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In two experiments, we measured the direction, duration, frequency, and vividness of the tactile motion aftereffect (MAE) induced by a rotating drum with a ridged surface. In Experiment 1, we adapted the: (1) fingers and palm, including the thumb, (2) fingers and palm, excluding the thumb, and (3) fingers only, excluding the thumb. In each condition the drum rotated at 60 rpm for 120 s. There was no difference in duration, frequency, or vividness between the skin surfaces tested. In Experiment 2, we tested several adapting speeds: 15, 30, 45, 60, and 75 rpm. At each speed the fingers and palm, excluding the thumb, were adapted for 120 s. The duration, frequency, and vividness of the tactile MAE increased linearly with adapting speed. Overall, the tactile MAE was reported on approximately half of the trials, suggesting that it is not as robust as its visual counterpart.  相似文献   

Neuronal basis of the motion aftereffect reconsidered   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Huk AC  Ress D  Heeger DJ 《Neuron》2001,32(1):161-172
Several fMRI studies have reported MT+ response increases correlated with perception of the motion aftereffect (MAE). However, attention can strongly affect MT+ responses, and subjects may naturally attend more to the MAE than control trials without MAE. We found that requiring subjects to attend to motion on both MAE and control trials produced equal levels of MT+ response, suggesting that attention may have confounded the interpretation of previous experiments; in our data, attention accounts for the entire effect. After eliminating this confound, we observed that direction-selective motion adaptation produced a direction-selective imbalance in MT+ responses (and earlier visual areas), and yielded a corresponding asymmetry in speed discrimination thresholds. These findings provide physiological evidence that population level response imbalances underlie the MAE, and quantify the relative proportions of direction-selective neurons across human visual areas.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of adapting speed, duration, and distance on the frequency of occurrence, duration, and vividness of the tactile motion aftereffect (tMAE). Using a cylindrical drum with a patterned surface we adapted the glabrous surface of the right hand at two speeds (14 and 28 cm/s) and three durations (60, 120, and 240 s). Distance was explored in the interaction of adapting speed and duration. The results showed that the frequency of occurrence, duration, and vividness of the tMAE increased with adapting speed. There was also a positive relationship between adapting duration and the frequency of occurrence, but not the duration or vividness, of the illusion. Distance was only a factor when it came to the duration of the tMAE. Taken together, these results show the importance of adapting parameters, particularly speed, on the tMAE.  相似文献   

The motion aftereffect may be considered as a consequence of visual illusions of self-motion (vection) and the persistence of sensory information processing. There is ample experimental evidence indicating a uniformity of mechanisms that underlie motion aftereffects in different modalities based on the principle of motion detectors. Currently, there is firm ground to believe that the motion aftereffect is intrinsic to all sensory systems involved in spatial orientation, that motion adaptation in one sensory system elicits changes in another one, and that such adaptation is of great adaptive importance for spatial orientation and motion of an organism. This review seeks to substantiate these ideas.  相似文献   

An ignored region of the visual field might be monitored by an intermittent full visual analysis or by a more continuous but restricted analysis. We investigated which type of process is more likely in early vision by studying the effects of diverting attention on adaptation to a range of spatial (0.5, 2, 4. and 6 c/deg) and temporal (1.5 and 10 Hz) frequencies. During adaptation, subjects either fixated an unchanging digit (normal attention). or named the sequence of changing digits which formed the fixation point (diverted). The test field was always a static version of the adapting field, and the strength of adaptation was measured through the velocity and duration of subsequent Motion Aftereffects (MAEs). When attention during adaptation was normal MAE durations rose with spatial frequency for the 1.5 Hz stimuli, and declined with spatial frequency for the 10 Hz stimuli. When attention was diverted from the 10 Hz stimuli, MAE durations and velocities fell by a similar amount at all spatial frequencies. However, for the 1.5 Hz stimuli, the effects of diversion were very small at 0.5 c/deg, and rose progressively with spatial frequency, so that MAE reductions were largest at 6 c/deg. It appears that diversion hardly affects the encoding of coarse, slow stimuli, but attenuates the encoding of finer and/or faster stimuli. This is consistent with the idea that during diversion the visual system monitors the scene continuously, but over a restricted range of spatial and temporal scales.  相似文献   

