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Brain stem transection studies suggest that pontine neurons play a key role in regulating the mammalian sleep cycle. The serotonin (5-HT) hypothesis originally postulated that pontine 5-HT containing neurons directly initiated and maintained synchronized or NREM sleep and "primed" rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. Contrary to the predictions of this hypothesis, single unit recordings from the serotonergic dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) have uniformly shown that DRN discharge rate is positively correlated with behavioral arousal but negatively correlated with both the NREM and REM phases of sleep. These findings required revision of the original 5-HT hypothesis and suggested instead that DRN discharge may influence the maintenance of behavioral arousal and, by ceasing to discharge, may contribute to the generation of NREM and REM sleep. The purpose of this paper was to quantitatively assess the strength of the correlation between DRN discharge, REM sleep, and PGO waves following the experimental perturbations of the sleep cycle. Since forced locomotor activity is known to powerfully alter the timing of sleep and wakefulness, the present experiments used forced activity in an attempt to dissociate DRN discharge from the sleep cycle. It was hypothesized that such dissociations would suggest DRN discharge is not involved in sleep cycle regulation. Contrastingly, preserved correlations would support the hypothesis of a possible causal relationship between DRN discharge, PGO waves activity, and the timing of sleep and wakefulness. Extracellular recordings were obtained from single cells in the DRN of intact, undrugged cats across greater than 300 sleep cycles with durations ranging from about 8 to 80 mins. Forced activity significantly reduced the amount of time spent in wakefulness and increased the number but not the duration of REM sleep epochs. The results revealed that DRN discharge rate was altered as a function of sleep cycle duration. In no case, however, was forced activity able to completely dissociate the characteristic DRN discharge rates from PGO waves or the ultradian sleep cycle. The inability of forced activity to disrupt the faithful relationships between DRN discharge, PGO waves, and sleep cycle phase thus provides a new form of correlative evidence consistent with the hypothesis that the DRN is involved in sleep cycle regulation.  相似文献   

中缝背核5-羟色胺能神经元在睡眠调节中的作用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:研究中缝背核(DRN)5-羟色胺(5-HT)能神经元在睡眠中的调节作用。方法:运用脑立体定位、核团微量注射和多导睡眠描记(PSG),观察DRN 5-HT能神经元对大鼠睡眠的影响。结果:DRN微量注射谷氨酸钠(L-Glu),大鼠睡眠减少,特别是深慢波睡眠(SWS2)明显减少,觉醒(W)增加;DRN微量注射海人酸(KA)和对氯苯丙氨酸(PCPA),大鼠SWS2和异相睡眠(PS)增加,W减少。结论:DRN 5-HT能神经元参与睡眠的调节,兴奋DRN 5-HT能神经元睡眠时间减少,抑制DRN 5-HT能神经元则具有促进睡眠的作用。  相似文献   

Chu YX  Liu J  Feng J  Wang Y  Zhang QJ  Li Q 《生理学报》2004,56(5):597-602
实验采用玻璃微电极细胞外记录法, 观察了帕金森病(Parkinson’s disease, PD)大鼠中缝背核(dorsal raphe nucleus, DRN)5- 羟色胺(5-hydroxytrypamine, 5-HT)能神经元电活动的变化。结果发现, 对照组和 PD 组大鼠 DRN 中 5-HT 能神经元的放电频率分别为(1.61 ±0.56) Hz 和(2.61 ±1.97) Hz, PD 组大鼠的放电频率显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。在对照组大鼠, 79% 的神经元呈现规则放电, 21% 为爆发式放电;在 PD 组大鼠,具有规则、不规则和爆发式放电的神经元比例分别为 36%、16% 和47%, 爆发式放电的 5-HT 能神经元比例明显高于对照组(P<0.05)。结果表明,帕金森病大鼠 DRN 中 5-HT 能神经元的放电频率增高, 且爆发式放电增多。  相似文献   

