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The ontogeny of the digestive tract in Cichlasoma urophthalmus was studied by means of optical microscopy from hatching to 30 days post‐hatching (dph; 855 degree days, dd). The development of the digestive system in this precocial species was a very intense and asynchronous process, which proceeded from both distal ends interiorly. At hatching, the digestive tract consisted of a straight tube with a smooth lumen dorsally attached to the yolk‐sac. The digestive accessory glands were already differentiated and eosinophilic zymogen granules were visible in the exocrine pancreas. At the onset of exogenous feeding between 5 and 6 dph (142.5–171.0 cumulative thermal units, CTU), the buccopharynx, oesophagus, intestine, liver and pancreas were almost completely differentiated, with the exception of the gastric stomach that completed its differentiation between 11 and 14 dph (313.5–399.0 CTU). The development of gastric glands at 14 dph and the differentiation of the stomach in the fundic, cardiac and pyloric regions at 19 dph (541.5 CTU) were the last major events in digestive tract development and designated the onset of the juvenile period. Remnants of yolk were still detected until 16 dph (456.0 CTU), indicating a long period of mixed nutrition that lasted between 10 and 11 days (285.0–313.5 CTU). The results of the organogenesis of larvae complement previous data on the functionality of the digestive system and represent a useful tool for establishing the functional systemic capabilities and physiological requirements of larvae to ensure optimal welfare and growth under aquaculture conditions, which might be useful for improving current larval rearing practices for this cichlid species.  相似文献   

The feeding habits of the cichlid Cichlasoma urophthalmus were studied in a brackish-water lagoon in Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, from spring 1985 to spring 1986. The strong mandibular, maxillary and pharyngeal teeth, and the short intestine strongly suggest that C. urophthalmus is primarily a carnivore. Subsequent gut contents analysis revealed that this species feeds principally on invertebrates throughout the year and that there were few differences between the five seasons studied. The algal material found in some stomachs may be consumed as a consequence of predation on small invertebrates, but the feeding structures and short intestine makes this species unable to digest vegetable materials efficiently. Differences with other cichlids used in aquaculture are discussed.  相似文献   

This study quantified the hypoxia tolerance of the Mayan cichlid Cichlasoma urophthalmus over a range of salinities. The species was very tolerant of hypoxia, using aquatic surface respiration (ASR) and buccal bubble holding when oxygen tensions dropped to <20 mmHg ( c. 1·0 mg l−1) and 6 mmHg, respectively. Salinity had little effect on the hypoxia tolerance of C. urophthalmus , except that bubble holding was more frequent at the higher salinities tested. Levels of aggression were greatest at the highest salinity. The ASR thresholds of C. urophthalmus were similar to native centrarchid sunfishes from the Everglades, however, aggression levels for C. uropthalmus were markedly higher.  相似文献   

A total of 966 cichlids, Cichlasoma urophthalmus , was sampled from three karstic water bodies ('cenotes') in the Yucatan Peninsula. Sex ratio was not different from 1. Specimens with ripe eggs were found during the dry and rainy seasons in the inland cenote and during the dry, rainy, and north winds seasons in the two wetland cenotes. With respect to relative fecundity, data show the C . urophthalmus inland population as two- to three-fold greater (53.1 ± 27.7) than the wetland populations (15.7 ± 5.1 and 18.2 ± 3.1). This is attributable to the different breeding strategies of C . urophthalmus populations inhabiting these two types of cenotes. In particular, the ichthyofauna from the two wetlands showed not only higher species richness (17 and 16 species) but also a higher number of potential predators (nine and eight species) as compared to the inland cenote (six species; two potential predators). It is hypothesized that C . urophthalmus adjusts its clutch size and extends its breeding periods as a response to riskier sites as compared to more secure ones; a higher competition for breeding sites and to increased fishing mortality.  相似文献   

Although the sea eel (Astroconger myriaster) is suspected as one of the most important fish host for human anisakiasis in Korea, no report has been made on the infection status of the sea eel with anisakid larvae. In the present study, 26 sea eels (Astroconger myriaster) were purchased from the Noryangjin fish market in Seoul, and anisakid larvae were collected from their viscera, muscle, head and skin. The collected larvae were classified by their morphological types. A total of 1,351 anisakid larvae were collected from 15 of 26 fish examined. Among them, 1,269 were recovered from the viscera, 66 from the muscle, and 16 from the head and skin. Morphologically, most of the anisakids were classified into 6 known larval types, Anisakis type I (564 larvae) of Berland (1961), Contracaecum type A (409) and type D (5) of Koyama et al. (1969), Contracaecum type C' (83) and type D' (117) of Chai et al. (1986), and Contracaecum type V (1) of Yamaguti (1935). Remaining 172 specimens were new in the available literature, hence, designated as Contracaecum type A' (new type). The present results revealed that the sea eels caught in the Korean waters are heavily infected with anisakid larvae, not only in their viscera but also in the muscle, and Anisakis type I was the most common among the 7 larval types.  相似文献   