Biber U  Ilg UJ 《PloS one》2011,6(1):e16265
Eye movements create an ever-changing image of the world on the retina. In particular, frequent saccades call for a compensatory mechanism to transform the changing visual information into a stable percept. To this end, the brain presumably uses internal copies of motor commands. Electrophysiological recordings of visual neurons in the primate lateral intraparietal cortex, the frontal eye fields, and the superior colliculus suggest that the receptive fields (RFs) of special neurons shift towards their post-saccadic positions before the onset of a saccade. However, the perceptual consequences of these shifts remain controversial. We wanted to test in humans whether a remapping of motion adaptation occurs in visual perception.The motion aftereffect (MAE) occurs after viewing of a moving stimulus as an apparent movement to the opposite direction. We designed a saccade paradigm suitable for revealing pre-saccadic remapping of the MAE. Indeed, a transfer of motion adaptation from pre-saccadic to post-saccadic position could be observed when subjects prepared saccades. In the remapping condition, the strength of the MAE was comparable to the effect measured in a control condition (33±7% vs. 27±4%). Contrary, after a saccade or without saccade planning, the MAE was weak or absent when adaptation and test stimulus were located at different retinal locations, i.e. the effect was clearly retinotopic. Regarding visual cognition, our study reveals for the first time predictive remapping of the MAE but no spatiotopic transfer across saccades. Since the cortical sites involved in motion adaptation in primates are most likely the primary visual cortex and the middle temporal area (MT/V5) corresponding to human MT, our results suggest that pre-saccadic remapping extends to these areas, which have been associated with strict retinotopy and therefore with classical RF organization. The pre-saccadic transfer of visual features demonstrated here may be a crucial determinant for a stable percept despite saccades.  相似文献   

Olveczky BP  Baccus SA  Meister M 《Neuron》2007,56(4):689-700
Due to fixational eye movements, the image on the retina is always in motion, even when one views a stationary scene. When an object moves within the scene, the corresponding patch of retina experiences a different motion trajectory than the surrounding region. Certain retinal ganglion cells respond selectively to this condition, when the motion in the cell's receptive field center is different from that in the surround. Here we show that this response is strongest at the very onset of differential motion, followed by gradual adaptation with a time course of several seconds. Different subregions of a ganglion cell's receptive field can adapt independently. The circuitry responsible for differential motion adaptation lies in the inner retina. Several candidate mechanisms were tested, and the adaptation most likely results from synaptic depression at the synapse from bipolar to ganglion cell. Similar circuit mechanisms may act more generally to emphasize novel features of a visual stimulus.  相似文献   

A computational model to help explain effects of adaptation to moving signals is compared with established energy (linear regression) models of motion detection. The proposed model assumes that processed image signals are subject to error in both dimensions of space and time. This assumption constrains models of motion perception to be based upon principal component regression rather than linear regression. It is shown that response suppression of model complex cell neurons that input into the model may account for (1) increases in perceived speed after adaptation to static patterns and testing with slowly moving patterns, (2) significant increases in perceived speed after adaptation to patterns moving at a medium speed and testing at high speed, and (3) decreases in perceived speed in the opponent direction to a quickly moving adapting signal. Neither of predictions (2) or (3) are general features of established accounts of motion detection by visual processes based upon linear regression. Comparisons of the proposed model's speed transfer function with existing psychophysical data suggests that the visual system processes motion signals with the tacit assumption that image measurements are subject to error in both space and time. Received: 24 January 2000 / Accepted in revised form: 8 May 2000  相似文献   

In many species, including humans, exposure to high image velocities induces motion adaptation, but the neural mechanisms are unclear. We have isolated two mechanisms that act on directionally selective motion-sensitive neurons in the fly's visual system. Both are driven strongly by movement and weakly, if at all, by flicker. The first mechanism, a subtractive process, is directional and is only activated by stimuli that excite the neuron. The second, a reduction in contrast gain, is strongly recruited by motion in any direction, even if the adapting stimulus does not excite the cell. These mechanisms are well designed to operate effectively within the context of motion coding. They can prevent saturation at susceptible nonlinear stages in processing, cope with rapid changes in direction, and preserve fine structure within receptive fields.  相似文献   

