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大田淹水对夏玉米叶片衰老特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
选用登海605(DH605)和郑单958(ZD958)为试验材料,在大田条件下研究了不同淹水时期(三叶期、拔节期和开花后10 d)和持续时间(3 d、6 d)淹水对夏玉米叶片衰老特性的影响.研究表明: 淹水胁迫后超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)和过氧化物酶(POD)等保护酶活性以及可溶性蛋白含量较不淹水对照显著下降,而丙二醛(MDA)含量显著升高,三叶期淹水6 d后DH605和ZD958的含量较对照分别升高35.3%和34.1%.淹水胁迫后叶片叶绿素含量降低,产量显著下降.三叶期淹水6 d对夏玉米产量的影响最大,DH605和ZD958较对照分别减产32.1%和35.2%.不同生育期中,三叶期淹水造成的影响最大,拔节期次之,开花后10 d淹水造成的影响较小,且影响程度随淹水持续时间的延长而加剧.  相似文献   

玉米叶片原形成层细胞衰退过程的超微结构研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在玉米(ZeamaysL.)叶片原形成层发育的不同阶段常出现细胞衰退的现象,其衰退方式可分为自溶型和凝缩型。自溶型衰退的特点是细胞发生一系列降解活动最后导致细胞自溶死亡。衰退早期的细胞出现明显的自体吞噬活动,伴随核糖体和细胞质电子密度下降。衰退最后阶段的细胞自溶导致所有原生质组分的解体和消失,其中细胞核和质膜是最后消失的组分。凝缩型衰退的起动则伴随细胞质密度的增大。随着衰退的进行,原生质组分以一定顺序逐步退化解体:首先是高尔基体和内质网,接着是质体、细胞核和部分线粒体。但到衰退后期当细胞被挤压塌陷时仍有质膜、核糖体和线粒体存在。  相似文献   

盐胁迫对玉米叶片叶肉细胞生物膜超微结构的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究了NaCl胁迫对玉米叶肉细胞生物膜超微结构的影响. 结果表明:NaCl胁迫破坏了玉米叶片叶肉细胞生物膜的正常结构,50 mmol·L-1 NaCl处理胁迫下,玉米叶肉细胞核膜,线粒体膜,细胞膜,叶绿体膜,液泡膜都受到不同程度的破坏,叶绿体基粒类囊体膨胀,间质片层空间增大,片层紊乱。100 mmol·L-1 NaCl处理胁迫下,质膜,液泡膜,线粒体,叶绿体都受到严重的破坏。细胞质膜破坏,破损的叶绿体充斥在细胞间隙中;叶绿体外膜破坏,甚至解体消失,叶肉细胞中充满膜结构,基粒排列方向改变,垛叠层数减少,基粒和基质片层界限模糊不清,有的基粒解体消失,甚至叶绿体完全解体;核膜破坏、解体,核中的染色质高度凝缩;线粒体的数量增多,线粒体膜破坏,脊的数量减少,甚至整个线粒体破损解体;液泡膜破坏;由于各种生物膜的破坏,使细胞内充满许多囊状小泡、多泡体或斑层小体;叶肉细胞发生严重的质壁分离,严重时发生细胞壁断裂;甚至整个细胞溶解。  相似文献   

苏铁白化苗叶片细胞的超微结构   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文系苏铁白化苗研究系列报道之二,应用超薄切片和电镜观察技术对苏铁白化苗叶片细胞的超微结构观察,结果表明,苏铁白化苗叶片细胞的超微结构与绿苗的相比有明显的不同,前者的细胞质含量稀少,未见有结构完整的叶绿体和线粒体,但见有呈支解,游离状的类似叶绿体片层的膜结构和内嵴几乎完全消失的退化线粒体存在,后者的细胞结构正常。  相似文献   

淹水对玉米叶片细胞超微结构的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

本文系苏铁白化苗研究系列报道之二。应用超薄切片和电镜观察技术对苏铁白化苗叶片细胞的超微结构观察,结果表明,苏铁白化苗叶片细胞的超微结构与绿苗的相比有明显不同,前者的细胞质含量稀少,未见有结构完整的叶绿体和线粒体,但见有呈支解、游离状的类似叶绿体片层的膜结构和内嵴几乎完全消失的退化线粒体存在;后者的细胞结构正常。  相似文献   

