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Immunoglobulin binding domain B1 of streptococcal protein G (GB1), a small (56 residues), stable, single domain protein, is one of the most extensively used model systems in the area of protein folding and design. The recently determined NMR structure of a quadruple mutant (HS#124F26A, L5V/F30V/Y33F/A34F) revealed a domain-swapped dimer that dissociated into a partially folded, monomeric species at low micromolar protein concentrations. Here, we have characterized this monomeric, partially folded species by NMR and show that extensive conformational heterogeneity for a substantial portion of the polypeptide chain exists. Exchange between the conformers within the monomer ensemble on the microsecond to millisecond timescale renders the majority of backbone amide resonances broadened beyond detection. Despite these extensive temporal and spatial fluctuations, the overall architecture of the monomeric mutant protein resembles that of wild-type GB1 and not the monomer unit of the domain-swapped dimer.  相似文献   

Antithrombin (AT) is a major plasma protease inhibitor with three intramolecular disulfide bonds and a deficiency of it is associated with venous thrombosis. Recently, we prepared CHO cells overexpressing a novel mutant, AT(C95R), with a disulfide bond removed, and revealed that this mutant remained for a long time in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) without being degraded and also accumulated in newly formed membrane structures that resembled Russell bodies (RB) [Tanaka, Y. et al. (2002) J. Biol. Chem. 277, 51058-51067]. In this study, we replaced each of the individual cysteine residues of AT with an arginine and also two paired cysteine residues with arginines. We stably expressed these mutant ATs in CHO cells, and examined the roles of each cysteine residue or disulfide bond in the accumulation of mutant ATs and the formation of RB-like structures. In pulse-chase experiments, the secretion of mutant ATs with single mutations decreased approximately 1/5-1/50 times compared to that of the wild type AT. All of the mutant ATs were retained in the ER and were also found to accumulate in the RB-like structures. On the other hand, the fates of mutant ATs with double mutations fell into two categories. Secretion of mutant AT(C8R,C128R) decreased only approximately 1/2 times and no RB-like structures appeared. Mutants AT(C21R,C95R) and AT(C247R,C430R) exhibited similar secretion kinetics to the mutant ATs with the single mutations and were found in RB-like structures. On a sucrose gradient, all of the mutant ATs that induced RB-like structures migrated as oligomeric structures, whereas wild type AT and AT(C8R,C128R) migrated as monomers. Further, to clarify the morphological pathway through which RB-like structures are formed, we prepared CHO cells in which the expression of AT(C95R) was controlled by the Tet-On system. During expression of AT(C95R), RB-like structures formed through expansion of the ER. These results suggest that the correct folding with each disulfide bond is essential for the secretion of AT and oligomerization of mutant ATs in the ER is involved in the formation of RB-like structures.  相似文献   

Profile of the disulfide bonds in acetylcholinesterase   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
The inter- and intrasubunit disulfide bridges for the 11 S form of acetylcholinesterase isolated from Torpedo californica have been identified. Localized within the basal lamina of the synapse, the dimensionally asymmetric forms of acetylcholinesterase contain either two (13 S) or three (17 S) sets of catalytic subunits linked to collagenous and noncollagenous structural subunits. Limited proteolysis of these molecules yields a tetramer of catalytic subunits that sediments at 11 S. Each catalytic subunit contains 8 cysteine residues which were identified following tryptic digestion of the reduced, 14C-carboxymethylated protein. The tryptic peptides were purified by gel filtration followed by reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and then sequenced. The disulfide bonding profile was determined by treating the native, nonreduced 11 S form of acetylcholinesterase with a fluorescent, sulfhydryl-specific reagent, monobromobimane, prior to tryptic digestion. Peptides again were resolved by gel filtration and reverse-phase HPLC. One fluorescent cysteine-containing peptide was identified, indicating that a single sulfhydryl residue, Cys231, was present in its reduced form. Three pairs of disulfide-bonded peptides were identified. These were localized in the polypeptide chain based on the cDNA-deduced sequence of the protein and were identified as Cys67-Cys94, Cys254-Cys265, and Cys402-Cys521. Hence, three loops are found in the secondary structure. Cys572, located in the carboxyl-terminal tryptic peptide, was disulfide-bonded to an identical peptide and most likely forms an intersubunit cross-link. Since the 6 cysteine residues in acetylcholinesterase that are involved in intrachain disulfide bonds are conserved in the sequence of the homologous protein thyroglobulin, it is likely that both proteins share a common folding pattern in their respective tertiary structures. Cys231 and the carboxyl-terminal cysteine residue Cys572 are not conserved in thyroglobulin.  相似文献   

Superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1) proteins harboring mutations linked to familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (FALS) uniformly show heightened potential to form high molecular weight structures. Here, we examine the domains of SOD1 that are involved in forming these structures (aggregates) and study the role of intra- and intermolecular disulfide bonds. An analysis of disease mutations identified to date reveals a non-random distribution with predominant occurrence at residues within highly conserved beta-strands or at highly conserved residues in loop domains. Using a cell transfection assay for aggregation, we determined that no single domain in SOD1 is indispensable in the formation of sedimentable aggregates, suggesting multiple potential motifs in the protein mediate non-native interactions. By a cell-free aggregation assay, analysis of transgenic mouse tissues, and mutagenesis approaches, we found evidence that redox conditions may modulate SOD1 aggregation; reduction of the native intramolecular disulfide bonds may predispose SOD1 to unfolding and aggregation, whereas non-native intermolecular disulfide linkages may help stabilize aggregates in vivo. The results suggest a possible mechanism for diversity in the structures formed by different SOD1 mutants, and define a potential contribution of redox conditions to SOD1 aggregation.  相似文献   

The gastric proton pump, H(+),K(+)-ATPase, consists of the catalytic alpha-subunit and the non-catalytic beta-subunit. Correct assembly between the alpha- and beta-subunits is essential for the functional expression of H(+),K(+)-ATPase. The beta-subunit contains nine conserved cysteine residues; two are in the cytoplasmic domain, one in the transmembrane domain, and six in the ectodomain. The six cysteine residues in the ectodomain form three disulfide bonds. In this study, we replaced each of the cysteine residues of the beta-subunit with serine individually and in several combinations. The mutant beta-subunits were co-expressed with the alpha-subunit in human embryonic kidney 293 cells, and the role of each cysteine residue or disulfide bond in the alpha/beta assembly, stability, and cell surface delivery of the alpha- and beta-subunits and H(+),K(+)-ATPase activity was studied. Mutant beta-subunits with a replacement of the cytoplasmic and transmembrane cysteines preserved H(+),K(+)-ATPase activity. All the mutant beta-subunits with replacement(s) of the extracellular cysteines did not assemble with the alpha-subunit, resulting in loss of H(+),K(+)-ATPase activity. These mutants did not permit delivery of the alpha-subunit to the cell surface. Therefore, each of these disulfide bonds of the beta-subunit is essential for assembly with the alpha-subunit and expression of H(+),K(+)-ATPase activity as well as for cell surface delivery of the alpha-subunit.  相似文献   

The positions of the inter- and intra-chain disulfide bonds of human plasma alpha 2 HS-glycoprotein were determined. alpha 2 HS-glycoprotein was digested with acid proteinase and then with thermolysin. The disulfide bonds containing peptides were separated by reversed-phase HPLC and detected by SBD-F (7-fluorobenzo-2-oxa-1,3-diasole-4-sulfonic acid ammonium salt) method. One inter-disulfide bond containing peptide and five intra-disulfide bond containing peptides (A-chain) were purified and identified as Cys-18 (B-chain)--Cys-14 (A-chain), Cys-71--Cys-82, Cys-96--Cys-114, Cys-128--Cys-131, Cys-190--Cys-201 and Cys-212--Cys-229, respectively. The location of the intra-disulfide bonds revealed that the A-chain of alpha 2 HS-glycoprotein is composed of three domains. Two domains were shown to possess intramolecular homology judging from the total chain length of the domains, size of the loops formed by the S--S bonds, the location of two disulfide loops near the C-terminal end of domains A and B, the distance between two S--S bonds of each domain, the amino acid sequence homology between these two domains (22.6%), number of amino acid residues between the second S--S loops and the end of domains A and B, and the positions of the ordered structures.  相似文献   

Formation of disulfide bonds in proteins and peptides   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
For many proteins and peptides, disulfide bridges are prerequisite for their proper biological function. Many commercialized proteins are crosslinked by disulfide bridges that increase their resistance to destructive effects of extreme environment used in industrial processes or protect protein-based therapeutics from rapid proteolytic degradation. Manufacturing of these products must take into account oxidative refolding--a formation of native disulfide bonds by specific pairs of cysteines located throughout a sequence of linear protein. This review describes basic and practical aspects of oxidative folding that should be considered while designing and optimizing manufacturing of proteins using chemical synthesis, semi-synthesis and a recombinant expression.  相似文献   

