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Microcystin concentrations in two Dutch lakes with an important Planktothrix component were related to the dynamics of cyanobacterial genotypes and biovolumes. Genotype composition was analysed by using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) profiling of the intergenic transcribed spacer region of the rrn operon (rRNA-ITS), and biovolumes were measured by using microscopy. In Lake Tjeukemeer, microcystins were present throughout summer (maximum concentration 30 microg l(-1)) while cyanobacterial diversity was low and very constant. The dominant phototroph was Planktothrix agardhii. In contrast, Lake Klinckenberg showed a high microcystin peak (up to 140 microg l(-1)) of short duration. In this lake, cyanobacterial diversity was higher and very dynamic with apparent genotype successions. Several genotypes derived from DGGE field profiles matched with genotypes from cultures isolated from field samples. The microcystin peak measured in Lake Klinckenberg could be confidently linked to a bloom of Planktothrix rubescens, as microscopic and genotypic analysis showed identity of bloom samples and a toxin-producing P. rubescens culture. Toxin-producing genotypes were detected in the microbial community before they reached densities at which they were detected by using microscopy. Cyanobacterial biovolumes provided additional insights in bloom dynamics. In both lakes, the microcystin content per cell was highest at the onset of the blooms. Our results suggest that while genotypic characterization of a lake can be valuable for detection of toxic organisms, for some lakes a monitoring of algal biomass has sufficient predictive value for an assessment of toxin production.  相似文献   

Priority effects occur when the arrival order of species or genotypes has a lasting effect on community or population structure. For freshwater bacteria , priority effects have been shown experimentally among individual species, but no experiments have been performed using complex natural communities. We investigated experimentally whether a foreign bacterioplankton community influences the community assembly trajectory when inoculated prior to the local community, whether inoculation time lag affects priority effects, and how the individual OTUs responded to time lag. Two bacterioplankton communities from dissimilar ponds were inoculated into one of the natural media with a time lag of 0, 12, 36 or 60 h, giving advantage in time to the foreign community . All three time lags resulted in priority effects, as the final community composition of these treatments differed significantly from that of the treatment with no time lag, but compositional shifts were not linear to inoculation time lag. The responses of individual OTUs to time lag were highly diverse and not predictable based on their immigration history or relative abundance in the inocula or control. The observed impact and complexity of priority effects in multispecies systems emphasize the importance of this process in structuring both natural and industrial bacterial communities.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that autochthonous (internally produced) organic carbon and allochthonous (externally produced) organic carbon are utilized by phylogenetically different bacterioplankton. We examined the relationship between the source of organic matter and the structure and function of lake bacterial communities. Differences and seasonal changes in bacterial community composition in two lakes differing in their source of organic matter were followed in relation to environmental variables. We also performed batch culture experiments with amendments of various organic substrates, namely fulvic acids, leachates from algae, and birch and maple leaves. Differences in bacterial community composition between the lakes, analysed by terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism, correlated with variables related to the relative loading of autochthonous and allochthonous carbon (water colour, dissolved organic carbon, nutrients, and pH). Seasonal changes correlated with temperature, chlorophyll and dissolved organic carbon in both lakes. The substrate amendments led to differences in both structure and function, i.e. production, respiration and growth yield, of the bacterial community. In conclusion, our results suggest that the source of organic matter influences community composition both within and among lakes and that there may be a coupling between the structure and function of the bacterial community.  相似文献   

The bacterioplankton community composition in two Finnish forest lakes with different content of humic substances was studied by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and sequencing of the major bands. The same dominant bacterial phylotypes were detected in the bacterioplankton communities of clear-water Lake Ahvenlammi and humic Lake Sammalisto. For 4 years, in every water layer, Actinobacteria was the dominant and Verrucomicrobia the second most common phylum. In the hypolimnion, other dominant phyla were also found. We set up a mesocosm experiment to assess the effect of a sudden load of allochthonous humus extract to the bacterioplankton community composition. Changes in the bacterial communities were followed in four control and four humus extract-added mesocosms for 50 days. In the humic mesocosms the phylotypes of allochthonous Proteobacteria arriving with the humus extract were initially prevalent but disappeared during the first weeks. After this the Actinobacteria-dominated communities resembled the bacterioplankton communities of the control mesocosms and Lake Ahvenlammi. Towards the end of the experiment the community patterns in all the mesocosms started to change slightly because of erratic occurrence of new proteobacterial phylotypes. Thus the effects of a sudden load of allochthonous humic material and bacteria to the bacterioplankton community composition were transient.  相似文献   

