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Several factors, such as environmental conditions, pruning, and plant growth regulators, affect the flowering of bougainvillea. However, information on the effect of shoot bending on growth and flowering of bougainvillea is scarce. In the natural environment, most of the bougainvillea flowering shoots are inclining whereas vertical shoots are not flowering shoots. Bougainvillea shoots are artificially grown vertically, horizontally and at an inclined orientation, to investigate the effect of these orientations on plant growth and the development of flower buds. The results of this indicate an effect of shoot bending on the growth rate of bougainvillea and the rate of flower bud formation. Additionally, our results suggest that vertical shoots have a higher growth rate, more prolific vegetation growth, and longer plastochrons (which are the intervals between the initiations of successive leaves). In contrast, horizontal and inclined shoots exhibited slower growth, a shorter time to reach flowering, and more flower buds. Inclined shoots had a higher endogenous ACC (1-aminocyclopropene-1-carboxylate) content and produced more ethylene than either horizontal or vertical shoots, indicating that more ACC in the inclined shoot is converted into ethylene, and the higher ethylene concentration in the inclined shoot causes it to mature earlier and flower sooner.  相似文献   

The effect of soil layering on the growth and nutrient content of wheat shoots and roots was studied. PVC containers (120 cm long and 25 cm inside diameter) were filled with layers of loam and loamy sand. Both roots and shoots dry weight increased as the thickness of loam layer increased. The root:shoot ratios decreased throughout the growing season. The N, P and K content of the shoots peaked at two weeks before anthesis, while shoot dry weight peaked at anthesis. The ranges of shoot content of N, P and K at anthesis for the different treatments were 6–25, 8–25 and 5–25% of the total plant nutrients, respectively. Late in the season the translocation rate of nutrients from the shoots to the seeds were in the following order N>P>K.  相似文献   

几种狼尾草属观赏植物在北京地区的生长特性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在北京地区气候条件下评价了狼尾草‘紫光’(Pennisetum alopecuroides(L.)Spreng‘Ziguang’)、绒毛狼尾草(Pennisetum setaceum(Forssk.)Chiov.)、羽绒狼尾草(Pennisetum villosum R.Br.ex Fresen)、狼尾草‘小兔子’(Pennisetum alopecuroides Desv.ex Ham‘Little Bunny’)和东方狼尾草(Pennisetum orientale Willd.ex Rich.)的田间生长状况、越冬存活率、根系生物量分布和繁殖特性。结果表明,这5种植物在北京地区气候条件下,能正常发芽、生长、抽穗、开花和结实。其中狼尾草‘紫光’、绒毛狼尾草植株高大,分蘖旺盛,盛花期花序高度达135CH和156cm,植株茎数达156和217个/株,地上生物量达608.7和535.3g/株,根系密集分布空间在距地表10~40cm,距茎秆0~30cm。狼尾草‘小兔子’和东方狼尾草株型矮小,株高为40cm,植株茎数分别为162和108个/株,地上生物量分别为124.2和39.8g/株,根系密集分布空间为距地表10~30cm,距茎秆15~30cm。羽绒狼尾草的茎秆半匍匐生长,分蘖能力强,盛花期花序高为79cm,植株茎数为389个/株,地上生物量高达619.9g/株,根系密集区为距地表0~30am,距茎秆0~30cm。狼尾草‘紫光’、狼尾草‘小兔子’和东方狼尾草在北京地区能安全越冬,成活率为100%,羽绒狼尾草和绒毛狼尾草在自然条件下不能越冬,成活率为0。5种狼尾草都可以播种和分株的方式扩繁。  相似文献   