Xie J  Qin M  Cao Y  Wang W 《Proteins》2011,79(8):2505-2516
Recently, it was reported that ultraviolet (UV) illumination could trigger the unfolding of proteins by disrupting the buried disulfide bonds. However, the consequence of such unfolding has not been adequately evaluated. Here, we report that unfolded chicken egg white lysozyme (CEWL) triggered by UV illumination can form uniform globular aggregates as confirmed by dynamic light scattering, atomic force microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy. The assembling process of such aggregates was also monitored by several other methods, such as circular dichroism, fluorescence spectroscopy, mass spectrometry based on chymotrypsin digestion, ANS-binding assay, Ellman essay, and SDS-PAGE. Our finding is that due to the dissociation of the native disulfide bonds by UV illumination, CEWL undergoes drastic conformational changes resulting in the exposure of some hydrophobic residues and free thiols. Subsequently, these partially unfolded molecules self-assemble into small granules driven by intermolecular hydrophobic interaction. With longer UV illumination or longer incubation time, these granules can further self-assemble into larger globular aggregates. The combined effects from both the hydrophobic interaction and the formation of intermolecular disulfide bonds dominate this process. Additionally, similar aggregation behavior can also be found in other three typical disulfide-bonded proteins, that is, α-lactalbumin, RNase A, and bovine serum albumin. Thus, we propose that such aggregation behavior might be a general mechanism for some disulfide-bonded proteins under UV irradiation.  相似文献   

The position of disulfide bonds in cobrotoxin   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

The role of the two disulfide bonds (Cys4-Cys60 and Cys18-Cys29) in the activity and stability of goose-type (G-type) lysozyme was investigated using ostrich egg-white lysozyme as a model. Each of the two disulfide bonds was deleted separately or simultaneously by substituting both Cys residues with either Ser or Ala. No remarkable differences in secondary structure or catalytic activity were observed between the wild-type and mutant proteins. However, thermal and guanidine hydrochloride unfolding experiments revealed that the stabilities of mutants lacking one or both of the disulfide bonds were significantly decreased relative to those of the wild-type. The destabilization energies of mutant proteins agreed well with those predicted from entropic effects in the denatured state. The effects of deleting each disulfide bond on protein stability were found to be approximately additive, indicating that the individual disulfide bonds contribute to the stability of G-type lysozyme in an independent manner. Under reducing conditions, the thermal stability of the wild-type was decreased to a level nearly equivalent to that of a Cys-free mutant (C4S/C18S/C29S/C60S) in which all Cys residues were replaced by Ser. Moreover, the optimum temperature of the catalytic activity for the Cys-free mutant was downshifted by about 20 degrees C as compared with that of the wild-type. These results indicate that the formation of the two disulfide bonds is not essential for the correct folding into the catalytically active conformation, but is crucial for the structural stability of G-type lysozyme.  相似文献   

PEGylation has turned proteins into important new biopharmaceuticals. The fundamental problems with the existing approaches to PEGylation are inefficient conjugation and the formation of heterogeneous mixtures. This is because poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) is usually conjugated to nucleophilic amine residues. Our PEGylation protocol solves these problems by exploiting the chemical reactivity of both of the sulfur atoms in the disulfide bond of many biologically relevant proteins. An accessible disulfide bond is mildly reduced to liberate the two cysteine sulfur atoms without disturbing the protein's tertiary structure. Site-specific PEGylation is achieved with a bis-thiol alkylating PEG reagent that sequentially undergoes conjugation to form a three-carbon bridge. The two sulfur atoms are re-linked with PEG selectively conjugated to the bridge. PEGylation of a protein can be completed in 24 h and purification of the PEG-protein conjugate in another 3 h. We have successfully applied this approach to PEGylation of cytokines, enzymes, antibody fragments and peptides, without destroying their tertiary structure or abolishing their biological activity.  相似文献   

The NADPH-dependent enzymic reduction of disulfide bonds in human choriogonadotropin and its two subunits, alpha and beta, was examined with thioredoxin and thioredoxin reductase from Escherichia coli. With 12 muM thioredoxin and 0.1 muM thioredoxin reductase at pH 7 all disulfide bonds in the alpha subunit could be reduced in 15 min. The reduction of disulfide bonds was recorded by a simple spectrophotometric assay at 340 nm, which allowed quantitation of the reduction rate and the number of disulfide bonds reduced. Partial reduction of the alpha subunit with thioredoxin followed by S-carboxymethylation with iodol[2-3H]acetic acid and analysis of tryptic peptides indicated that all S-S bonds in the alpha subunit were surface oriented and equally reactive. The usefulness of thioredoxin reduction of disulfide bonds as a chemical probe of protein structure was shown by the much slower reaction of disulfide bonds in the intact hormone as compared to its two biologically inactive subunits.  相似文献   

