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Epiphytic lichen vegetation was studied in 10 sites along an altitude gradient from 750 to 1510 m on NW-facing slopes of Mount Olympos, Greece to assess the main spatial heterogeneity of microhabitats affecting communities and species composition. Community structure along the gradient was studied by using multivariate techniques. The critical factor for spatial heterogeneity seems to be the height at which the lichen community develops on the tree trunks. Changes in the community structure of the epiphytic lichen vegetation were also detected along the altitudinal gradient and the altitude of 1200 m is considered to be an ecotone. A comparative study of epiphytic lichen communities on Mt. Olympos and in the Thessaloniki area revealed species indicators of air pollution.  相似文献   

The relationship between distribution and abundance of epiphytic lichens on five different substrates (Fagus sylvatica, Pinus nigra, Quercus coccifera, Pinus heldreichii and Quercus pubescens) has been studied. For the first three substrates the above relationship has been studied hierarchically. It was concluded that this relationship is partly represented by the core-satellite distribution. This abundance-distribution pattern could probably be explained by more than one hypothesis and it is probably related with the life strategies of lichen species.  相似文献   

The effect of air pollution from nitrogen dioxide (NO2) on the epiphytic lichens of the city of Seville (Spain) has been studied. Indices of air purity (IAP) were calculated, based on the lichen flora ofMelia azedarach L. present at 25 stations distributed through the city. The arrangement and classification of the stations by principal component analysis and cluster analysis, respectively, enabled the study area to be zoned into four zones of air purity. Accordingly, the zonal map of air purity for the city of Seville yields a gradient of air purity that is very steep from the centre to the outskirts. The dependence of 77.6% of IAP variability with NO2 pollution levels detected with air emission sensors distributed through the city suggests the relationship between NO2 levels and zones of air purity.  相似文献   

Allelic and genotypic variation at 13 different enzyme loci of autochthonous European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) was investigated in six 110-160-year-old stands growing at elevations between 150 and 660 m above sea level on the western slope of mount Vogelsberg in central Germany. The highest elevated population showed the highest number of effective alleles (Ne), the highest total heterozygosity (He) and the highest population differentiation deltaT. Also, the genotype SKD-A2A3 of shikimate dehydrogenase was significantly more frequent at the two highest elevated stands (P = 11%) than at the three lowest elevated stands (P = 1%). Further differences in genotype frequencies between 11 of 15 stand pairs were elevation independent.  相似文献   

The geographic distributions of two common species of epiphytic lichens,Phaeophyscia limbata (Poelt) Kashiw. andLecanora pulverulenta Müll. Arg., on city park trees in the Osaka Plain and their relation to the distribution of SO2 and NO2 was examined. The concentrations of SO2 and NO2 are greater in the central area of this plain, and decrease with distance from the center. The frequency ofL. pulverulenta is lowest in the central area, and increases gradually toward the periphery. In contrast, the frequency ofP. limbata is highest in the intermediate area, and lower in the central and peripheral areas, i.e. at intermediate SO2 and NO2 concentrations. We conclude thatL. pulverulenta is more useful thanP. limbata as a bioindicator of air pollutants such as SO2 and NO2.  相似文献   

