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The nuclear magnetic quadrupole relaxation enhancement of 35Cl-, 81Br-, and 12I- anions on binding to human serum albumin has been studied under conditions of variable protein and anion concentration and also in the presence of simple inorganic, amphiphilic, and complex anions which compete with the halide ions for the protein anion binding sites. Two classes of anion binding sites with greatly different binding constans were identified. Experiments at variable halide ion concentration were employed to determin the Cl- and I- binding constants. By means of 35 Cl nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) the relative affinity for different anions was determined by competition experiments for both the strong and the weak anion binding sites. Anion binding follows the sequence SO42- smaller than F- smaller than CH3COO- smaller than Ci- smaller Br- smaller than NO3- smaller than I- smaller than ClO4- smaller than SCN- smaller than Pt(CN)42- smaller than Au(CN)2- smaller than CH3(CH2)11OSO3- for the high affinity sites, and the sequence SO42- congruent to F- congruent to Cl- smaller CH3COO- smaller than NO3- smaller than Br- smaller than I- smaller than ClO4- smaller than SCN- for the low affinity sites. These series are nearly identical with the well-known lyotropic series. Consequently, those effects of anions on proteins described by the lyotropic series can be correlated with the affinities of the anions for binding to the protein. The data suggest that the physical nature of the interaction is the same for both types of biding sites, and that the differences in affinity between different binding sites must be explained in terms of tertiary structure. Analogous experiments performed using 127I- quadrupole relaxation gave results very similar to those obtained with 35Cl-. A comparison between the Cl-, Br- and I- ions revealed that, as a result of the increasing affinity for the weak anion binding sites in the series Cl- smaller than Br- smaller than I-, Cl- is much more useful as a probe for the specific anion binding sites than the other two halide ions. The findings with human serum albumin in this and other respects are probably of general relevance in studies of protein-anion interactions. In addition to competition experiments, the magnitude of the relaxation rate is also discussed. Line broadening not related to anion binding to the protein is found to be small. A comparison of transverse and longitudinal 35Cl relaxation rates gives a value for the quadrupole coupling constant of the high affinity sites in good agreement with a calculated coupling constant assuming anion binding to arginine.  相似文献   

The binding of six physiologically important long chain fatty acids to defatted human plasma albumin was measured at 37 degrees in a calcium-free Krebs-Ringer phosphate buffer, pH 7.4. The data were analyzed in terms of multiple stepwise equilibria. With the saturated acids, the magnitude of the equilibrium (association) constants, Ki, increased as the chain length increased: laurate smaller than myristate smaller than palmitate smaller than stearate. Oleate was bound more tightly than stearate; by contrast, linoleate was bound less tightly than stearate. The equilibrium constants, K1 through K12, ranged from 2.4 times 10-6 - 3.5 times 10-3 m-1 for laurate to 2.6 times 10-8 - 3.5 times 10-5 m-1 for oleate. Successive values of Ki decrease for each of the acids, indicating that major cooperative binding effects do not occur over the physiological range of fatty acid concentrations. In no case could the Ki be segregated into distinct classes, suggesting that any grouping of albumin binding sites is somewhat arbitrary. The results were inconclusive concerning whether premicellar association of unbound fatty acid occurs. Although corrections for premicellar association produced very little change in the Ki values for myristate, they raised the Ki for palmitate and stearate by 300 to 700 per cent. A sigmoidal relationship was obtained when the logarithm of Ki was plotted against chain length for the saturated fatty acids containing 6 to 18 carbon atoms, indicating that the binding energy is not simply a statistical process dependent only on the fatty acid chain length. This selectivity that albumin contributes to the binding process may be due to varying degrees of configurational adaptability of its binding sites as the fatty acid increases in length.  相似文献   

Fatty acid binding to plasma albumin.   总被引:41,自引:0,他引:41  
A review of the available information about fatty acid binding to plasma albumin is presented. Albumin is composed of a single polypeptide chain, folded so as to form three or four spherical units. The strong fatty acid binding sites probably are located in crevices between these spherical regions. The anionic form of the fatty acid binds to albumin. Most of the binding energy comes from nonpolar interactions between the fatty acid hydrocarbon chain and uncharged amino acid side chains that line the binding sites. The binding sites are somewhat pliable, and their configuration can adapt to fit the incoming fatty acid. Stepwise association constants for binding to human albumin of fatty acids containing 6-18 carbon atoms are presented. These data indicate that each mole of fatty acid binds with a different affinity and that the association constants for multiple binding diminish sequentially, i.e., kappa 1 greater than kappa 2 greater than kappa 3 greater ... greater kappan. Because of uncertainties concerning fatty acid association in aqueous solutions, the constants for the 14-18 carbon acids probably are not definitive. In the usual physiological concentration range, free fatty acids do not displace appreciable amounts of a second organic compound from albumin. Sensitive spectrophotometric analyses revealed, however, that even small increases in free fatty acid concentration alter the molecular interaction between human albumin and another organic compound.  相似文献   

