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D. H. Clayton  B. A. Walther 《Oikos》2001,94(3):455-467
Host‐parasite systems can be powerful arenas in which to explore factors influencing community structure. We used a comparative approach to examine the influence of host ecology and morphology on the diversity of chewing lice (Insecta: Phthiraptera) among 52 species of Peruvian birds. For each host species we calculated two components of parasite diversity: 1) cumulative species richness, and 2) mean abundance. We tested for correlations between these parasite indices and 13 host ecological and morphological variables. Host ecological variables included geographic range size, local population density, and microhabitat use. Host morphological variables included body mass, plumage depth, and standard dimensions of bill, foot and toenail morphology, all of which could influence the efficiency of anti‐parasite grooming. Data were analysed using statistical and comparative methods that control for sampling effort and host phylogeny. None of the independent host variables correlated with louse species richness when treated as a dependent variable. When richness was treated as an independent variable, however, it was positively correlated with mean louse abundance. Host body mass was also positively correlated with mean louse abundance. When louse richness and host body mass were held constant, mean louse abundance correlated negatively with the degree to which the upper mandible of the host's bill overhangs the lower mandible. This correlation suggests that birds with longer overhangs are better at controlling lice during preening. We propose a specific functional hypothesis in which preening damages lice by exerting a shearing force between the overhang and the tip of the lower mandible. This study is the first to suggest a parasite‐control function of such a detailed component of bill morphology across species. Avian biologists have traditionally focused almost exclusively on bills as tools for feeding. We suggest that the adaptive radiation of bill morphology should be reinterpreted with both preening and feeding in mind.  相似文献   

Transmission to new hosts is a fundamental challenge for parasites. Some species meet this challenge by hitchhiking on other, more mobile parasite species, a behaviour known as phoresis. For example, feather-feeding lice that parasitise birds disperse to new hosts by hitchhiking on parasitic louse flies, which fly between individual birds. Oddly, however, some species of feather lice do not engage in phoresis. For example, although Rock Pigeon (Columba livia) “wing” lice (Columbicola columbae) frequently move to new hosts phoretically on louse flies (Pseudolynchia canariensis), Rock Pigeon “body” lice (Campanulotes compar) do not. This difference in phoretic behaviour is puzzling because the two species of lice have very similar life cycles and are equally dependent on transmission to new hosts. We conducted a series of experiments designed to compare the orientation, locomotion and attachment capabilities of these two species of lice, in relation to louse flies. We show that wing lice use fly activity as a cue in orientation and locomotion, whereas body lice do not. We also show that wing lice are more capable of remaining attached to active flies that are walking, grooming or flying. The superior phoretic ability of wing lice may be related to morphological adaptations for life on wing feathers, compared to body feathers.  相似文献   

Birds combat ectoparasites with many defences but the first line of defence is grooming behaviour, which includes preening with the bill and scratching with the feet. Preening has been shown to be very effective against ectoparasites. However, most tests have been with feather lice, which are relatively slow moving. Less is known about the effectiveness of preening as a defence against more mobile and evasive ectoparasites such as hippoboscid flies. Hippoboscids, which feed on blood, have direct effects on the host such asanaemia, as well as indirect effects as vectors of pathogens. Hence, effective defence against hippoboscid flies is important. We used captive Rock Pigeons (Columba livia) to test whether preening behaviour helps to control pigeon flies (Pseudolynchia canariensis). We found that pigeons responded to fly infestation by preening twice as much as pigeons without flies. Preening birds killed twice as many flies over the course of our week-long experiment as birds with impaired preening; however, preening did not kill all of the flies. We also tested the role of the bill overhang, which is critical for effective preening against feather lice, by experimentally removing the overhang and re-measuring the effectiveness of preening against flies. Birds without overhangs were as effective at controlling flies as were birds with overhangs. Overall, we found that preening is effective against mobile hippoboscid flies, yet it does not eliminate them. We discuss the potential impact of preening on the transmission dynamics of blood parasites vectored by hippoboscid flies.  相似文献   

