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Arthrobacter K1108乙内酰脲酶转化产物的鉴定   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
用 Arthrobacter sp.K1 1 0 8的完整细胞为酶源 ,对 DL- 5 -苄基乙内酰脲进行了酶法转化 ,对转化产物进行了提取和精制 ,并通过理化分析和光谱分析进行了鉴定 ,证实所得产物确实为 L-苯丙氨酸 ,同时证实 K1 1 0 8的乙内酰脲酶是 L-选择性的  相似文献   

一株乙内酰脲酶产生菌Arthrobacter K1108的筛选及鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从沈阳市浑河地区污泥中分离得到了一株乙内酰脲酶产生菌 ,薄层色谱和氨基酸自动分析仪的分析结果表明 ,该菌的完整细胞可催化 5 -苄基乙内酰脲水解产生苯丙氨酸。对该菌进行了细菌分类学鉴定 ,确定该菌为节杆菌属的一个种 ,故命名为 Arthrobacter sp.K1 1 0 8  相似文献   

Arthrobacter K1108乙内酰脲酶反应条件和立体选择性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了Arthrobacter K1108乙内酰脲酶的反应条件,结果表明,K1108乙内酰脲酶的最适反应温度为55℃,最适pH为7.0,Co^2 和Fe^2 对该酶有激活作用,而Ca^2 有严重抑制作用。K1108乙内酰脲酶的底物专一性较强,其最适底物为5-苄基乙内酰脲,5-苯基乙内酰脲和5-吲哚甲基乙内酰脲均不能作为其有效底物。对K1108乙内酰脲酶立体反应机制研究结果表明,其乙内酰脲水解酶不具立体选择性,决定产物立体构型的酶是N-氨甲酰氨基酸水解酶。  相似文献   

节杆菌K1108乙内酰脲酶产酶条件研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了乙内酰脲酶产生菌节杆菌K1108的产酶条件。该菌乙内酰脲酶为诱导酶,存在于细胞内,乙内酰脲水解酶和N氨甲酰氨基酸水解酶是同时被诱导产生。最适诱导物为5苄基乙内酰脲,而5吲哚甲基乙内酰脲和5苯基乙内酰脲等不能诱导其酶的产生。筛选到一种安慰诱导物,诱导活性提高了2倍多。对产酶培养基进行了筛选和优化,在最适条件下,K1108产酶能力可达108U/mL。  相似文献   

节杆菌K1108乙内酰脲酶三维结构的模建和分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用同源模建技术,以节杆菌DSM3745乙内酰脲酶的晶体结构为模板,模建了节杆菌K1108乙内酰脲酶的三维结构。模建的节杆菌K1108乙内酰脲酶结构由一个中心的(α/β)g捅状结构域和富含β-折叠的结构域两个区域组成,富含β-折叠的结构域在中心(α/β)g捅状结构域的侧面,由分子的N端和C端组成。根据K1108乙内酰脲酶和其它酶在结构和活性部位的保守性,确定了K1108乙内酰脲酶的底物结合部位,并对酶的活性中心的特征进行了分析,对L-Hyd的底物选择性进行了解释。  相似文献   

研究了ArthrobacterK110 8乙内酰脲酶的反应条件 ,结果表明 ,K1108乙内酰脲酶的最适反应温度为 55℃ ,最适pH为 70 ,Co2+ 和Fe2+ 对该酶有激活作用 ,而Ca2+ 有严重抑制作用。K1108乙内酰脲酶的底物专一性较强 ,其最适底物为 5 苄基乙内酰脲 ,5 苯基乙内酰脲和 5 吲哚甲基乙内酰脲均不能作为其有效底物。对K1108乙内酰脲酶立体反应机制研究结果表明 ,其乙内酰脲水解酶不具立体选择性 ,决定产物立体构型的酶是N 氨甲酰氨基酸水解酶。  相似文献   

微生物乙内酰脲酶及其研究进展   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
乙内酰脲酶是广泛分布在微生物中的一类可降解乙内酰脲酶类化合物的酶系 ,包括乙内酰脲水解酶、N-氨甲酰氨基酸水解酶及乙内酰脲消旋酶。微生物的乙内酰脲酶在结构与组成、立体选择性、底物专一性、反应条件和作用机制等方面有所不同 ,在各种 L-及 D-型氨基酸的酶法生产中具有良好的应用前景。本文对乙内酰脲酶研究及应用的一般情况作了概述 ,并讨论了有关乙内酰脲酶研究的主要研究进展  相似文献   

一株吡虫啉羟基化菌株及其转化产物的鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从南京地区的土壤中筛选出一株命名为NJ2的菌株,该菌株的静息细胞可催化杀虫剂吡虫啉为一种极性更大的化合物。经BioMerieux Vitek自动微生物分析系统仪和16S rDNA序列分析,NJ2菌株鉴定为嗜麦芽寡养单胞菌(Stenotrophomonas maltophilia)。采用有机溶剂萃取和重结晶可得到转化产物晶体,质谱分析结果显示转化产物分子离子峰为272,而底物分子离子峰为256,表明转化产物为吡虫啉的羟基化产物。核磁共振分析进一步表明羟基位于吡虫啉咪唑烷环上的5′碳原子上。转化动力学测试结果表明,转化10d后,吡虫啉的含量减少了1.15mmol/L,转化产物的含量达到1.10mmol/L,摩尔转化系数为95.9%。S.maltophiliaNJ2持续转化能力强和高摩尔转换系数的特点,可用于工业生产羟基吡虫啉并进一步合成更高杀虫活性的烯式吡虫啉。  相似文献   