Multiple fatty acid binding to albumin in human blood plasma   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Binding equilibria of long-chain fatty acids to human serum albumin, in serum or plasma, were studied by a dialysis exchange rate technique. Palmitate was added to citrated plasma in vitro and it was observed that between six and ten palmitate molecules were bound to albumin with nearly equal affinity. Observations in vivo gave similar results in the following series: (a) in two volunteers with increased fatty acid concentrations after fasting, exercise, and a cold shower: (b) in three male volunteers in whom high concentrations of non-esterified fatty acids, up to 4.6 mM, were induced by intravenous administration of a preparation of lecithin/glycocholate mixed micelles, and (c) in 81 patients with diabetes mellitus, type I. The binding pattern of palmitate in serum or plasma is essentially different from that observed with palmitate added to buffered solutions of pure albumin when two molecules are tightly bound and about four additional molecules with lower affinity. The differences may partly be explained by the presence of chloride ions in blood plasma, reducing the affinity for binding of the first two fatty acid molecules, and partly by facilitated binding of several molecules of mixed fatty acids, as found in plasma.  相似文献   

T Andersson  E Thulin  S Forsén 《Biochemistry》1979,18(12):2487-2493
The enhancement of the 35Cl- transverse relaxation rate on binding of chloride ions to oxidized and reduced cytochrome c has been studied under conditions of variable sodium chloride concentration, temperature, pH, sodium phosphate, iron hexacyanide, and sodium cyanide concentration. The results revealed the presence of a strong binding site(s) for chloride in both oxidized and reduced cyt c, with a higher affinity in ferrocytochrome c. Competition experiments suggest that these sites also bind iron hexacyanide and phosphate. Cyanide binding to the iron in ferricytochrome c at alkaline and neutral pH was shown to decrease the binding of chloride. The pH dependence of the 35Cl- relaxation rate has been fitted by using literature pK values for ionizable groups. No indications of Na+ binding to oxidized and reduced cytochrome c have been observed by using 23Na+ NMR. Our results suggest that chloride is bound near the exposed heme edge and that the surface structure or dynamics in this region are different in the two oxidation states.  相似文献   

Chloride binding to alkaline phosphatase. 113Cd and 35Cl NMR   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chloride binding to alkaline phosphatase from Escherichia coli has been monitored by 35Cl NMR for the native zinc enzyme and by 113Cd NMR for two Cd(II)-substituted species, phosphorylated Cd(II)6 alkaline phosphatase and unphosphorylated Cd(II)2 alkaline phosphatase. Of the three metal binding sites per enzyme monomer, A, B, and C, only the NMR signal of 113Cd(II) at the A sites shows sensitivity to the presence of Cl-, suggesting that Cl- coordination occurs at the A site metal ion. From the differences in the chemical shift changes produced in the A site 113Cd resonance for the covalent (E-P) form of the enzyme versus the noncovalent (E . P) form of the enzyme, it is concluded that the A site metal ion can assume a five-coordinate form. The E-P form of the enzyme has three histidyl nitrogens as ligands from the protein to the A site metal ion plus either two water molecules or two Cl- ions as additional monodentate ligands. In the E . P form, there is a phosphate oxygen as a monodentate ligand and either a water molecule or a Cl- ion as the additional monodentate ligand. The shifts of the 113Cd NMR signals of the unphosphorylated Cd(II)2 enzyme induced by Cl- are very similar to those induced in the E-P derivative of the same enzyme, supporting the conclusion that the phosphoseryl residue is not directly coordinated to any of the metal ions. Specific broadening of the 35Cl resonance from bulk Cl- is induced by Zn(II)4 alkaline phosphatase, while Zn(II)2 alkaline phosphatase is even more effective, suggesting an influence by occupancy of the B site on the interaction of monodentate ligands at the A site. A reduction in this quadrupolar broadening is observed upon phosphate binding at pH values where E . P is formed, but not at pH values where E-P is the major species, confirming a specific interaction of Cl- at the A site, the site to which phosphate is bound in E . P, but not in E-P. For the zinc enzyme, a significant decrease in phosphate binding affinity can be shown to occur at pH 8 where one monomer has a higher affinity than the other.  相似文献   

