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Glucan phosphorylating enzymes are required for normal mobilization of starch in leaves of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) and potato (Solanum tuberosum), but mechanisms underlying this dependency are unknown. Using two different activity assays, we aimed to identify starch degrading enzymes from Arabidopsis, whose activity is affected by glucan phosphorylation. Breakdown of granular starch by a protein fraction purified from leaf extracts increased approximately 2-fold if the granules were simultaneously phosphorylated by recombinant potato glucan, water dikinase (GWD). Using matrix-assisted laser-desorption ionization mass spectrometry several putative starch-related enzymes were identified in this fraction, among them beta-AMYLASE1 (BAM1; At3g23920) and ISOAMYLASE3 (ISA3; At4g09020). Experiments using purified recombinant enzymes showed that BAM1 activity with granules similarly increased under conditions of simultaneous starch phosphorylation. Purified recombinant potato ISA3 (StISA3) did not attack the granular starch significantly with or without glucan phosphorylation. However, starch breakdown by a mixture of BAM1 and StISA3 was 2 times higher than that by BAM1 alone and was further enhanced in the presence of GWD and ATP. Similar to BAM1, maltose release from granular starch by purified recombinant BAM3 (At4g17090), another plastid-localized beta-amylase isoform, increased 2- to 3-fold if the granules were simultaneously phosphorylated by GWD. BAM activity in turn strongly stimulated the GWD-catalyzed phosphorylation. The interdependence between the activities of GWD and BAMs offers an explanation for the severe starch excess phenotype of GWD-deficient mutants.  相似文献   

The mechanism of starch degradation by the fungus Trichoderma viride was studied in strain CBS 354.44, which utilizes glucose, starch and dextrins but is unable to assimilate maltose. It was shown that the amylolytic enzyme system is completely extracellular, equally well induced by starch, amylose or amylopectin and that it consists mainly of enzymes of the glucoamylase type which yield glucose as the main product of starch hydrolysis. Small amounts of -amylase are produced also. The enzymes produced in starch cultures degrade starch, amylose and amylopectin equally well.Enzyme synthesis in starch media takes place to a considerable extent after exhaustion of the carbon source when maximum growth has been attained.Low-molecular dextrins are degraded by extracellular enzymes of the glucoamylase type. These enzymes are produced in media containing starch or dextrins. Maltotriose is consumed for only one third leaving maltose in the culture filtrate. Maltose is hardly attacked and hardly induces any amylolytic enzyme activity. No stable -glucosidase appears to be produced.  相似文献   

The degradation of pea starch granules by acid hydrolysis has been investigated using a range of chemical and structural methods, namely through measuring changes in amylose content by both the iodine binding and concanavalin A precipitation methods, along with small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), wide angle X-ray diffraction (XRD) and field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM). The relative crystallinity, intensity of the lamellar peak and the low-q scattering increased during the initial stages of acid hydrolysis, indicating early degradation of the amorphous regions (growth rings and lamellae). In the first 2 days of hydrolysis, there was a rapid decline in amylose content, a concomitant loss of precipitability of amylopectin by concanavalin A, and damage to the surface and internal granular structures was evident. These observations are consistent with both amylose and amylopectin being located on the surface of the granules and attacked simultaneously in the early stages of acid hydrolysis. The results are also consistent with amylose being more concentrated at the core of the granules. More extensive hydrolysis resulted in the simultaneous disruption of amorphous and crystalline regions, which was indicated by a decrease in lamellar peak intensity, decrease in interhelix peak intensity and no further increase in crystallinity. These results provide new insights into the organization of starch granules.  相似文献   

Human plasma alpha-1-proteinase inhibitor (α1-antitrypsin) has been re-isolated from its complex with porcine trypsin. The re-isolated protein (α1-PI*) was found to be non-inhibitory and 8,000 lower in molecular weight than the native inhibitor. Sequence analysis of α1-PI* showed that an amino terminal peptide had been lost, apparently the result of cleavage at a Lys-Thr bond. These data indicate that limited proteolysis is the first step in the inhibitory mechanism.  相似文献   