Heterotrophic bacteria are major contributors to biogeochemical cycles and influence water quality. Still, the lack of representative isolates and the few quantitative surveys leave the ecological role and significance of single bacterial populations to be revealed. Here we analyzed the diversity and dynamics of freshwater Flavobacteria populations in four eutrophic temperate lakes. From each lake, clone libraries were constructed using primers specific for either the class Flavobacteria or Bacteria. Sequencing of 194 Flavobacteria clones from 8 libraries revealed a diverse freshwater Flavobacteria community and distinct differences among lakes. Abundance and seasonal dynamics of Flavobacteria were assessed by quantitative PCR with class-specific primers. In parallel, the dynamics of individual populations within the Flavobacteria community were assessed with terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis using identical primers. The contribution of Flavobacteria to the total bacterioplankton community ranged from 0.4 to almost 100% (average, 24%). Blooms where Flavobacteria represented more than 30% of the bacterioplankton were observed at different times in the four lakes. In general, high proportions of Flavobacteria appeared during episodes of high bacterial production. Phylogenetic analyses combined with Flavobacteria community fingerprints suggested dominance of two Flavobacteria lineages. Both drastic alterations in total Flavobacteria and in community composition of this class significantly correlated with bacterial production, emphasizing that resource availability is an important driver of heterotrophic bacterial succession in eutrophic lakes.  相似文献   

Macrophytes play an important role in structuring aquatic ecosystems. In this study, we explored whether macrophyte species are involved in determining the bacterioplankton community composition (BCC) in shallow freshwater lakes. The BCC in field areas dominated by different macrophyte species in Taihu Lake, a large, shallow freshwater lake, was investigated over a 1-year period. Subsequently, microcosm experiments were conducted to determine if single species of different types of macrophytes in an isolated environment would alter the BCC. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE), followed by cloning and sequence analysis of selected samples, was employed to analyze the BCC. The DGGE results of the field investigations indicated that the BCC changed significantly from season to season and that the presence of different macrophyte species resulted in lower BCC similarities in the summer and fall. LIBSHUFF analysis of selected clone libraries from the summer demonstrated different BCCs in the water column surrounding different macrophytes. Relative to the field observations, the microcosm studies indicated that the BCC differed more pronouncedly when associated with different species of macrophytes, which was also supported by LIBSHUFF analysis of the selected clone libraries. Overall, this study suggested that macrophyte species might be an important factor in determining the composition of bacterial communities in this shallow freshwater lake and that the species-specific influence of macrophytes on BCC is variable with the season and distance.  相似文献   

贫营养湖泊花神湖和紫霞湖浮游细菌群落结构分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以南京市花神湖和紫霞湖两个贫营养型湖泊为研究对象,通过构建花神湖和紫霞湖16S rRNA基因克隆文库探讨了浮游细菌群落结构组成的变化。结果表明,花神湖和紫霞湖两湖泊水体中浮游细菌群落结构相似,主要隶属于放线菌门(Actinobacteria)、蓝藻门(Cyanobacteria)、α-变形菌门(Alphaproteobacteria)、β-变形菌门(Betaproteobacteria)、杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)、浮霉菌门(Planctomycetes)、疣微菌门(Verrucomicrobia)和芽单胞菌门(Gemmatimonadetes),其中放线菌门(Actinobacteria)、蓝藻门(Cyanobacteria)、β-变形菌门(Betaproteobacteria)是优势细菌类群。两个湖泊水体中75%的细菌与GenBank中已有的未培养细菌同源性高于97%,同时在两个克隆文库中还发现了6个淡水细菌新类群。通过对低纬度区域贫营养型湖泊浮游细菌群落结构的分析,加深了我们对浮游细菌多样性的了解,表明湖泊浮游细菌多样性有待进一步认识。  相似文献   