The perception of itch is associated with many parasites and their vectors, especially following penetration of the skin by the parasites themselves, as in cercarial dermatitis of schistosome infections, or penetration of arthropod mouthparts during blood feeding. Many ectoparasites such as scabies, lice and fleas, provoke sensations of itch - even when the insects are no longer (or have never been) present, giving rise to the phenomenon of delusory parasitosis. Itch, and the host 'grooming' responses with which it is associated, is increasingly recognized as an important factor in modulating vector feeding behaviour, which can have profound effects on the transmission dynamics of vector borne parasites. As a background to future reviews of this developing subject, we asked John Alexander, author of the classic Arthropods and Human Skin (Springer-Verlag, 1984), to explain what is itch, and to discuss what is known about its underlying Physiology.  相似文献   

The paper summarizes the results of investigations on the harmfulness of the blood-sucking arthropods and ectoparasites to terrestrial vertebrates. Pathogenicity of parasitic arthropods strongly depends on the type of parasitism. Harmfulness to the hosts is analyzed separately in blood-sucking dipterans, ixodid ticks, gadflies, and both temporary (fleas and bugs) and permanent (biting lice, lice, acariform mites) ectoparasites. The pathogenicity of parasitic arthropods for the host organism is conditioned by the direct loss of blood and tissues, toxic effect of the arthropod’s saliva, and allergic reactions. Indirect injury from parasites is associated with deterioration of the host’s nutrition and loss of weight and viability. Pathogenicity for the host not resulting in its death is typical of parasitic arthropods, except for heavy attacks by blood-sucking Diptera which may lead to death of domesticated and wild animals. Most data on the pathogenicity of arthropods for vertebrates refer to domesticated animals. Annual losses to the world livestock breeding attributed to insects and acarines amount to several billion dollars. Direct evidence of ectoparasite pathogenicity to wild animals and effect on the host’s vital functions, reproduction, and population numbers in particular, is limited and unconvincing.  相似文献   



Sucking lice (Phthiraptera: Anoplura) are obligate, permanent ectoparasites of eutherian mammals, parasitizing members of 12 of the 29 recognized mammalian orders and approximately 20% of all mammalian species. These host specific, blood-sucking insects are morphologically adapted for life on mammals: they are wingless, dorso-ventrally flattened, possess tibio-tarsal claws for clinging to host hair, and have piercing mouthparts for feeding. Although there are more than 540 described species of Anoplura and despite the potential economical and medical implications of sucking louse infestations, this study represents the first attempt to examine higher-level anopluran relationships using molecular data. In this study, we use molecular data to reconstruct the evolutionary history of 65 sucking louse taxa with phylogenetic analyses and compare the results to findings based on morphological data. We also estimate divergence times among anopluran taxa and compare our results to host (mammal) relationships.  相似文献   

