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A species of frogs described in publications from our laboratory between 1971 and 1976 as Xenopus mulleri is in fact Xenopus borealis.  相似文献   

Denaturation maps of mitochondrial DNAs of Xenopus laevis and Xenopus borealis are radically different from each other. This is in striking contrast to the invariant denaturation patterns previously recognized among mtDNAs of various Drosophila species, particularly, since the two toads may be even more closely related to each other than the Drosophila species.  相似文献   

The totally aquatic pipid frog Xenopus borealis produces long trains of click-like sound at high sound pressure levels (> 105 dB SPL) underwater at night. While X. borealis retains an essentially terrestrial respiratory tract, the larynx is highly modified in two ways. First, the cricoid cartilage is greatly expanded posteriorly to form a large 'box'. Portions of this cricoid box are composed of an unusual elastic cartilage. Second, portions of the arytenoid cartilages are elaborated into calcified rods with disc-like enlargements at their posterior ends. These discs are the only freely moveable components within the larynx–there are no vocal cords. Artificial stimulation of a pair of muscles controlling the discs and discrete lesions that impair their movement demonstrate that motion of the discs is both necessary and sufficient for click production. Unlike all other anurans, X borealis does not use a moving air column in sound production. A possible mechanism of click production involves two steps: (1) at first, the discs are held tighdy apposed in the midline by fluid adhesive forces, and contraction of bipennate muscles is isometric; (2) when the muscle tension exceeds the adhesive force, the discs separate with very high acceleration leaving a vacuum between them. Air rushing into the space at high speed (an implosion) produces the click. The cricoid box shapes the frequency spectrum of the clicks, and opening the box broadens the power spectrum. The power spectrum of clicks produced by males after breathing helium is unchanged.  相似文献   

Xenopus laevis and X. borealis oocytes were compared by two-dimensional electrophoresis of radioactive proteins. At least one-third of the major newly synthesized proteins differ in their electrophoretic mobility. Protein-coding genes from both parents are expressed in interspecific hybrids, thereby providing useful genetic markers for a variety of embryological studies.  相似文献   

Previously, the only anuran amphibians known to have the capacity to regenerate a lens after lentectomy were Xenopus laevis and Xenopus tropicalis. This regeneration process occurs during the larval life through transdifferentiation of the outer cornea promoted by inductive factors produced by the retina and accumulated inside the vitreous chamber. However, the capacity of X. tropicalis to regenerate a lens is much lower than that of X. laevis. This study demonstrates that Xenopus borealis, a species more closely related to X. laevis than to X. tropicalis, is not able to regenerate a lens after lentectomy. Nevertheless, some morphological modifications corresponding to the first stages of lens regeneration in X. laevis were observed in the outer cornea of X. borealis. This suggested that in X borealis the regeneration process was blocked at early stages. Results from histological analysis of X. borealis and X. laevis lentectomized eyes and from implantation of outer cornea fragments into the vitreous and anterior chambers demonstrated that: (i) in X. borealis eye, the lens-forming competence in the outer cornea and inductive factors in the vitreous chamber are both present, (ii) no inhibiting factors are present in the anterior chamber, the environment where lens regeneration begins, (iii) the inability of X. borealis to regenerate a lens after lentectomy is due to an inhibiting action exerted by the inner cornea on the spreading of the retinal factor from the vitreous chamber towards the outer cornea. This mechanical inhibition is assured by two distinctive features of X. borealis eye in comparison with X. laevis eye: (i) a weaker and slower response to the retinal inducer by the outer cornea; (ii) a stronger and faster healing of the inner cornea. Unlike X. tropicalis and similar to X. laevis, in X. borealis the competence to respond to the retinal factor is not restricted to the corneal epithelium but also extends to the pericorneal epidermis.  相似文献   

1. The nucleotide sequence of 5.8-S rRNA from Xenopus laevis is given; it differs by a C in equilibrium U transition at position 140 from the 5.8-S rRNA of Xenopus borealis. 2. The sequence contains two completely modified and two partially modified residues. 3. Three different 5' nucleotides are found: pU-C-G (0.4) pC-G (0.2) and pG (0.4). 4. The 3' terminus is C not U as in all other 5.8-S sequences so far determined. 5. The X. laevis sequence differs from the mammalian and turtle sequences by five and six residue changes respectively. 6. A ribonuclease-resistant hairpin loop is a principle feature of secondary structure models proposed for this molecule. 7. Sequence heterogeneity may occur at one position at a very low level (approximately 0.01) in X. laevis 5.8-S rRNA, while none was detected in X. borealis or HeLa cell 5.8-S rRNA.  相似文献   

Using a Xenopus laevis H4 cDNA clone as a probe we have determined that the numbers of H4 histone genes in Xenopus laevis and Xenopus borealis are approximately the same. These numbers are dependent on the hybridization stringency and we measure about 90 H4 genes per haploid genome after a 60 degrees C wash in 3 X SSC. Using histone probes from both Xenopus and sea urchin we have studied the genomic organization of histone genes in these two species. In all of the X.borealis individuals analyzed about 70% of the histone genes were present in a very homogeneous major cluster. These genes are present in the order H1, H2B, H2A, H4 and H3, and the minimum length of the repeated unit is 16kb. In contrast, the histone gene clusters in X.laevis showed considerable sequence variation. However two major cluster types with different gene orders seem to be present in most individuals. The differences in histone gene organization seen in species of Xenopus suggest that even in closely related vertebrates the major histone gene clusters are quite fluid structures in evolutionary terms.  相似文献   

