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Numbers of moulting diving ducks at Myvatn, north Iceland, were monitored over a period of 25 years; aquatic insects (Chironomidae and Simuliidae), a major food resource, were monitored with window traps for 23 years. The response of the duck populations to changes in the food situation during the moulting period varied between species. Histrionicus histrionicus and Melanitta nigra invariably go to the sea to moult. Three species (Aythya fuligula, Clangula hyemalis and Mergus serrator) have shown long term variation in moult migration habits. Aythya marila and Bucephala islandica stay for moulting, their numbers supplemented by birds from elsewhere. A. marila is a generalist feeder and therefore at low risk of starving, the strategy of Bucephala islandica is to move within the water system where the food situation tends to alternate between the lake and the river. Numbers of Bucephala islandica males moulting on Lake Myvatn were strongly and positively correlated with chironomid numbers and those moulting on the river Laxá with Simulium vittatum, the main food resource there. We did not find convincing evidence that numbers of moulting A. marila and C. hyemalis responded to variation in the food supply during the study period. This applied also to A. fuligula in the South Basin of Myvatn, but numbers in the North Basin were positively associated with chironomid numbers. M. serrator moulting on Myvatn showed negative correlations with the chironomids, perhaps reflecting a negative association between chironomids and its main food, Gasterosteus aculeatus. Apart from safety considerations for a flightless bird, the choice of a moulting site is apparently influenced by the local food conditions on one hand and by the opportunities and risks involved in migrating to distant moulting sites with an unknown food situation on the other hand.  相似文献   

To encourage nest use in breeder poultry flocks, it is important that nest boxes are attractive. Few studies have evaluated factors affecting nest attractiveness to ducks. We assessed the effects of nest box experience (Experiments 1 and 2) and features of nests, including degree of enclosure (Experiments 1 and 2) and the presence of an egg (Experiment 3), on nest site selection by sexually mature Pekin ducks. The hens were tested individually in pens containing different nest box choices. Nest preferences were determined based on the locations of 14 successively laid eggs. Ducks in Experiment 1 were provided with nest box access prior to the onset of lay (20 weeks of age, EXP group, N = 12) or at the time of preference testing (35 weeks of age, DELAYED-EXP group, N = 12). Delaying nest box access by 15 weeks did not significantly affect the proportion of eggs laid in nest boxes rather than on the floor (P = 0.40). Regardless of experience ducks laid more than 66% of their eggs in nest boxes offering a higher degree of enclosure. Ducks in Experiment 2 were reared with either open-top (OP, N = 12) or closed-top (CL, N = 12) boxes. Regardless of rearing condition, ducks preferred boxes with the highest level of enclosure offered. Ducks laid twice the expected proportion (25%) of eggs in CL boxes with curtains (P = 0.0004). CL boxes without curtains were used as predicted by chance, 25% (P = 0.746), while OP boxes with (P = 0.009) and without (P = 0.015) curtains each contained only half the expected number of eggs. Ducks in Experiment 3 were provided with two nest boxes, one of which contained the egg laid the previous day. Each day, the newly laid egg was marked and either placed back in the nest box where it was found (HANDLED, N = 12) or moved into the adjacent nest box (MOVED, N = 12). Ducks in HANDLED and MOVED laid 97.6% and 79.8%, respectively, of their eggs in boxes containing the previous day's egg. While ducks in HANDLED were consistent in their choice throughout the test, those in MOVED developed the preference over time (P = 0.039), suggesting that the preference for laying in a nest containing an egg may be influenced by experience. These results indicate that nest box enclosure and the presence of an egg are important in determining the nesting choices of Pekin ducks. Incorporating these features into nest boxes may be useful for increasing consistency of nest use in breeder duck flocks.  相似文献   