The acoustic intensity discrimination ability of the oscar (Astronotus ocellatus), a cichlid fish, was investigated using an automated positive reward method. Intensity discrimination thresholds (I, in dB) for 7-s continuous pure tone signals were measured both as functions of sound intensity above thresholds, i.e., sensation levels, (SL)(+10 dB, +20 dB and +30 dB) and frequency (200 Hz, 500 Hz, and 800 Hz). I at 500 Hz for +10 dB, +20 dB, and +30 dB SLs are 8.9, 5.5, and 3.3 dB, respectively. I (at+20 dB SL) for 200 Hz, 500 Hz, and 800 Hz are 4.5, 5.5, and 9.3 dB, respectively. Despite having poor auditory sensitivity (narrow frequency range and high thresholds), the intensity discrimination ability of the oscar follows the general trends of previously studied fish species, however, with higher thresholds.  相似文献   

The neuronal systems that contain gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) were quantitatively examined in the forebrain of two cichlid species (Oreochromis niloticus Lin. and Tilapia maria Boulenger) using tracing methods and immunostaining. In both species the nucleus olfacto-retinalis and a population of neurons in the basal preoptic region contained GnRH. The nucleus olfacto-retinalis was divided into several neuronal subpopulations which differed with respect to cytology, projection pattern, and peptide content. GnRH cell number increased with body size, the rates being different for the different subpopulations. A sexual dimorphism was found in the basal preoptic region of Tilapia; males had significantly fewer GnRH-containing cells than females. Selective staining of the basal preoptic region demonstrated that this cell group is the main source of GnRH-innervation of the pituitary gland and indicate that the molecular forms of GnRH expressed in the two cell populations studied may be different.  相似文献   

Summary Auditory sensitivity was determined for the oscar, Astronotus ocellatus, a cichlid fish that has no known structural specializations to enhance hearing. Trained A. ocellatus behaviorally responded to sound stimuli from 200 Hz to 800 Hz with best sensitivity of 18 dB (re: 1 bar) to 21 dB for frequencies between 200 and 400 Hz. This is significantly poorer than hearing sensitivity for fish classified as hearing specialists, but well within the range of hearing capabilities reported for non-specialist teleost species.  相似文献   

Summary Free-living nematodes may be attacked and eaten by soil mites which are normally considered fungivores or saprophages. Three species in the genus Tyrophagus, common inhabitants of grassland soils and also common pests in stored products, museums and laboratories, are predators of nematodes. All active stages of the mites will voraciously consume nematodes. When offered nematodes and a choice of other food (baker's yeast and algae), 11% of the Tyrophagus putrescentiae, 23% of the T. zachvatkini, and 56% of the T. similis tested fed on nematodes. Tyrophagus zechvatkini and similis were reared on a diet consisting entirely of nematodes, and developed at rates similar to a fungal diet and produced viable offspring. Agar cultures of Aphelenchus avenae which were inoculated with five mating pairs of Tyrophagus zachvatkini had populations that were one-third less than mite-free controls. Observations indicate that nematodes may be attacked by tyrophagid mites when in a dry, anhydrobiotic state.  相似文献   

One new and one known species of the ascaridoid family Anisakidae are reported from marine fishes off the southwestern coast of New Caledonia: Raphidascaris (Ichthyascaris) nemipteri n. sp. from the intestine of the forked-tailed threadfin bream Nemipterus furcosus (Nemipteridae, Perciformes) and Hysterothylacium cenaticum (Bruce & Cannon, 1989) from the intestine of the striped marlin Tetrapturus audax (Istiophoridae, Perciformes). R. nemipteri is characterised mainly by the shape (wider than long) of the lips, the length of the spicules (225–399 μm, which represent 2.7–4.2% of the body length), the number (22–33) of caudal pre-anal papillae, the position of the vulva (at 16–20% of the body length), and the presence of cuticular spines on the tip of the female tail. Specimens of H. cenaticum from New Caledonia generally exhibited smaller body measurements than those originally described from Australian waters; the deirids and eggs are described for the first time. Maricostula Bruce & Cannon, 1989 is considered a junior synonym of Hysterothylacium, to which three species are transferred as H. cenaticum (Bruce & Cannon, 1989) n. comb., H. makairi (Bruce & Cannon, 1989) n. comb. and H. tetrapteri (Bruce & Cannon, 1989) n. comb.  相似文献   

Close observation of the breeding activities of specimens of Tilapia discolour obtained from Lake Bosomtwe and held captive in glass aquaria, a net cage and a pond showed that this species practises substrate-brooding; the eggs were incubated and hatched in prepared nests. However, brief egg-carrying tendencies were observed; both the male and female brood fish carried the eggs in their mouths from the sites of spawning to new sites. Both sexes also made and guarded the nests, incubated the eggs and provided protection to the young fry.  相似文献   

