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Soluble phosphate glass boluses (preparations A, B, and C) have been developed to release melatonin into the reticulo-rumen of ewes at relatively different (fast, medium or slow) rates. A fourth type (preparation D) containing no melatonin was used as a sham control. Four groups of seasonally anoestrous Suffolk-cross ewes were respectively dosed with preparations A, B, C or D on 4 July. Plasma samples were collected twice weekly for melatonin and progesterone assay. In Groups A, B and C, elevated daytime plasma concentrations of melatonin could be detected for about 5 weeks after bolus administration. However, the pattern of hormone release was variable between groups, with Group C animals maintaining higher plasma melatonin concentrations for a longer period. The control animals had undetectable daytime melatonin levels. The onset of cyclic ovarian activity in the animals treated with the 'slow' release bolus (Group C) was significantly (P less than 0.05) advanced compared to the control group. The 'fast' and 'medium' release treatments (Groups A and B) did not significantly alter the onset of ovarian activity. The results indicate the potential of a novel and convenient method of melatonin delivery for induction of early breeding activity in ewes.  相似文献   

Melatonin was administered intravaginally in Silastic tubing to adult and prepubertal ewes. In Exp. 1, ewe lambs (born early March) were given intravaginal melatonin implants at a mean age (+/- s.e.m.) of 7.5 +/- 0.1 weeks (Group E, N = 10) or 19.4 +/- 0.2 weeks (Group L, N = 10). The third group (Group C, N = 10) received empty implants. In Exp. 2 mature ewes were given implants on 13 May (Group E, N = 10) or 18 July (Group L, N = 10) or received empty implants (Group C, N = 10) on one of these two dates. Blood samples were taken twice weekly for progesterone assay. In Exp. 1 the mean age (+/- s.e.m.) at puberty (progesterone greater than 2 nmol/l for two consecutive samples) was 35.4 +/- 0.8 weeks. Puberty was advanced by 5.2 weeks in Group L lambs, occurring at a mean age of 30.2 +/- 0.7 weeks (P less than 0.001). In Group E lambs the timing of puberty was unaltered, occurring at a mean age of 34.8 +/- 0.6 weeks. Mature ewes in Group L (Exp. 2) showed increased incidence of ovarian activity (9/10 ewes cycling by 26 September) compared with the control ewes (1/10) (P less than 0.001), but there was no effect in Group E ewes (3/10). The results demonstrate that continuous melatonin administration to adult and prepubertal ewes can mimic the effect of short days in terms of the reproductive response, and that the present and previous exposure to melatonin is critical in determining the response.  相似文献   

The indicator fractionation technique with [86Rb]rubidium chloride as the indicator was used to determine the relative blood flow (RBF) as a measure of capillary blood flow in the ovaries of conscious, hormonally treated, anoestrous ewes. Treatment of ewes with either progesterone only or oestradiol only had no effect on ovarian RBF, but treatment with oestradiol subsequent to progesterone caused a significant increase (P less than 0.001). Consequently, it appears that progesterone-induced sensitivity of the ovarian vasculature to the vasodilatory effects of oestradiol may be responsible for increased ovarian blood flow around oestrus in cyclic ewes.  相似文献   