E H Lee 《Life sciences》1987,40(7):635-642
Effects of apomorphine (APO) and clonidine (CLON) on the mesostriatal and mesolimbic serotonergic systems were examined in the present study. Both drugs selectively elevated serotonin (5-HT) concentrations in the dorsal raphe and the striatum without significantly altering 5-HT measures in the median raphe and the hippocampus. Apomorphine also increased tryptophan and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) levels in the dorsal raphe and 5-HIAA level in the striatum. Clonidine did not markedly alter tryptophan and 5-HIAA measures, while it decreased 5-HT turnover rate in both region, as indicated by the ratio of 5-HIAA/5-HT levels. Co-administration of APO and CLON, at doses of each drug exerted maximum effects on 5-HT alone, produced an additive effect on 5-HT in the dorsal raphe, while their effects on 5-HT and 5-HIAA in the striatum were counteracting each other. Effects of APO on 5-HT and 5-HIAA were attributed to the elevation of 5-HT precursor tryptophan, while effects of CLON on 5-HT and 5-HIAA were due to a decreased rate of 5-HT turnover. Therefore, the present results support the hypothesis that the additive effects of APO and CLON on dorsal raphe 5-HT are mediated through different receptors and neuropharmacological mechanisms.  相似文献   

Although repeated selective rapid eye movement (REM) sleep deprivation by awakenings during nighttime has shown that the number of sleep interruptions required to prevent REM sleep increases within and across consecutive nights, the underlying regulatory processes remained unspecified. To assess the role of circadian and homeostatic factors in REM sleep regulation, REM sleep was selectively deprived in healthy young adult males during a daytime sleep episode (7-15 h) after a night without sleep. Circadian REM sleep propensity is known to be high in the early morning. The number of interventions required to prevent REM sleep increased from the first to the third 2-h interval by a factor of two and then leveled off. Only a minor REM sleep rebound (11.6%) occurred in the following undisturbed recovery night. It is concluded that the limited rise of interventions during selective daytime REM sleep deprivation may be due to the declining circadian REM sleep propensity, which may partly offset the homeostatic drive and the sleep-dependent disinhibition of REM sleep.  相似文献   

The M-type potassium current and the N-type calcium current are inhibited by several different neurotransmitters in frog sympathetic neurons. These effects seem to be mediated via G proteins, but it is not clear whether diffusible second messengers are involved. Using a rapid (approximately 100 ms) flow tube perfusion system to apply agonists, the inhibition of calcium current develops and recovers rapidly but not instantaneously (t1/2 = 1-2 s). M-current inhibition is considerably slower, with t1/2 approximately 30 s for recovery from inhibition. At least for M-current inhibition, there appears to be sufficient time for involvement of an enzymatic cascade in receptor-channel coupling.  相似文献   

From nematodes to humans, animals employ neuromodulators like serotonin to regulate behavioral patterns and states. In the nematode C. elegans, serotonin has been shown to act in a modulatory fashion to increase the rate and alter the temporal pattern of egg laying. Though many candidate effectors and regulators of serotonin have been identified in genetic studies, their effects on specific neurons and muscles in the egg-laying circuitry have been difficult to determine. Using the genetically encoded Ca(2+) indicator cameleon, we found that serotonin acts directly on the vulval muscles to increase the frequency of Ca(2+) transients. In contrast, we found that the spontaneous activity of the egg-laying motorneurons was silenced by serotonin. Mutations in G protein alpha subunit genes altered the responses of both vulval muscles and egg-laying neurons to serotonin; specifically, mutations in the G(q)alpha homolog egl-30 blocked serotonin stimulation of vulval muscle Ca(2+) transients, while mutations in the G(o)alpha homolog goa-1 prevented the silencing of motorneuron activity by serotonin. These data indicate that serotonin stimulates egg laying by directly modulating the functional state of the vulval muscles. In addition, serotonin inhibits the activity of the motorneurons that release it, providing a feedback regulatory effect that may contribute to serotonin adaptation.  相似文献   

We investigated the role that cortical areas have upon the sequences of PGO waves and associated phasic activity in the lateral rectus muscles of the eyes (PALRE) during PS. We performed several combined type of lesions (bilateral ablations of frontal lobes carried out in two sessions, or occipital lesions combined with bifrontla lobotomies). We used statistical methods previously described for the normal cat (4). We showed that frontal lesions need to be bilateral in order to be effective, that thereafter there is a recovery in the complexity of the patterns in the survival period. We showed that occipital lobectomies "per se" do not affect the PGO pattern, but their combination with bifrontal lobotomies produce the most dramatic changes which lasted throughout the survival period. These findings are discussed on the light of the well known anatomical cortical projections to brain stem structures which participate in the determinism of PGO waves during paradoxical sleep.  相似文献   