A procedure is described for breeding Convict Cichlid ( Cichlasoma nigrofasciatum ) tropical fish under laboratory conditions. Three generations of Convict Cichlids were bred successfully using this procedure and there was no significant incidence of deformities from in–breeding to the F3 , which contrasts with a high incidence of skeletal deformities observed when Zebra Danio tropical fish were inbred to the F 3 generation. The Convict Cichlid is a suitable species for laboratory toxicity testing, particularly studies to assess effects on breeding performance.  相似文献   

Phenotypic modulation is a common feature in haplochromine cichlids. External changes influence the phenotype within the limits set by the genetic program. Retinal development in the cichlid Haplochromis sauvagei has been observed in specimens reared in various chromatic environments and in darkness. Rearing in darkness led to the reduction of photoreceptor densities, the apparent loss of single cones and the enlargement of double cones. To a lesser degree, similar effects were observed in specimens deprived from short-wave light. Ganglion cell densities were not affected by light deprivation. The light-induced alterations could be the result of changes in developmental rates within the retina or of early degeneration. The modulation seems to cause a reduction of blue sensitivity, possibly for the benefit of luminosity or long-wavelength detection. This would agree with the combination of decreased light intensity and a spectral shift towards the longer wavelengths as is the case in the natural environment of the Lake Victorian haplochromines. In that sense, the modulation is probably adaptive.  相似文献   

Mustard green manures or seed meal high in glucosinolates, which produce a natural biofumigant upon incorporation into the soil, form an alternative to synthetic fumigants. However, the non-target impacts of these biofumigants in the field are unclear. We examined the effectiveness of soil incorporation of Brassica carinata seed meal both in controlling the plant-parasitic Columbia root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne chitwoodi), and on the biological control exerted by the entomopathogenic nematodes Steinernema feltiae and Steinernema riobrave on root-knot nematodes and the Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata). Singly, both the seed meal and Steinernema spp. reduced root-knot nematode damage to potato tubers and increased marketable tuber yields. However, there was a negative interaction between the two bioagents such that their combination did not further improve suppression of plant-parasitic nematodes. Thus, mustard seed meal applications harmful to the target root-knot nematode also disrupted the ability of Steinernema spp. to act as biocontrol agents. Further, we observed modest disruption of the biological control of potato beetles following biofumigation. But, the potato beetles were less likely to lay eggs on potato plants grown in mustard-amended soil, suggesting a counteracting benefit of mustard application. Multiple, complementary controls must be integrated to replace the very effective pest suppression typical of synthetic soil fumigants. Our study suggests significant interference between biofumigation and biocontrol agents in the soil, presenting challenges in combining these two environmentally friendly approaches to managing plant-parasitic nematodes and other pests.  相似文献   

This study tested whether mated pairs of Texas cichlid (Cichlasoma cyanoquttatum) would reform and continue rearing their offspring after being separated for either one, four, or ten days. All pairs successfully re-formed after one day, while only 50% re-formed after 4 days. No pair re-formed after 10 days of separation. In successfully re-formed pairs, the female was always more aggressive than her mate, irrespective of whether the female was the resident or the returning individual. Aggressiveness seemed related to the female's attempt to control the male's parental behavior. For pairs which did not re-form, the resident parent, either the male or female, violently and continously attacked the returned mate.  相似文献   

Variation in reproductive capacity is common across the lives of all animals. In vertebrates, hypothalamic neurons that secrete GnRH are a primary mediator of such reproductive plasticity. Since social interactions suppress gonadal maturity in the African cichlid fish, Astatotilapia (Haplochromis) burtoni, we investigated whether the electrical properties of GnRH neurons were also socially regulated. Adult A. burtoni males are either territorial (T) and reproductively active or nonterritorial (NT) and reproductively regressed, depending upon their social environment. We compared the basic electrical properties of hypothalamic GnRH neurons from T and NT males using whole-cell electrophysiology in vitro. GnRH neurons were spontaneously active and exhibited several different activity patterns. A small fraction of neurons exhibited episodic activity patterns, which have been described in GnRH neurons from mammals. The type of activity pattern and spontaneous firing rate did not vary with reproductive capacity; however, several basic electrical properties were different. Neurons from T males were larger than those from NT males and had higher membrane capacitance and lower input resistance. In neurons from NT males, action potential duration was significantly longer and after-hyperpolarization characteristics were diminished, which led to a tendency for neurons from NT males to fire less rapidly in response to current injection. We predict this could serve to decrease GnRH release in NT males. These data are the first electrophysiological characterization of hypothalamic GnRH neurons in a nonmammalian species and provide evidence for several changes in electrical properties with reproductive state.  相似文献   

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