松嫩平原羊草草甸草原主要植物种群能量积累和分配   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
在松嫩平原羊草草甸草原,羊草、拂子茅、碱茅和虎尾草各器官热值的季节变化呈波动型,但总的规律是穗>叶>茎>立枯体.4种植物种群地上部能量现存量的季节变化均呈单峰曲线,能量积累量为羊草>拂子茅>虎尾草>碱茅.能量增长率一般呈双峰曲线,第一次峰值出现在抽穗期,第二次在种子成熟期,生长末期出现负值.地上部能量的水平分布规律,不同生育期在各器官中的分配比率不同.4种植物种群能量的垂直分布规律相似,即地上部能量的垂直空间分配格局基本上呈塔形,最大值出现在10-30cm空间内.地下部能量垂直结构由地表至土壤深层呈典型的倒塔形,最大值在0-10cm层.地下部的能量现存量约为地上部的3-4倍。  相似文献   

云南元江干热河谷木本植物的物候   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在中国西南干热河谷的典型地段——元江干热河谷,连续3年观测了32种木本植物的枝条生长、叶片动态、花期、果期和果实类型。这些植物的枝条生长方式可以分为连续生长、枝条枯死、陡长和间歇生长4个类型。其中连续生长型占优势,包括13种植物,它们的枝条在雨季连续不断伸长。9种植物雨季的枝条伸长与连续生长型的相似,但它们顶部的枝条在旱季末期出现枯死现象。6种植物属于陡长型,在2周内完成抽枝,且一年只抽一次枝。4种植物属于间歇生长型,枝条在雨季来临后伸长一段时间,然后生长停滞,过一段时间后再接着伸长。从叶片物候类型看,元江干热河谷植被以落叶植物占优势。落叶植物中冷凉旱季(11月~2月)落叶植物占优势(19种),而干热旱季(3—4月)落叶植物很少(4种)。除红花柴(Indigofera pulchella)和狭叶山黄麻(Trema angustifolia)从雨季中期开始脱落叶片外,其它30种植物从雨季末期开始脱落叶片,落叶期至少延续3个月以上。常绿植物脱落近1/3~1/2的当年生叶片。共有6种植物能在旱季末期长出新叶。常绿植物的叶面积、单个枝条上的总叶面积和枝条承载(总叶面积/枝条长度)比落叶植物小。虽然一年四季都有不同植物开花和结果,但多数植物(29种,占观测树种的91%)的花期集中在旱季和雨季初期,而果实(种子)成熟期从雨季末期延续到旱季末期和下个雨季初期。果实多为核果。  相似文献   

Species of Eleocharis are prominent in aquatic and wetland habitats and serve as models for study of physiological adaptations to aquatic environments. The genus has an unusual morphology because the major photosynthetic organ is the stem. In order to define an architectural model for the genus to understand the evolution of this morphology, we examined mature morphology and development of E. cellulosa in living and fixed material using light and scanning electron microscopy. Eleocharis cellulosa has sympodial, vertical shoots that produce the photosynthetic culms and horizontal shoots that mix monopodial and sympodial development. Each sympodial unit produces three bracts, an elongated photosynthetic internode, then a fourth bract and an inflorescence that either aborts on vegetative culms or expands on reproductive culms. On each sympodium, the first bract subtends a precocious axillary bud that reiterates the sympodial unit; the second bract subtends a bud that develops the horizontal shoot. In both horizontal and vertical shoots, the internode below the second bract is produced by both the second bract and the renewal shoot. Sympodial growth is present in seedlings. In other species of Eleocharis, the structure of the sympodial unit is conserved but morphological diversity develops from variation in horizontal shoot growth.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Shoot characteristics differ depending on the meristem tissue that they originate from and environmental conditions during their development. This study focused on the effects of plant water status on axillary meristem fate and flowering patterns along proleptic and epicormic shoots, as well as on shoot growth rates on ‘Nonpareil’ almond trees (Prunus dulcis). The aims were (1) to characterize the structural differences between proleptic and epicormic shoots, (2) to determine whether water deficits modify shoot structures differently depending on shoot type, and (3) to determine whether shoot structures are related to shoot growth rates.


