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In vitro processing of B. mori transfer RNA precursor molecules.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
R L Garber  S Altman 《Cell》1979,17(2):389-397
Ribonuclease P and 3'-5' nuclease, two enzymatic activities necessary for tRNA synthesis in E. coli, are also found in the silkgland cells of Bombyx mori. B. mori subcellular extracts containing RNAase P activity can cleave the E. coli tRNA precursor molecule endonucleolytically at the same site as the E. coli enzyme, and will also cleave in vitro all E. coli tRNA precursors (pre-tRNAs) which the bacterial enzyme recognizes. B. mori RNAase P will not cleave two E. coli RNAase P substrates that are structurally unrelated to tRNA. Pre-tRNAs from B. mori contain extra 5' and 3' nucleotides as judged by RNA fingerprinting and 5' terminal phosphate analysis. Crude silkgland extracts containing both RNAase P and 3'-5' nuclease can remove the 5' and 3' extra nucleotides from B. mori pre-tRNAs, whereas purified fractions containing RNAase P remove only 5' extra nucleotides. Only large silkworm pre-tRNAs were found to be susceptible to cleavage by B. mori RNAase P. This observation and sequence analysis of intermediates of in vitro processing reactions indicate a two-step process of pre-tRNA maturation in which extra 5' nucleotides are first removed by RNAase P and extra 3' nucleotides are then trimmed off by a 3'-5' nuclease.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae (strain A224A) has an abnormal distribution of cytoplasmic ribosomal subunits when grown at 36 degrees C, with sucrose-gradient analysis of extracts revealing an apparent excess of material sedimenting at 60 S. This abnormality is not observed at either 23 degrees C or 30 degrees C. At 36 degrees C the defect(s) is expressed as a slowed conversion of 20 S ribosomal precursor RNA to mature 18 S rRNA, although the corresponding maturation of 27 S ribosomal precursor RNA to mature 25 S rRNA is normal. Studies on this yeast strain and on mutants derived from it may help to elucidate the role(s) of individual ribosomal components in controlling ribosome biogenesis in eukaryotes.  相似文献   

The Calcitonin/CGRP-I (CALC-I) gene is known to be expressed in a tissue specific fashion resulting in the production of Calcitonin mRNA in thyroid C-cells and CGRP-I mRNA in particular nerve cells. The alternative RNA processing reactions include splicing of exons 1, 2 and 3 to exon 4 and poly (A) addition at exon 4 (Calcitonin mRNA) or splicing of exons 1, 2 and 3 to exons 5 and 6 and poly (A) addition at exon 6 (CGRP-I mRNA). Using a model precursor RNA containing the exon 3 to exon 5 region of the human CALC-I gene we have investigated the Calcitonin- and CGRP-I mRNA-specific processing reactions in vitro, in nuclear extracts of Hela, PC12 and Ewing-1B cells, respectively. Extracts of PC12- and Ewing-1B cells were expected to perform CGRP mRNA-specific splicing, whereas Calcitonin mRNA specific processing was expected to occur in Hela cell extracts. Surprisingly, CGRP mRNA-specific splicing of exon 3 to exon 5 was the predominant reaction in all three extracts. Significant Calcitonin mRNA-specific splicing of exon 3 to exon 4 only took place upon elimination of the dominant downstream 3' splice site used in CGRP mRNA-specific splicing. This elimination occurs most definitively by cleavage at the Calcitonin mRNA specific poly (A) site at exon 4 which may then be the major regulatory mechanism for tissue-specific expression of the CALC-I gene.  相似文献   

We have made a detailed molecular analysis of the reactions leading to the formation of mature 3' ends in mammalian histone mRNAs. Using two analytical protocols we have identified an essential sequence motif in the downstream spacer which is consistently present, albeit in diffuse form, mammalian histone genes. Tampering with this sequence element completely abolishes 3' processing. However, 3' cleavage in vitro, although at a very much reduced rate, can be detected when the conserved hairpin is deleted from histone precursor mRNAs. U7 snRNA, previously shown to be essential for the maturation of sea urchin histone messages, was isolated from murine cells and the sequence was determined. The approximately 63-nucleotide, trimethyl-G-capped, murine U7 snRNA possesses a sequence shown in the sea urchin U7 to be required for Sm-precipitability, and like the sea urchin U7, the 3' end of murine U7 is encased in a hairpin structure. The 5' sequence of murine U7 exhibits extensive sequence complementarity to the conserved downstream motif of the histone precursor. As expected, oligo-nucleotide-directed RNase H cleavage of this portion of murine U7 inhibits the in vitro processing reaction. These experiments identify a set of specific contacts between mammalian U7 and histone precursor RNA which is indispensable for the maturation reaction.  相似文献   