We have isolated genomic clones from Xenopus borealis representing 3 different types of histone gene cluster. We show that the major type (H1, H2B, H2A, H4, H3), present at about 60-70 copies per haploid genome (1), is tandemly reiterated with a repeat length of 15 kb. In situ hybridization to mitotic chromosomes shows that the majority of histone genes in Xenopus borealis are at one locus. This locus is on the long arm of one of the small sub-metacentric chromosomes. A minor cluster type with the gene order H1, H3, H4, H2A is present at about 10-15 copies. The genome also contains rare or unique cluster types present at less than 5 copies having other types of organisation. An isolate of this type had the gene order H1, H4, H2B, H2A, H1 (no H3 cloned). Microinjection of all of the clones into Xenopus laevis oocyte nuclei shows that most of the genes present are functional or potentially functional and a number of variant histone proteins have been observed. S1 mapping experiments confirm that the genes of the major cluster are expressed in all tissues and at all developmental stages examined.  相似文献   

The combination of Xenopus borealis and X. laevis provides an excellent cell marking system. The potential availability of this system for chimera formation has also been suggested. However, eggs and early embryos of these species differ in size and the fusion of blastomeres of different sizez results in some disturbance in arrangement of blastomeres of a chimera. This disturbance was avoided by use of embryos from X. laevis eggs fertilized with X. borealis sperm, instead of X. borealis embryos. The cells of these hybrids could also be distinguished from the cells of X. laevis.
The fate of animal ventral cells placed in the dorsal region was followed by making a chimera by fusing a right lateral half of an 8-cell X. laevis embryo with that of an 8-cell hybrid embryo. The animal ventral cells in the "dorsal" region were found to become "dorsalized", giving rise to a lateral half of dorsal axial structures. This observation explains a previous finding that the replacement of dorsal cells by ventral ones had no effect on embryogenesis in a composite embryo.  相似文献   

We have detected a DNAseI hypersensitive site in the ribosomal DNA spacer of Xenopus laevis and Xenopus borealis. The site is present in blood and embryonic nuclei of each species. In interspecies hybrids, however, the site is absent in unexpressed borealis rDNA, but is present normally in expressed laevis rDNA. Hypersensitive sites are located well upstream (over lkb) of the pre-ribosomal RNA promoter. Sequencing of the hypersensitive region in borealis rDNA, however, shows extensive homology with the promoter sequence, and with the hypersensitive region in X. laevis. Of two promoter-like duplications in each spacer, only the most upstream copy is associated with hypersensitivity to DNAaseI. Unlike DNAaseI, Endo R. MspI digests the rDNA of laevis blood nuclei at a domain extending downstream from the hypersensitive site to near the 40S promoter. Since the organisation of conserved sequence elements within this "proximal domain" is similar in three Xenopus species whose spacers have otherwise evolved rapidly, we conclude that this domain plays an important role in rDNA function.  相似文献   

The mechanical properties of sartorii muscles from the toad Xenopus borealis were studied in organ cultures lasting up to 26 days. Isometric twitch and tetanic tensions diminished in force reaching half their initial values after 15 days in culture. In contrast, twitch time to peak time to half relaxation, twitch-tetanus ratio and muscle weight-body weight ratio, were unchanged. Maximum isotonic shortening velocity (Vmax) declined, with a half time similar to that of the isometric force. The fall in isometric tension is probably due to a breakdown of activation in some fibres. The change in Vmax could be due to a loss of functional sarcomeres in series with the tendons.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies (mABs) have been raised against oocyte nuclear proteins of Xenopus laevis and X. borealis and have been screened for species specificity. Although about 40% of all germinal vesicle polypeptides differ between the two species as judged by two-dimensional gel analysis, most mABs react with polypeptides of both species. Biochemical analysis of the antigens by immunoblotting revealed that a homologue of each antigen of one species could be detected in the other species, despite frequent differences in molecular structure. Nevertheless, five strictly species-specific mABs have been identified. All five are directed against the same acidic polypeptide B3 of X. borealis, which is a structurally altered homologue of the protein N1, previously described in X. laevis germinal vesicles. In oocyte nuclei of hybrids between X. laevis females and X. borealis males, polypeptide of both species appear to be accumulated equivalently. Exceptions to this rule are most easily explained by differences between individuals and by the loss of certain alleles resulting from the cross.  相似文献   

Frogs in the genus Xenopus are ubiquitous in sub‐Saharan Africa, yet very little is recorded on their ecology. They are commonly found in anthropogenically disturbed habitats, but how do these compare to conspecifics from natural habitats? The diet of Xenopus borealis from three different sites in Taita Hills, Kenya was established based on a sample of 77 (54 females and 23 males) specimens from two disturbed and one pristine sites. Xenopus borealis from all the sites was found to be a dietary generalist, feeding predominantly on invertebrates. A total of twelve invertebrate orders both terrestrial and aquatic were recorded in addition to amphibian eggs, tadpoles and fish. Frogs from the pristine forest were smaller and had ingested more terrestrial prey items than frogs in the disturbed open habitat ponds. The stomach content (both by mass and quantity) was independent of body size. The results suggest that X. borealis is an opportunistic generalist predator which may be constrained by food availability in its natural habitat. However, disturbed habitats provide abundant food items which are enough to significantly increase the mean size of the population.  相似文献   

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