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Recently, a number of articles have been published on the mechanisms of dental development, and in particular on the genetic control of dental formation. As a specific example of the potential of this kind of research for paleoanthropological studies, cusp areas of upper molars of two species of South African Australopithecines (Australopithecus africanus, A. robustus) have been examined. The results suggest notable differences between the two species, possibly related to markedly different developmental pathways that are still far from clear in their details.  相似文献   

Dental tissues provide important insights into aspects of hominid palaeobiology that are otherwise difficult to obtain from studies of the bony skeleton. Tooth enamel is formed by ameloblasts, which demonstrate daily secretory rhythms developing tissue-specific structures known as cross striations, and longer period markings called striae of Retzius. These enamel features were studied in the molars of two well known South African hominid species, Australopithecus africanus and Paranthropus robustus. Using newly developed portable confocal microscopy, we have obtained cross striation periodicities (number of cross striations between adjacent striae) for the largest sample of hominid teeth reported to date. These data indicate a mean periodicity of seven days in these small-bodied hominids. Important differences were observed in the inferred mechanisms of enamel development between these taxa. Ameloblasts maintain high rates of differentiation throughout cervical enamel development in P. robustus but not in A. africanus. In our sample, there were fewer lateral striae of Retzius in P. robustus than in A. africanus. In a molar of P. robustus, lateral enamel formed in a much shorter time than cuspal enamel, and the opposite was observed in two molars of A. africanus. In spite of the greater occlusal area and enamel thickness of the molars of both fossil species compared with modern humans, the total crown formation time of these three fossil molars was shorter than the corresponding tooth type in modern humans. Our results provide support for previous conclusions that molar crown formation time was short in Plio-Pleistocene hominids, and strongly suggest the presence of different mechanisms of amelogenesis, and thus tooth development, in these taxa.  相似文献   

The angle at which enamel prisms approach the wear surface holds information with regard to the stiffness of the tissue, as well as its wear resistance. Hence, analyses of prism orientation may shed light on questions of whether the thick enamel in hominins has evolved to confer stiffness or wear resistance to the teeth and may thus inform about the diet and behavioural ecology of these species. This was explored for Paranthropus robustus and Australopithecus africanus, whereby a distinction was made between prisms at the Phase I and Phase II facets. The results were compared with those obtained for Theropithecus, Macaca, and Potamochoerus for whom behavioural and/or experimental data are available, and were interpreted against simple mechanical principles. The South African hominins differ significantly in their relationships between wear facets and prism angulations. Teeth of P. robustus are better adapted to more vertical loads during mastication (Phase I), whereas those of A. africanus are better adapted to cope with more laterally-directed loads (Phase II) commonly associated with roll-crush and mastication. Overall, teeth of P. robustus appear stiffer, while those of A. africanus seem more wear resistant.  相似文献   

It is well known that humans take about twice as long as apes to mature. The traditional view that such delayed maturation was already present in australopithecines has been called into question during the past several years. We have approached this problem by looking at patterns of dental development in gracile and robust australopithecines from South Africa and comparing them to patterns found in extant humans and apes. We have employed both 2 and 3 dimensional computed tomography in our research. The dental growth patterns in these two australopithecine morphs differ, particularly in M1/I1 development. The robust australopithecines are more humanlike and the gracile australopithecines more apelike in this feature (“humanlike” and “apelike” are not used in any taxonomic sense). Pattern and chronology of dental development must be considered separately. Several major problem areas for future research are identified, most of which revolve around the issue of intra- versus interspecific variation.  相似文献   

The taxonPraeanthropus africanus (Weinert, 1950), represented by the Garusi maxilla, is valid and reinstated. The morphological pattern of the Garusi maxilla is not that of a primitive hominid, but of a relatively generalized pongid. Since the apelike lectotype L.H.-4 and paralectotype A.L.200-1a ofAustralopithecus afarensis Johanson et al. 1978 are conspecific withP. africanus, and originate from the same formation, they are reassigned toPraeanthropus africanus.  相似文献   

Over the past 75 years since the discovery of the first australopithecine at Taung in southern Africa there has been a growing realisation that there is no simple, linear ancestor-descendant relationship connecting the australopithecines to laterHomo. There are currently at least ten recognised species of australopithecine, including two species of earlyHomo, that have been recently transferred to the genusAustralopithecus. These known species span the period between about 4.2-1.2 Ma and throughout the majority of this period there are multiple contemporaneous hominin species in eastern and southern Africa. This contribution reviews current knowledge about the australopithecine species and their inferred relationships to each other and to the genusHomo. At present it is impossible to resolve the phylogenetic relationships of the australopithecines with any degree of confidence. There is a growing realisation of the ‘bushy’ nature of hominin evolution throughout the australopithecine period and also of the inevitability that additional early hominin species remain to be discovered. Paper submitted for inclusion in the Proceedings of the International Symposium of the Ramón Areces Foundation “Evolution of the Human Family: State of the Art” held in Madrid on the 11–13 March, 1998  相似文献   

