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中药材是具有我国特色的传统产品,由于其疗效稳定、副作用小、价格低,在国内外发展很快。除了国内需求不断增长外,还出口到日本等国家。我国已成为中药材最大的生产国和出口国。发展适销对路的紧俏中药材生产,是利国利民的大事,同时也是广大农村、山区人民脱贫致富的捷径。我国中药材品种很多,约有一千多种。其中80%左右来自野生采集,20%左右靠人工栽培。因此合理采集开发野生资源是中药材来源途径之一。在采集前应学会识别中药材,可以先和当地药材收购站联系,索取少量样品或先采集少量样本供药材部门鉴定无误后再采集。当然在采…  相似文献   

2011年11月,为了进一步推进浙江省中药材种植规范化、标准化、产业化发展,将浙江省由中药材大省变为中药材强省,在浙江省科技厅、发改委、财政厅的大力支持下,杭州师范大学生命与环境科学学院、  相似文献   

建国70年来,我国在中药材植物保护研究领域取得了长足进展.笔者利用中国知网(CNKI)数据库,以国家中药材产业技术体系确定的28个“十三五”重点中药材品种为基础,检索了1949—2019年中药材植物保护研究的有关文献;并对检索文献进行分析,总结建国70年来中药材植物保护研究的发展历程和研究进展;同时对中药材植物保护研究存在的问题进行梳理并提出相应的解决思路.以期为中药材植物保护事业未来发展提供参考.  相似文献   

目的:探讨中药材质量和检验方法方面的问题,为深入的研究提供一定依据。方法:根据中药材相关知识和中医临床效果分析中药材的质量与其检验的方法。结果:通过对中药材质量和检验方法问题的研究,发现中药材的种植和采收的时间,以及炮制、贮存等方面影响着中药材的质量。结论:通过研究发现,中药材的质量影响着中药材在临床实践上的应用,所以应该注重对中药材的检查,保证中药材的效果。  相似文献   

中药材仓虫种类繁多,历年给国家财产造成了经济和质量上的重大损失,影响内外贸易。迄今国内外尚无对中药材仓虫开展全面、深入、系统的调查研究。为了提高中药材的养护技术水平,避免盲目及被动防治带来的弊病,以利用药安全有效。1982—1985年由省中药材公司主持,确定成都、重庆、绵阳中药材站及四川省农牧厅植检站组成协作组,对省内中药材仓虫进行了专门研究。根据四川的地形、气候特点,选定本省有代表性的51个县(市)116个点的中药材仓库、店、厂等进行调查。共采集标本2104份,仓虫24,593头,经分类鉴定出昆虫、蜘蛛两个纲的害虫和天敌共147…  相似文献   

本文阐述了现代道地中药材的概念演变,道地中药材是经过千百年来的疗效认证而普遍得到人们认可的优质中药材。通过对中药材栽培历史的分析,本文认为道地中药材的优质性主要来自野生资源。多数中药栽培发展较晚,栽培生产技术与环境结合尚未达到最优化的程度。从道地中药材成因的角度分析,野生中药材在生长年限、种质、生境、性状、成份等各方面与栽培中药材都与明显的差异,其质量也一定不同,因此对栽培中药材的道地性的应有待于进一步认识。同时,通过将现代栽培技术与中药材栽培相结合,会对栽培中药材的质量稳定和提高发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

我国农村无论山区还是平川,到处蕴藏着丰富的野生植物的中药材,它是人类除病灭害,保障健康的“绿色药库”。我国农村采集加工野生中药材历史悠久,已成为传统的副业生产门路之一。随着医药卫生的科学普及,中药材的用量一年比一年增长,现在有许多品种在市场上经常供不应求。人工种植方面,虽有很大发展,但随着农业生产结构的调整,有许多品种往往  相似文献   

中药材微量元素及重金属研究的意义与方法   总被引:46,自引:0,他引:46  
中药微量元素研究的内容主要有两方面 ,一是对中药中所含的元素含量进行分析 ,以探讨中药中微量元素与其疗效的关系 ,为中药材的开发利用提供实验数据 ;二是对中药材中重金属含量进行测定 ,以期对中药材重金属含量进行控制 ,为其打入国际市场奠定基础  相似文献   

在峰峦重叠、溪流纵横、云雾弥漫的悬崖峭壁和深山峡谷里,蕴藏着极其丰富的野生中药材资源。它被称为是保障人民身体健康又取之不尽的天然药库。这些野生中药材,经济价值很高,有的是珍贵的特产,行销国际市场;有的是中医配方中不可缺少的一味药品。深山采药,已成为山区人民传统的多种经营项目之一,是生财致富的好门路。我国野生中药材植物种类繁多,现在已发现和被我国人民所利用的有几百种。其药用部份分別有叶、茎、根、花、果、籽等。常见的野生中药材。如鸡膦花、金银花、构杞、辛夷  相似文献   