A hidden semi-Markov model of the axillary meristem fate and number of flower buds per node was built for two shoot types growing on trees exposed to three plant water status treatments. The models segmented observed shoots into successive homogeneous zones, which were compared between treatments. Shoot growth rates were calculated from shoot extension measurements made during the growing season.

Key Results

Proleptic shoots had seven successive homogeneous zones while epicormic shoots had five zones. Shoot structures were associated with changes in growth rate over the season. Water deficit (1) affected the occurrence and lengths of the first zones of proleptic shoots, but only the occurrence of the third zone was reduced in epicormic shoots; (2) had a minor effect on zone flowering patterns and did not modify shoot or zone composition of axillary meristem fates; and (3) reduced growth rates, although patterns over the season were similar among treatments.


Two meristem types, with different latency durations, produced shoots with different growth rates and distinct structures. Differences between shoot type structure responses to water deficit appeared to reflect their ontogenetic characteristics and/or resource availability for their development. Tree water deficit appeared to stimulate a more rapid progression through ontogenetic states.  相似文献   

The resprouting response of different sized Banksia oblongifolia lignotubers (genets) was followed in two field experiments. In the first, the density and speed of resprouting, and the growth in length of the leading shoot from each lignotuber in response to fire and to the time elapsed since the last fire was monitored for 18 months after fire and clipping treatments. In the second, sizes of bud banks were estimated by repeatedly clipping new shoots from individual lignotubers. Density of resprouting (shoots dm?2 lignotuber) decreased with increasing lignotuber size, and the length of the leading shoot increased. The direct effect of fire was to reduce shoot density by about 75%. The speed of resprouting (time taken by a cohort of shoots to reach 50% of their peak density) was similar after fire and clipping, but leading shoots grew significantly longer after fire. The elapsed time since lignotubers were last burnt did not influence their density of resprouting, but it did influence the speed of resprouting. Shoots from clipped lignotubers that had burnt 3 years earlier took about 90 days to each 50% of their peak density while shoots on lignotubers last burnt 5 and 17 years earlier took about 40 days. Death of shoots was unrelated to crowding in any stand. More lignotubers from the oldest unburnt stand were grazed by herbivores. The number of buds converted into shoots after successive clippings was surprisingly small; for most lignotubers this reserve was less than three times the size of their standing crop of shoots. In general, the smaller lignotubers carried a higher proportion of dormant buds in relation to their standing crop of shoots. About 30% of buds remained dormant after the first clipping and about 10% after the second and third clippings. Evidence suggests that buds are replaced within 6 months of fire. No lignotubers survived four clippings over 15 months.  相似文献   

The age structure of the foliage of a 26-yr-old stand of Adenostoma fasciculatum H. & A. (chamise) was analyzed. The mean number of standing leaves and the yearly increase in leaf scars on the leaf-producing short shoots allowed an estimate of annual leaf production. The average chamise leaf persists for two seasons. Short shoots produce 4–6 leaves per yr; however after 4–5 yr their productivity declines. About 72% of the standing leaves were produced during the current and 28% during the foregoing season. Nearly one-half of all the leaves produced was found on current-year short shoots (i.e., on long shoots that had developed during the spring of the same year). Thus, earlier estimates of leaf production in chamise based only on current-year long shoot growth were too low.  相似文献   

We studied the seasonal resource dynamics between organs of wild rice (Zizania latifolia (Griseb.) Turcz. ex Stapf.) to obtain a better understanding of its growth dynamics, carbon and nutrient translocation. The results of observation from January 2002 to February 2004 showed the shoot density markedly increased after emergence of shoots at the end of March until May (up to 800 ind/m2). However the shoot mortality due to self-thinning reduced the total new shoots by more than 70% by the end of July. Thereafter, the shoot density was nearly constant with the aboveground biomass peaking at the end of August. In the late winter, the rhizome biomass declined by respiration loss to about 25% of its peak value. Meanwhile the decline in rhizome reserves from January to the end of April was about 20%. This small reduction compared with other perennial emergent species implies that there is a lower contribution of rhizome reserves to support new shoot formation. The initial heterotrophic growth of new shoots based on the rhizome resources lasted for a short period, then switched to autotrophic growth at the end of April or the beginning of May. Thus, in most periods of foliage development, nutrients were obtained mostly from soil through uptake by roots, not through resource allocation of the rhizome. In autumn, the standing dead shoots retained most of the nutrients and carbohydrates without translocating downwards. This suggests that in practice, the plant can remove nutrients from sediment more efficiently than other emergent plants.  相似文献   

