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D Parks  R Bolinger    K Mann 《Nucleic acids research》1997,25(6):1289-1295
Redox modulation of wild-type p53 plays a role in sequence-specific DNA binding in vitro . Reduction produces a DNA-binding form of the protein while oxidation produces a non-DNA-binding form. Primer extension analysis reveals that increasing concentrations of reduced p53 result in enhanced protection of the consensus sequence, while increasing concentrations of oxidized p53 confer minimal protection of the consensus sequence. DNA binding by oxidized p53 is, therefore, not sequence-specific. In contrast, there is no observable difference in the binding of oxidized p53 and reduced p53 to double-stranded non-specific or mismatched DNA in gel mobility shift assays. Both forms of p53 bind equally well, suggesting that redox modulation of p53 does not play a role in its binding to non-specific or mismatched DNA. In view of the in vitro evidence that redox state influences the sequence-specific DNA-binding of p53, we have examined the effect of oxidative stress on the in vivo ability of p53 to bind to and transactivate PG13-CAT, a reporter construct containing multiple copies of the p53 consensus binding site linked to the chloramphenicol acetyltransferase gene. Hydrogen peroxide treatment of cells cotransfected with p53 results in a marked decrease in CAT activity, suggesting that oxidation of p53 decreases the ability of the protein to bind to consensus DNA and transactivate target genes in vivo.  相似文献   

The tumor suppressor p53 regulates its own transcription.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The p53 protein family is involved in the control of an intricate network of genes implicated in cell cycle, through to germ line integrity and development. Although the role of p53 is well-established, the intrinsic nature of its homologue p73 has yet to be fully elucidated. Here, the biochemical characterization and homology-based modeling of the p73 protein is presented and the implications for its function(s) examined. The DNA binding domains (DBDs) of p53, p63, and p73 bind to the specific target site of a 30-mer gadd45 dsDNA, as tested by EMSA. The monomeric DBDs bind cooperatively forming tetrameric complexes. However, a larger construct consisting of p73 DBD plus TET domain (p73 CT) and the corresponding p53 DBD plus TET domain (p53 CT) bind gadd45 differently than the respective DBDs. Significantly, p73 DBD exhibited enhanced thermodynamic stability relative to the p53 DBD but not compared to p63 DBD as shown by DSC, CD, and equilibrium unfolding. The p73 CT is less stable than p73 DBD. The modeling data show distinct electrostatic surfaces of p73 and p53 dimers when bound to DNA. Specifically, the p73 surface is less complementary for DNA binding, which may account for the differences in affinity and specificity for p53 REs. These stability and DNA binding data for p73 in vitro enhance and complement our understanding of the role of the p73 protein in vivo and could be exploited in designing strategies for cancer therapy in places where p53 is mutated.  相似文献   

p53 regulates the expression of the tumor suppressor gene maspin   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Maspin has been shown to inhibit tumor cell invasion and metastasis in breast tumor cells. Maspin expression was detected in normal breast and prostate epithelial cells, whereas tumor cells exhibited reduced or no expression. However, the regulatory mechanism of maspin expression remains unknown. We report here a rapid and robust induction of maspin expression in prostate cancer cells (LNCaP, DU145, and PC3) and breast tumor cells (MCF7) following wild type p53 expression from an adenovirus p53 expression vector (AdWTp53). p53 activates the maspin promoter by binding directly to the p53 consensus-binding site present in the maspin promoter. DNA-damaging agents and cytotoxic drugs induced endogenous maspin expression in cells containing the wild type p53. Maspin expression was refractory to the DNA-damaging agents in cells containing mutant p53. These results, combined with recent studies of the tumor metastasis suppressor gene KAI1 and plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI1), define a new category of molecular targets of p53 that have the potential to negatively regulate tumor invasion and/or metastasis.  相似文献   

Selective binding of the wild type tumor suppressor protein p53 to negatively and positively supercoiled (sc) DNA was studied using intercalative drugs chloroquine (CQ), ethidium bromide, acridine derivatives and doxorubicin as a modulators of the level of DNA supercoiling. The p53 was found to lose gradually its preferential binding to negatively scDNA with increasing concentrations of intercalators until the DNA negative superhelix turns were relaxed. Formation of positive superhelices (due to further increasing intercalator concentrations) rendered the circular duplex DNA to be preferentially bound by the p53 again. CQ at concentrations modulating the closed circular DNA topology did not prevent the p53 from recognizing a specific target sequence within topologically unconstrained linear DNA. Experiments with DNA topoisomer distributions differing in their superhelix densities revealed the p53 to bind selectively DNA molecules possessing higher number of negative or positive superturns. Possible modes of the p53 binding to the negatively or positively supercoiled DNA and tentative biological consequences are discussed.  相似文献   

Human replication protein A (RP-A) (also known as human single-stranded DNA binding protein, or HSSB) is a multisubunit complex involved in both DNA replication and repair. Potentially important to both these functions, it is also capable of complex formation with the tumor suppressor protein p53. Here we show that although p53 is unable to prevent RP-A from associating with a range of single-stranded DNAs in solution, RP-A is able to strongly inhibit p53 from functioning as a sequence-specific DNA binding protein when the two proteins are complexed. This inhibition, in turn, can be regulated by the presence of various lengths of single-stranded DNAs, as RP-A, when bound to these single-stranded DNAs, is unable to interact with p53. Interestingly, the lengths of single-stranded DNA capable of relieving complex formation between the two proteins represent forms that might be introduced through repair and replicative events. Increasing p53 concentrations can also overcome the inhibition by steady-state levels of RP-A, potentially mimicking cellular points of balance. Finally, it has been shown previously that p53 can itself be stimulated for site-specific DNA binding when complexed through the C terminus with short single strands of DNA, and here we show that p53 stays bound to these short strands even after binding a physiologically relevant site. These results identify a potential dual role for single-stranded DNA in the regulation of DNA binding by p53 and give insights into the p53 response to DNA damage.  相似文献   

Comment on: Krassimira Botcheva, et al. Cell Cycle 2011; 10:4237-49.  相似文献   

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