A method to study bacterioplankton community structure in Antarctic lakes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
D. A. Pearce 《Polar Biology》2000,23(5):352-356
A method to study bacterioplankton community structure in Antarctic freshwater lake samples is described. Small samples (between 300 and 1000 ml) taken in remote field locations were used for crude DNA extraction, followed by PCR amplification of 16S rRNA gene fragments using group-specific primers. The amplification products of the PCR reaction were then separated using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis to produce a profile of the bacterioplankton community. Whilst the technique is only semi-quantitative, it readily differentiated communities from lakes of different trophic status and from vertical profiles within different lake types. The method offers a sensitive tool for screening and monitoring Antarctic freshwater environments as a precursor and adjunct to more detailed studies. Accepted: 14 November 1999  相似文献   

太湖有机聚集体上附着细菌群落结构与动态的T-RFLP分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汤祥明  高光  秦伯强 《生态科学》2008,27(5):341-345
有机聚集体(organic aggregates),是指由浮游动(植)物的残体、粪便颗粒及各种有机碎屑、活的自养及异养微生物以及无机颗粒等由于物理的、化学的或生物的作用聚集而成的颗粒物。人们对水生态系统中有机聚集体的认识始于20世纪50年代的海洋学研究。细菌是有机聚集体最重要的组成部分之一。有机聚集体在水体中物质与能量循环中的作用很大程度上是靠附着其上的异养细菌而起作用的。目前,有机聚集体的概念在水生态系统中已被广泛接受,由于其独特的物理、化学及生物组成,以及复杂的形成、转化过程,使其在水生态系统中具有重要的生态学作用。然而,有关浅水湖泊中有机聚集体上细菌群落的研究目前尚未见报道。近年来,基于DNA多聚酶链式反应(PCR)的末端限制性片段长度多态性(T-RFLP)技术是一种新兴的研究微生物多态性的分子生物学方法。该技术由于具有快捷、高分辨率、高通量和不依赖于培养等优点而被广泛应用于微生物群落结构的时空演替研究。本研究采用T-RFLP技术,研究了太湖梁溪河入湖河口(Site A)和贡湖湾(Site B)2006年6月至2007年5月一年间有机聚集体上附着细菌群落组成的时空变化规律。T-RFLP分析检测到这两个采样点共有187个独特的末端限制性片段(T-RFs),月平均T-RFs分别42.7和44.9。t 检验显示它们没有显著性差异(P>0.05)。虽然河口的营养盐浓度要显著高于贡湖湾(P<0.01),T-RFLP 结果表明,太湖中营养盐的浓度已经不是有机聚集体上附着细菌多样性的限制因子。聚类分析显示,除了春季外,河口和贡湖湾有机聚集体上细菌群落结构有明显的不同。在T-RFLP分析附着细菌群落组成及季节变化的基础上,采用多元统计方法研究环境因子与附着细菌群落组成变化的相关性。典型对应分析(CCA)结果表明诸多环境因子中,DIP、DIN 和水温与有机聚集体上细菌群落结构的变化具有显著的相关性 (P<0.05)。  相似文献   

In this study, variation in the bacterioplankton community structure of three Antarctic lakes of different nutrient status, was determined in relation to physical and chemical gradients at depth and at time intervals, across the seasonal transition from winter ice-cover to the summer ice-free period. The three lakes studied were: Moss Lake (low nutrient, with typical nutrient concentrations of 80 microg l(-1) nitrate and 10 microg l(-1) dissolved reactive phosphate), Sombre Lake (low nutrient, but becoming progressively enriched, with typical nutrient concentrations of 185 microg l(-1) nitrate and 7 microg l(-1) dissolved reactive phosphate) and Heywood Lake (enriched, with typical nutrient concentrations of 1180 microg l(-1) nitrate and 124 microg l(-1) dissolved reactive phosphate). Bacterioplankton community structure was determined using a combination of PCR amplification of 16S rRNA gene fragments and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). Results indicated marked changes in this bacterioplankton community structure, which were particularly associated with the transition period. However, significant changes also occurred during the period of holomixis. Comparison of the results from lakes of different nutrient status suggest that increased levels of nutrient input, and in the timing and duration of ice cover will lead to marked changes in the structure and stability of the bacterioplankton community at existing levels of environmental change.  相似文献   