Effects of various types of motion stimuli were compared to investigate optimum method to elicit motion sickness and adaptation in Suncus murinus (suncus). Three different direction of shaking in the horizontal plane, back and forth, right and left and revolving, induced emetic response to the similar extent. However, vertical shaking was far less effective in inducing motion sickness. Mild and severe horizontal shaking (15 min per day) was continued for 14 days and emetic response to standard motion stimulus was compared before and after the training. The severe daily acceleration strongly depressed the susceptibility to motion stimulus. The mild acceleration which was not emetic stimulus in itself also remarkably attenuated the vomiting response to standard motion stimulus. These results indicate that 1) the emetic responsiveness of the suncus does not depend on the modes of shaking as long as the direction is in the horizontal plane, 2) the suncus is relatively refractory to the vertical linear acceleration and 3) the adaptation to motion stimulus does not develop on the latest peripheral steps of the vomiting reflex pathways.  相似文献   

Fang F  He S 《Current biology : CB》2004,14(3):247-251
3D structures can be perceived based on the patterns of 2D motion signals. With orthographic projection of a 3D stimulus onto a 2D plane, the kinetic information can give a vivid impression of depth, but the depth order is intrinsically ambiguous, resulting in bistable or even multistable interpretations. For example, an orthographic projection of dots on the surface of a rotating cylinder is perceived as a rotating cylinder with ambiguous direction of rotation. We show that the bistable rotation can be stabilized by adding information, not to the dots themselves, but to their spatial context. More interestingly, the stabilized bistable motion can generate consistent rotation aftereffects. The rotation aftereffect can only be observed when the adapting and test stimuli are presented at the same stereo depth and the same retinal location, and it is not due to attentional tracking. The observed rotation aftereffect is likely due to direction-contingent disparity adaptation, implying that stimuli with kinetic depth may have activated neurons sensitive to different disparities, even though the stimuli have zero relative disparity. Stereo depth and kinetic depth may be supported by a common neural mechanism at an early stage in the visual system.  相似文献   

Attention to surfaces modulates motion processing in extrastriate area MT   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wannig A  Rodríguez V  Freiwald WA 《Neuron》2007,54(4):639-651
In the visual system, early atomized representations are grouped into higher-level entities through processes of perceptual organization. Here we present neurophysiological evidence that a representation of a simple object, a surface defined by color and motion, can be the unit of attentional selection at an early stage of visual processing. Monkeys were cued by the color of a fixation spot to attend to one of two transparent random-dot surfaces, one red and one green, which occupied the same region of space. Motion of the attended surface drove neurons in the middle temporal (MT) visual area more strongly than physically identical motion of the non-attended surface, even though both occurred within the spotlight of attention. Surface-based effects of attention persisted even without differential surface coloring, but attentional modulation was stronger with color. These results show that attention can select surface representations to modulate visual processing as early as cortical area MT.  相似文献   

Adaptation was used to probe the perceiver's activation state when either motion or nonmotion percepts are formed for bistable, single-element apparent motion stimuli. Although adaptation was not observed in every instance, when it was observed its effect was to increase the probability of both motion-to-nonmotion and nonmotion-to-motion switches, the time scale of adaptation corresponding to neurophysiological observations for directionally selective cortical cells (Giaschi et al. 1993). This susceptibility to de-stabilizing adaptation effects indicated that the nonmotion percept was not the result of inadequate stimulation producing subthreshold levels of motion detector activation; if that were the case, activation-dependent adaptation would have decreased the nonmotion-to-motion switching rate by reducing activation further below threshold. Above-threshold activation levels are therefore associated with both nonmotion and motion perceptual states, and the failure to perceive motion despite the presence of adequate motion detector stimulation can be attributed to inhibitory competition between detectors activated by motion-specifying stimulus information and detectors activated to similar levels by motion-independent stimulus information, consistent with the dynamical quality of single-element apparent motion.  相似文献   

