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程达 《生命世界》2007,(2):66-69
近年来,随着市场的热炒,普洱茶承载了太多的沉重使命,历史的、文化的、艺术的、商业的,过去、现在、未来,甚至担负了云南茶产业做大做强的希望。于是乎,它的热是一浪高过一浪,厂家、商家蜂拥而现,各种俗称、概念风声水起,生茶、熟茶、传统普洱茶、现代普洱茶、普洱古茶、乔木普洱茶、台地普洱茶、大树普洱茶等让人眼花缭乱,茶叶界、商界、学术界众说纷纭,莫衷一是,大有“横看成岭侧成峰”之势。  相似文献   

当前,随着生物技术的飞速发展,微生物学涵盖的领域越来越广,交叉学科的研究也越来越受到关注。除了已有的微生物学、病毒学、基因工程、细胞工程、酶工程、发酵工程之外,基因组学、代谢工程、纳米科学、生物炼制、生物质能等也逐步成为微生物学研究的热门领域。为了更加系统、集中地反映各个领域的研究成果,以及该领域学科的热点难点问题,充分发挥《微生物学通报》的学科引领和导向作用,促进学  相似文献   

<正>当前,随着生物技术的飞速发展,微生物学涵盖的领域越来越广,交叉学科的研究也越来越受到关注。除了已有的微生物学、病毒学、基因工程、细胞工程、酶工程、发酵工程之外,基因组学、代谢工程、纳米科学、生物炼制、生物  相似文献   

自序摘要人类生在这个星球上,从开始到现在以至将来都是为了一个目标:争取食物,摆脱饥饿与贫困。为了达到这个目标,人类就需要不断壮大自己,加强五官、手脚、肌肤的力量。望远镜,显微镜,照相机是眼睛的延长,有线无线电话是耳和口的延长,温度计、湿度计、气压计、空气污染计是鼻和皮肤的延长;宇宙飞船、飞机、轮船、汽车、火车是腿的延长,各类机器是手的延长,因特网,电脑,复印机是大脑的延长,为了保护自己的食物,还得壮大自己的拳头和体力,并且加入一种集团,枪、炮、核弹头是拳头的延长;国家、政府、军队、法律是体力的延…  相似文献   

当前,随着生物技术的飞速发展,微生物学涵盖的领域越来越广,交叉学科的研究也越来越受到关注。除了已有的微生物学、病毒学、基因工程、细胞工程、酶工程、发酵工程之外,基因组学、代谢工程、纳米  相似文献   

天目湖位于江苏、安徽、浙江三省交界处的历史名城溧阳市境内,地处长三角中心地带,四通八达的高速公路使天目湖与南京、常州、无锡、苏州、上海、杭州等城市连成一体。湖周群山环抱,湖水清冽,间有画若棋盘的田畔、疏密错落的茶园,到处是一幅幅纯自然的田园风光图,湖岸蜿蜒曲折,自然景色与人工点缀相得益彰。景区内古树名木众多,野生动物栖息繁衍,山、水、林、禽、兽同生共荣,构成一幅奇特的大自然生态图。  相似文献   

当前,随着生物技术的飞速发展,微生物学涵盖的领域越来越广,交叉学科的研究也越来越受到关注。除了已有的微生物学、病毒学、基因工程、细胞工程、酶工程、发酵工程之外,基因组学、代谢工程、纳米科学、生物炼制、生物质能等也逐步成为微生物学研究的热门领域。为了更加系统、集中地反映各个领域的研究成果,以及该领域学科的热点难点问题,充分发挥《微生物学通报》的学科引领和导向作用,促进学科发展,为某个领域的科研人员提供一个交流的平台,《微生物学  相似文献   

树桩盆景培育时间短,育成后观赏价值较高,深受广大盆景爱好者青睐。但一些初学者缺乏有关知识,在制作树桩盆景的过程中,往往由于取材或护养不当,成功率不高,造成了资源和时间的浪费。下面介绍一些有关知识和技术。一树桩的野外采挖互.选择适宜的树种我国各地适于制作树桩盆景的植物种类很多,采挖时应因地制宜,选择植物叶片较小,耐荫、耐于旱能力较强,耐砍伐,生命力强盛,寿命较长的树种。如黑松、罗汉松、柏类、银杏、榆、榔榆、枫树、推木、雀梅、山植、合欢、紫蔽、杜鹃、山茶、六月雪、构相、小叶女贞、冬青、黄杨、榕树、赤…  相似文献   