Aim To study the altitudinal variation of ground spiders (Araneae, Gnaphosidae) of Crete, Greece, as far as species composition, species richness, activity and range of distribution are concerned. Location Altitudinal zones (0–2400 m) along the three main mountain massifs of the island of Crete. Methods Thirty‐three sampling sites were located from 0 to 2400 m a.s.l. on Crete, and sampled using pitfall traps. Material from the high‐activity period of Gnaphosidae (mid‐spring to mid‐autumn) was analysed. Sampling sites were divided into five altitudinal zones of 500 m each. Statistical analysis involved univariate statistics (anova ) and multivariate statistics, such as multidimensional scaling (MDS) and cluster analysis (UPGMA) using binomial data of species presence or absence. Results Species richness declines with altitude and follows a hump‐shaped pattern. The activity pattern of the family, as a whole, is not correlated with altitude and is highly species‐specific. In the highest zone, both species richness and activity decline dramatically. The altitudinal range of species distribution increases with altitude. On the Cretan summits live highly tolerant lowland species and isolated residents of the high mountains of Crete. Two different patterns of community structure are recorded. Main conclusions Communities of Gnaphosidae on Crete present two distinct structures following the altitudinal gradient, these being separated by a transitional zone between 1600 and 2000 m. This study supports previous results which show a hump‐shaped decline in species richness of Gnaphosidae along altitudinal gradients, leading to a peak at 400–700 m, where an optimum of environmental factors exists. This makes this zone the meeting point of the often opportunistic lowland species with the older and most permanent residents of the island. Rapoport's rule on the positive correlation of the altitudinal range of species distributions with altitude is also supported. The high activity recorded for the species that persist on the high mountains of Crete is indicative of a tolerant arachnofauna, and is considered to result from relaxation of competitive interactions with other species. This is related to a reduction in species numbers, shortening of the activity period on high mountains and the unique presence of high mountain species that thrive only there. As shown in our study, strategies to cope with altitude are species‐specific. Therefore, there cannot exist one single model to describe how animals react to the change in altitude, even under the same environmental conditions.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of roads on alpine and subalpine plant species distribution along an altitudinal gradient on Mount Norikura (3026 m a.s.l.), Japan. We examined the vegetation of herb and tree species shorter than 1.3 m along roadsides and adjacent natural vegetation at 200 m intervals between 1600 and 3000 m a.s.l. The timberline was at 2500 m a.s.l. Although the canopy opening was greater at the roadsides than in the natural vegetation, it was similar above the timberline. Soil cover and litter depth of the soil surface were less at roadsides than the natural vegetation, and gravel and rock cover were greater at roadsides. Species composition changed in similar directions from natural vegetation to roadsides along the altitudinal gradient. This direction was related to canopy opening and litter depth. Liliaceae, Ericaceae and Pinaceae were dominant families in the natural vegetation, and Asteraceae and Poaceae were greatest at the roadsides. Roadside plants were mostly herb species, while tree species increased in natural vegetation. Five exotic species were also observed at the roadsides. Sunny plant species gradually increased with altitude in the natural vegetation, indicated by the increase in canopy opening. By contrast, roadside plants were mostly sunny plant species irrespective of altitude. The number of lowland and montane species increased at the roadsides in the subalpine zone. Thus, roads strongly altered species composition of the natural vegetation along the altitudinal gradient probably because of changes in light and soil-surface conditions for growth and seedling establishment.  相似文献   

Vegetation structure of the treeline was studied on the southeastern slope of Mount Paektu (North Korea). Fifteen temporary plots (20m×20m) were situated along the altitudinal transect. Seven square samples (phytosociological relevés 5 m×5 m) were analyzed in each plot. Although the character of the vegetation was rather continuous altitudinally, five similar groups of vegetation samples were distinguished by the TWINSPAN procedure. The distribution of samples in the classification showed not only the effect of altitude but also the effect of competition between the tree and the shrub layers and other factors. In the canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) ordination several environmental variables were used (such as altitude of each plot, distance of each plot from the forest edge and the cover percentage of tree, shrub, herb and moss/lichen layers). The variable ‘cover of tree layer’ had the strongest relation to the species data. Continuous changes of species richness along the altitude were confirmed. Species richness decreased significantly with altitude.  相似文献   

Sclerophylly and synthesis of phenolic compounds are active responses of plants subjected to environmental stress (drought, low nutrient supply, u.v.-B radiation, ozone). Here we describe the morphological and histochemical alterations occurring in field-grown leaves of Fagus sylvatica L. from three sites located along an ecological gradient: from a site in cool and protected conditions to one located on a mountain ridge, where the trees grow on a thin layer of soil and are exposed to the wind and to intense solar radiation in summer. The morphological data show that, as the ecological conditions of the stand worsen, individual leaf surface decreases, while the thickness of the leaves and their specific d. wt (i.e. d. wt per unit leaf area) increases. Histochemical and ultrastructural tests show a marked increase of phenolics during the course of the year. These substances, present primarily in the leaves of trees growing in stress conditions, have been identified mainly as tannins. They accumulate in the vacuoles, especially those of the upper epidermal layer and the palisade mesophyll; at a later stage they appear to be solubilized in the cytoplasm and retranslocated, eventually impregnating the outer wall of the epidermal cells amidst the cellulose fibrils, where they cluster together and form an electron-opaque layer between the wall and the cuticle. Observation of the epidermal cells also reveals that the outer cell wall is thicker. The paper discusses the roles of secondary metabolites in protection and detoxification processes; the possible ecological significance of these alterations in the ecophysiology of beech trees.  相似文献   

