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Abundance patterns of European breeding birds   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The frequency distribution of national population sizes of breeding birds was examined for each of 48 European countries, including autonomous regions, using data from the European Bird Database. The frequency distribution of logarithmically transformed abundance was left skewed in 40 countries: there was significant left skew in 10, and positive skew, in 2 countries. The inclusion of data classed as of low quality did not alter the conclusion that abundance patterns were predominantly left skewed. Abundance patterns of resident and migrant breeding birds differed; residents were left skewed, migrants were lognormal. Skewness was correlated negatively the number of species within a country. At low sample size, both left and right skews were evident, but left skews predominated at larger samples sizes. This pattern was driven partly by a difference between breeding populations on islands and on continental countries. Resampling procedures with fixed sample size showed that resident and migrant birds differed consistently in their patterns of skew, independent of sample size. If the birds of Europe were treated as a single assemblage, their abundance pattern was left skewed but this was driven by a very small number of vagrant breeders.  相似文献   

The abundance and distribution of breeding birds were compared on paired fields comprising one set-aside field and one crop field, on 11 intensive arable farms in eastern and western England. A single observer made four visits to all set-aside and crop fields between April and July and recorded all birds seen during standardised counts and transects.
Rotational and non-rotational set-aside supported higher densities and more species of birds than fields of wheat, brassicas, root crops and seed rye. These differences in density, between set-aside and crops, were evident across a suit of species including waders, gamebirds, pigeons and passerines and were particularly marked on rotational set-aside. The majority of species recorded in fields away from boundaries would have been feeding rather than nesting there and higher bird densities on set-aside compared with adjacent arable crops probably reflects greater food abundance in the former.
The study is the first to demonstrate a clear habitat preference for set-aside by a wide range of bird species throughout the breeding season and it allows a number of recommendations to be made concerning the development of cost-effective agri-environment measures. The fact that the majority of birds utilised the outer 5 m, or in some cases 20 m, margin of the field suggests that many of the benefits of whole field set-aside may be derived from marginal strips. A slight, but not significant preference for rotational over non-rotational set-aside suggest such margins should be managed to maintain a patchy, relatively diverse sward of arable plants. A key feature of set-aside is the scale at which it has been incorporated into the arable landscape. Agri-enviromental schemes will only provide similar national benefits if they are implemented on a wide scale in such as way as to promote high uptake by farmers.  相似文献   

Capsule Territory distribution for ten species was most strongly positively influenced by the presence of hedges and woodland edge.

Aims To describe and rank the importance of different habitat predictors on the distribution of bird territories.

Methods We derived territory maps for ten bird species across 25 sites on English lowland farmland in 2002. We related habitat predictors to the distribution of these species using information theoretic methods.

Results Habitat predictors were ranked as follows (numbers in parentheses indicate the number of species with a strong effect): hedge presence (8), boundary height (7), woodland edge (6), tree presence in boundary (4), brassica (mainly oil seed rape) (3), within‐field vegetation height (3), boundary strip (3), boundary width (3), tilled fields (3), winter set‐aside (2), ditch (1), winter stubble fields (1).

Conclusions Non‐cropped habitats had the most consistent positive effects across all ten species, with crop types and their margins exerting smaller effects.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of four components of predation risk, namely predation pressure, spatial variation in woody cover, visibility, and flock size, on the behaviour of four species of the Parus guild (crested tit, P. cristatus , willow tit, P. montanus , coal tit, P. ater , and goldcrest, Regulus regulus ) at the edge of patches of mature boreal forest. Birds used the exposed side of the edge (matrix) mainly during periods with low levels of predation pressure by pygmy owls ( Glaucidium passerinum ). Some species avoided edges under low light conditions. Birds in large groups were more prone to cross the edge, whereas group cohesion increased in risky situations, especially in the most vulnerable species (coal tit and goldcrest). The effects of these three components of predation risk were not general in that only some species responded to them, and in that intra-specific responses were not always consistent. In contrast, all behaviours examined in all four bird species (occurrence, matrix crossing, edge crossing, and group cohesion) appeared to be strongly affected by habitat-mediated predation risk. Mature boreal forests appeared to be qualitatively superior to any type of matrix in terms of protection against predators. Birds generally avoided open matrix, and seemed to move towards and across more developed stages in forest regeneration according to the ratio between food intake and predation risk attributable to a given matrix type. Open matrix (farmland and clearcuts) and very young plantations strongly restricted the rate of bird movement between old forest patches. Our results contrast with the widespread thought that birds have a great potential to use fragmented landscapes in a fine-grained manner. These limited movements across the landscape during winter might have important repercussions on the occupation of some forest patches by tits, their subsequent reproduction, and in turn their population dynamics.  相似文献   