The DNA sequences of the intergenic region between the 17S and 5.8S rRNA genes of the ribosomal RNA operon in yeast has been determined. In this region the 37S ribosomal precursor RNA is specifically cleaved at a number of sites in the course of the maturation process. The exact position of these processing sites has been established by sequence analysis of the terminal fragments of the respective RNA species. There appears to be no significant complementarity between the sequences surrounding the two termini of the 18S secondary precursor RNA nor between those surrounding the two termini of 17S mature rRNA. This finding implies that the processing of yeast 37S ribosomal precursor RNA is not directed by a double-strand specific ribonuclease previously shown to be involved in the processing of E. coli ribosomal precursor RNA [see Refs 1,2]. The processing sites of yeast ribosomal precursor RNA described in the present paper are all flanked at one side by a very [A+T]-rich sequence. In addition, sequence repeats are found around the processing sites in this precursor RNA. Finally, sequence homologies are present at the 3'-termini [6 nucleotides] and the 5'-termini [13 nucleotides] of a number of mature rRNA products and intermediate ribosomal RNA precursors. These structural features are discussed in terms of possible recognition sites for the processing enzymes.  相似文献   

Structure and processing of precursor 5 S RNA in Drosophila melanogaster.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The 135-nucleotide-long “5 + S” RNA molecule found in Drosophila tissue culture cells after labelling at 37 °C has been identified as a precursor to 5 S RNA by pulse-chase experiments. The structure of the 15-nucleotide-long 3′-terminal sequence which differentiates this molecule from mature 5 S RNA has been determined. This ends in a stretch of U residues, suggestive of a polymerase termination signal.  相似文献   

In contrast to other cell-free translation systems, the mRNA-dependent reticulocyte lysate can translate encephalomyocarditis virus RNA efficiently and completely when supplemented with heterologous tRNA. Cleavage of the nascent polypeptide chain occurs, and one of the translation products appears to be a specific proteolytic enzyme which correctly processes the primary products. The identity of the proteins made in vitro was verified by comparison with infected cell proteins on dodecylsulphate/polyacrylamide gels, and by mapping their coding sequences on the viral genome.  相似文献   

Alkyl-dihydroxyacetonephosphate synthase, a peroxisomal enzyme involved in the biosynthesis of ether phospholipids, is synthesized with a cleavable N-terminal presequence containing the peroxisomal targeting signal type 2. The human alkyl-dihydroxyacetonephosphate synthase precursor produced in vitro or expressed in Escherichia coli could be processed to a lower molecular weight protein by incubation at 37 degrees C with a guinea pig liver fraction, enriched in mitochondria, lysosomes, and peroxisomes. This lower molecular weight protein was identified as the mature human alkyl-dihydroxyacetonephosphate synthase by radiosequencing, indicating that the processing protease is present in this organellar fraction. Characterization of the processing protease indicated that it is a cysteine protease with a pH optimum of 6.5. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that exogenously added pre-alkyl-dihydroxyacetonephosphate synthase was imported and processed in purified peroxisomes in vitro. Processing of alkyl-dihydroxyacetonephosphate synthase did not increase the activity of the enzyme. This indicates that the presence of the presequence does not affect the activity of the enzyme.  相似文献   