The distribution of Calliphoridae along an altitudinal gradient was investigated in Central Spain using carrion-baited traps. Significant differences were found between elevation and mean abundances of almost all species of blow-flies. Several species of flies could be grouped according to their altitudinal preferences so that samples at high elevations are defined by Calliphora vomitoria and Calliphora vicina while samples at low elevations are defined by two thermophilous species: Lucilia sericata and Chrysomya albiceps. The remaining species show preferences for mid-elevations where wooded areas are more characteristic along the altitudinal gradient. Calliphora vomitoria and Chrysomya albiceps are the most abundant species representing the 87.74 % of all captures. Both species are spatially segregated along the altitudinal gradient. The changing patterns of abundance are discussed in relation to differences in climate conditions along the altitudinal gradient concluding that the environmental variables that influence the seasonality of many species also play an important role to explain the spatial distribution.  相似文献   

In the tropics, corticolous lichen richness and cover tend to increase from the trunk base to the top of the crown of trees. In this study we calculated the total beta diversity of the lichen community along a vertical gradient on Quercus laurina in Mexican cloud forest. By comparing the richness and cover of the lichens by zone, we show that foliose and fruticose lichens are a minor component of the total lichen species richness, but have a higher cover than the crustose lichens. Five zones were identified along each phorophyte (n = 15) with a diameter at breast height >40 cm. A total of 92 species were identified. Of these, 38% were found only in a single zone, 51% were shared between the different zones and 11% occurred across all zones. Species richness and cover increased from the lowest to the highest zones of the phorophytes. Dissimilarity in species composition between the zones could be explained by species replacement. An indicator species analysis revealed that only a few species, e.g. Hypotrachyna vexans, H. cf. sublaevigata and Ramalina cf. sinaloensis prefer a particular zone. The results show that the lichen community associated with Quercus laurina phorophytes is highly diverse and suggest that species richness and cover are related to the zone and the various growth forms.  相似文献   

Global urbanization is a major force that causes alteration and loss of natural habitats. Urban ecosystems are strongly affected by humans and there is a gradient of decreasing human influence from city centers to natural habitats. To study ecological changes along this continuum, researchers introduced the urban-rural gradient approach. The responses of centipedes to an urbanization gradient (urban-suburban-rural areas) were studied using pitfall traps in and near the city of Heraklion, in the island of Crete, Greece, from November 2010 to November 2011. Our results do not support the intermediate disturbance hypothesis, in which suburban areas located in the transitional zone between urban and rural habitats failed to indicate significant increase in terms of species richness and diversity.  相似文献   

The distribution of millipedes along an altitudinal gradient in the south of Lake Teletskoye, Altai, Russia based on new samples from the Kyga Profile sites, as well as on partly published and freshly revised material (Mikhaljova et al. 2007, 2008, 2014, Nefedieva and Nefediev 2008, Nefediev and Nefedieva 2013, Nefedieva et al. 2014), is established. The millipede diversity is estimated to be at least 15 species and subspecies from 10 genera, 6 families and three orders. The bulk of species diversity is confined both to low- and mid-mountain chern taiga forests and high-mountain shrub tundras, whereas the highest numbers, reaching up to 130 ind./m², is shown in subalpine Pinus sibirica sparse growths. Based on clustering studied localities on species diversity similarity two groups of sites are defined: low-mountain sites and subalpine sparse growths of Pinus sibirica ones.  相似文献   

