and others were tentoxin insensitive yet they were male sterile. Only in about one half of the somatic cybrids was male fertility restored together with restoration to tentoxin insensitivity.  相似文献   

Summary Mesophyll protoplasts of plastome chlorophyll-deficient, streptomycin-resistant Nicotiana tabacum were fused with those of wild type Atropa belladonna using the polyethylene-glycol/high pH/high Ca++/dimethylsulfoxide method. Protoplasts were cultured in nutrient media suitable for regeneration of tobacco but not Atropa cells. In two experiments, a total of 41 cell lines have been selected as green colonies. Cytogenetic (chromosomal number and morphology) and biochemical (isozyme analyses of esterase, amylase and peroxidase) studies were used to evaluate the nuclear genetic constitution of regenerated plants. To study plastid genetic constitution, restriction endonuclease analysis of chloroplast DNA was performed. Three groups of regenerants have been identified: (a) nuclear hybrids (4 cell lines); (b) Atropa plants, most probably arising from rare surviving parental protoplasts (4 lines) and (c) Nicotiana/Atropa cybrids possessing a tobacco genome and an Atropa plastome (33 lines). Most of cybrids obtained were diploid, morphologically normal plants phenotypically similar to tobacco. Some plants flowered and yielded viable seeds. Part of cybrid regenerants were variegated, variegation being transmitted to sexual progeny. Electron microscopic analysis of the mesophyll cells of variegated leaves revealed the presence of heteroplastidic cells. Analysis of thylakoid membrane polypeptides shows that in the cybrids the content of at least one of the major polypeptides, presumably a chlorophyll a/b binding protein is drastically reduced.  相似文献   

Summary Nicotiana chloroplast genomes exhibit a high degree of diversity and a general similarity as revealed by restriction enzyme analysis. This property can be measured accurately by restriction enzymes which generate over 20 fragments. However, the restriction enzymes which generate a small number (about 10) of fragments are extremely useful not only in constructing the restriction maps but also in establishing the sequence of ct-DNA evolution. By using a single enzyme, Sma I, a elimination and sequential gain of its recognition sites during the course of ct-DNA evolution is clearly demonstrated. Thus, a sequence of ct-DNA evolution for many Nicotiana species is formulated. The observed changes are all clustered in one region to form a hot spot in the circular molecule of ct-DNA. The mechanisms involved for such alterations are mostly point mutations but inversion and deficiency are also indicated. Since there is a close correlation between the ct-DNA evolution and speciation in Nicotiana a high degree of cooperation and coordination betwen organellar and nuclear genomes is evident.  相似文献   

Summary The genetic constitution of the cell hybrids Atropa belladonna + Nicotiana chinensis, obtained by cloning of individual heteroplasmic protoplast fusion products (Gleba et al. 1982) and cultured in vitro for 12 months, has been studied. The study comprised 11 hybrid cell clones of independent origin and included analysis of a) chromosome number, size, morphology, and relative position in metaphase plates, b) multiple molecular forms of the enzymes esterase and amylase, and c) relative nuclear DNA content. The data obtained permit us to conclude that, after one year of unorganized growth in vitro, the cells of most (8) clones had retained chromosomes of both parents, while species-specific elimination of nearly all Atropa chromosomes had occurred in three clones. About half of the non-segregating clones possess 120–150 chromosomes including 50–70 of Atropa and 50–90 of Nicotiana. Other clones are polyploid and possess 200–250 chromosomes with a predominance of either Atropa or Nicotiana chromosome types. Only a few chromosomal changes (reconstituted chromosomes, ring chromosomes) have been detected. In some metaphase plates, chromosomes of the two parents tend to group separately, indicating non-random arrangement of chromosomes of the two parents within the hybrid nucleus. Cytophotometric studies of the relative nuclear DNA content showed that distribution histograms for cell clones were similar to those of non-hybrid cultured cells. Cell populations were relatively homogenous and do not indicate any genetic instability as a result of hybridization between remote plant species. Biochemical analysis of isoenzyme patterns confirmed that in most cell clones, species-specific multiple molecular forms of esterase and amylase from both parents were present, i.e. genetic material of both parental species was expressed in the cell hybrids.Dedicated to Professor G. Melchers with gratitude  相似文献   

The tobacco cultivar Nicotiana tabacum is a natural amphidiploid that is thought to be derived from ancestors of Nicotiana sylvestris and Nicotiana tomentosiformis. To compare these chloroplast genomes, DNA was prepared from isolated chloroplasts from green leaves of N. sylvestris and N. tomentosiformis, and subjected to whole-genome shotgun sequencing. The N. sylvestris chloroplast genome comprises of 155,941 bp and shows identical gene organization with that of N. tabacum, except one ORF. Detailed comparison revealed only seven different sites between N. tabacum and N. sylvestris; three in introns, two in spacer regions and two in coding regions. The chloroplast DNA of N. tomentosiformis is 155,745 bp long and possesses also identical gene organization with that of N. tabacum, except four ORFs and one pseudogene. However, 1,194 sites differ between these two species. Compared with N. tabacum, the nucleotide substitution in the inverted repeat was much lower than that in the single-copy region. The present work confirms that the chloroplast genome from N. tabacum was derived from an ancestor of N. sylvestris, and suggests that the rate of nucleotide substitution of the chloroplast genomes from N. tabacum and N. sylvestris is very low. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

Summary Protoplasts of Nicotiana tabacum SRI (streptomycin resistant) and of Nicotiana knightiana (streptomycin sensitive) were fused using polyethylene glycol treatment. From three heterokaryons 500 clones were obtained. From the 43 which were further investigated, 6 resistant, 3 sensitive, and 34 chimeric (consisting of resistant and sensitive sectors) calli were found. From eight clones, a total of 39 plants were regenerated and identified as somatic hybrids. Chloroplast type (N. tabacum = NT or N. knightiana = NK) in the plants was determined on the basis of the species specific EcoRI restriction pattern of the chloroplast DNA. Regenerates contained NT (13 plants) or NK (15 plants) plastids but only the plants with the NT chloroplasts were resistant to streptomycin. This finding and our earlier data on uniparental inheritance points to the chloroplasts as the carriers of the streptomycin resistance factor.  相似文献   

Sulfur reduction in tobacco plants is a light-enhanced process that predominantly takes place in the leaves rather than the roots. The amount of sulfate reduced in mature leaves can exceed their own requirement and enables an export of reduced sulfur, both basipetal toward the roots as well as acropetal toward the growing parts of the stem. Evidence is presented that translocation of reduced sulfur toward the roots occurs in the phloem. TLC and paper chromatography reveal that glutathione is the main transport form of reduced sulfur in tobacco plants; 67–70% of reduced 35S was confined to glutathione, 27–30% to methionine, and 2–8% to cysteine.Abbreviation TLC thin-layer chromatography  相似文献   

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