In Exp. 1, 7 Finn-Merino ewes which had one ovary autotransplanted to a site in the neck had jugular and timed ovarian venous blood samples collected at 10-min intervals for 2 h before and 3 h after injection of 5 micrograms NIAMDD-oFSH-S16. In Exp. 2, 8 Finn-Merino ewes with ovarian autotransplants had jugular and timed ovarian venous blood samples collected at 15-min intervals for 2 h before and 12 h after bolus injection of 40 micrograms NIAMDD-oFSH-S16 and infusion of oFSH-S16 at 6 micrograms/min for 4 h. In Exp. 2 the follicular population of the ovary was assessed by real-time ultrasound at the beginning and end of the experimental period. In both experiments the secretion rates of inhibin (1-3 ng/min) and oestradiol (0.5-8 ng/min) were similar to those observed during the luteal phase of the cycle in the breeding season, indicating significant follicular development in these animals. In Exp. 1 there was no change in the secretion of oestradiol or inhibin after the injection of FSH which resulted in a 25% increase (P less than 0.05) in the concentration of FSH in plasma. Inhibin secretion was pulsatile but there was no difference in inhibin pulse frequency before (1.6 +/- 0.2 pulses/h) or after (1.2 +/- 0.5 pulses/h) injection of FSH. In Exp. 2 injection of FSH resulted in an increase (P less than 0.001) in plasma concentrations of FSH in the sample taken 10 min after injection from a baseline of 1.2 +/- 0.2 ng/ml to a peak of 10.6 +/- 1.0 ng/ml (mean +/- s.e.m.).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Southdown ewes in mid-seasonal anoestrus were exposed to rams for 0 h (control group), 2 h, 24 h, 40 h, 3 days, 10 days or 20 days. Serial blood samples were then taken to determine LH and FSH levels. Ewes with greater than 24 h ram exposure were ovariectomized immediately after bleeding, and all follicles greater than 1 mm diameter were dissected from the ovaries and measured. LH basal concentrations and pulse frequency increased significantly within 2 h of ram introduction, but by 24 h fell, and then remained low. FSH concentrations fell within 2 h of ram introduction and remained low. Control group ewes (isolated) had no follicles greater than 4 mm diameter, whereas all ewes exposed to rams had large follicles, with CL or preovulatory follicles present at 40 h after ram introduction. Ram introduction was also associated with follicle recruitment (antrum formation to less than 2 mm). Follicular recruitment and development to the large follicle stage therefore occurred during a period of low plasma gonadotrophin levels and suppressed LH pulsing.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to investigate the effect of chronic treatment with melatonin on prolactin plasma profiles, the onset of ovarian activity and the fertility of immature ewes. Beginning in late June, 30 maiden ewes were administered 2.5 mg melatonin (i.m.) daily until mid-September. Progesterone and prolactin plasma concentrations were determined by validated radioimmunoassays on samples collected every 5 days from 17 June until 31 October. Prolactin (PRL) plasma concentrations in the control animals were highest at the beginning of the experiment and lowest towards its conclusion. In melatonin-treated ewes, PRL levels dropped just after treatment began and were similar to those observed in the control animals at the end of the experimental period. The ovarian activity was advanced by approximately one month by the administration of melatonin, while the mean date of lambings was advanced by about two weeks compared with the controls. Fertility in the treated animals was very similar to that of the controls; the prolificacy (lambs/pregnant ewe) was 2 in the treated and 1.62 in the control ewes.  相似文献   

The introduction of rams to a group of previously isolated anoestrous ewes has been shown to stimulate ovarian follicular development and ovulation. The present experiment was carried out to determine the ability of follicles arising from this ram stimulus to produce steroids and bind hCG. Seasonally anoestrous Southdown ewes were exposed to rams for 24 h, 40 h, 3 days, 10 days or 20 days before ovariectomy. Steroid production and the concentration of hCG binding sites in follicles dissected from the ovaries were measured in vitro. The presence of a ram caused ovulation and enhanced oestradiol production by follicles, but had little effect on total androgen production or the number of hCG binding sites present in the follicles when compared to follicles from anoestrous ewes. The oestradiol concentrations in large follicles were not as high as in preovulatory follicles from cyclic ewes reported in other studies. Follicles continued to develop through the ram contact period and when incubated after 40 h and 10 days of ram contact produced high levels of progesterone, indicating partial luteinization, although the corpora lutea (CL) resulting from the induced ovulations regressed prematurely. We suggest that the lack of hCG binding sites in ram-induced follicles may be the cause of poor luteinization and suboptimal development of luteal tissue after induced ovulation in ewes during seasonal anoestrus.  相似文献   

This experiment was carried out in order to investigate the effects of melatonin treatment on prolactin plasma levels and the onset of cyclicity in anestrous goats. Fifty lactating goats were treated daily with 2.5 mg melatonin (i.m.) from 6 June to 18 September and fifty goats served as a control. The progesterone and prolactin plasma concentrations were determined by radioimmunoassays on blood samples collected once a week until the end of September. The onset of ovarian activity (monitored by the plasma progesterone determination) was advanced in the melatonin-treated does by about one week compared with the controls. Prolactin plasma levels decreased in the control animals from the highest concentrations observed in June to the lowest near the end of the experiment. In the melatonin-treated goats, the prolactin plasma levels dropped after the beginning of the treatment and remained significantly lower than those of the untreated does for about two months; from then onwards, no differences were observed between the two groups until the end of the experiment.  相似文献   