The purposes of this article are to quantify the relationship between epiphytic lichen distribution and macroclimatic variables in the study area and to provide a case study for evaluating the predictive role of epiphytic lichens as bioclimatic indicators. The study was carried out in the Liguria region (NW-Italy), a small (5432 km2) borderline area, where phytoclimatic features range from the dry Mediterranean to the Alpine in a few kilometers. Epiphytic lichen diversity was sampled using a standardized protocol [Asta et al (2002) In: Nimis et al (eds) Monitoring with lichens: monitoring lichens. Kluwer, Dordrecht]. Abundance of the species in the sampling sites was related to macroclimatic parameters (yearly average temperature and rainfall) and non-parametric multivariate models were calculated to find significative relationships among predictive and response variables. A total of 59 species showed highly significant relation with macroclimatic parameters. Four groups were selected, by means of a cluster analysis, related to four climatic niches (warm-humid, cold-humid, mesothermic-humid, warm-dry). Distributional pattern of the groups in the survey area showed a good correspondence with the bioclimatic units of Liguria region described by Nimis [(2003) Checklist of the Lichens of Italy 3.0. University of Trieste, Dept of Biology. http://www.dbiodbs.univ.trieste.it. Cited 1 Jun 2006]. A significant subset of epiphytic lichen species in the study area have been proved to be efficient bioclimatic indicator and it is supposed to give good results to monitor climatic changes, in a long-term perspective.  相似文献   

Studies of epiphytic dinoflagellates in Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan in 2008–2011 revealed the presence of 13 species. Five of the species are known as potentially toxic: Amphidinium carterae, A. operculatum, Ostreopsis cf. ovata, O. cf. siamensis and Prorocentrum lima. The maximum species richness and abundance of epiphytic dinoflagellates were observed in autumn (from September to October). Ostreopsis spp. were most widely distributed and predominated, amounting to 99% of the total density of dinoflagellates. Multi-year seasonal dynamics of Ostreopsis spp. in Peter the Great Bay showed that these cells appear as epiphyton in August after maximum warming of surface waters (22–24 °С) and disappear in early November, when the water temperature decreases below 7 °С. Ostreopsis spp. proliferation occurred in September, when the water temperature was 17.2–21.0 °C. The highest densities of Ostreopsis spp. were recorded on September 9, 2010 on the rhodophyte Neorhodomela aculeata – 230 × 103 cells g−1 DW or 52 × 103 cells g−1 FW. The spatial distribution of epiphytic dinoflagellates was investigated in the near-shore areas of Peter the Great Bay during the second half of September 2010 to evaluate the role of hydrodynamic conditions. Epiphytic dinoflagellates were not found in sheltered sites having weak mixing hydrodynamics. However, the abundances of Ostreopsis spp. were significantly higher at sites having moderate turbulence compared to biotopes experiencing strong wave action. Densities of Ostreopsis spp. were not significantly different on macrophytes with branched thallus of all taxonomic divisions. However, the average cell densities of Ostreopsis spp. on green algae with branched thallus were significantly higher than on green algae having laminar thallus.  相似文献   

Although epiphytism is generally heaviest on older portions of the host thallus and both variation and abundance of epiphytes decrease with proximity to meristematic apices, Neosiphonia harveyi (Bailey) Kim, Choi, Guiry and Saunders was frequently found on upper parts of sargassacean hosts. This study compared density, thallus length and fertility of epiphytic N. harveyi among different regions of Sargassum patens C. Agardh thalli to reveal a unique distribution pattern of this epiphyte. The majority of epiphytic N. harveyi was observed on the upper part of host thalli and was seldom seen near the basal part. Over a 3‐month period, mean epiphyte density was greater on host apices while thallus length and fertility were greater on subapical portions of host thalli, suggesting the colonization by this epiphyte near the apical part of the host. Distribution patterns of this epiphyte were similar among S. patens growing at different depths. Apical portions of S. patens appear to be more suitable substrata for N. harveyi settlement and colonization compared with other portions of the host thallus, regardless of depth.  相似文献   

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