淹水对玉米苗某些生理和形态的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

用透射电镜观察了玉米(ZeamaysL.)叶片细脉原形成层及束鞘的起源,早期发育和超微结构,细脉及束鞘的发生与基本分生组织中层3个紧邻的细胞有关,位于中间的细胞发生平周分裂分别产生1个原形成层原的细胞,1个近轴端鞘细胞前体和1个远轴鞘细胞前体,位于两侧的细胞其中1个直接分化为侧向鞘细胞前体,另1个则经历1次垂周分裂产生另一侧向鞘细胞前体和1个叶肉细胞前体,后再分裂产生2个叶肉细胞,随着原形成层细  相似文献   

The influence of nitrogen deprivation on leaf development and the biomechanics of leaf growth were studied using maize (Zea mays L.) seedlings grown under low irradiance. Although the nitrogen deprivation had no significant effect on photosynthesis, the leaf length, the leaf area, and the total assimilation area of plants decreased. The mature size of the epidermal cells was not altered, while the cells of nitrogen-deprived plants reached their final length closer to the leaf base than the epidermal cells of control plants. Decreases in the length of the growing zone (from 50 to 30 mm) and in the maximum value of relative elemental growth rate (from 0.08 to 0.06 mm mm–1 h–1) were observed in the nitrogen deprived plants. The maximal value of growth velocity in the control treatment was higher along the elongation zone, except for the basal 20 mm, where there was no significant difference between the control and the N-deprived plants. The net deposition rates of water and dry matter were also affected by nitrogen deprivation: the values of these features decreased and the spatial position of the maximum of the deposition rates shifted towards the leaf base.  相似文献   

Cell degeneration often occurred in Zea mays L. leaf procambium in various stages of development and could be classified either in the form of autolysis or condensation. In the autolytic degeneration the cells underwent a series of events from the appearance of prominant autophagie activity in the early stages, accompanied by a decrease of ribosomes and electron density of cytoplasm to the final stages of autolysis resulting in disorganization and disappearnce of all protoplasmic components, of which the nuclei and plasmalemma were the last to disappear. In the condensed type the initiation of cell degeneration was accompanied by an increase in the cytoplasmic density. As cell degeneration progressed, the protoplasmic components appeared to disintegrate and disappear in an orderly fashion i.e. dictyosomes and ER disorganized first, followed by plastids, nuclei and some mitochondria. The plasmalemma, ribosomes and mitochondria were still recognizable as the cell being crashed by the surrounding cells during the final stages of degeneration.  相似文献   

利用透射电镜观察了洋葱抽苔时其鳞片叶表皮细胞的亚显微结构变化。幼嫩鳞片叶表皮细胞结构正常:液泡在细胞中央,细胞质在靠近细胞壁的边缘;细胞质中富含质体、线粒体和核糖体等细胞器;胞间连丝直径约为50nm。伴随着细胞的衰退,细胞质变得松散,在液泡中出现大量絮状物,细胞器逐渐解体。少数胞间连丝直径扩大,达到80nm左右,它可能在大分子胞间转移中起重要作用。在衰老细胞中,核和质体已解体但多数胞间连丝仍维持正常状态。  相似文献   

在农业生产中光合作用是作物积累生物量的主要方式,其主要依赖于多种光合色素和完整的叶绿体结构与功能。而玉米叶色突变体对于研究叶绿体发育、提高玉米光合作用能力和产量具有重要意义。以两个玉米自交系郑58(Z58)和B73为对照,对从甲基磺酸乙酯(ethyl methanesulphonate,EMS)处理后的不同玉米诱变群体中筛选到的2株黄叶突变体yl-1(yellow leaf-1,Z58背景)、yl-2(yellow leaf-2,B73背景)以及从玉米自交系Z58中发现的1株自然黄叶突变体yl-3(yellow leaf-3)等3个表型相似的玉米黄叶突变体的形态特征、光合色素含量、叶绿素合成前体物质含量进行了比较研究。结果表明,与对照相比,3个突变体在整个生长周期内均呈现不同程度的黄叶表型、不复绿、植株矮小、发育迟缓;叶片总叶绿素、叶绿素a和叶绿素b含量均显著降低(P<0.05),叶绿素a/叶绿素b比值显著升高(P<0.05);不同突变体的各类叶绿素合成前体物质含量有不同程度的降低。3个突变体的黄叶表型可能是由不同基因的突变导致相关四吡咯化合物合成异常引起的。研究结果为定位...  相似文献   