Ovarian activity, assessed by the plasma progesterone concentrations, were studied in four groups of Sardinian breed sheep with different lambing season. The resumption of ovarian activity was shorter and similarly the proportion of ewes which had resumed ovarian activity in response to introduction of rams was greater in sheep with November and December rather than January and March lambings. The resumption of oestrus activity was delayed in sheep with a high level of lactation.  相似文献   

Small-dose, multiple injections of GnRH given to seasonally anoestrous ewes induce final stages of the preovulatory follicle development, but result in an high incidence of defective CL unless animals are primed with progesterone, which completely eliminates luteal dysfunction. Progesterone priming upregulates luteal vascularization; however, its effect on follicular angiogenesis is poorly understood. This study tested the hypothesis that progesterone priming of seasonally anoestrous ewes treated with dose multiple injections of GnRH eliminates defective luteal function by altering the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), VEGF receptor-2, angiopoietin (ANG)-1, ANG-2, and TIE-2 during early and late preovulatory follicle development. Ten seasonally anoestrous ewes were given 20 mg of progesterone im 3 days before the start of GnRH treatment; 10 other animals served as controls. Intravenous injections of 500 ng GnRH were given to all animals every 2 hours for 28 hours, followed at 30 hours with a 300-μg GnRH bolus injection to synchronize the preovulatory LH surge. Ovaries were collected at 24 and 46 hours after the start of GnRH treatment. Small (2–2.5 mm) and large (>2.5 mm) follicles were analyzed for protein and mRNA expression of the angiogenic factors using immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization assays. Progesterone priming did not have an influence on angiogenic factor levels in small follicles. However, progesterone-primed animals showed significantly (P ≤ 0.05) higher levels of VEGF, VEGFR-2, ANG-1, and ANG-2 in large follicles compared with nonprimed ones. These data suggest that progesterone priming alters the expression of angiogenic factors in large preovulatory follicles, ensuring adequate luteal development and function.  相似文献   

Ovaries were recovered from two groups (n=6/group) of anoestrous Romney Marsh ewes, one group of which had been treated with progesterone implants prior to slaughter. A comparison was made between the maturational characteristics of the follicles > 2 mm diameter recovered from both groups and some significant differences were noted. In particular, the large follicles (> 4 mm diameter) recovered from the progesterone-treated ewes had a significantly (P<0.01) reduced capacity to secrete oestradiol, but enhanced (P<0.01) ability to bind hCG when compared to follicles recovered from control ewes. There were also differences in the relationships between follicular characteristics in the two groups of animals including a significant (P <0.05) correlation between follicular fluid progesterone and hCG binding to theca tissue in large follicles from progesterone-treated animals which did not exist in the control animals. Conversely, in the control animals a significant (P<0.05) relationship existed between oestradiol production and hCG binding to granulosa cells, but there was no such relationship in the follicles from progesterone-treated ewes. These results demonstrate that the treatment of ewes with progesterone during the anoestrous period clearly affects oestradiol synthesis and hCG binding and thus modifies follicular development.  相似文献   

Ruminants eat a variety of foods from different locations in the environment. While water, cover, social interactions, and predators are all likely to influence choice of foraging location, differences in macronutrient content among forages may also cause ruminants to forage in different locations even during a meal. We hypothesized that lambs forage at locations containing foods that complement their basal diet and meet their nutritional needs. Based on this hypothesis, we predicted that lambs (n=12) fed a basal diet low in protein and high in energy would forage where a high-protein food (Food P) was located, and that lambs (n=12) fed a basal diet low in energy and high in protein would forage where a high-energy food (Food E) was located. Food P was a ground mixture of blood meal (50%), grape pomace (30%), and alfalfa (20%) that contained 47% crude protein (CP) and 2.211 Mcal/kg digestible energy (DE). Food E was a ground mixture of cornstarch (50%), grape pomace (30%), and rolled barley (20%) that contained 6% CP and 3.07 Mcal/kg DE. Food P provided 212 g CP/Mcal DE, whereas Food E provided 20 g CP/Mcal DE. Lambs growing at a moderate rate require 179 g CP and 3.95 Mcal DE. During Trial 1, we determined if lambs foraged to correct a nutrient imbalance, and if they preferred a variety of foods (Foods P and E) to only one food at a location (Food P or E). During Trial 2, we determined if nutrient-imbalanced lambs foraged in the location with the food that corrected the imbalance when the location of the foods changed daily. During Trial 3, lambs were offered familiar foods (Foods P and E) at the location furthest - and novel foods (wheat and soybean meal) at the location nearest - the shelter of their pen. During all three trials, lambs foraged most at the location with the food that contained the highest concentration of the macronutrient lacking in their basal diet, but they always ate some of both foods. Lambs did not feed exclusively at the location with a variety of foods (P and E). Rather, they fed at the location nearest the shelter that contained the macronutrient lacking in their diet. As availability of the food with the needed macronutrient declined in one location, lambs moved to the nearest location that had food with the needed macronutrient. When food that complemented their basal diet was moved to a different location, lambs foraged in the new location. Collectively, these results show that lambs challenged by imbalances in energy or protein selected foods and foraging locations that complemented the nutrient content of their macronutrient imbalanced basal diets.  相似文献   