How our perceptual experience of the world remains stable and continuous despite the frequent repositioning eye movements remains very much a mystery. One possibility is that our brain actively constructs a spatiotopic representation of the world, which is anchored in external--or at least head-centred--coordinates. In this study, we show that the positional motion aftereffect (the change in apparent position after adaptation to motion) is spatially selective in external rather than retinal coordinates, whereas the classic motion aftereffect (the illusion of motion after prolonged inspection of a moving source) is selective in retinotopic coordinates. The results provide clear evidence for a spatiotopic map in humans: one which can be influenced by image motion.  相似文献   

The paper starts by drawing the historical lines for and giving an account of the main methods and results from an empirical investigation of cognitive disorders in schizophrenics and communication deviances in their parents. The focus of the report is on the significant correlations that were found between some aspects of parents' style of communication and offsprings' cognitive functioning. On the basis of the empirical study, the relationship between attention and communication is discussed, and the issue of whether attentional processes "change identity" by being embedded in a social context is considered. Furthermore, the influence of deviant communication in parents on attentional processes in offspring is discussed in relation to a main postulate in Vygotsky's theory; namely, that higher mental functions are internalized social relations.  相似文献   

In Li and Atick's [1, 2] theory of efficient stereo coding, the two eyes' signals are transformed into uncorrelated binocular summation and difference signals, and gain control is applied to the summation and differencing channels to optimize their sensitivities. In natural vision, the optimal channel sensitivities vary from moment to moment, depending on the strengths of the summation and difference signals; these channels should therefore be separately adaptable, whereby a channel's sensitivity is reduced following overexposure to adaptation stimuli that selectively stimulate that channel. This predicts a remarkable effect of binocular adaptation on perceived direction of a dichoptic motion stimulus [3]. For this stimulus, the summation and difference signals move in opposite directions, so perceived motion direction (upward or downward) should depend on which of the two binocular channels is most strongly adapted, even if the adaptation stimuli are completely static. We confirmed this prediction: a single static dichoptic adaptation stimulus presented for less than 1 s can control perceived direction of a subsequently presented dichoptic motion stimulus. This is not predicted by any current model of motion perception and suggests that the visual cortex quickly adapts to the prevailing binocular image statistics to maximize information-coding efficiency.  相似文献   

Repeatedly performing similar motor acts produces short-term adaptive changes in the agent's motor system. One striking use-dependent effect is the motor-to-visual aftereffect (MVA), a short-lasting negative bias in the conceptual categorization of visually-presented training-related motor behavior. The MVA is considered the behavioral counterpart of the adaptation of visuomotor neurons that code for congruent executed and observed motor acts. Here we characterize which features of the motor training generate the MVA, along 3 main dimensions: a) the relative role of motor acts vs. the semantics of the task-set; b) the role of muscular-specific vs. goal-specific training and c) the spatial frame of reference with respect to the whole body. Participants were asked to repeatedly push or pull some small objects in a bowl as we varied different components of adapting actions across three experiments. The results show that a) the semantic value of the instructions given to the participant have no role in generating the MVA, which depends only on the motor meaning of the training act; b) both intrinsic body movements and extrinsic action goals contribute simultaneously to the genesis of the MVA and c) changes in the relative position of the acting hand compared to the observed hand, when they do not involve changes to the movement performed or to the action meaning, do not have an effect on the MVA. In these series of experiments we confirm that recent motor experiences produce measurable changes in how humans see each others' actions. The MVA is an exquisite motor effect generated by two distinct motor sub-systems, one operating in an intrinsic, muscular specific, frame of reference and the other operating in an extrinsic motor space.  相似文献   

The effects of diverting attention on early motion processing in human vision were studied with a selective adaptation technique. The velocity of motion after-effects (MAEs) produced on a stationary test grating after prolonged exposure to drifting luminance-modulated gratings was measured by matching MAE velocity with that of another physically moving grating. Initial MAE velocities decreased and their rate of decay increased with the distance of the adapting and test gratings from the fixation point. When attention was diverted from the adapting grating, by having subjects process the intermittently changing digit which formed the fixation point, initial MAE velocities were reduced and rate of decay increased, with the largest effect of diversion being found for gratings near the fixation point. The effects of varying attention mimic those of varying adapting duration, rather than adapting contrast or velocity, and appear to reflect a genuine change in motion-processing mechanisms.  相似文献   

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