Specificity of partners in host-parasite system is one of its main characteristics. Unfortunately this term has different senses in scientific literature. In everyday practice one judges an extent of host specificity of a parasite mainly by indices of its occurrence and abundance on different host species. An occurrence of parasites in nature reflects general result of complex eco-physiological interrelationships between partners in hostparasite system. Specificity of parasites in a choice of hosts may depend on a belonging of the latter to certain taxa (phylogenetic specificity), or on biotic and abiotic factors (ecological specificity). In arthropods, the phylogentic specificity and coevolution are characteristic to a greater extent for permanent hosts (lice, Mallophaga, cheyletoid and feather mites). A coevolutionaryphylogenesis is disturbed by transfers of parasites onto new hosts, by different rates of speciation in filial lines or by an extinction of several parasite taxa. In temporary parasites different forms of ecological specificity are prevalent. A host specificity is expressed to the lesser extent in mosquitoes, horseflies and in other blood-sucking Diptera. In temporary parasites with a long-term feeding (ticks) coevolutionary sequences are relatively rare, because this parasites had to adapt not only to a life on host, but also to a lesser stable environment. In some nest-burrow bloodsuckers (fleas, gamasid mites and argasid ticks) the ecological specificity is shown no by their relations with certain host species, but by an associations with habitats occupied by hosts (burrow, nests, caves). In relation with a high dynamics of host-parasite system, a specificity of its partners is comparative and it is kept up only under specific ecological conditions.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of on-host habitat selection of parasites are important to the understanding of host-parasite interactions and evolution. To this end, it is important to separate the factors driving parasite micro-habitat selection from those resulting from host anti-parasite behaviour. We experimentally investigated whether tick infestation patterns on songbirds are the result of an active choice by the ticks themselves, or the outcome of songbird grooming behaviour. Attachment patterns of three ixodid tick species with different ecologies and host specificities were studied on avian hosts. Ixodes arboricola, Ixodes ricinus and Ixodes frontalis were put on the head, belly and back of adult great tits (Parus major) and adult domestic canaries (Serinus canaria domestica) which were either restricted or not in their grooming capabilities. Without exception, ticks were eventually found on a bird’s head. When we gave ticks full opportunities to attach on other body parts – in the absence of host grooming – they showed lower attachment success. Moreover, ticks moved from these other body parts to the host's head when given the opportunity. This study provides evidence that the commonly observed pattern of ticks feeding on songbirds’ heads is the result of an adaptive behavioural strategy. Experimental data on a novel host species, the domestic canary, and a consistent number of published field observations, strongly support this hypothesis. We address some proximate and ultimate causes that may explain parasite preference for this body part in songbirds. The link found between parasite micro-habitat preference and host anti-parasite behaviour provides further insight into the mechanisms driving ectoparasite aggregation, which is important for the population dynamics of hosts, ectoparasites and the micro-pathogens for which they are vectors.  相似文献   

Parasites have been suggested to influence many aspects of host behaviour. Some of these effects may be mediated via their impact on host energy budgets. This impact may include effects on both energy intake and absorption as well as components of expenditure, including resting metabolic rate (RMR) and activity (e.g. grooming). Despite their potential importance, the energy costs of parasitism have seldom been directly quantified in a field setting. Here we pharmacologically treated female Cape ground squirrels (Xerus inauris) with anti-parasite drugs and measured the change in body composition, the daily energy expenditure (DEE) using doubly labelled water, the RMR by respirometry and the proportions of time spent looking for food, feeding, moving and grooming. Post-treatment animals gained an average 19g of fat or approximately 25kJd-1. DEE averaged 382kJd-1 prior to and 375kJd-1 post treatment (p>0.05). RMR averaged 174kJd-1 prior to and 217kJd-1 post treatment (p<0.009). Post-treatment animals spent less time looking for food and grooming, but more time on feeding. A primary impact of infection by parasites could be suppression of feeding behaviour and, hence, total available energy resources. The significant elevation of RMR after treatment was unexpected. One explanation might be that parasites produce metabolic by-products that suppress RMR. Overall, these findings suggest that impacts of parasites on host energy budgets are complex and are not easily explained by simple effects such as stimulation of a costly immune response. There is currently no broadly generalizable framework available for predicting the energetic consequences of parasitic infection.  相似文献   