Daily transrectal ultrasonography of ovaries was done in seven Finn ewes during three 17-day periods from May to July. Blood samples were collected each day for estimation of the serum follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), oestradiol and progesterone concentrations, and also every 15 min for 6 h, halfway through each period of ultrasonographic examination, to determine the patterns of gonadotropic hormone secretion. Four ewes ceased cycling from March to mid-April (ewes entering anoestrus early) and three in May (ewes entering anoestrus late). In all ewes cyclicity resumed during the period from mid-August to mid-September. The growth of ovarian antral follicles to periovulatory sizes of >/=5 mm in diameter was seen at all stages of anoestrus. An average of four waves of follicular development (follicles growing from 3 to >/=5 mm in diameter before regression) with a periodicity of 4 days were recorded during each of the three scanning periods. There was a close temporal relationship between days of follicular wave emergence and peaks of successive FSH fluctuations. Ewes entering anoestrus late exceeded ewes that became anoestrus early in numbers of large (>/=5 mm in diameter) ovarian antral follicles and maximum follicle diameter. Peak concentrations of transient FSH increases were higher (P<0.05) in ewes entering anoestrus late than in ewes entering anoestrus early. The secretion of luteinising hormone, (LH; mean and basal level, and LH pulse frequency, but not amplitude) was lowest during the month of June in all ewes. Oestradiol production was markedly suppressed throughout anoestrus. Peaks of progesterone secretion appeared to occur at regular intervals and were associated with the end of the growth phase of the largest follicles of sequential waves. In conclusion, the growth of ovarian follicles to ostensibly ovulatory diameters is maintained throughout anoestrus in Finn ewes and periodic emergence of follicular waves is correlated with an endogenous rhythm of FSH secretion. The present study also provides evidence for the inverse relationship between the time of the onset of seasonal anoestrus and the number and size of antral follicles developing throughout anoestrus in Finn ewes, and indicates that differences exist in both the secretion of and ovarian responsiveness to gonadotropic hormones among early and late anoestrous ewes.  相似文献   

Forty-two Scottish Blackface ewes that lambed outdoors in March were removed from their lambs at the end of April and housed under natural daylength at 57 degrees N. Treatments (n = 7 ewes per treatment) commenced on 1 May and comprised daily oral dosing at 15:00 h with 3 mg melatonin dissolved in water and ethanol (4:1, v/v) for 30, 60, 90, 120 or 150 days. Control ewes received the vehicle alone. Ovarian activity was assessed by laparoscopy at monthly intervals with an additional interim observation in mid-July. Blood was sampled three times a week by jugular venepuncture and assayed for progesterone, prolactin and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). Luteinizing hormone (LH) was determined in blood samples collected at 15 min intervals for 10 h on days 28, 60, 91, 119 and 150. Thirty days of melatonin treatment delayed (P < 0.01) first ovulation by about 1 month (mean interval +/- SEM from 1 May to progesterone > 1 ng ml-1, 165 +/- 4.5 days versus 132 +/- 9.2 days for controls). None of the ewes that received melatonin for 60 days ovulated before the end of melatonin treatment, but subsequently six of them did; the mean interval from 1 May to increased progesterone concentration was 75 +/- 1.2 days. All ewes receiving melatonin for 90, 120 and 150 days ovulated with corresponding mean intervals of 83 +/- 2.7, 85 +/- 1.3 and 87 +/- 2.2 days, respectively (P < 0.001 compared with controls).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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