With an unprecedented decade-long time series from a temperate eutrophic lake, we analyzed bacterial and environmental co-occurrence networks to gain insight into seasonal dynamics at the community level. We found that (1) bacterial co-occurrence networks were non-random, (2) season explained the network complexity and (3) co-occurrence network complexity was negatively correlated with the underlying community diversity across different seasons. Network complexity was not related to the variance of associated environmental factors. Temperature and productivity may drive changes in diversity across seasons in temperate aquatic systems, much as they control diversity across latitude. While the implications of bacterioplankton network structure on ecosystem function are still largely unknown, network analysis, in conjunction with traditional multivariate techniques, continues to increase our understanding of bacterioplankton temporal dynamics.  相似文献   

Multiple forces structure natural microbial communities, but the relative roles and interactions of these drivers are poorly understood. Gradients of physical and chemical parameters can be especially influential. In traditional ecological theory, variability in environmental conditions across space and time represents habitat heterogeneity, which may shape communities. Here we used aquatic microbial communities as a model to investigate the relationship between habitat heterogeneity and community composition and dynamics. We defined spatial habitat heterogeneity as vertical temperature and dissolved oxygen (DO) gradients in the water column, and temporal habitat heterogeneity as variation throughout the open-water season in these environmental parameters. Seasonal lake mixing events contribute to temporal habitat heterogeneity by destroying and re-creating these gradients. Because of this, we selected three lakes along a range of annual mixing frequency (polymictic, dimictic, meromictic) for our study. We found that bacterial community composition (BCC) was distinct between the epilimnion and hypolimnion within stratified lakes, and also more variable within the epilimnia through time. We found stark differences in patterns of epilimnion and hypolimnion dynamics over time and across lakes, suggesting that specific drivers have distinct relative importance for each community.  相似文献   

Bacteria were counted with acridine orange epifluorescence technique in two humic lakes during 3 years. Less than 1% of the cells were found attached to detritus aggregates. 73% of the total number and 48% of the total volume were smaller than 1 µm. The mean cell volume ranged from 0.10 to 0.35 µm3 with the highest cell volumes occurring during early summer contemporarily with the growth of the bacterial biomass and probably indicating favourable growth conditions. The mean density of bacteria in oligotrophic brown-water lakes is higher than in oligotrophic clear-water lakes. The development of bacterial biomass showed a regular and seasonally dependent pattern with maxima during early summer and autumn. The importance of different factors for the regulation of bacterial biomass is discussed. Three different approaches were used to estimate bacterial production. These resulted in an average production rate of 15–60 µg C · l?1 · d?1 during the growing season. It was concluded that allochthonous sources comprised a significant part of the energy supply to the bacteria in the two humic lakes.  相似文献   

The potential effect of UV radiation on the composition of coastal marine bacterioplankton communities was investigated. Dilution cultures with seawater collected from the surface mixed layer of the coastal North Sea were exposed to different ranges of natural or artificial solar radiation for up to two diurnal cycles. The composition of the bacterioplankton community prior to exposure was compared to that after exposure to the different radiation regimes using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) of 16S rRNA and 16S ribosomal DNA. Only minor changes in the composition of the bacterial community in the different radiation regimes were detectable. Sequencing of selected bands obtained by DGGE revealed that some species of the Flexibacter-Cytophaga-Bacteroides (FCB) group were sensitive to UV radiation while other species of the FCB group were resistant. Overall, only up to approximately 10% of the operational taxonomic units present in the dilution cultures appeared to be affected by UV radiation. Thus, we conclude that UV radiation has little effect on the composition of coastal marine bacterioplankton communities in the North Sea.  相似文献   

