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Aims Phenotypic optimality models neglect genetics. However, especially when heterozygous genotypes are fittest, evolving allele, genotype and phenotype frequencies may not correspond to predicted optima. This was not previously addressed for organisms with complex life histories.Methods Therefore, we modelled the evolution of a fitness-relevant trait of clonal plants, stolon internode length. We explored the likely case of an asymmetric unimodal fitness profile with three model types. In constant selection models (CSMs), which are gametic, but not spatially explicit, evolving allele frequencies in the one-locus and five-loci cases did not correspond to optimum stolon internode length predicted by the spatially explicit, but not gametic, phenotypic model. This deviation was due to the asymmetry of the fitness profile. Gametic, spatially explicit individual-based (SEIB) modeling allowed us relaxing the CSM assumptions of constant selection with exclusively sexual reproduction.Important findings For entirely vegetative or sexual reproduction, predictions of the gametic SEIB model were close to the ones of spatially explicit non-gametic phenotypic models, but for mixed modes of reproduction they approximated those of gametic, not spatially explicit CSMs. Thus, in contrast to gametic SEIB models, phenotypic models and, especially for few loci, also CSMs can be very misleading. We conclude that the evolution of traits governed by few quantitative trait loci appears hardly predictable by simple models, that genetic algorithms aiming at technical optimization may actually miss the optimum and that selection may lead to loci with smaller effects in derived compared with ancestral lines.  相似文献   

Clonal spread is favoured in many plants at the expense of seed production in order to expand rapidly into open habitats or to occupy space by forming dense patches. However, for the dynamics of a population in a patchy landscape seed dispersal remains important even for clonal plants. We used a spatially explicit individual-based metapopulation model to examine the consequences of two trade-offs in Hieracium pilosella L: first, between vegetative and sexual reproduction, and second, between short and far-distance dispersal of seeds. Our main question was, what are the environmental conditions that cause a mixed strategy of vegetative and sexual reproduction to be optimal. The model was parameterised with field data on local population dynamics of H. pilosella. Patch dynamics were given firstly by disturbance events that opened patches in a matrix of a clonal grass that were colonisable for H. pilosella, and secondly by the gradual disappearance of H. pilosella patches due to the expanding grass. Simulations revealed opposing selection pressures on traits determined by the two trade-offs. Vegetative reproduction is favoured by local dynamics, i.e. the need for maintenance and expansion of established populations, whereas seed production is favoured by the necessity to colonise empty habitats. Similar pressures act on the proportion of seeds dispersed over short and far distances. Optimum reproductive and dispersal strategies depended on habitat quality (determined by seedling establishment probability), the fraction of dispersed seeds, and the fraction of seeds lost on unsuitable ground. Under habitat conditions supporting moderate to low seedling establishment, between 20% and 40% of reproductive effort in H. pilosella should be devoted to sexual reproduction with at least 10% of the seeds dispersed over distances suitable to attain empty patches. We conclude that in a spatially heterogeneous landscape sexual seed production in a clonal plant is advantageous even at the expense of local vegetative growth.  相似文献   

Summary Optimal allocation of energy to growth, reproduction and storage was considered for perennial plants differing in the proportion of vegetative structures persisting over winter and/or in the amount of resources which can be relocated to storage before abscission of some organs. It was found that for every mortality level there exists a critical proportion of persistent organs. Below this critical value it is optimal to grow without reproduction for the first years until a characteristic size is reached; afterwards, that size is maintained year after year and all extra resources are devoted to reproduction. Some storage is also necessary to maintain constant size. If the proportion of retained vegetative mass is above the critical value, the optimal strategy is gradual growth to an asymptotic size, with growth and reproduction occurring in several years following maturation. In this case real storage occurs only until maturation is reached, then storage is realized only by energy relocation from the vegetative body. Although the optimal solution changes abruptly qualitatively at a given proportion of resources saved from year to year, further growth of this proportion above the critical level brings about a greater difference between size reached at maturity and final size. The predictions of the model seem to follow the pattern of nature qualitatively.  相似文献   

