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Summary Densities of the cladoceran, Holopedium gibberum, were manipulated in 18 enclosures containing juvenile (age 0+) yellow perch (Perca flavescens) and mean-lake densities of other zooplankton. In enclosures, where nearlake densities of all zooplankton species including Holopedium were maintained, young-of-the-year perch grew significantly heavier and longer than in experimental enclosures where Holopedium was excluded. Holopedium comprised between 15–45% of the diet (wet weight) of perch in the first 2 weeks of July in the control treatment (Holopedium at or near ambient lake densities) and only 3–7% of total biomass ingested in the experimental treatment (Holopedium density selectively reduced). Predation on Holopedium decreased dramatically after the 2nd week of July in the control treatment after which Chaoborus, chironomids, and Sida became dominant prey items (by weight) of juvenile perch. These findings suggest that growth and survivorship of age 0+ perch in Precambrian Shield lakes may be coupled to Holopedium abundance. Thus, utilization of Holopedium by young-of-the-year yellow perch may affect recruitment of this species since overwintering survivorship, range of accessible prey sizes or species, and vulnerability of juvenile perch to predation by larger fish depend on body size, which is reduced when Holopedium is excluded from the diet.  相似文献   

Synopsis Diet, growth, energy content and mercury concentrations of yearling yellow perch,Perca favescens, were determined from June 1974 through May 1975. Benthic invertebrates predominated in the diet throughout the summer with zooplankton important in June and fish in August and September. Ash, lipid, protein and energy content of the yearling yellow perch increased through the summer reaching maximal values in August, 1974. Fish collected May 15, 1975 has reduced ash, lipid., protein and energy content with an increased moisture content. Both protein and lipid were catabolized during overwintering. Seasonal variation in organic mercury concentration was not significant (p>0.05). Inorganic mercury decreased significantly (p0.05) in September, 1974 and May, 1975 samples, reflecting changes in diet and the shorter biological half-life of inorganic mercury. The pollutant bioaccumulation model of Norstrom et al. (1976) adequately described the observed accumulation of organic mercury in young perch from June through September 1974, but either underestimated uptake or overestimated clearance for the period October 1974–May 1975.  相似文献   

Larvae of the nematode Raphidascaris acus were found free or encapsulated in the liver of yellow perch. Blood vessels were distorted or destroyed during larval migrations and larvae were eventually encapsulated in a thick-walled whitish nodule. Successful walling-off of the parasite resulted in the formation of a collagenous nodule and a complete loss of the worm. No mortality of perch was associated with larval R. acus but the introduction of susceptible fishes into a lake harboring this parasite may be important in some stocking programs.  相似文献   

This study on yellow perch (Perca flavescens) examines a series of enzymatic markers and the relative weights of pyloric caeca and visceral lipids, their response to changes in feeding regime and their potential use to infer recent changes in growth rate and fish condition. Fish were exposed to four different feeding regimes for 12 weeks resulting in specific growth rates ranging from 0.3% to 3.5% (%/day). Growth and condition responded rapidly to changes in ration and the weight of pyloric caeca and visceral lipids reflected increased feed intake. Growth rate was correlated with muscle citrate synthase and caecal nucleoside-diphosphate kinase activities, whereas condition was correlated with muscle citrate synthase and lactate dehydrogenase activities and with caecal glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity. Results showed that enzyme activities and biometric parameters responded rapidly to increased feed intake, but the response was slower when food intake decreased. Plateaus were attained for both condition and visceral lipid index, but the relative weight of pyloric caeca continued to increase throughout the experimental period. Results from this study could, in principle, be used to infer recent growth and energy status in wild yellow perch and thus provide an indicator of food availability in their environment.  相似文献   