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Ghrelin is a peptide hormone produced and secreted from the stomach. Hypothalamic injection of the peptide increases food intake but it is not known if the peptide affects other brain regions. We measured several behavioral parameters such as anxiety (elevated plus maze), memory retention (step down test), and food intake after injections of different doses of the peptide in the hippocampus, amygdala, and dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN). The injection of ghrelin in the hippocampus and DRN significantly and dose dependently increased food intake in relation to controls rats, while injections into the amygdala did not affect the food intake. We also show for the first time that ghrelin clearly and dose dependently increases memory retention in the hippocampus, amygdala, and DRN. Moreover, ghrelin at different potencies induced anxiogenesis in these brain structures while the highest dose of 3 nmol/microl was effective in all of them. The comparison of sensitivity of each brain structure indicates a specific role of them for each of the behaviors studied. The results provide new insight in to the anatomical substrate and the functional role of extrahypothalamic ghrelin targets in the CNS.  相似文献   

Serotonergic neurons of the dorsal raphe nuclei, with their extensive innervation of nearly the whole brain have important modulatory effects on many cognitive and physiological processes. They play important roles in clinical depression and other psychiatric disorders. In order to quantify the effects of serotonergic transmission on target cells it is desirable to construct computational models and to this end these it is necessary to have details of the biophysical and spike properties of the serotonergic neurons. Here several basic properties are reviewed with data from several studies since the 1960s to the present. The quantities included are input resistance, resting membrane potential, membrane time constant, firing rate, spike duration, spike and afterhyperpolarization (AHP) amplitude, spike threshold, cell capacitance, soma and somadendritic areas. The action potentials of these cells are normally triggered by a combination of sodium and calcium currents which may result in autonomous pacemaker activity. We here analyse the mechanisms of high-threshold calcium spikes which have been demonstrated in these cells the presence of TTX (tetrodotoxin). The parameters for calcium dynamics required to give calcium spikes are quite different from those for regular spiking which suggests the involvement of restricted parts of the soma-dendritic surface as has been found, for example, in hippocampal neurons.  相似文献   

Orexin/hypocretin has been well demonstrated to excite the serotonergic neurons in the dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN). We studied the morphological relationships between orexin-containing axon terminals and serotonin- as well as orexin-receptor-containing neurons in the dorsal raphe nucleus. Using immunohistochemical techniques at the light microscopic level, orexin A (OXA)-like immunoreactive neuronal fibers in the DRN were found to make close contact with serotonergic neurons, while some of the serotonergic neurons also expressed the orexin 1 receptor (OX1R). At the electron microscopic level, double-immunostaining experiments showed that the orexin A-like immunoreactive fibers were present mostly as axon terminals that made synapses on the serotonin- and orexin 1-receptor-containing neurons. While only axodendritic synapses between orexin A-containing axon terminals and serotonergic neurons were detected, the synapses made by orexin A-containing axon terminals on the orexin 1-receptor-containing neurons were both axodendritic and axosomatic. The present study suggests that excitation effect of orexin A on dorsal raphe serotonergic neurons is via synaptic communication through orexin 1 receptor.  相似文献   

Action potentials were recorded from serotonergic dorsal raphe (DR) neurons acutely isolated from the adult rat brain. Action potential waveforms were used as command potentials for whole-cell patch-clamp studies to investigate the Ca2+ and K+ currents underlying action potentials and the modulatory effects of 5-Hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) on them. These data were compared with currents elicited by using rectangular voltage steps of the type commonly used in voltage-clamp experiments. In the same cell, 5-HT simultaneously augmented K+ currents and inhibited Ca2+ currents. Experimental conditions were chosen which allowed us to examine the action of 5-HT on K+ and Ca2+ currents simultaneously or in isolation; 5-HT produced a larger inhibition of calcium current during an action potential waveform compared with that measured by using rectangular steps of voltage. A possible explanation for this finding is that the maximal inhibition is seen immediately after a voltage jump and then decreases with time. Action potentials are, in general, so brief that little time-dependent relief of block is observed. Most of the inhibition of Ca2+ current resulted from a direct effect on Ca2+ channels rather than a shortening of the action potential. The inhibition of Ca2+ current by 5-HT also decreased the Ca(2+)-activated K+ currents. These results suggest that 5-HT reduces DR neuron excitability by the simultaneous activation of K+ channel currents open at the resting potential and the suppression of Ca2+ channel currents.  相似文献   