As dispersal plays a key role in gene flow among populations, its evolutionary dynamics under environmental changes is particularly important. The inter-dependency of dispersal with other life history traits may constrain dispersal evolution, and lead to the indirect selection of other traits as a by-product of this inter-dependency. Identifying the dispersal's relationships to other life-history traits will help to better understand the evolutionary dynamics of dispersal, and the consequences for species persistence and ecosystem functioning under global changes. Dispersal may be linked to other life-history traits as their respective evolutionary dynamics may be inter-dependent, or, because they are mechanistically related to each other. We identify traits that are predicted to co-vary with dispersal, and investigated the correlations that may constrain dispersal using published information on butterflies. Our quantitative analysis revealed that (1) dispersal directly correlated with demographic traits, mostly fecundity, whereas phylogenetic relationships among species had a negligible influence on this pattern, (2) gene flow and individual movements are correlated with ecological specialisation and body size, respectively and (3) routine movements only affected short-distance dispersal. Together, these results provide important insights into evolutionary dynamics under global environmental changes, and are directly applicable to biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

马尾松二代无性系种子园子代父本分析及花粉散布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目前国内较早建立的马尾松(Pinus massoniana)二代种子园正陆续进入正常开花结实期。研究马尾松二代种子园花粉散布和自由授粉子代的父本组成, 可为生产上指导马尾松高世代种子园的规划设计和遗传管理提供理论依据。该文利用筛选的11对SSR引物, 对马尾松二代无性系种子园内8个无性系单株的320个自由授粉子代和48个候选父本进行了扩增, 并采用最大似然法对子代进行父本分析。结果表明: 11个位点共检测到61个等位基因, 每个位点的等位基因数在2-11之间, 平均为5.55个。试验亲本和子代群体的总平均观测杂合度(Ho)、期望杂合度(He)及多态信息含量(PIC)分别为0.428、0.433和0.387。在80%的可信度水平下可为232 (72.50%)个子代确定其父本。平均每个采种母树与19个父本产生子代。在自由授粉状态下, 马尾松二代种子园自交率为1.72%, 自交现象很弱, 其交配方式以异交为主。绝大多数亲本无性系的雄性繁殖适合度在1.00%-4.00%之间, 候选父本平均繁殖适合度为2.17%, 平均形成5个后代。马尾松有效花粉的散布距离和固定交配距离的父本繁殖适合度均符合正态分布, 两者呈极显著负相关, 其主要散布距离集中在0-100 m, 而检测到的最大散布距离为192 m。种子园花粉污染率较低, 仅为4.06%。总体看来, 树冠南面子代亲本交配距离较北面有增加的趋势, 但树冠南、北面子代父本组成数并未表现明显的规律。  相似文献   

The color of noise and the evolution of dispersal   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The process of dispersal is vital for the long-term persistence of all species and hence is a ubiquitous characteristic of living organisms. A present challenge is to increase our understanding of the factors that govern the dispersal rate of individuals. Here I extend previous work by incorporating both spatial and temporal heterogeneity in terms of patch quality into a spatially explicit lattice model. The spatial heterogeneity is modeled as a two-dimensional fractal landscape, while temporal heterogeneity is included by using one-dimensional noise. It was found that the color of both the spatial and temporal variability influences the rate of dispersal selected as reddening of the temporal noise leads to a reduction in dispersal, while reddening of spatial variability results in an increase in the dispersal rate. These results demonstrate that the color of environmental noise should be considered in future studies looking at the evolution of life history characteristics.  相似文献   

Wing-dimorphic, delphacid planthoppers were used to test hypotheses concerning the effects of habitat persistence and architectural complexity on the occurrence of dispersal. For reasons concerning both the durational stability of the habitat and the reduced availability of mates, selection has favored high levels of dispersal in species occupying temporary habitats. Flightlessness predominates in species occupying persistent habitats, and is promoted by a phenotypic trade-off between reproductive success and flight capability. Wings are retained in tree-inhabiting species, probably for reasons concerning the more effective negotiation of three-dimensional habitats. In contrast, flightlessness is characteristic of those species inhabiting low profile host plants. For several delphacid genera, migratory species are larger than their sedentary congeners. Because body size and fecundity are positively related in planthoppers, the large body size observed in migratory taxa may result from selection for increased fecundity in colonizing species.  相似文献   

NM+ is computer software designed for making inferences on plant gene dispersal and mating patterns by modelling parentage probabilities of offspring based on the spatially explicit neighbourhood model. NM+ requires a sample of mapped and genotyped candidate parents and offspring; however, offspring may optionally be assigned to single maternal parents (forming so-called half-sib progeny arrays). Using maximum likelihood, NM+ estimates a number of parameters, including proportions of offspring due to self-fertilization, pollen immigration from outside of a defined study site, parameters of pollen (and/or seed) dispersal kernels (exponential-power, Weibull, geometric or 2Dt) and selection gradients relating covariates (phenotypic traits) with male (and/or female) reproductive success. NM+ allows for missing data both in parents and in offspring. It accounts for null alleles and their frequencies can optionally be considered as estimable parameters. Data files are formatted in a table-like structure so they can be easily prepared in a spreadsheet software. By default NM+ is for studying plant populations, however, it can be used for any organism as long as data requirements and model assumptions are met. NM+ runs under Windows, but it can be launched under Linux using WINE emulator. NM+ can be downloaded free of charge from http://www.genetyka.ukw.edu.pl/index_pliki/software.htm.  相似文献   