In this brief review an attempt has been made to discuss some of the important features of the vascular anatomy of angiospermous leaves, especially those related to assimilate transport. Accordingly, emphasis has been placed on the small or minor veins, which are closely related spatially to the mesophyll, and which play a major role in the uptake and subsequent transport of photosynthates from the leaf. The small veins are enclosed by bundle sheaths that intervene between the mesophyll and vascular tissues and greatly increase the area for contact with mesophyll cells. In the minor veins of dicotyledonous leaves, parenchymatic cells having organelle-rich protoplasts and numerous cytoplasmic connections with sieve elements dominate quantitatively. It is these so-called intermediary cells that apparently are directly involved with the loading of assimilates into the sieve elements. In the maize leaf the small and intermediate bundles have two types of sieve tubes, relatively thin-walled ones that have numerous cytoplasmic connections with companion cells, and thick-walled ones that lack companion cells but have numerous connections with vascular parenchyma cells. The companion cell-sieve tube complexes are virtually isolated symplastically from other cells of the vascular bundle and from the bundle sheath. Thick-walled sieve tubes similar to those in the maize leaf have been recorded in the leaves of other grasses.  相似文献   

玉米灰斑病是由玉米尾孢菌(Cercospora zeine)和玉蜀黍尾孢菌(Cercospora zeae-maydis)引起的真菌性病害,是世界范围内重要的玉米叶部病害之一。以玉米灰斑病抗病自交系Suwan1和感病自交系HM01构建的BC1F1群体为研究材料,在自然发病条件下通过对BC1F1群体中玉米灰斑病的抗性鉴定,选择30株抗病材料和30株感病材料分别构建DNA抗、感混池。在对两个混池进行高通量测序后,通过质量控制和数据分析得到两个极端混池中的变异信息。利用高质量SNP标记对应的两个混池中测序深度差异进行统计检验,成功鉴定了29个玉米灰斑病抗性QTL (quantitative trait loci)。利用MaizeGDB网站在29个抗病QTL内共搜索到2 768个基因,通过Phytozome网站与拟南芥和水稻基因组进行同源比对,在1号、5号和10号染色体上分别确定了1个基因作为抗玉米灰斑病的候选基因。  相似文献   

五唇兰珠被细胞的超微结构观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用透射电镜对五唇兰(Doritis pulcherrima)珠被细胞进行超微结构观察。结果表明,授粉38d后,五唇兰外珠被细胞尚保持完好,而内珠被细胞开始退化;线粒体内嵴减少或消失,内质网上的核糖体数量减少,液泡增加,在新形成的液泡内含有膜状结构和模糊的细胞器,但核膜完整,与细胞程序死亡的部分特征相似。  相似文献   

The anti-adhesive surfaces have always aroused great interest of worldwide scientists and engineers.But in practical applications,it often faces the threat and impact of temperature and humidity.In this work,the excellent anti-adhesive performance of maize leaf under high temperature and humidity were investigated in detail.Firstly,the adhesion forces of the maize leaf surface under different temperature and humidity were measured by using Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM).The temperature of the substrate was varied between 23 ℃ to 100 ℃,and the ambient relative humidity is from 18% to 100%.It was found that the adhesion force of maize leaf decreased with the increase of temperature and humidity.The mechanism of its excellent anti-adhesive performance of maize leaf under high temperature and relative humidity was revealed.The transverse and longitudinal ridges on maize leaf surface interlace with each other,forming small air pockets,which reduces the actual contact area between the object and the maize leaf.With the increase of humidity,the liquid film will be formed in the air pockets gradually and so much water vapor is produced with increase of temperature.Then the air flow rate increases though the wavy top of transverse ridges,inducing the dramatic decrease of adhesion force.Inspired by this mechanism,four samples with this bionic structure were made.This functional "biomimetic structure" would have potential value in the wide medical equipments such as high frequency electric knife with anti-adhesion surface under high temperature and high humidity.  相似文献   

对16个供试弯孢分离株根据其分生孢子的形态进行分类,其中12个为新月弯孢(Curvularia luna-ta),其余4个是画眉草弯孢(C.eragrostidis)。对这些分离株基因组DNA进行RAPD分析发现,一些分属于两种不同弯孢菌的分离株间比同种弯孢的分离株间具有更近的遗传距离,即具有更近的亲缘关系。因此,根据弯孢菌的形态分类和利用RAPD标记的分类结果存在不一致现象。  相似文献   

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