李宽意  刘正文  杨宏伟  李娟  李传红 《生态学报》2007,27(10):4209-4213
在室外实验条件下,研究了模拟牧食损害(动物牧食所造成的损害)对伊乐藻植株生长的影响。结果表明:3种人工损害方式(去除植株50%叶片,去除植株顶端,以及同时去除植物顶端与50%叶片)对伊乐藻的生长率、主枝与分枝长度的增长、植物的干物质、氮、磷含量等均有不同程度的影响。其中,去叶与去顶去叶损害显著抑制了伊乐藻的生长,相对生长率分别占未受损植株的62.8%与74.4%;去顶与去顶去叶损害使伊乐藻主枝生长几乎停止,却显著促进了植物分枝的生长;去叶损害对植株的生长率、主枝与分枝长度的生长无明显抑制并却显著地降低了分枝的重量。对受损伊乐藻生长的机理进行了分析,探讨了东太湖伊乐藻现存量近年来迅速增加的原因并认为植物残体是伊乐藻种群扩张的重要因素之一。  相似文献   

A long-term implant experiment with four clones of Festuca rubra was performed to identify fine-scale spatial variation in a competitive environment within a grassland sward of natural composition and density variation. Total above-ground biomass and shoot counts of all species were recorded in 10×10 cm neighbourhoods of each implant, and their effect on the growth response of the implant was tested. Two types of response were recorded: (1) shoot sizes and vertical shoot growth dynamics, and (2) horizontal space encroachment by means of new shoot natality, mortality and their mode of formation (intravaginal or extravaginal). The vertical growth of individual shoots showed the strongest response to neighbourhood composition; it responded to the overall aboveground biomass of the neighbours, but not to their species composition. The responses in parameters of horizontal growth of individuals (natality, mortality, proportion of extravaginal shoots) were much weaker and not consistent over the observation period; however, both total biomass of the neighbours and species composition affected the response of the target plants.
The overall response was rather weak in spite of a tenfold variation in neighbouring density and a thirtyfold variation in neighbouring biomass. This indicates that the response to this variation is rather flat under field conditions, either due to high overall values of density or due to interactions with below-ground processes. Consequently, though the plant is capable of remarkable plastic responses in both vertical growth and morphogenetic change, under field conditions this capacity for plastic response is expressed only to a limited degree.  相似文献   

Ramet size equalisation in a clonal plant,Phragmites australis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
B. Ekstam 《Oecologia》1995,104(4):440-446
The influence of shading from older generations of dead culms (standing litter) on density, growth rate and development of size structure at the ramet level was investigated in a pure stand of Phragmites australis by experimental neutral shading of plots after removal of standing litter. Initial differences in height distribution between autumn and spring cohorts disappeared in the course of shoot growth. The Gini coefficients of shoot heights and estimated shoot weights indicated that the size structure of the shoots became more equal with increasing mean size in both shaded and unshaded plots. Relative growth rate for height (RHGR) and weight of individual shoots was negatively related to shoot size during the early and presumably storage-dependent growth period, suggesting a strong support for growth of smaller shoots. No etiolation was indicated by mean or maximum height in shaded and unshaded plots, or by the relationship between shoot height and weight. Mean shoot density was significantly lower in shaded than in unshaded plots in one of two shade treatment years. A regression model indicated a small but significant effect of shoot density on the approximately linear relationship between RHGR and the logarithm of height. The growth rate of small shoots was slightly larger at low than at high shoot density. Therefore, it is suggested that the shade from standing litter in P. australis stands can decrease shoot natality in the spring cohort, and thereby increase the support to fewer small shoots.  相似文献   