Habitat selection studies of postbreeding waterfowl have rarely focused on within‐wetland attributes such as water depth, escape cover, and food availability. Flightless waterfowl must balance habitat selection between avoiding predation risks and feeding. Reproductively successful female ducks face the greatest challenges because they begin the definitive prebasic molt at or near the end of brood rearing, when their body condition is at a low point. We assessed the relative importance of habitat attributes and group effects in habitat selection by postbreeding female lesser scaup Aythya affinis on a 2332‐ha montane wetland complex during the peak flightless period (August) over seven years. Hypothesis‐based habitat attributes included percent open water, open water:emergent edge density, water depth, percent flooded bare substrate, fetch (distance wind can travel unobstructed), group size, and several interactions representing functional responses to interannual variation in water levels. Surveys of uniquely marked females were conducted within randomly ordered survey blocks. We fitted two‐part generalized linear mixed‐effects models to counts of marked females within survey blocks, which allowed us to relate habitat attributes to relative probability of occurrence and, given the presence of a marked female, abundance of marked individuals. Postbreeding female scaup selected areas with water depths > 40 cm, large open areas, and intermediate edge densities but showed no relation to flooded bare substrate, suggesting their habitat preferences were more influenced by avoiding predation risks and disturbances than in meeting foraging needs. Grouping behavior by postbreeding scaup suggests habitat selection is influenced in part by behavioral components and/or social information, conferring energetic and survival benefits (predation and disturbance risks) but potentially also contributing to competition for food resources. This study demonstrates the importance of incorporating group effects and interannual variability in habitat conditions when investigating habitat selection, particularly for seasons when waterfowl are aggregated.  相似文献   

We measured the effects of exposure to hypoxia (15% and 11% oxygen) and hypercapnia (up to 4.5% carbon dioxide) on rates of respiratory gas exchange both between and during dives in tufted ducks, Aythya fuligula, to investigate to what extent these may explain changes in diving behaviour. As found in previous studies, the ducks decreased dive duration (t(d)) and increased surface duration when diving from a hypoxic or hypercapnic gas mix. In the hypercapnic conditions, oxygen consumption during the dive cycle was not affected. Oxygen uptake between dives was reduced by only 17% when breathing a hypoxic gas mix of 11% oxygen. However, estimates of the rate of oxygen metabolism during the foraging periods of dives decreased nearly threefold in 11% oxygen. Given that tufted ducks normally dive well within their aerobic dive limits and that they significantly reduced their t(d) during hypoxia, it is not at all clear why they make this physiological adjustment.  相似文献   

A model is presented to describe the trade-off between food and temperature in bluegills Lepomis macrochirus , where temperature was the primary factor used in determining the patch in which to reside.  相似文献   

1. In a thermally stratified water column with a deep‐water algal maximum, Daphnia face a trade‐off between food (high fecundity) and temperature (fast development). Recent studies showed that Daphnia populations move up and down the entire water column to take advantage of both, but the proportion of time allocated by individuals to the epilimnion, metalimnion and hypolimnion with their specific food and temperature conditions is not yet known. 2. In a system of 1 m deep, vertical perspex tubes, I established three temperature gradients with 2, 5 and 10 °C differences between the surface (epilimnion) and the bottom layer (hypolimnion). Algae were added to the hypolimnion to simulate a deep‐water algal maximum. 3. The migration behaviour of individual neonate and egg‐bearing Daphnia hyalina × galeata was monitored in order to measure the proportions of time the individuals allocated to the different vertical habitats and to assess the frequency of their shifts between epilimnion and hypolimnion. 4. Neonates stayed continuously at the surface, taking advantage of the higher temperature, possibly because feeding was less important for them because of egg yolk reserves. In contrast, egg‐bearing females spent more time feeding in the hypolimnion when the temperature gradient was weak, but also migrated into the epilimnion to take advantage of the higher temperature. In the steepest temperature gradient, the egg‐bearing females either shifted between epilimnion and hypolimnion, or dwelled constantly in the metalimnion with intermediate conditions.  相似文献   

Habitat use by birds may be related to single or interacting effects of habitat characteristics, food resources and predators, but little is known about factors affecting habitat use by wetland species in boreal ecosystems. We surveyed brood‐rearing females and ducklings of four common boreal duck species to assess the effects of habitat structure and food resources on the use of wetlands by brood‐rearing ducks. Although wetland use by duck broods was related to habitat structure and food abundance, their relative importance varied among duck species. For the Common Goldeneye Bucephala clangula, a diving duck, aquatic invertebrates and large emerging insects were the most important factors associated with wetland use. Common Teal Anas crecca broods were observed more often on wetlands with greater Dipteran emergence, whereas in Mallard Anas platyrhynchos both habitat structure and large emerging insects were important. The occurrence of Eurasian Wigeon Anas penelope broods was related to emerging Diptera and habitat structure but the associations were not strong. The varying habitat and food requirements of common duck species could influence the success of wetland management programmes, and consideration of these factors may be particularly important for initiatives aimed at harvested species or species of conservation concern.  相似文献   