Approximately one-fourth of the more than 900 world-wide distributed Salvia species (Lamiaceae) is ornithophilous. With few exceptions they occur in the New World, being predominantly pollinated by hummingbirds. In the Old World only Salvia africana-lutea and the recently described Salvia thermarum, both from the Cape Province of South Africa, were observed to be pollinated by sunbirds and white-eyes. Among the 23 South African Salvia species Salvia lanceolata is a further candidate for being bird pollinated. For the first time we describe and illustrate its pollination by Nectarinia chalybea and Zosterops pallidus. We compare the ornithophilous syndrome of the three mentioned Salvia species and relate them to the morphological fitting of the most common nectarivorous birds of the Southwestern Cape (Cape peninsula to Worcester). We conclude that each of the birds could act as a pollinator and that the three co-occurring Salvia species are not mechanically isolated from each other. The degree of specialisation towards bird pollination, possible hybridisation events and evolution of bird pollination in South African Salvia species are discussed.  相似文献   

Multivariate analysis of vegetative and reproductive characters was used to examine morphological relatedness amongAntennaria alborosea A. E. Porsild,A. corymbosa E. Nels.,A. marginata Greene,A. microphylla Rydb.,A. parvifolia Nutt.,A. rosea Greene, andA. umbrinella Rydb. Both pistillate and staminate plants were examined. Some of the characters examined were variable in one species, but stable in another (i.e., presence or absence of papillae on the achenes). Our analyses indicate that the seven species are morphologically distinct. It is hypothesized that theA. rosea agamic complex arose through hybridization amongA. corymbosa, A. microphylla, A. umbrinella, and possiblyA. dioica (L.)Gaertn. However, hybridization between the three former species and others, as well as their subsequent morphological responses to different environmental conditions causes confusion in recognizing the taxa.Antennaria angustifolia Rydb.,A. arida E. Nels.,A. confinis Greene,A. scariosa E. Nels.,A. foliacea humilis Rydb.,A. concinna E. Nels., andA. viscidula E. Nels. are considered to represent F 1 hybrids.  相似文献   

The possibility that projecting maxillary canines interfere with either a «rotary chewing» form of molar occlusion or the lateral excursion of the mandible has been used to suggest two dietary (non-weapon) selection models for canine reduction in the earliest male humans. A third model explaining canine reduction is based on the idea that a projecting mandibular canine could interfere with its tip-to-tip occlusion with the maxillary lateral incisor. In this paper, these three mechanical models are critically reexamined in light of more recent studies of occlusion in extant primates, detailed observations of anterior tooth morphology and wear in Miocene to Recent anthropoids, cheek tooth microwear inA. afarensis, and the currently accepted phylogeny and fossil record of the great apes and man.  相似文献   

Five species of Pleuroxus-like chydorids are found in new material from South Africa or are known from the literature. One species is here described as Dumontiellus africanus gen. n., sp. n., endemic to South Africa. Handling editor: K. Martens  相似文献   

The biology of Phytoseiulus macropilis (Banks) fed on Tetranychus urticae Koch was studied at different temperatures. The total development times averaged 7.5, 5.7, 4.2, 4.2 and 5.6 days at 20, 25, 28, 30 and 32°C, respectively at 78 ± 2% RH and 16 h photoperiod daily. The intrinsic rate of natural increase (r m) and the net reproduction (R o) reached maximum values 0.47 and 88.9, respectively, at 28°C. The mean generation time decreased (20.0-8.8 days) with increasing temperature 20-28°C.  相似文献   

ITS1 sequence data was obtained for fireweed (Senecio madagascariensis) andS. lautus from Australia,S. madagascariensis andS. inaequidens from South Africa andS. madagascariensis from Madagascar. Despite the low level of variation (0.0–3.4%), these data further resolve the controversy concerning the identity and origin of fireweed. They confirm that fireweed is part of the South AfricanS. madagascariensis/S. inaequidens complex, and indicate that the infestation in Australia originated from South Africa as opposed to Madagascar. This will facilitate a resumption of biological control efforts in Australia and will direct surveys for control agents to South Africa.  相似文献   