The effects of weed control practices and fertilisation on weed flora and crop yield were evaluated in crop edges of barley fields in northeastern Spain. The study was carried out in four organic and four conventional barley fields. In each field, four permanent plots were delimited at the crop edge, and fertilisation and weed control treatments in a factorial design were applied over 3 years. Weed composition and the aboveground biomass of weeds and barley were recorded before the crop harvest in the first and the third year. We found relatively low values of species richness per field, as well as low values of weed biomass, especially in the organic crop edges (3.9% of total biomass). Weeds were significantly reduced by herbicide applications on conventional fields and were not affected by weed harrowing on organic fields or fertilisation. These results demonstrate that specific measures are needed to enhance biodiversity at crop edges both in organic and conventional fields. Our results also suggest that under Mediterranean conditions and among impoverished weed communities, limiting the use of herbicides is crucial to enhancing arable diversity and that, contrary to findings found in previous studies in temperate climates, fertilisation and weed harrowing have little effect on weeds.  相似文献   

Management of permanent set-aside on arable land in Sweden   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
1. Set-aside fields have been an important element of the European agricultural landscape since the introduction of the set-aside scheme by the European Community. However, countries in the European Community differ in their rules for managing set-aside owing to different priorities.
2. In Sweden, a major goal is to reduce the total use of agricultural pesticides, consequently their use is prohibited in set-aside. The options for weed control are therefore cutting and/or the use of a cover crop.
3. In this study, we describe the course of succession following the abandonment of farmland managed in different ways. The floristic composition was followed over a 10-year period. Temporal trends in community development are described.
4. The experiment began in 1975 on farmland at six localities, distributed from southern to northern Sweden. The management treatments involving the application of fertilizers and cutting were applied to plots sown with a cover crop and to plots in which the succession started from bare ground.
5. We found that competitive interactions between species largely determined the successional course in our study. The competitive success of species was related to the management practices applied but there were also interactions between management and site conditions.
6. We propose that natural succession can be recommended on poor sites in combination with cutting, mainly to prevent the invasion of woody species. On fertile sites a cover crop should be used to suppress perennial weeds, and cutting is recommended mainly to increase species diversity.  相似文献   

1. A study of skylark Alauda arvensis L. breeding ecology in relation to crop type was carried out from April to August 1992 on arable land in southern England. Set-aside land was included in this comparative study.
2. Territory density averaged 0·15 ha−1. It was 2–3 times higher in fields of set-aside and grass, especially permanent pasture, than in winter and spring-sown cereals.
3. Territory size was nearly twice as large in fields of winter cereals (4·5 ha) than in other crop types (2·5 ha). Where set-aside was present on one farm, territory size in set-aside (1·7 ha) was a third lower than in cereals and grass.
4. Nesting began in set-aside and permanent pasture in April and peaked in late May. Nesting was not detected in spring barley until late May and in silage grass until early June. The density of successful nests in set-aside fields was more than double that in any of the arable crop types.
5. Average clutch size at hatching was 3·91 eggs in fields of set-aside, over 15% higher than in silage grass (3·40) and in spring barley (3·27).
6. Fledging success did not differ according to crop type, but productivity, expressed as the number of fledglings produced per hectare, was 0·50 in set-aside, 0·13 in silage grass, and 0·21 in spring barley. Nests with chicks were not found in fields of winter cereals. The causes of chick death were thought to be predation in set-aside fields, farming practices in silage grass fields, and suspected starvation in spring cereals.
7. The potentially high nesting success of skylarks in set-aside implies that sympathetic set-aside management could play an important part in reversing its decline across the European Union.  相似文献   

Changes in Danish farmland habitats and their populations of breeding birds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Habitat changes and the breeding bird populations were studied at Kraghede, N Jutland the years 1970–1980. Generally, agricultural practice was intensified leading to an increase in the area used permanently for growing barley, and the abandonment of grasslands and meadows. Animal husbandry decreased, until it was restricted to a small number of farms.
These habitat changes were the largest ones to occur in the Danish landscape for some 150–200 yr and had a significant influence on the breeding birds. Species confined to the meadows, such as the lapwing Vanellus vanellus , meadow pipit Anthus pratensis and others, decreased by 50–80% or even more. Species associated with the grassland when feeding, like the swallow Hirundo rustica , starling Sturnns vulgaris and magpie Pica pica , all had lower population levels at the end of the 1970's compared to those at the beginning of the decade.  相似文献   

D. W. Snow 《Bird Study》2013,60(4):287-304
This is the first paper produced on behalf of the B.T.O. Tit Study Group, using data collected by its members during their regular ringing operations. Recoveries, measurements, weights and moult records are examined and the data have been combined with information from the Nest Record Scheme and the author's field experience over ten years to produce a comprehensive study of Treecreeper breeding biology.  相似文献   

Populations of many farmland birds appear to have collapsed across much of Europe. Agricultural intensification is driving populations down over huge areas and represents probably the greatest single threat to the continent's birds. Understanding the problem, however, is only the first step to putting farmland birds back in the countryside. The plight of these once-widespread birds highlights the need for improved monitoring across Europe.  相似文献   