当前,随着生物技术的飞速发展,微生物学涵盖的领域越来越广,交叉学科的研究也越来越受到关注。除了已有的微生物学、病毒学、基因工程、细胞工程、酶工程、发酵工程之外,基因组学、代谢工程、纳米科学、生物炼制、生物质能等也逐步成为微生物学研究的热门领域。为了更加系统、集中地反映各个领域  相似文献   

闫海霞 《生命世界》2009,(10):22-23
青藏高原是世界上最高的高原,平均海拔高度在4000米以上,包括中国西藏自治区和青海省、新疆维吾尔自治区、甘肃省、四川省、云南省的部分,不丹、尼泊尔、印度、巴基斯坦、阿富汗、塔吉克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦的部分或全部,总面积250万平方千米。藏医药发生和发展的摇篮是青藏高原,高原特有的生态环境孕育了特有的植物种群。  相似文献   

牡蛎多糖体外对HepG2.2.15细胞分泌HBsAg、HBeAg的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨牡蛎多糖体外抗乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)的作用.方法 采用HepG2.2.15细胞为体外细胞模型,给予不同浓度牡蛎多糖进行混合培养,作用9d后收集上清液,用ELISA法测定上清液中HBsAg、HBeAg的水平,观察药物对HepG2.2.15细胞分泌病毒杭原的影响,同时以MTT法检测药物在体外对HepG2.2.15细胞生长的抑制作用.结果 牡蛎多糖浓度在0.1~1 000 μg/mL时,对细胞无明显的毒性作用;牡蛎多糖可明显抑制HBsAg、HBeAg的分泌,其半数有效浓度( IC50)分别为362.2、558.6 μg/mL,治疗指数(TI)为>27.6和>17.9.结论 牡蛎多糖体外具有一定的抗HBV作用.  相似文献   

Protean Literacy: Extending the Discourse on Empowerment. Concha Delgado-Gaitan. Washington, D.C.: Falmer Press, 1996. 151 pp.  相似文献   

The temporal-spatial distribution of benthic meiofauna was evaluated in four beaches at the north coast of Havana, Cuba, from March 2003 to February 2004. We studied two urban beaches (Santa Fe and La Concha) and two tourist beaches (Mar Azul and Canasi). Monthly meiofauna samplings were taken by scuba-diving using with a syringe (inner diameter 2.5 cm), and physico-chemical parameters (grain size, interstitial salinity and water column salinity were recorded with standard equipment). Statistical analysis (MDS and ANOSIM) were performed. Depth and biotope kind were the same in the four beaches. Highest densities were obtained in Santa Fe (7,133.48 ind/10 cm2) while the lowest mean densities were found in Canasí (892.12 ind/10 cm2). We recorded 13 taxa; the dominant organisms in Santa Fe and Mar Azul were free-living marine nematodes. Copepods were the dominant organisms in La Concha and Canasí.  相似文献   

几种海洋动物药中氨基酸的测定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文报道了中药瓦楞子、蛤壳、贝齿、鱼脑石、鹅管石中的氨基酸分析,结果表明分别含有13~16种氨基酸,为全面深入地研究和开发这几种海洋动物药提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Kleinhammer C  Corthals GL 《Proteomics》2005,5(18):4648-4650
After one year of preparation the European Proteomics Association (EuPA) was formally inaugurated on August 29, 2005, on the occasion of the 4(th) HUPO World Congress in Munich, Germany. Delegates from 16 European countries elected Dr. Friedrich Lottspeich, President of the German Proteome Society, as the first EuPA President. The EuPA Board also comprises Professor Mathias Uhlen as Vice President, along with Professor Michael Dunn (Ireland), Professor Concha Gil (Spain), Dr. Jean Charles Sanchez (Switzerland) and Professor Pier Giorgio Righetti (Italy) as Coordinators for the presently defined focus activities of the EuPA. The general objectives of the EuPA are to promote proteomic activities throughout Europe, emphasising the benefits and contribution of proteomics to biological researchers, industry, the general public and politicians.  相似文献   