Castillo  María M. 《Hydrobiologia》2000,437(1-3):57-69
Seasonal fluctuation in river stage strongly affects the ecological functioning of tropical floodplain lakes. This study was conducted to assess the influence of hydrological seasonality on bacterial production and abundance in two floodplain lakes of the Autana River, a blackwater river in the Middle Orinoco basin, Venezuela. Water samples for nutrient chemistry, chlorophyll a, and microbiological determinations were collected in two floodplain lakes and in the mainstem of the river during 1997–98. DOC and chlorophyll a concentrations were similar between mainstem and lake sites during high water when river and lakes were well connected but became different during the period of low water when the interaction was minimal. Higher values of bacterial production were observed in the floodplain lakes (0.62–1.03 g C l–1 h–1) compared to the mainstem sites (0.17–0.19 g C l–1 h–1) during the period of low water, while during the period of high water river and lake sites showed similar levels (0.04 g C l–1 h–1). Bacterial numbers followed bacterial production in the floodplain lakes, reaching higher numbers during the period of low water (1.41–2.40 × 106 cells ml–1). Availability of substrate and inorganic nutrients, pH, and inputs and losses of bacterial cells could be determining the observed seasonal patterns in bacterial production and abundance. The Autana lakes exhibited a strong seasonal pattern in the chemical and biological conditions, showing higher productivity during the lentic phase that lasted between 5 and 6 months.  相似文献   

The Rodrigo de Freitas lagoon (RFL) is a tropical eutrophic coastal ecosystem located in the urban area of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This environment consists of freshwater but has communication with the ocean through a channel (Jardim de Alah’s Channel). The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of lagoon water on the nearby ocean using molecular and traditional microbiological methods. We hypothesised that due to the eutrophic low-salinity environment, the bacterioplankton community from the RFL would have a native “brackish” composition influenced by both freshwater and marine phylotypes, and that bacterial phylotypes of this community would be detected in oceanic samples closer to the channel between the lagoon and the ocean. The cultivation and microscopy experiments clearly showed this influence. Bacterial cell counts revealed that the greater amounts of bacterial cells present in the lagoon increased the observed values seen at oceanic stations near the channel. The Denaturing gradient gel eletrophoresis community profiles also showed a clear influence of Rodrigo de Freitas lagoon waters on the adjacent beaches. The band patterns found for the stations near the channel showed that these communities were mixtures of the communities of the lagoon and sea, and as the distance from the channel increased, the samples became more similar to ocean bacterial communities. A 16S rRNA gene clone library was constructed using a sample acquired from the connection point between the lagoon and the ocean. Around 52% of the sequences in the library showed similarity to the genus Proteobacteria (1% Alpha, 21% Beta, 19% Gamma and 29% unclassified Proteobacteria), and the second most abundant genus was Bacteroidetes, with 15% of the total clones. The results showed that the structure of the bacterial community had both freshwater and marine characteristics.  相似文献   

Epiphytic diatoms in two freshwater maritime Antarctic lakes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
  • 1 An ecological study of two small maritime Antarctic lakes on Signy Island, South Orkney Islands, was undertaken from January 1986 to March 1987. Analysis of diatom counts from the lakes provided examples of oligotrophic and mesotrophic ecosystems.
  • 2 A diverse community of 104 epiphytic taxa was identified. Twenty-eight taxa had a percentage abundance greater than 1% in both lakes. Distinctive dominant taxa were identified from each lake.
  • 3 A variety of ordination techniques was performed on the abundance data and a principal components analysis demonstrated differences in the diatom assemblages between the two lakes. Clear separations of sites and species were evident between the lakes, and accounted for the greatest percentage variance.
  • 4 Species composition varied with depth within each lake and was also important in influencing changes in assemblage composition between sites.
  • 5 A redundancy analysis indicated that species composition was correlated to concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus but the total variance accounted for by the four physical and chemical factors measured was low (24%).

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