Tenna Riis 《Hydrobiologia》2008,596(1):341-351
Plant dispersal and colonisation, including rates of dispersal, retention, colonisation and survival of dispersed propagules (shoots and seeds), were studied in a 300-m stream reach in a macrophyte-rich lowland stream during one growing season. Relationships between colonisation processes and simple flow parameters were tested. Each fortnight during a growing season, the number of dispersed plant propagules and the number of new and lost plant colonisations since the last sampling day were recorded. The retention of dispersing shoots was tested on two occasions during the growing season by releasing plant shoots and subsequently re-collecting the retained shoots in the study reach. The main bottleneck for plant colonisation in macrophyte-rich lowland streams is the primary colonisation (development of attached roots in the sediment from vegetative propagules or seedlings) of retained shoots and seeds, due in part to low retention success (1% of the dispersed shoots per 100-m reach) and to unsuccessful colonisation of retained shoots (3.4% of retained shoots colonised). The number of drifting shoots and seeds per day during the growing season were 650–6,950 and 2,970–62,780, respectively, and caused no constraint to colonisation. The survival rate of primary colonists was high with 80% surviving during the first growing season and about 50% surviving the first winter. There was no relationship between number of drifting shoots and flow, but the number of drifting seeds increased with flow. The number of colonisations between two consecutive sampling days correlated to the extent of low flow in the period. The loss rate of colonisations correlated to high flow events, but was low overall. My study strongly indicates that the number of propagules is not a constraint to colonisation in macrophyte-rich lowland streams. Rather, I conclude that primary colonisation is the main constraint to regaining vegetation in lowland streams in general and in vegetation-free rehabilitated streams in particular. Therefore, if plant colonisation is a target for stream rehabilitation, it is important to enhance retention and colonisation of propagules by creating areas of low flow and by providing physical obstacles to work as retention agents in the stream. Handling editor: L. M. Bini  相似文献   

Summary The NPK concentrations in cowpea leaves (cv California Blackeye No. 5) with stage of plant development did not vary significantly with tillage treatment but several features of the concentration of these different ions with age, stage of plant development, incidence of flooding and soil water content are significant.In the major rainy season when soil water content was adequate and seldom above field capacity, there was an almost linear increase in the concentration of N and P in the leaves up to 56 days after planting which coincided with fruit development. This suggested that the accumulation of N and P do take place after flowering which occurred 39 days after planting. The pattern of accumulation of N and P in the minor rainy season suggested that flooding and the occurrence of prolonged soil moisture contents above field capacity suppressed the accumulation of these two nutrients. Potassium accumulation was high in the early stages of cowpea growth and declined with age of the crop. Flooding and high soil moisture contents seem to have had little or no effect on potassium accumulation in the leaves. The pattern of accumulation of N and P suggests that the supply of these nutrients to the cowpea plant must remain high up to fruit development and that additional N and P would need to be added to the soil after a flooding event or when the soil moisture content is above field capacity for prolonged periods.  相似文献   

The organogenetic cycle of shoots on main branches of 4-year-old Juglans regia trees was studied. Mono- and bicyclic floriferous and vegetative annual shoots were analysed. Five parent annual shoot types were sampled between October 1992 and August 1993. Organogenesis of summer growth units was monitored between 16 Jun. and 3 Aug. 1993. Variations over time in the number of nodes, cataphylls and embryonic green leaves of terminal buds were studied. The number of nodes of parent shoot buds was compared with the number of nodes of shoots derived from parent shoot buds. The spring growth units of mono- and bicyclic shoots consist exclusively of preformed leaves which were differentiated, respectively, during the spring flush of growth (mid-April until mid-May) or the summer flush of growth (mid-June until early August) in the previous growing season. Thus, winter buds may consist of flower and leaf primordia differentiated in two different periods during annual shoot extension. The summer growth units of bicyclic shoots consist of preformed leaves that were differentiated in spring buds during the spring flush of growth in the current growing season. Bud morphology is compared between spring and summer shoots.  相似文献   