To clarify the genetic ancestry and the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) diversity of the Lidia cattle breed, a 521-bp D-loop fragment was sequenced in 527 animals belonging to 70 herds distributed across 29 lineages. The mtDNA diversity recorded was similar to that seen for Middle Eastern breeds and greater than that recorded for the majority of European breeds. Haplotype T3 was the most common (81%), followed by the African T1 haplotype (17%); very low frequencies were recorded for haplotypes T and T2. The results agree with there being two major ancestral lines for the Lidia breed, European and African, similar to that seen for other Mediterranean breeds. A wide range of variation in haplotype frequencies was seen between the examined lineages. Haplotype T3 was present in all those analysed; in five it was the only one present, and in only one lineage (Miura) was its frequency lower than that of T1. T1*, a haplotype reported in Criollo breeds and to date in only a single European breed (the Retinta breed from Spain), was found in a single animal belonging to the Concha y Sierra lineage. Network analysis of the Lidia breed revealed the presence of two major haplotypes: T3 and T1. The Lidia breed appears to be more closely related to prehistoric Iberian and Italian than to British aurochs.  相似文献   

In most of its anatomical constituents, e.g. in the Helix, etc., the external human ear is homologous to that of all Primates and Scandentia (tree shrews). Thus, its genetic basis is largely older than 60 Mio yrs. Based upon the observation of lifelong growth of the ear (e.g. Montacer-Kuhssary 1959), we aimed to elucidate the growth of the human ear in a more detailed way throughout life and in both sexes. On standardized photographical material collected randomly in Berlin (Germany), we measured N = 1448 ears from neonate children to volunteers of 92 yrs in age. 10 longitudinal measurements and 5 further anatomical parameters yielded a data set of roughly 19,000 data in total. Based upon our cross-section analysis, we quantified several sexual dimorphisms. Furthermore, we deduced ontogenetic developments and, partially, corrected their proportions for secular acceleration and body height shrinking with age. At the time of birth, in proportion to the body, the external ear was even bigger than the large head and continued growing rather linearly throughout life, reaching the highest average lengths in the volunteers aged over 85 yrs. The large yearly increases during childhood began to diminish at as early an age as 8 or 10 yrs. In all parameters where post adult growth was observed, female ears showed a lesser increase than those of men. The greatest ear length in females was 52 mm (SD +/- 4.3 mm) at birth, 61 mm (SD +/- 3.9 mm) at around 20 yrs of age and 72 mm (SD +/- 4.6 mm) in women older than 70 yrs. For the male subjects, these three values were: 52 mm (SD +/- 4.1 mm), 65 mm (SD +/- 4.0 mm) and 78 mm (SD +/- 4.8 mm), respectively. In spite of extreme premature growth of the auricle and its further lifelong growth, three anatomical features of the ear did practically not grow at all after birth: the width of the Concha auriculae and of the Incisura intertragica, as well as the diameter of the helical brim of the auricle. The problems arising concerning the functions and selective values of all these very unusual proportions and growths are discussed. The ontogenetic development of one or more pretragal skin folds could be used as a contribution to age estimations in forensic anthropology.  相似文献   

四川自贡大山铺蜀龙动物群——简报Ⅲ.蜥脚类   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
本文记述了中侏罗世蜥脚类一新属种——巴山酋龙(Datousaurus bashanensts gen. et sp. nov.)对李氏蜀龙(Shunosaurus lii)的特征进行了补充,讨论了它们在蜥脚类进化过程中的位置。  相似文献   

长吻鮠精巢及精子结构的研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
长吻鮠精巢高度分支呈指状。后1/3紫红色,由上皮细胞组成,既不产生精子,也不贮存精子。精巢的内部结构为叶型,由体细胞和生殖细胞构成,小叶的基本单位是小囊。精子头短而圆,主要为核占据,无顶体,核凹窝十分发达,有中心粒帽;尾极长,具侧鳍,轴丝基部有发达的囊泡状结构和线粒体。  相似文献   

本文详细描述了菱臼齿兽耳区各个部分的基本结构;并指出了耳区结构与某些啮齿类的相似性,以及中耳鼓泡组成成份与戈壁(犭亚)兽(Anagale gobiensis)的区别。  相似文献   

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