1. The binding of Ca2+ to plasma coagulation Factor XIII from man and from cow caused a small decrease in the intrinsic fluorescence of the protein with a dissociation constant of 0.1 mM. A similar decrease was observed with the thrombin-activated Factors (Factors XIIa). The decrease in protein fluorescence was also caused by both Ni2+ and Mn2+ but not by Mg2+. 2. 45Ca2+ binding was directly demonstrated by equilibrium dialysis. Ca2+ at 0.2 mM bound to Factor XIII (a2b2) and Factor XIIIa (a'2b2) but not to isolated b2-protein. A tight-binding site for Ca2+ is associated with the a-subunits. 3. The Ca2+ essential for the enzyme activity of Factor XIII from man, pig and cow can be replaced by Ni2+, Cu2+, La3+, Mn2+, Fe3+, Y3+, Co2+, Sr2+ or Tb3+, but not by Mg2+.  相似文献   

Resveratrol (Res), a polyphenolic compound found largely in the skin of red grape and wine, exhibits a wide range of pharmaceutical properties and plays a role in prevention of human cardiovascular diseases [Pendurthi et al., Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol. 19, 419-426 (1999)]. It shows a strong affinity towards protein binding and used as inhibitor for cyclooxygenase and ribonuclease reductase. The aim of this study was to examine the interaction of resveratrol with human serum albumin (HSA) in aqueous solution at physiological conditions, using a constant protein concentration (0.3 mM) and various pigment contents (microM to mM). FTIR, UV-Visible, CD, and fluorescence spectroscopic methods were used to determine the resveratrol binding mode, the binding constant and the effects of pigment complexation on protein secondary structure. Structural analysis showed that resveratrol bind non-specifically (H-bonding) via polypeptide polar groups with overall binding constant of K(Res) = 2.56 x 10(5) M(-1). The protein secondary structure, analysed by CD spectroscopy, showed no major alterations at low resveratrol concentrations (0.125 mM), whereas at high pigment content (1 mM), major increase of alpha-helix from 57% (free HSA) to 62% and a decrease of beta-sheet from 10% (free HSA) to 7% occurred in the resveratrol-HSA complexes. The results indicate a partial stabilization of protein secondary structure at high resveratrol content.  相似文献   

Stereoselective binding of etodolac to human serum albumin.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The protein binding of etodolac enantiomers was studied in vitro by equilibrium dialysis in human serum albumin (HSA) of various concentrations varying from 1 to 40 g/liter, by addition of each enantiomer at increasing concentrations. In the 1 g/liter solution, at the lowest drug levels, the (R)-form is more bound than its antipode, the contrary being observed at the highest drug levels. For higher albumin concentrations, S was bound in a larger extent than R. Using the displacement of specific markers of HSA sites I and II, studied by spectrofluorimetry, it was suggested that R and S are both bound to site I, while only S is strongly bound to site II.  相似文献   

Flavonoid binding to human serum albumin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dietary flavonoid may have beneficial effects in the prevention of chronic diseases. However, flavonoid bioavailability is often poor probably due to their interaction with plasma proteins. Here, the affinity of daidzein and daidzein metabolites as well as of genistein, naringenin, and quercetin for human serum albumin (HSA) has been assessed in the absence and presence of oleate. Values of the dissociation equilibrium constant (K) for binding of flavonoids and related metabolites to Sudlow’s site I range between 3.3 × 10−6 and 3.9 × 10−5 M, at pH 7.0 and 20.0 °C, indicating that these flavonoids are mainly bound to HSA in vivo. Values of K increase (i.e., the flavonoid affinity decreases) in the presence of saturating amounts of oleate by about two folds. Present data indicate a novel role of fatty acids as allosteric inhibitors of flavonoid bioavailability, and appear to be relevant in rationalizing the interference between dietary compounds, food supplements, and drugs.  相似文献   