Stw 505 is the most complete hominin cranium discovered in Sterkfontein Member 4 since Broom's excavations. It was found in situ in Member 4 breccia in 1989 and is larger, on the whole, than any other cranium from Sterkfontein that has comparable parts. Displacement due to breakage, as well as plastic deformation, has affected Stw 505 in several areas, especially the face and the vault. Diagnosticmorphology is nevertheless abundant in the specimen. In several areas-the distinct anterior pillar, the straight inferior border of the zygoma, the pattern of cresting on the naso-alveolar clivus, the basal aspect of the temporal bone-Stw 505 closely matches the morphology of specimens of Australopithecus africanus and is distinct from other hominins. Some isolated characters overlap with other groups, mainly early Homo and/or A. robustus. However, only the hypodigm of A. africanus can accommodate the entire suite of morphology.In some cases, Stw 505 introduces more variation into the Sterkfontein sample. For example, prominent superciliary eminences occupy the medial portions of the supraorbital region and flow medially into a strongly protruding glabellar mound. These characteristics are probably attributable to sexual dimorphism. In many respects, Stw 505 highlights similarities between A. africanus and early Homo. Comparison with other species suggests that males of A. africanus do not show derived features of A. robustus that are not also present in females, and that cranial differences between A. afarensis and A. africanus have, if anything, been understated.  相似文献   

Field observations showed that three South African orchid species,Satyrium carneum, S. coriifolium andS. princeps, are pollinated by sunbirds. Foraging sunbirds insert their bills into the labellum chamber of the flowers and suck nectar from the labellum spurs with their tongues. The column overarches the entrance to the labellum and pollinaria become affixed to the upper mandible of the bill. Birds often attempt to remove pollinaria by rubbing their bills against a branch, but are mostly unsuccessful due to the large plate-like viscidia which attach the pollinaria very firmly to the bill. Other modifications for bird pollination in theseSatyrium species may include the red, carmine or orange colour of the flowers, sturdy inflorescence stems used for perching and large amounts of dilute nectar in the spurs. EachSatyrium species was pollinated by several species of sunbird, and despite some differences in flowering time, occasional hybrids occur at a site whereS. carneum andS. coriifolium share the same sunbird pollinators.  相似文献   

Summary The morphology of pachytene chromosomes was studied in A. glabrata Benth. and A. pusilla Benth. belonging respectively to the sections Rhizomatosae and Triseminale. These two species can not be crossed with the cultivated groundnut A. hypogaea L. All 20 chromosomes of A. glabrata could be identified individually and further classified into 5 basic types. The features that enabled the identification of chromosomes were: total length, arm ratios, nucleolus attachment and position and extent of heterochromatin. A simple key has been proposed for classifying different chromosomes to facilitate their easy identification. The genomes of A. glabrata did not resemble those of A. hypogaea except for the presence of an A chromosome, 2 euchromosomes and 2 nucleolus organisers. A. glabrata did not appear to be an amphidiploid but rather an allopolyploid hybrid. The genome of A. pusilla contained chromosomes unlike those of any other species of section Arachis. It was concluded that both these species are quite unrelated to other species of the section Arachis.  相似文献   

Based on a simple multivariate analysis of the morphology of theAgropyron pubiflorum complex—A. patagonicum, A. antarcticum, A. fuegianum, andA. magellanicum—the variation pattern is shown to be clinal, and all taxa are included in a single, variable species. Currently the majority of species ofAgropyron is included inElymus and the correct name of this species isE. glaucescens.  相似文献   

Synopsis Fish utilizing South African estuaries may be divided into two major groups according to the location of their spawning sites. The marine group comprises large species which spawn at sea, enter estuaries mainly as juveniles, and return to the sea prior to attaining sexual maturity. The estuarine group is dominated by small species which have the ability to complete their life cycle within the estuarine environment. They tend to produce relatively few, demersal eggs, or exhibit parental care, which facilitates the retention of eggs and young within the estuary, whereas the marine group release large numbers of small pelagic eggs during spawning and exhibit no parental care. This is contrary to the theory that estuaries (unpredictable environments) should favour altricial life-history styles and the marine inshore zone (a more predictable environment) should favour precocial styles. However, if the total ichthyofauna of South African estuaries is considered, then altricial species predominate. The fact that both altricial and precocial traits are well represented within the overall estuarine fish community suggests that the various taxa have adapted their life-history styles, in different ways, to ensure the utilization of abundant food resources available within these fluctuating systems. A detailed comparison of the life-history styles of the estuarine teleostGilchristella aestuaria and the marine fishMugil cephalus is used to illustrate the contrasting manner in which these two species have succeeded in exploiting South African estuaries.  相似文献   

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