Synopsis Characteristics of perch were studied in 4 recently acidified lakes in southern Finland. The densities of the populations were 0–250 ha–1 compared with 1400–3300 ha–1 in two circumneutral reference lakes. The perch were close to extinction in one acidic lake and dominated by 7 year old fish in two other acidic lakes, suggesting decreased reproduction. Individual fecundity was not reduced by the acidity, but high mortality (close to 100%) of eggs in two acidic lakes indicated recruitment failure. In one of the acidified lakes reproduction had continued resulting in a population dominated by younger fish. However, increased egg mortality, low density, and the resulting high growth rate of perch in this lake were considered to be consequences of the acidity. These findings are the first documentation on the possible decrease of fish populations in Finland due to acid precipitation.  相似文献   

Fish respiration rates that are presumed to represent standard metabolic rates (SMR) may sometimes include an unspecified energy expenditure associated with activity and digestion. This situation may introduce a bias in bioenergetics models because standard metabolism, digestion, and activity may not be affected by the same environmental conditions. The aim of this study was to (1) develop a SMR model for juvenile yellow perch, Perca flavescens (Mitchill), that represent the minimum energy expenditure required to maintain life and (2) compare the results of this study with published perch metabolic rates and bioenergetics models. SMR was estimated for yellow perch over a range of body␣mass (4.4–24.7 g) and water temperature (12–20°C). The intercept of the relationship between fish respiration and swimming velocity obtained during forced swimming experiments was used to determine SMR. SMR estimated by the present study were comparable to values presented by two published studies on Eurasian perch, Perca fluviatilis L. However, estimated SMR were 4.1–20.9 times lower than values of a third respirometry study and predictions of bioenergetics models for perch. The present study suggests that published SMR models may sometimes include a significant fraction of energy expenditures (39.2–75.9%) associated with digestion and activity. This may complicate the implementation and the interpretation of fish bioenergetics models. The present study indicates that the intercept of respiration-velocity relationships and long-term respiration rates during starvation experiments may provide similar and reliable SMR values.  相似文献   

Mercury biomagnifies in aquatic foodwebs in freshwater lakes, and common loons (Gavia immer) breeding in eastern Canada can be exposed to reproductively toxic concentrations of mercury in their fish prey. We assessed the bioaccumulation and biomagnification of mercury in juvenile and adult common loons, and their preferred prey: yellow perch (Perca flavescens) in Kejimkujik National Park (KNP), Nova Scotia by measuring mercury levels and stable isotope ratios in tissues. Total mercury levels and stable-carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen isotope ratios (δ15N) were determined in composite whole-fish samples from lakes in KNP and blood samples from juvenile and adult loons captured on lakes in KNP and southern New Brunswick. Geometric mean mercury concentrations were 0.15 and 0.38 μg/g (wet wt.) in small (9-cm fork length) and large (17-cm fork length) yellow perch, and were 0.43 and 2.7 μg/g (wet wt.) in blood of juvenile and adult common loons, respectively. Mercury concentrations in perch and loons were positively associated with body mass and δ15N values. Juvenile loons and large yellow perch had similar mercury levels and δ15N values, indicating similar trophic status despite their 22-fold difference in body mass. Mercury concentrations were higher in yellow perch and common loons in acidic lakes. Our findings highlight the importance of both chemical and ecological factors in understanding mercury biomagnification in lakes and associated risks to fish-eating wildlife. Electronic supplementary material Electronic supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users.  相似文献   

We used data from parasites and stable isotopes of yellow perch, Perca flavescens, to determine trophic status in four small Canadian Shield lakes as parasites allow the identification of both prey and non-prey dietary components in the host's community. Stable C isotope ratios for all perch ranged from –34 to –19 while stable N isotope ratios ranged from 4.5 to 12.5. These ranges are larger than those observed in many other fish species. Perch age was the most significant predictor of stable C isotope ratio and perch parasite fauna was the most significant predictor of stable N ratios. In particular, parasite fauna indicative of zooplanktivorous or piscivorous perch were most accurate for predicting fish trophic position and thus stable isotope ratio. Fish length and age showed fewer significant relationships with isotope ratios than parasite infracommunity or diet and suggests that trophic category for perch cannot always be predicted based on size.  相似文献   