We monitored numbers and production of diving ducks on Lake Myvatn and its outlet river, the Laxá, over a period of 25 years, 1975–1999. Aquatic insects, a major food source, were monitored for 23 years, 1977–1999, using window traps. In this paper, we focus on the relationship between the demography of five species of diving ducks and the abundance of aquatic insect species, mainly Chironomidae and Simuliidae. Production of ducks was estimated when most young were 2–4 weeks old, either as young per female (Aythya marila and Aythya fuligula) or as total young found (Melanitta nigra, Bucephala islandica, Histrionicus histrionicus). Variation between years in production of young ducks was strongly correlated with variation in the abundance of aquatic insects. Procladius islandicus and Psectrocladius barbimanus, both of which are univoltine with peak emergence in late July (when many young ducks hatch), as well as the bivoltine Orthocladius consobrinus, showed particularly high correlations with duckling numbers. In one year, 1992, catastrophic weather depressed production. Food appeared to determine production, primarily through its availability to the young. Changes in spring density of breeding ducks of all five species were negatively associated with density in the year before. Resources, estimated as food availability or reproductive success in the year before, were positively correlated with change in breeding numbers in A. marila, A. fuligula and B. islandica. Production three years earlier had a weak but significant effect on change in numbers of M. nigra.  相似文献   

The influence of hunger level and predation risk on habitat choice and foraging in crucian carp, Carassius carassius, were studied in a laboratory experiment. Experiments were carried out in aquaria with or without a predator (pike, Esox lucius). Habitat use and foraging activity of three-fish foraging groups of either fed or hungry crucian carp were studied. Fish were allowed to choose between an open (risky) habitat with Tubifex worms and a habitat with dense vegetation (safe) without food. Habitat use was significantly affected by both risk of predation and hunger level. Crucian carp spent less time in the open habitat when there was a predator present and they also spent less time there when fed than when hungry. Furthermore, there was a significant interaction between risk of predation and hunger level, indicating a state-dependent trade-off between food acquisition and predator avoidance.  相似文献   

The insulative value of early and deep winter snow is thought to enhance winter reproduction and survival by arctic lemmings (Lemmus and Dicrostonyx spp). This leads to the general hypothesis that landscapes with persistently low lemming population densities, or low amplitude population fluctuations, have a low proportion of the land base with deep snow. We experimentally tested a component of this hypothesis, that snow depth influences habitat choice, at three Canadian Arctic sites: Bylot Island, Nunavut; Herschel Island, Yukon; Komakuk Beach, Yukon. We used snow fencing to enhance snow depth on 9-ha tundra habitats, and measured the intensity of winter use of these and control areas by counting rodent winter nests in spring. At all three sites, the density of winter nests increased in treated areas compared to control areas after the treatment, and remained higher on treated areas during the treatment. The treatment was relaxed at one site, and winter nest density returned to pre-treatment levels. The rodents’ proportional use of treated areas compared to adjacent control areas increased and remained higher during the treatment. At two of three sites, lemmings and voles showed significant attraction to the areas of deepest snow accumulation closest to the fences. The strength of the treatment effect appeared to depend on how quickly the ground level temperature regime became stable in autumn, coincident with snow depths near the hiemal threshold. Our results provide strong support for the hypothesis that snow depth is a primary determinant of winter habitat choice by tundra lemmings and voles.  相似文献   