C M Sorenson  P A Hart    J Ross 《Nucleic acids research》1991,19(16):4459-4465
Most host mRNAs are degraded soon after infection of cells with herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1). This early shutoff or early destabilization response is induced by a virion component, the virion host shutoff (vhs) protein. HSV-1 mutants, vhs1 and vhs-delta Sma, which produce defective or inactive vhs protein, fail to induce early shutoff. We have used an in vitro mRNA decay system to analyze the destabilization process. Polysomes from uninfected human erythroleukemia cells, used as a source of target mRNAs, were mixed with polysomes or with post-polysomal supernatant (S130) from HSV-1- or mock-infected murine erythroleukemia cells. Normally stable gamma-globin mRNA was destabilized by approximately 15-fold with S130 from wild-type virus-infected cells but was not destabilized with S130 from mock-infected cells or from cells infected with either of the two HSV mutants. The virus-induced destabilizing activity had no significant effect on the in vitro half-lives of two normally unstable mRNAs, histone and c-myc. No destabilizing activity was detected in polysomes from infected cells. We conclude that a virus-induced destabilizer activity can function in vitro, is located in the S130 of infected cells, and accelerates the decay rates of some, but not all, polysome-associated host mRNAs.  相似文献   

3' Processing of sea urchin H3 histone pre-mRNA depends on a small nuclear RNP which contains an RNA of nominally 60 nucleotide length, referred to below as U7 RNA. The U7 RNA can be enriched by precipitation of sea urchin U-snRNPs with human systematic lupus erythematosus antiserum of the Sm serotype. We have prepared cDNA clones of U7 RNA and determined by hybridization techniques that this RNA is present in sea urchin eggs at 30-fold lower molar concentration than U1 RNA. The RNA sequences derived from an analysis of eight U7 cDNA clones show neither homologies nor complementarities to any other know U-RNAs. The 3' portion of the presumptive RNA sequence can be folded into a stem-loop structure. The 5'-terminal sequences would be largely unstructured as free RNA. Their most striking feature is their base complementarity to the 3' conserved sequences of histone pre-mRNAs. Six out of nine bases of the conserved CAAGAAAGA sequence of the histone mRNA precursor and 13 out of 16 nucleotides from the conserved palindrome can be base paired with presumptive U7 RNA sequence, suggesting a unique hybrid structure for a processing intermediate formed from histone precursor and U7 RNA.  相似文献   

MicroRNAs play central roles in controlling gene expression in human cells. Sequencing data show that many miRNAs are produced at different levels and as multiple isoforms that can vary in length at their 5′ or 3′ ends, but the biogenesis and functional significance of these RNAs are largely unknown. We show here that the human trans-activation response (TAR) RNA binding protein (TRBP), a known molecular partner of the miRNA processing enzyme Dicer, changes the rates of pre-miRNA cleavage in an RNA-structure-specific manner. Furthermore, TRBP can trigger the generation of iso-miRNAs (isomiRs) that are longer than the canonical sequence by one nucleotide. We show that this change in miRNA processing site can alter guide strand selection, resulting in preferential silencing of a different mRNA target. These results implicate TRBP as a key regulator of miRNA processing and targeting in humans.  相似文献   

This laboratory previously reported that 5-fluorouracil (FUra) increases dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) precursor mRNA (pre-mRNA) levels relative to DHFR mRNA levels in a methotrexate-resistant KB cell line; these data suggested that incorporation of FUra into RNA may, in part, lead to cell death through the inhibition of mRNA processing (Will, C. L., and Dolnick, B.J. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 5433-5436). Utilizing a methotrexate-resistant KB cell line designated 1BT, we now report the kinetic basis for altered levels of DHFR RNA observed in FUra-treated cells. Long-term exposure to FUra had no effect on the steady-state level of DHFR pre-mRNA containing intron V or I. However, steady-state levels of total DHFR mRNA decreased 2.0-fold on a per cell basis in cells exposed to 1.0 microM FUra. No significant change in the half-life of total DHFR mRNA or pre-mRNA was observed in cells exposed to FUra (t1/2 = approximately 11.5 h and 50 min, respectively). Nuclear/cytoplasmic RNA labeling experiments demonstrated that the rate of nuclear DHFR RNA conversion to cytoplasmic DHFR mRNA decreased approximately 1.8-fold in FUra-treated cells. These results provide further evidence the FUra may inhibit processing of mRNA precursors and/or affect the stability of nuclear DHFR mRNA.  相似文献   

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