目的:对四川省眉山市彭山区进行中药资源普查工作,调查彭山区的药用植物资源状况,为保护该区中药资源和开发利用提供基础依据。方法:通过野外样方调查、标本采集、栽培药材及市场走访调查等,对该地区的药用植物资源进行调查,统计分析其药用植物种类。结果:彭山区此次普查共采集431种中药资源,隶属于90科122属,其中重点药用植物有半夏、川楝、黄皮树、积雪草及淡竹叶等78种。结论:彭山区药用植物资源丰富,适宜中药材种植的面积广阔,应充分利用其自身优势,提高其利用率。此次调查结果为彭山区的中药材产业发展和中药资源的开发利用提供基础依据和科学参考。  相似文献   

Field studies have shown that animals often abandon territorialdefense when food is abundant, but the causes of this behaviorare controversial. Sometimes the cessation of defense is attributedto the food supply being so abundant that monopolization ofthe resource gains the defender nothing, even though defensewould be energetically feasible. Other studies show that whenthe food supply is rich, such large numbers of competitors areattracted that defense is overwhelmed. Knowledge of the amountof food available relative to the numbers of consumers in theregion can resolve the controversy. When food is limited throughouta region, a localized rich foraging area will attract competitors.Defenseof such an area therefore may yield a large increase in netbenefit to the defender, depending on whether or not so manycompetitors recruit that defense is too costly. However, whena localized foraging area is rich but food is also superabundantthroughout the region, intruders may not recruit even if thearea is undefended. Therefore the benefits of defense, if itwere to occur, would be low. Field studies of nectar-feeding birds show that defense continuedon rich foraging areaswhen floral nectar was limited to thepopulation regionally, and resulted in enhanced food availabilityrelative to that in undefended areas. However, under conditionsof artificially rich food supplies (sugar-water feeders) andextremely limited food regionally, defense was sometimes overwhelmedby competitors. Cessation of defense on locally rich foragingareas also occurred when nectar was regionally superabundant.Therefore, both proposed causes of cessation of defense occurredin these systems and were easily distinguished by examiningthe degree to which food was limited in the surrounding regionrelative to localized foraging areas. I show that animals potentially can assess whether or not foodsupply is limited in the surrounding region by sampling andcomparing standing crops in defended and undefended situations.  相似文献   

Zhu  Jun  Qin  Yunbai  Wang  Ge  Zheng  KunKun 《Plasmonics (Norwell, Mass.)》2021,16(5):1557-1565
Plasmonics - World is rich in unconventional oil and various alternatives to petroleum. However, conventional oil production declines so quickly that it is likely these unconventional oil resources...  相似文献   

With so many databases available for research in the Human Genome Project, it is crucial to efficiently relate information from different resources. For that purpose, we maintain Virgil, a database of rich links for data browsing, data analysis and database interconnection. Virgil current version contains more than 40 000 rich links from five major databases: SWISS-PROT, GenBank, PDB, GDB and OMIM. Materials described in this paper are available from http://www.infobiogen.fr/services/virgil/  相似文献   

Prior to forming the egg, female Manx Shearwaters from south Irish Sea colonies spend a fortnight or so exploiting the rich sardine fishery in the Bay of Biscay; the males remain behind, in nightly occupation of the burrows.  相似文献   

百合属植物化学成分多样,近年来成为天然产物化学研究的重点。文中着重对百合中重要化学成分百合皂苷的提取方法、化学成分及药理活性进行综述,为百合皂苷的开发利用提供参考。  相似文献   

Treatment of lignocellulose with ozone yielded products which included acids, sugars and a fibrous material rich in cellulose. Ozone attacks lignin and hemicelluloses in preference to cellulose, and is effective in disrupting the association between the various components so as to produce a substrate with enhanced reactivity to hydrolytic enzymes.  相似文献   

Emerging scientific technologies provide rich sources of predictive biomarkers, which could transform health care. Identification of causal biomarkers will enable the development of tools to quantify risk and anticipate disease. Accurate health risk analysis is rapidly becoming feasible, so health care can become rational, preventive and personalized.  相似文献   

Circulating diamine oxidase (DAO) (EC activity was determined in the sera of patients with different malignant tumors. The increase in this activity only partially reflected tumor activity so it is presumably unreliable as a diagnostic marker. The increase in activity may be linked to the tumor location: the lung and intestine are rich in DAO so the rise cannot be considered a characteristic consequence of the tumor's activity. Besides, increases in DAO activity have also been observed in non-neoplastic diseases.  相似文献   

As rich sources of vitamins and minerals, fruits are an important part of our diet. However, they are highly perishable. As the biochemical basis for fruit quality is being unraveled, so genetic approaches are being developed to modify the way in which fruit ripen, for the benefit of the consumer.  相似文献   

报道了利用大豆和牛奶为原料 ,经过微生物酶制剂水解作用生产氨基酸饮料的工艺技术。结果表明 ,该饮料营养丰富 ,其中含有 17种以上氨基酸和多种维生素以及矿物质。是目前市面上少有的纯天然植物蛋白为原料的营养型饮料。  相似文献   

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