Grooming behaviour plays various roles in the health care, reproduction, and social life of an individual vertebrate. However, the reasons for the variability in time spent grooming amongst species, populations and individuals are not fully understood. We tested the hypothesis that the main role of grooming is ectoparasite removal and thus that time spent grooming by an animal reflects the costs of parasite infestation offset against the costs of grooming. The test was conducted on a rodent, Meriones crassus, that is parasitised by a flea, Xenopsylla conformis. We monitored behaviour of juvenile and adult rodents before and after flea infestation and quantified the probability of mortality of fleas with respect to the time spent grooming in adults compared with juvenile rodents. We predicted that: (1) increased costs of flea infestation (e.g. in parasitised as opposed to flea‐free rodents and in juveniles as opposed to adults) increases time spent grooming and (2) mortality probability per flea increases with increasing time spent grooming and is higher for fleas on juveniles than for fleas on adult rodents. We were interested to discover at the expense of which activity grooming is increased. Our findings established that the major role of grooming is in flea removal, as exposure to fleas evoked grooming activity in all rodents and grooming activity explained 57–70% of the variation in flea mortality. Furthermore, we showed that the rise in grooming activity was at the expense of resting. However, we found only partial support for the predicted increase in grooming time with increasing costs of flea infestation. Flea infestation did indeed increase the time spent grooming by rodents. Nevertheless, juvenile rodents who incur higher costs of flea infestation spent less time grooming than adults and sustained similar flea densities, suggesting that these hosts are constrained by some other factors, such as feeding time.  相似文献   

Studies of major switches by parasites between highly divergent host lineages are important for understanding new opportunities for parasite diversification. One such major host switch is inferred for avian feather lice (Ischnocera) in the family Goniodidae, which parasitize two distantly‐related groups of birds: Galliformes (pheasants, quail, partridges, etc.) and Columbiformes (pigeons and doves). Although there have been several cophylogenetic studies of lice at the species level, few studies have focused on such broad evolutionary patterns and major host‐switching events. Using a phylogeny based on DNA sequences for goniodid feather lice, we investigated the direction of this major host switch. Unexpectedly, we found that goniodid feather lice have switched host orders, not just once, but twice. A primary host switch occurred from Galliformes to Columbiformes, leading to a large radiation of columbiform body lice. Subsequently, there was also a host switch from Columbiformes back to Galliformes, specifically to megapodes in the Papua–Australasian region. The results of the present study further reveal that, although morphologically diagnosable lineages are supported by molecular data, many of the existing genera are not monophyletic and a revision of generic limits is needed. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 102 , 614–625.  相似文献   

Vertebrates represent a resource frequently exploited by ectoparasites. But the ectoporosites themselves also represent a resource that can be exploited by specialized predators. Some o f these predators have been classified as ectoparasites, but in some cases the vertebrate blood in their crops comes from their blood-sucking prey. In fact, as Lance Durden explains, the assemblage o f arthropods that inhabit the vertebrate skin surface, or pelage, seems to show a complete spectrum of adaptations from predators to facultative and obligate blood-suckers, together with those feeding on other materials in this special habitat. The dynamics of their interactions are further complicated by responses of the host to the arthropods, and much further study is needed before the role o f predators in controlling ectoparasites can be clarified.  相似文献   

Evidence for the anticipation of competition at feeding time has been previously documented in both Pan species. Chimpanzees seem to cope with competitive tendency through behavioural mechanisms of tension reduction, and grooming is certainly one of these. Social play and grooming are often matched because they bring animals into close physical contact for long periods, and they have an important role in social cohesion. Our goal was to investigate the occurrence of play behaviour during the pre‐feeding period, before a basic maintenance activity is about to take place, in the chimpanzee colony housed in the ZooParc de Beauval (St Aignan sur Cher, France). The group was composed of 10 adults and nine immature individuals. By scan animal sampling (344 h of observation), we recorded play and grooming interactions in all age‐class combinations during four different periods (pre‐feeding, feeding, post‐feeding, control). We found peak levels of grooming interactions among adults during the pre‐feeding time. A peak frequency at the pre‐feeding time was also found in social play between adults and unrelated immature subjects. This finding suggests that during high tension periods, grooming and play might share similar functions in conflict management. Like grooming, play might have an important role to limit aggression and increase tolerance around food (immediate benefits). Immature animals showed a higher frequency of play in the pre‐feeding than in any other condition (feeding, post‐feeding, and control). During high excitement periods social play probably represents a safe mechanism for immature subjects to test their personal abilities (self‐assessment), the strength/weakness of playmates, and the degree of cooperation/competition with them (social‐assessment). In the light of this new evidence, we can assert that play behaviour is far from being a purposeless activity, at least in the chimpanzee colony under study.  相似文献   