李宽意  刘正文  杨宏伟  李娟  李传红 《生态学报》2007,27(10):4209-4213
在室外实验条件下,研究了模拟牧食损害(动物牧食所造成的损害)对伊乐藻植株生长的影响。结果表明:3种人工损害方式(去除植株50%叶片,去除植株顶端,以及同时去除植物顶端与50%叶片)对伊乐藻的生长率、主枝与分枝长度的增长、植物的干物质、氮、磷含量等均有不同程度的影响。其中,去叶与去顶去叶损害显著抑制了伊乐藻的生长,相对生长率分别占未受损植株的62.8%与74.4%;去顶与去顶去叶损害使伊乐藻主枝生长几乎停止,却显著促进了植物分枝的生长;去叶损害对植株的生长率、主枝与分枝长度的生长无明显抑制并却显著地降低了分枝的重量。对受损伊乐藻生长的机理进行了分析,探讨了东太湖伊乐藻现存量近年来迅速增加的原因并认为植物残体是伊乐藻种群扩张的重要因素之一。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to quantify the spatial and temporal recolonization characteristics of Zostera marina beds in the lower Chesapeake Bay following large scale declines in the late summer of 2005. Transects were established and monitored monthly for changes in eelgrass abundance at three sites (two downriver, one upriver) in the York River from April–October 2006 and 2007. Measurements included percent bottom cover, above ground biomass, shoot density, shoot origin (seedling or vegetative), seed bank abundance and seed viability. During 2006, the eelgrass beds at all sites recovered with seedlings providing the largest proportion of the total shoot abundance. This trend shifted in 2007 and surviving vegetative shoots were the dominant component of shoot standing crop. A second consecutive decline related to low light conditions occurred during the summer of 2006 in the upriver site and recovery there was minimal in 2007. These results highlight that after a single die off event, seed germination with subsequent seedling growth is the principal method for revegetation in lower Chesapeake Bay Z. marina beds. However, no viable seeds remain in the seed bank during this first year of recovery and shoots produced by the seedling growth do not flower and produce seeds until their second year of growth. Therefore the seed-bank density is low and is not immediately replenished. This suggests that the resiliency of perennial Chesapeake Bay Z. marina populations to repeated disturbances is restricted and repeated annual stress may result in much longer term bed loss.  相似文献   

Investigations were carried out at the Gezira Research Farm in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan. The greater majority of the seeds of Striga hermonthica can only be germinated by excretions from roots of certain plants not all of which can act as hosts for this parasite. Unless it becomes attached to a host plant, the Striga seedling dies. The growing of those plants whose roots can stimulate the germination of Striga seed but cannot be parasitized by it, may be a means of ridding infested land of this parasite. Green ovaries picked from flowering plants produce viable seeds if left to dry. Sorghum is sown in the field during the rainy season, viz. June to October: the earlier the sowing date within this period the greater is the Striga attack. In the field Striga seeds are distributed in the soil to a depth of at least 15 in. When Striga seeds are evenly distributed through the soil, the number of Striga seedlings attached to a sorghum root is proportional to the root's development. Size of sorghum seed has no effect on the root size of a sorghum plant and consequently no effect on the degree of parasitism. The effect of severe Striga attack on the sorghum plant is to produce a reduction of about 60% in leaf and root weight. No reduction of Striga attack is obtained when various micro-elements are coated on sorghum seeds before sowing. Field and laboratory experiments show that light irrigation of the sorghum crop during the normal sowing period increases the Striga attack and heavy irrigation decreases it. This result was not obtained in laboratory experiments when sorghum was sown out of season. Striga attack is lessened when conditions favouring growth of the sorghum crop are improved.  相似文献   

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