Evolution of local adaptation depends critically on the level of gene flow, which, in plants, can be due to either pollen or seed dispersal. Using analytical predictions and individual-centred simulations, we investigate the specific influence of seed and pollen dispersal on local adaptation in plant populations growing in patchy heterogeneous landscapes. We study the evolution of a polygenic trait subject to stabilizing selection within populations, but divergent selection between populations. Deviations from linkage equilibrium and Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium make different contributions to genotypic variance depending on the dispersal mode. Local genotypic variance, differentiation between populations and genetic load vary with the rate of gene flow but are similar for seed and pollen dispersal, unless the landscape is very heterogeneous. In this case, genetic load is higher in the case of pollen dispersal, which appears to be due to differences in the distribution of genotypic values before selection.  相似文献   

Habitat loss can alter animal movements and disrupt animal seed dispersal mutualisms; however, its effects on spatial patterns of seed dispersal are not well understood. To explore the effects of habitat loss on seed dispersal distances and seed dispersion (aggregation), we created a spatially explicit, individual‐based model of an animal dispersing seeds (SEADS—Spatially Explicit Animal Dispersal of Seeds) in a theoretical landscape of 0%–90% habitat loss based on three animal traits: movement distance, gut retention time, and time between movements. Our model design had three objectives: to determine the effects of (1) animal traits and (2) habitat loss on seed dispersal distances and dispersion and (3) determine how animal traits could mitigate the negative effects of habitat loss on these variables. SEADS results revealed a complex interaction involving all animal traits and habitat loss on dispersal distances and dispersion, driven by a novel underlying mechanism of fragment entrapment. Unexpectedly, intermediate habitat loss could increase dispersal distances and dispersion relative to low and high habitat loss for some combinations of animal traits. At intermediate habitat loss, movement between patches was common, and increased dispersal distances and dispersion compared to continuous habitats because animals did not stop in spaces between fragments. However, movement between patches was reduced at higher habitat loss as animals became trapped in fragments, often near the parent plant, and dispersed seeds in aggregated patterns. As movement distance increased, low time between movements and high gut retention time combinations permitted more movement to adjacent patches than other combinations of animal traits. Because habitat loss affects movement in a nonlinear fashion under some conditions, future empirical tests would benefit from comparisons across landscapes with more than two levels of fragmentation.  相似文献   

Fritillaria camtschatcensis can reproduce by means of both sexual reproduction and clonal multiplication. Despite prolific seed production, no seedlings have been found for several years in natural populations on Mt Hakusan. The purposes of this paper are to clarify: (i) whether population size is maintained mainly by clonal multiplication; and (ii) if this is the case, to what extent occasional seedling establishment affects population growth rate and population structure. Two permanent quadrats were placed in subalpine meadows in 1992 on Mt Hakusan. Plant size, location and reproductive states for all ramets in the quadrats were recorded every year. Projection matrices were created based on field census, and computer simulation experiments were performed. Fritillaria camtschatcensis had two types of flower, male flower and cosexual flower, and they were changeable. This is the first report on sex lability in Fritillaria. Clonal growth was more closely correlated with life-history stages, especially with sexual states than with plant size. The population growth rate, , was 1.006 for the Mizuyajiri population and 1.047 for the Nanryu population, respectively. Seedlings were found in 1996 for the first time. These facts indicate that populations of F. camtschatcensis on Mt Hakusan can usually be maintained by clonal multiplication. However, it is not yet certain whether seeds germinate every year or whether a flush of seedling emergence occurs once in every few years in natural populations. Computer simulation revealed that: (i) there was a critical germination rate above which population growth rate suddenly increased; and (ii) occasional seedling establishment could provide almost the same contribution to population growth rate as that of annual seedling establishment. These results suggest that population size can be maintained mainly by clonal multiplication, and the role of sexual reproduction lies beyond maintaining the population size in F. camtschatcensis.  相似文献   