Robert L. Baker 《Oecologia》1981,49(3):353-358
Summary Behaviour of Coenagrion resolutum nymphs was studied in the laboratory. Based on characteristics of the behaviour, analysis of the effects of inter-nymph distance on behaviour, and association analysis between behaviours, some of the observed behaviours were classified as grooming, feeding/aggression, retreat, or defense.In an experiment on use of space, some nymphs excluded others from feeding areas through aggressive interactions. Frequency of interactions won by those nymphs seen most often at the feeding site was not associated with location of interactions. However, use of the feeding area was positively associated with dominance status. Exclusion of some nymphs is interpreted as a combination of dominance and limited movement rather than a territorial system.  相似文献   

Dispersal is a fundamental component of the life history of most species. Dispersal influences fitness, population dynamics, gene flow, genetic drift and population genetic structure. Even small differences in dispersal can alter ecological interactions and trigger an evolutionary cascade. Linking such ecological processes with evolutionary patterns is difficult, but can be carried out in the proper comparative context. Here, we investigate how differences in phoretic dispersal influence the population genetic structure of two different parasites of the same host species. We focus on two species of host‐specific feather lice (Phthiraptera: Ischnocera) that co‐occur on feral rock pigeons (Columba livia). Although these lice are ecologically very similar, “wing lice” (Columbicola columbae) disperse phoretically by “hitchhiking” on pigeon flies (Diptera: Hippoboscidae), while “body lice” (Campanulotes compar) do not. Differences in the phoretic dispersal of these species are thought to underlie observed differences in host specificity, as well as the degree of host–parasite cospeciation. These ecological and macroevolutionary patterns suggest that body lice should exhibit more genetic differentiation than wing lice. We tested this prediction among lice on individual birds and among lice on birds from three pigeon flocks. We found higher levels of genetic differentiation in body lice compared to wing lice at two spatial scales. Our results indicate that differences in phoretic dispersal can explain microevolutionary differences in population genetic structure and are consistent with macroevolutionary differences in the degree of host–parasite cospeciation.  相似文献   



The suborder Anoplura contains 540 species of blood-sucking lice that parasitize over 840 species of eutherian mammals. Fragmented mitochondrial (mt) genomes have been found in the lice of humans, pigs, horses and rats from four families: Pediculidae, Pthiridae, Haematopinidae and Polyplacidae. These lice, eight species in total, are from the same major clade of the Anoplura. The mt genomes of these lice consist of 9–20 minichromosomes; each minichromosome is 1.5–4 kb in size and has 1–8 genes. To understand mt genome fragmentation in the other major clade of the Anoplura, we sequenced the mt genomes of two species of rodent lice in the genus Hoplopleura (family Hoplopleuridae).


We identified 28 mt genes on 10 minichromosomes in the mouse louse, Ho. akanezumi; each minichromosome is 1.7–2.7 kb long and has 1–6 genes. We identified 34 mt genes on 11 minichromosomes in the rat louse, Ho. kitti; each minichromosome is 1.8–2.8 kb long and has 1–5 genes. Ho. akanezumi also has a chimeric minichromosome with parts of two rRNA genes and a full-length tRNA gene for tyrosine. These two rodent lice share the same pattern for the distribution of all of the protein-coding and rRNA genes but differ in tRNA gene content and gene arrangement in four minichromosomes. Like the four genera of blood-sucking lice that have been investigated in previous studies, the Hoplopleura species have four minichromosomes that are only found in this genus.