1. The mechanism of rabbit muscle pyruvate kinase was investigated by measurements of fluxes, isotope trapping, steady-state velocity and binding of the substrates. All measurements were made at pH8.5 in Tris/HCl buffer and at 5mm-free Mg(2+). 2. Methods of preparing [(32)P]phosphoenolpyruvate from [(32)P]P(i) in high yield and determining [(32)P]-phosphoenolpyruvate and [8-(14)C]ADP are described. 3. The ratio Flux of ATP to ADP/Flux of ATP to phosphoenolpyruvate (measured at equilibrium) increased hyperbolically with ADP concentration from unity to about 2.1 at 2mm-ADP, but was unaffected by phosphoenolpyruvate concentration. Since the ratio is greater than unity, one pathway for the addition of substrates must involve phosphoenolpyruvate adding first to the enzyme in a rate-limiting step. However, the substrates must also add in the alternative order, because of the non-linear increase in the ratio with ADP concentration and because the rate of increase is very much less than that predicted from the steady-state velocity data for an ordered addition. The lack of influence of phosphoenolpyruvate on the ratio is consistent with the rapid addition of ADP in the alternative pathway. At low ADP concentrations the alternative pathway contributes less than 33% to the total reaction. 4. Isotope trapping was observed with [(32)P]phosphoenolpyruvate, confirming that when phosphoenolpyruvate adds first to the enzyme it is in a rate-limiting step. The release of phosphoenolpyruvate from the ternary complex must also be a slow step. Trapping was not observed with [8-(14)C]ADP, hence the addition of ADP to the free enzyme must be rapid unless its dissociation constant is very large (>20mm). 5. Binding studies showed that 4mol of [(32)P]phosphoenolpyruvate binds to 1mol of the enzyme, probably unligated to Mg(2+), with a dissociation constant appropriate to the mechanism indicated above. Binding of [8-(14)C]ADP could not be detected, and hence the binding of ADP occurs by a low-affinity step. The latter is also demanded by the steady-state velocity data. 6. The ratio Flux of phosphoenolpyruvate to ATP/Flux of phosphoenolpyruvate to pyruvate (determined from the incorporation of label into phosphoenolpyruvate from [3-(14)C]-pyruvate or [gamma-(32)P]ATP during the forward reaction) did not differ significantly from unity. Steady-state velocity data predicted grossly different flux ratios for ordered dissociations of the products, and the results indicate that the dissociation must be rapid and random. The data also exclude a Ping-Pong mechanism. 7. Permissible rate constants for the above mechanism are calculated. The results indicate a high degree of cooperativity in binding, whatever the order of addition of substrate.  相似文献   

Antimicrobial activity of partial degradation products of eremomycin, a new glycopeptide antibiotic, was studied. The products formed by eremomycin deglycosylation (deseremosaminyl eremomycin, eremosaminyl aglycone and aglycone) and elimination of the chlorine atom from the molecule aglycone moiety (dechloroeremomycin). The spectral data in favour of the compounds structure are presented. It was found that partial degradation led to a decrease in the antimicrobial activity of the antibiotic. Dechloreremomycin had the highest activity among the products. Its MIC for the methicillin-resistant strains of Staphylococcus aureus was only twice as low as that of the initial antibiotic.  相似文献   

Dibutyl phthalate (DBP) was more efficiently degraded by cutinase compared to yeast esterase; i.e. almost 80% of initial DBP (500 mg l−1) was decomposed within 7.5 h, and nearly 50% of the degraded DBP disappeared within the initial 30 min. The toxicity of the final DBP degradation products were investigated using various recombinant bioluminescent bacteria. Butyl methyl phthalate, the major product of degradation by the esterase, was an oxidative toxic hazard that damaged protein synthesis.  相似文献   

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