The mode of reproduction may influence the spread of invasive species by affecting evolutionary potential and dispersal ability. We sampled 51 introduced North American populations of the clonal aquatic plant Butomus umbellatus L. (flowering rush) and found extreme variation in sexual fertility caused by polyploidy. Populations consisted of diploids that produced thousands of viable seeds or of sexually sterile triploids. Although a trade-off between sexual and clonal reproduction predicts that the sexual sterility of triploids would be compensated for by greater clonal reproduction, a greenhouse experiment involving eight diploid and 10 triploid populations showed that diploid plants not only invest substantially in sexual structures but also make hundreds of tiny clonal bulbils on both rhizomes and inflorescences. In contrast, triploids do not make bulbils and have very limited scope for clonal multiplication and dispersal. Diploid populations were more frequent than triploid populations, especially in the Great Lakes region. This is probably because of the difference between cytotypes in clonal rather than sexual reproduction, as genetic analyses indicate a general lack of sexual recruitment in North America. Although triploids were less common, they have a wider geographical distribution. This could be due to a greater ecological tolerance resulting from polyploidy. However, genetic evidence suggests that triploids have become widespread via their use in and escape from horticulture. North America is being colonized by two distinct forms of B. umbellatus that differ strongly in reproductive strategy as well as the vectors and pathways of invasion.  相似文献   

Spatial genetic analyses can be used to infer dispersal processes in natural populations. For partially clonal species with alternating sexual and asexual reproduction, the repetition of genotypes must be taken into account in analyses. The methods currently employed to evaluate the relevance of the spatial scale used for the estimation of gene flow are not suitable for these species. We investigated recently developed methods for taking into account repeated genotypes and for determining whether the sampling scale is large enough to capture all the spatial genetic structure existing within a population. We applied these methods to a fungal plant pathogen species, Cryphonectria parasitica, which has caused the death of many American and European chestnut trees since its introduction from Asia at the beginning of the 20th century. These methods were found to be useful for unravelling the effects of clonality and historical gene flow on the spatial genetic structure, and indicated that dispersal processes have probably occurred over a larger spatial scale than previously assumed.  相似文献   

We used a spatially explicit simulation model to examine the relative importance of vegetative and sexual reproduction in Hieracium pilosella L. Based on an understanding of the complex life cycle of this species and on data from in situ population dynamics in a calcareous grassland in NW Switzerland, we simulated growth and the relative contribution of clonal reproduction by stolons and reproduction by seeds across a gradient of increasing soil fertility. Competition by a clonal grass resulted in nearly complete exclusion of H. pilosella from the more fertile part of the simulation plot. Under low soil fertility, when grass could not survive, H. pilosella largely persisted by vegetatively produced rosettes. This pattern of a sharp separation of both species was shifted slightly in favour of H. pilosella by introducing random disturbances. Only by adding: (1) long-distance seed dispersal, and (2) facilitation of seedling establishment in the vicinity of grass tussocks in vegetation gaps was a more realistic representation of field observations realised, with rosettes of H. pilosella grown from seeds occasionally distributed within dense grass vegetation. Phenotypic plasticity of stolon length was a decisive factor for the maintenance of H. pilosella populations. We conclude that a mixed strategy of clonal growth and reproduction by seeds in H. pilosella is necessary to maintain populations of this species in the presence of high interspecific competition and a shortage of open space.  相似文献   

不同栖息地状态下物种竞争模式及模拟研究与应用   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
梁仁君  林振山  陈玲玲 《生态学报》2006,26(10):3308-3316
物种竞争是影响生态系统演化的重要生态过程之一.而物种在受人类影响出现不同程度毁坏的栖息地上的演化又是非常复杂的,因此研究物种演化对栖息地毁坏的响应是非常必要的.在Tilman研究工作的基础上,将竞争系数引入集合种群动力模式,建立了多物种集合种群竞争共存的数学模型,并对5-物种集合种群在不同栖息地状态下的竞争动态进行了计算机模拟研究.结果表明:(1)不同结构的群落(q值不同),物种之间的竞争排斥作用强度不同,优势物种明显的群落,物种之间的排斥强度大;(2)随着栖息地毁坏程度的增加,对优势物种的负面影响逐渐减小,而对弱势物种的负面影响逐渐增加;(3)随着栖息地恢复幅度的增加,优势物种和弱势物种之间的竞争越强烈,优势物种受到的竞争排斥加大,而弱势物种逐渐变强,出现了强者变弱、弱者变强的格局;(4)物种竞争排斥与共存受迁移扩散能力和竞争能力影响很大,竞争共存的条件是其竞争能力与扩散能力呈非线性负相关关系;(5)竞争共存的物种的强弱序列发生了变化.  相似文献   

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