乙内酰脲酶及其在氨基酸手性合成中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乙内酰脲水解酶、氨甲酰化酶和乙内酰脲消旋酶构成的酶系能够以5-取代乙内酰脲类化合物为原料合成天然和非天然D-或L-氨基酸,用于各种手性氧基酸的生产。近来的研究重点在分离新酶或提高原酶的活性,包括定向突变、三维结构解析与结构功能关系研究、酶固定化、蛋白融合和构建完整细胞生物催化剂等。  相似文献   

Recovery of an aqueous bioconversion product from complex, two-phase Pseudomonas putida broths containing 20% (v/v) soybean oil presents a significant challenge for downstream processing. Although not used before in multiple-phase separation for complex biotech products, crossflow filtration employing ceramic filters is one of the most attractive options which allow the design of integrated, continuous bioconversion processes. As a first attempt, we studied multichannel, monolithic ceramic membranes of different nominal pore sizes and lumen diameters under steady-state conditions. The best performance was obtained with 0.2-microm-pore/3-mm-lumen membrane, which completely rejected both cells and oil droplets from the permeate, creating a clear aqueous product stream. Although the same separation was achieved, the 50K molecular weight cut-off (MWCO) ultrafilter showed greater irreversible but similar reversible resistance, in addition to an order-of-magnitude higher membrane resistance. Larger nominal pore microfilters, such as 0.45 and 1.0 microm, experienced both cell and oil leakage even at low transmembrane pressure (10 psig). Attributed to greater shear at the same recirculation rate, smaller lumen filters did provide greater permeate flux. However, for practical purposes, the 0. 2-microm-pore/4-mm-lumen ceramic membrane was chosen for further evaluation. Transmembrane pressures up to 50 psig provided only marginal gains in filtration performance, whereas increasing shear rate resulted in linear increases in steady-state flux, presumably due to formation of shear-sensitive, complex gel/oil/cell layer near the membrane surface. A nominal shear rate of 9200 s-1 and 20 psig transmembrane pressure were chosen as optimal operating conditions. Additional studies in a clean system revealed that as low as 5% (v/v) soybean oil in deionized (DI) water resulted in an order-of-magnitude decline in steady-state permeate flux. Breakthrough of oil droplets occurred at 35 psig transmembrane pressure. The severe fouling and breakthrough phenomena disappeared in the presence of washed cells for transmembrane pressure up to 43 psig, implying an oil/cell layer coating the membrane surface, thus preventing oil penetration. Serious membrane fouling was also experienced in microfiltration of oil-free, cell-free supernatant and oil-free whole broth. Consequently, soluble proteins/surfactants were suspected to be the major membrane foulants. Interestingly, soybean oil up to 30% (v/v) enhanced the flux, presumably through complicated interactions with the major foulants. Regeneration of membrane was best achieved with protease and hot caustic/bleach treatments, supporting the hypothesized fouling mechanisms mentioned above. This work provides process and system information for batch microfiltration runs in the future, to be reported elsewhere as Part II of this work.  相似文献   

Hydantoinase and carbamoylase are key biocatalysts for the production of optically pure amino acids from dl-5-substituted hydantoins (SSH). Out of 364 isolated strains with hydantoinase and carbamoylase at 45 degrees C, 24 strains showed efficient hydantoinase and carbamoylase activities. Among them, 17 produced l-amino acids, and 7 produced d-amino acids from both aromatic dl-5-benzylhydantoin and aliphatic dl-5-isopropylhydantoin. Most of the strains that were able to form l-amino acid belonged to genera Bacillus, Geobacillus, Brevibacillus, Aneurinibacillus, Microbacterium, and Kurthia. Phylogenetic relationships were investigated based on 16S rRNA from the hydantoinase-producing bacteria. Distinct tendencies toward certain genera were observed between most of the strains forming l-amino acids and d-amino acids from SSH. The results from this study can be utilized to develop new isolation technology of hydantoinase-producing microorganisms, and to understand metabolism and evolutionary origins of hydantoinase and carbamoylase among different bacteria.  相似文献   

Carvone has previously been found to highly inhibit its own production at concentrations above 50 mM during conversion of a diastereomeric mixture of (−)-carveol by whole cells of Rhodococcus erythropolis. Adaptation of the cells to the presence of increasing concentrations of carveol and carvone in n-dodecane prior to biotransformation proved successful in overcoming carvone inhibition. By adapting R. erythropolis cells for 197 h, an 8.3-fold increase in carvone production rate compared to non-adapted cells was achieved in an air-driven column reactor. After an incubation period of 268 h, a final carvone concentration of 1.03 M could be attained, together with high productivity [0.19 mg carvone h−1 (ml organic phase)−1] and high yield (0.96 g carvone g carveol−1).  相似文献   

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