The hexameric complex of globular domains of type IV collagen was isolated after collagenase digestion of human placenta and the different monomers and dimers present were chromatographically separated. The ratio of alpha 1(IV)NC1 to alpha 2(IV)NC1 was 2:1. About 50% of the NC1 domains were connected to dimers. Predominantly alpha 1-alpha 1 dimers were found. Only 12% were alpha 2-alpha 2 dimers and no alpha 1-alpha 2 dimers could be detected. The majority (88%) of the intermolecular bonds was found to be disulfide bridges. The remainder could not be cleaved by reduction. To elucidate the arrangement of the disulfide bonds, the unreduced alpha 1(IV)NC1 monomers were treated with cyanogen bromide, the disulfide-bridged peptides isolated and characterized by Edman degradation. Each of the two homologous subdomains within a monomer is stabilized by an identical set of three disulfide bonds. In subdomain I, cysteines at positions 20 and 53 are connected with the C-terminal cysteine pair 108 and 111. Thus formed, the disulfide knot stabilizes two interconnected loops of 32 and 54 residues, respectively. A smaller loop of five residues occurs due to a disulfide bond between the cysteines 65 and 71. A similar disulfide arrangement is indicated for subdomain II which is separated from subdomain I by a segment of 20 amino acid residues. The same arrangement of disulfide bonds has been strongly suggested for the alpha 2(IV)NC1 monomer by the isolation and characterization of its disulfide-bridged tryptic fragments. Similar investigations on the dimeric alpha 1(IV)NC1 domain established the arrangement of the intermolecular disulfide bonds. They are formed by a complete disulfide exchange between corresponding disulfide knots of two monomeric NC1 domains.  相似文献   

The thermostable sweet protein brazzein consists of 54 amino acid residues and has four intramolecular disulfide bonds, the location of which is unknown. We found that brazzein resists enzymatic hydrolysis at enzyme/substrate ratios (w/w) of 1:100-1:10 at 35–40°C for 24–48 h. Brazzein was hydrolyzed using thermolysin at an enzyme/substrate ratio of 1:1 (w/w) in water, pH 5.5. for 6 h and at 50°C. The disulfide bonds were determined, by a combination of mass spectrometric analysis and amino acid sequencing of cystine-containing peptides, to be between Cys4-Cys52, Cys16-Cys37, Cys22-Cys47, and Cys26-Cys49. These disulfide bonds contribute to its thermostability. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The antiviral lectin scytovirin (SVN) contains a total of five disulfide bonds in two structurally similar domains. Previous reports provided contradictory results on the disulfide pairing in each individual domain, and we have now re‐examined the disulfide topology. N‐terminal sequencing and mass spectrometry were used to analyze proteolytic fragments of native SVN obtained at acidic pH, yielding the assignment as Cys7–Cys55, Cys20–Cys32, Cys26–Cys38, Cys68–Cys80, and Cys74–Cys86. We also analyzed the N‐terminal domain of SVN (SD1, residues 1–48) prepared by expression/oxidative folding of the recombinant protein and by chemical synthesis. The disulfide pairing in the chemically synthesized SD1 was forced into predetermined topologies: SD1A (Cys20–Cys26, Cys32–Cys38) or SD1B (Cys20–Cys32, Cys26–Cys38). The topology of native SVN was found to be in agreement with the SD1B and the one determined for the recombinant SD1 domain. Although the two synthetic forms of SD1 were distinct when subjected to chromatography, their antiviral properties were indistinguishable, having low nM activity against HIV. Tryptic fragments, the “cystine clusters” [Cys20–Cys32/Cys26–Cys38; SD1] and [Cys68–Cys80/Cys74–C‐86; SD2], were found to undergo rapid disulfide interchange at pH 8. This interchange resulted in accumulation of artifactual fragments in alkaline pH digests that are structurally unrelated to the original topology, providing a rational explanation for the differences between the topology reported herein and the one reported earlier (Bokesh et al., Biochemistry 2003;42:2578–2584). Our observations emphasize the fact that proteins such as SVN, with disulfide bonds in close proximity, require considerable precautions when being fragmented for the purpose of disulfide assignment.  相似文献   

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