Cells that discharge in early expiration and inhibit other respiratory cells purportedly cause a separate phase of the respiratory cycle that has been named "postinspiration." Our objective was to study these postinspiratory cells in the intact unanesthetized cat during sleep, wakefulness, and behavioral inhibition of inspiration, but we were unable to find cells with strong and consistent activity confined to early expiration. Instead, we found that various cell types were active in early expiration. They included inspiratory-expiratory phase-spanning cells, retrofacial augmenting expiratory cells with bursts in early expiration, retrofacial decrementing expiratory cells, tonic expiratory cells, and cells with variable activity in the early part of expiration. Just as the cell types active during early expiration were heterogeneous so too were their activities during behavioral inhibition of inspiration and during sleep. These results suggest that the state of early expiration is determined by many different cell types rather than a single class of postinspiratory cells.  相似文献   

Long KP  Hu SJ  Duan YB  Xu H 《生理学报》1999,51(5):481-487
本文记录了大鼠损伤背根节神经元的自发放电活动。采用背根节慢性压迫动物模型,记录慢性压迫手术后3-10d背根节的自发放电。在记录的156根纤维中,观察到17根(占11A%)出现的动作电位峰峰间期以某一基础间期的整数倍模式出现的整数倍时间节律形式,其回归映射图为晶格状点阵结构,并且该时间形式受细胞膜上钠,钾通道的调控。  相似文献   

目的研究创伤后应激障碍大鼠中缝背核神经元细胞TMP(三偏磷酸酶)活性分布及其表达变化。方法采用SPS刺激方法,建立PTSD样大鼠SPS模型,随机分为SPS刺激后1d、7d、14d和正常对照组,应用光、电镜酶组化技术方法,分别对各组中缝背核神经元细胞TMP活性分布及其变化进行观察和定量检测。结果光镜下TMP酶反应阳性产物为棕褐色颗粒分布于细胞质中;电镜下TMP酶反应阳性产物为高电子密度的黑色颗粒沉淀,分布于各组中缝背核神经元细胞内溶酶体上。SPS刺激后1d、7d、14d中缝背核神经元TMP活性表达比正常对照组明显增强,并于7d达到高峰。结论创伤后应激障碍大鼠中缝背核神经元细胞TMP活性增强,提示TMP参与了中缝背核神经元细胞凋亡产物的降解和处理过程。  相似文献   

Summary The anterograde tracer Phaseolus vulgaris-leucoagglutinin was injected into the medial nucleus of the solitary tract and into the rostral dorsomedial medulla. A sequential two-color immunoperoxidase staining was accomplished in order to demonstrate the co-distribution of presumed terminal axons with chemically distinct neurons in the dorsal raphe nucleus of the midbrain central gray, i.e., B7 serotonergic and A10dc dopaminergic neurons. Black-stained efferent fibers from the medial nucleus of the solitary tract and the rostral dorsomedial medulla intermingled with brown-stained serotonergic (5-hydroxytryptamine-immunoreactive) or dopaminergic (tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive) neurons. Light microscopy revealed that the black-stained efferent axons exhibited numerous en passant and terminal varicosities that were often found in close apposition to brown-stained serotonergic and dopaminergic somata, and to proximal and distal dendrites and dendritic processes. The close association of immunoreactive elements suggests the presence of axo-somatic and axodendritic synaptic contacts of medullary fibers with serotonergic and dopaminergic neurons in the dorsal raphe nucleus. These projections could be involved in the modulation of dorsal raphe neurons, depending on the autonomic status of an animal.  相似文献   

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