Conservation concern about granivorous birds has led to the implication of changing agricultural practices as causes of widespread population decline. We investigate relationships between breeding performance and the agricultural environment for ten granivorous farmland bird species (Stock Dove Columba oenas, Skylark Alauda arvensis, Tree Sparrow Passer montanus, Chaffinch Fringilla coelebs, Greenfinch Carduelis chloris, Linnet C. cannabina, Bullfinch Pyrrhula pyrrhula, Reed Bunting Emberiza schoeniclus, Yellowhammer E. citrinella and Corn Bunting Miliaria calandra). We analyse long-term, extensive data from the British Trust for Ornithology's Nest Record Scheme on breeding performance per breeding attempt with respect to farmland type (arable, grazing or mixed) and time (pre- and post-1975–76). The influence of habitat is investigated at two different scales: within the nesting territory and at the landscape level. Relationships between farmland type and (temporal changes in) breeding performance tended to be species-specific, but a few patterns were each common to some species. Improvements in breeding performance occurred across all three farmland types for four declining species. Grazing farmland seems to have deteriorated as breeding habitat for Linnet and arable/mixed farmland for Reed Bunting. Mixed farming at the territory scale supported better breeding performance for four species, three of which (Bullfinch, Yellowhammer and Corn Bunting) have declined concurrently with mixed farming. Pastoral landscapes supported better breeding performance for up to seven species, six of which have undergone large declines. Arable landscapes supported better breeding only for the stable or increasing Chaffinch and Greenfinch. Different relationships between farming regime and breeding performance were found at the two scales considered.  相似文献   

The area of arable land devoted to ecological compensation in Switzerland has increased markedly in the last decade. We studied the influence of plant cover upon nitrogen (N) dynamics in the uppermost soil layer in experimental plots representing three types of ecological compensation area (set-aside sown with two different seed mixtures and without sowing) and a grass-clover ley. Potential losses, apparent uptake and net mineralisation of N were investigated during critical periods: during the early development of the vegetation, after a first mowing, and before and after ploughing and sowing with winter wheat.The four plant-cover types differed in species richness as well as in the proportions of forbs, grasses and legumes, and annuals and perennials. N dynamics varied with time of sampling, but differences between plant-cover types were small, and neither early mowing nor ploughing had a significant effect. We conclude that as far as N dynamics in the uppermost soil layer is concerned, both species-poor and species-rich seed mixtures and natural regeneration can be recommended for set-aside.  相似文献   

The Europe‐wide decline in the populations and diversity of farmland birds has not been stopped despite dedicated conservation efforts such as agri‐environment schemes (AES). The main reason for the lack of success of AES is considered to be their low ecological quality and insufficient area. Understanding the effects of different management strategies on the ecological quality of AES is therefore important. Here, we investigate the relationship between breeding bird density and species richness and the age of sown field margins, a widely used type of AES, in southwestern Switzerland. Territories of breeding birds were mapped on 67 field margins between 2004 and 2011. Territory densities (for eight species) and species richness were analysed in relation to age of the field margin. A general negative correlation between size of the field margin and territory density indicated that territory density was higher when the birds could forage in adjacent cultivated land. Territory densities and species richness increased up to an age of 4–6 years after sowing, depending on the species, and declined thereafter. The results suggest that the co‐occurrence of newly sown margins and margins over 3 years old will have a positive effect on breeding bird densities and species diversity.  相似文献   

Dry grasslands are among the most threatened plant communities of Central Europe. We explore the time scale of spontaneous regeneration of dry grasslands on abandoned fields in an area of Central Europe, where also ancient grassland communities occur (Saxony-Anhalt, Germany). On three permanent plots with shallow soils we monitored during 10 years change of species composition and analysed whether spontaneous succession leads to assemblages similar to the ancient dry grassland communities in the direct surroundings. We found that dry grassland species are able to invade the permanent plots and during the 10 years of succession the number of dry grassland species increased. But even after 10 years there was a clear difference between ancient dry grassland communities and the assemblages on the permanent plots. Our findings suggest two important conclusions: First, spontaneous succession on abandoned fields is a cheap possibility for the conservation of some dry grassland species, at least on shallow soils. Second, the time scale of the regeneration process, however, is rather long. Hence, conservation of remnants of ancient grassland communities needs special attention.  相似文献   

Ectomycorrhizal fungal communities at forest edges   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  

We quantify the contribution of alien species to the total breeding population numbers, biomass and energy use of an entire taxonomic assemblage at a large spatial scale, using data on British birds from 1997 and 2013. A total of 216 native and 16 alien bird species were recorded as breeding in Great Britain across the two census years. Only 2.8–3.7% of British breeding bird individuals were alien, but alien species co-opted 11.9–13.8% of the energy used by the assemblage, and contributed 19.1–21.1% of assemblage biomass. Neither the population sizes nor biomasses of native and alien species differed, on average, in either census, but alien species biomass is higher than native species biomass for a given population size. Species richness underestimates the potential effects of alien bird species in Britain, which have disproportionately high overall biomass and population energy use. The main driver of these effects is the ring-necked pheasant (Phasianus colchicus), which comprised 74–81% of alien biomass, yet the breeding population of this species is still only a small fraction of the estimated 35 million birds released in the UK in autumn. The biomass of this release exceeds that of the entire breeding avifauna, and suggests that the pheasant should have an important role in structuring the communities in which it is embedded.  相似文献   

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