Our results indicate that fragmented mt genomes were present in the most recent common ancestor of the two major clades of the blood-sucking lice, which lived ~75 million years ago. Intra-genus variation in the pattern of mt genome fragmentation is common in the blood-sucking lice (suborder Anoplura) and genus-specific minichromosomes are potential synapomorphies. Future studies should expand into more species, genera and families of blood-sucking lice to explore further the phylogenetic utility of the novel features associated with fragmented mt genomes.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-751) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The behaviour of newly emerged adult Colorado potato beetles on preferred hosts follows a stereotyped pattern of sampling, feeding, grooming and rest. Reduced meal sizes on less-preferred hosts is accompanied by increased sampling and frequent interruptions in feeding. A systematic increase in pre-ingestive sampling on less-preferred foodplants indicates that beetles discriminate among closely related species within the Solanaceae. This ability may depend primarily on stimuli perceived at, and near, the leaf surface. Three geographic populations of beetles have adapted to different local host plants, but have not lost their preference for feeding on an ancestral host species. Host shifts by oligophagous insects to related plant species may evolve through selection for feeding generalists in isolated populations, and may not require genetic changes affecting the perception of a particular novel host.  相似文献   

Oral grooming is common in cats, as in rodent and bovid species where grooming has been shown to be effective in removing lice and ticks. In Experiment 1, we examined the effectiveness of oral grooming in removing fleas which are the main ectoparasite of cats. Elizabethan collars (E-collars) which prevented grooming were fitted on nine cats in a flea-infested household and 3 weeks later, flea numbers on these cats were compared with nine control cats in the same household. Flea numbers dropped in the control cats reflecting an apparent drop in adult fleas in the environment, but in the E-collar cats, flea numbers did not drop, and were about twice as numerous as in control cats. The significantly greater number of fleas on the E-collar cats was attributed to their inability to groom off fleas. In Experiment 2, videotaping of nine different cats from the flea-infested household revealed that these cats groomed at about twice the rate of 10 similarly videotaped control cats from a flea-free colony. These results reveal that flea exposure can increase grooming rate in cats and that grooming is effective in removing fleas.  相似文献   

In this paper we use detailed data about the biology of the head louse (pediculus humanus capitis) to build a model of the evolution of head lice colonies. Using theory and computer simulations, we show that the model can be used to assess the impact of the various strategies usually applied to eradicate head lice, both conscious (treatments) and unconscious (grooming). In the case of treatments, we study the difference in performance that arises when they are applied in systematic and non-systematic ways. Using some reasonable simplifying assumptions (as random mixing of human groups and the same mobility for all life stages of head lice other than eggs) we model the contagion of pediculosis using only one additional parameter. It is shown that this parameter can be tuned to obtain collective infestations whose characteristics are compatible with what is given in the literature on real infestations. We analyze two scenarios: One where group members begin treatment when a similar number of lice are present in each head, and another where there is one individual who starts treatment with a much larger threshold ("superspreader"). For both cases we assess the impact of several collective strategies of treatment.  相似文献   

Although most parasites show at least some degree of host specificity, factors governing the evolution of specificity remain poorly understood. Many different groups of host-specific parasites show a striking correlation between parasite and host body size, suggesting that size reinforces specificity. We tested this hypothesis by measuring the relative fitness of host-specific feather lice transferred to pigeons and doves that differ in size by an order of magnitude. To test the general influence of size, we transferred unrelated groups of wing and body lice, which are specialized for different regions of the host. Lice were transferred in both directions, from a large native host species, the rock pigeon (Columba livia), to several progressively smaller hosts, and from a small native host species, the common ground dove (Columbina passerina), to several larger hosts. We measured the relative fitness (population size) of lice transferred to these novel host species after two louse generations. Neither wing lice nor body lice could survive on novel host species that were smaller in size than the native host. However, when host defense (preening behavior) was blocked, both groups survived and reproduced on all novel hosts tested. Thus, host defense interacted with host size to govern the ability of lice to establish on small hosts. Neither wing lice nor body lice could survive on larger hosts, even when preening was blocked. In summary, host size influenced the fitness of both types of feather lice, but through different mechanisms, depending on the direction of the transfer. Our results indicate that host switching is most likely between hosts of similar body size. This finding has important implications for studies of host-parasite coevolution at both the micro- and macroevolutionary scales.  相似文献   

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