1. Fish and ducks often belong to the same local food web, and several studies indicate that there is a general negative effect of fish on breeding ducks. This pattern has so far been addressed mainly within the framework of competition for common invertebrate prey, while predation by large fish as a force behind settlement and abundance patterns in ducks remains largely unknown. This is the first study to address the effect of fish predation on breeding ducks, isolated from that of competition, and the first experiment to explore the ability of ducks to identify and avoid lakes with high risk of fish predation. 2. We used a before–after control–impact design and 11 naturally fishless lakes. Waterfowl on the lakes were surveyed during the breeding season of 2005. Large adult pike (Esox lucius) were added to two lakes in early spring 2008, and waterfowl surveys were repeated on all 11 lakes. 3. Pike introduction did not affect the number of pairs on lakes during the nesting season in any of three focal duck species (mallard Anas platyrhynchos, teal Anas crecca, and goldeneye Bucephala clangula). During the brood‐rearing season, however, there was a decrease in duck days in teal and goldeneye in lakes with pike, with similar trends observed in mallard. The number of goldeneye ducklings was also significantly lower in lakes with pike. We were unable to determine whether the response was attributable to direct pike predation or to broods leaving experimental lakes, but in either case, our study demonstrates high fitness costs for ducks breeding on lakes with pike. 4. The apparent inability of nesting ducks to detect pike and the clear fitness implications may influence the annual recruitment of ducks on a larger scale as pike are both common and widespread. Vegetation complexity and food abundance are likely to be of overriding importance when breeding ducks are choosing a nesting site. As pike have a strong influence on breeding birds, relying on vegetation and cues of food abundance, while ignoring indicators of predation risk from fish, could lead to lakes with pike acting as an ecological trap.  相似文献   

Of the various forms of nonrandom dispersal, matching habitat choice, whereby individuals preferentially reside in habitats where they are best adapted, has relatively little empirical support. Here, I use mark‐recapture data to test for matching habitat choice in two nomadic ecotypes of North American Red Crossbills (Loxia curvirostra complex) that exist in the lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) forests in the South Hills, Idaho, every summer. Crossbills are adapted for foraging on seeds in conifer cones, and in the South Hills the cones are distinctive, favoring a relatively large bill. During a period when seed was most limiting, only the largest individuals approximating the average size of the locally adapted ecotype remained for a year or more. During a period when seed was less limiting, proportionately more individuals remained and the trend for larger individuals to remain was weaker. Although matching habitat choice is difficult to demonstrate, it likely contributed to the observed patterns. Otherwise, nearly unprecedented intensities of natural selection would be needed. Given the nomadic behavior of most crossbill ecotypes and the heterogeneous nature of conifer seed crops, matching habitat choice should be favored and likely contributes to their adaptation to alternative conifers and rapid diversification.  相似文献   

The generality of mechanisms affecting habitat choice and grazing in seagrass meadows was evaluated in a latitudinal comparison of seagrass grazers from the temperate (60°N) Baltic Sea and the subtropical (30°N) Gulf of Mexico. Using similar habitat choice experiment set-ups in Finland and the USA, the role of food type, habitat complexity and predation hazard on habitat choice of the isopods Idotea baltica (Pallas) and Erichsonella attenuata Harger were tested. When shelter was provided by both living and artificial seagrass, epiphytic food resources on artificial vegetation were clearly preferred by both species, although Idotea was attracted to epiphyte-free seagrass when no alternative food was present. When choosing between food and shelter, both species preferred epiphytic food over shelter. However, under predation hazard of fish, Erichsonella clearly switched to the habitat offering shelter, while the presence of a predatory fish produced no preference for shelter by Idotea. Food type may be considered as an universal mechanism that partly determines the presence of grazers in seagrass habitats and is, in the absence of a predator, more important than shelter. Predation risk affected the behaviour of the grazers, but the response varied between species possibly due to varying importance of fish predation in the areas studied. Received: 16 November 1998 / Accepted: 13 February 1999  相似文献   

Autonomic nervous control of heart rate was studied in voluntarily diving ducks (Aythya affinis). Ducks were injected with the muscarinic blocker atropine, the beta-adrenergic blocker nadolol, the beta-adrenergic agonist isoproterenol, and a combination of both atropine and nadolol. Saline injection was used as a control treatment. The reduction in heart rate (from the predive level) normally seen during a dive was abolished by atropine. Nadolol reduced heart rate during all phases of diving activity-predive, dive, and postdive-indicating that sympathetic output to the heart was not withdrawn during diving. Isoproterenol increased heart rate before, during, and after the dive, although the proportional increase in heart rate was not as high during the dive as compared with the increase in routine heart rate or heart rate during the predive or postdive phase. The parasympathetic system predominates in the control of heart rate during diving despite the maintenance of efferent sympathetic influences to the heart, perhaps due to accentuated antagonism between the two branches of the autonomic nervous system.  相似文献   

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