The black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia Linn.) is the dominant tree species in the “grain for green” project on the Loess Plateau (LP) of China, and brings many ecological benefits to this planted region. However, there are concerns regarding its suitability as a plantation forest species in different regions of the LP. We used a dendroclimatological approach to investigate the radial growth response of black locust to varying climate in two sites on the LP with differing precipitation gradients. We took tree-ring samples from black locust in Yongshou County (in the semi-humid southern LP) and Shenmu County (in the semi-arid northern LP), and developed tree-ring width (TRW) chronologies for each. We performed moving correlation analyses between TRW chronologies and aggregated thermal (maximum temperature (TMX), minimum temperature (TMN), mean temperature (TMP)) and hydroclimatic factors (precipitation, self-calibrated Drought Severity Index (scPDSI), and humidity). The results demonstrated the increased influence of thermal factors during autumn, and the generally decreased influence of hydroclimatic factors on black locust radial growth in Yongshou, compared with the decreasing influence of thermal factors (during all seasons) and increasing influence of hydroclimatic factors (precipitation during summer, scPDSI and humidity during autumn) on black locust radial growth in Shenmu. The results indicated that black locust radial growth might benefit from the current climatic conditions in the southern LP. However, black locust radial growth stressed by water availability in the northern LP, which may reduce its vitality and productivity as climate warms in the future. These results have implications for regional forestry planning and ecological restoration strategies on the LP.  相似文献   

One hundred to 120 maize recombinant inbred lines at the mature fourth leaf stage derived from F-2 and Io parental lines were grown in a glasshouse and were deprived of water for 9 days in order to detect pertinent markers of the physiological response to water stress which may be used for breeding. Carbohydrate metabolism QTLs were compared to photosynthesis gas exchange QTLs. The locations of these QTLs were further compared with those of morphological trait QTLs when water availability varied. The traits ranged from three enzyme activities (invertase, sucrose-P synthase, ADP glucose pyrophosphorylase) and hexose, sucrose, starch content to CO2 uptake and stomatal conductance, water status, leaf size, root/shoot ratio, and ABA (leaf, root and xylem sap). Four main results were obtained (1) only 14 % of QTLs were common to both drought and watered treatments, confirming the existence of stress specific chromosome regions, (2) the QTLs tended to form clusters, frequently consisting of QTLs from different classes (growth, photosynthesis, water status, carbohydrate metabolism and ABA), (3) carbohydrate metabolism trait QTLs were more frequently co-located with growth trait QTLs than photosynthesis related ones, especially in control conditions, (4) one co-location was observed between the three enzyme activities implied in sucrose and starch metabolism and a corresponding structural gene, which can be considered as a candidate gene for explaining part of the variability of each enzymatic trait (invertase, sucrose-P synthase, ADPglucose pyrophosphorylase). It is concluded that, carbohydrate metabolism provides valuable traits for understanding and improving maize responses to water stress.  相似文献   

Thermal acclimatisations are important for the survival and growth of individuals and populations but seldom studied for different populations of bryophytes. The aims of this study were to (I) investigate if responses to temperature treatments were independent of the site sampled or if the intra- and inter-population variation in responses were larger than the responses to the temperature treatments (control, press, and pulse), and to (II) examine if experimental responses varied, depending on the sampled sites. We collected samples of the circumpolar bryophyte species, Pleurozium schreberi (Willd. ex Brid.) Mitt., originating from eight altitude sites on Mt. Oakan in Hokkaido, Japan, and exposed them to three different temperature treatments ex situ for four weeks. Thermal acclimatisation was estimated by measuring responses in growth length increase, biomass increase, number of branches, and the maximum quantum yield of PS II (Fv/Fm). We found that responses to temperature treatments were dependent on the site sampled, and that differences were most pronounced in the length increase. Results also shows that the responses to experimental treatments may differ between sites. Our results therefore raise important concerns regarding the general validity of both ex situ and in situ experiments when performed on a single or a limited number of sites.  相似文献   

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