Ecballium elaterium, a medicinal plant, whose fruit juice is used for the treatment of jaundice in folk medicine, has been reported as being capable of decreasing bilirubinemia in animals with jaundice [H.H. Elayan, M.N. Garaibeh, S.M. Zmeili, S.A. Salhab, Effects of Ecballium elaterium juice on serum bilirubin concentration in male rats, Int. J. Crude Drug Res. 27 (1989) 227-234]. The aim of this study is to identify the Ecballium elaterium components, which are able to modify the binding of bilirubin to albumin. The juice is fiber-free but contains proteins, lipids, sugars, and minerals. The extract of the juice, analyzed by liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-MS), contains cucurbitacins (Cuc) B, D, E, and I as well as several glycosylated compounds. Human plasma containing no or serial concentrations of Ecballium elaterium components were prepared and the direct bilirubin (DB) and total bilirubin (TB) were determined by the Jendrassik and Grof method. Our results showed that Cuc D, E, and B decreased the levels of DB and TB in plasma, while Cuc I, glycosyl derivatives, and proteins of the juice did not modify the bilirubin levels. The binding of domain specific ligands to HSA, bilirubin (domain IIA), and ibuprofen (domain IIIA), were studied in the absence and presence of Cuc D, E, and I, by fluorescence spectroscopy. The values of binding constant K(a) and binding site number n, determined by Scatchard method, increased for the both ligands only in the presence of Cuc E and D. Cuc I decreased slightly the K(a) of ibuprofen, suggesting an interaction with the domain IIIA of the protein. As a conclusion, Cuc E, D, and B produce rearrangement in the structure of albumin leading to increase the binding of domain specific ligands, ibuprofen and bilirubin.  相似文献   

Paclitaxel, a very potent antitumor agent is a hydrophobic molecule with low aqueous solubility. Its currently used formula (Taxol) contains the drug in a 1 : 1 (v/v) mixture of ethanol and Cremophor EL. To minimize vehicle-related toxicity, we developed a novel, water-soluble formulation in which paclitaxel is bound noncovalently to human serum albumin. For this purpose, studies of the paclitaxel-albumin binding equilibrium were performed. Paclitaxel dissolved in ethanol was added to the aqueous solution of human serum albumin. Precipitated paclitaxel was removed and unbound drug was separated by ultrafiltration. Paclitaxel concentration was measured by RP-HPLC. Binding data were evaluated based both on the Scatchard plot and the general binding equation describing binding equilibria with the stepwise stoichiometric binding constants. The Scatchard plot was found to be curvilinear with a slight positive slope of the final part. Parameters of high affinity specific binding were determined from the initial part of the curve (nsp = 1.3 and Ksp = 1.7 x 10(6) M(-1)). Stoichiometric binding constants were estimated by fitting the general binding equation to the experimental data (K1 = 2.4 x 10(6) M(-1) and K2 = 1.0 x 10(5) M(-1)). Saturation of the protein with paclitaxel, similarly to other ligands of albumin, could not be reached. The greatest observed value of r (number of paclitaxel molecules bound to one albumin molecule) was 6.6.  相似文献   

The dye Cibacron Blue F-3-GA was conjugated to Sepharose to provide an affinity column for serum albumin. Passage of whole human plasma through a column of Cibacron Blue-Sepharose results in the removal of approx. 98% of the albumin. The latter can be quantitatively recovered by desorption with NaSCN. Albumin-depleted plasma can be readily resolved into discrete fractions by a combination of conventional biochemical techniques. In particular, the resolution of plasma proteins with properties similar to those of native human plasma albumin can readily be accomplished by ion-exchange chromatography of the Sepharose-dye-treated plasma on DEAE-cellulose.  相似文献   

To characterize a previously proposed hepatocyte albumin receptor, we examined the binding of native and defatted 125I-labeled rat albumin to rat liver plasma membranes. After incubation for 30 min, binding was determined from the distribution of radioactivity between membrane pellet and supernatant following initial centrifugation (15000 X g for 15 min), and after repeated cycles of washing with buffer and re-centrifugation. 125I-labeled albumin recovered in the initial membrane pellet averaged only 4% of that incubated. Moreover, this albumin was only loosely associated with the membrane, as indicated by recovery in the pellet of under 0.5% of the counts after three washes. Binding of 125I-labeled albumin to the plasma membranes was no greater than to erythrocyte ghosts, was not inhibited by excess unlabeled albumin, and was not decreased by heat denaturation of the membranes, all suggestive of a lack of specific binding. Failure to observe albumin binding to the membranes was not due to a rapid dissociation rate or 'off-time', as incubations in the presence of sufficient ultraviolet light to promote covalent binding of ligands to receptors did not increase 125I counts bound to the membrane. Finally, affinity chromatography over albumin/agarose gel of solubilized membrane proteins provided no evidence of a membrane protein with a high affinity for albumin. These studies, therefore, do not support the hypothesis that liver cell plasma membranes contain a specific albumin receptor.  相似文献   

Metal ion binding to human hemopexin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Binding of divalent metal ions to human hemopexin (Hx) purified by a new protocol has been characterized by metal ion affinity chromatography and potentiometric titration in the presence and absence of bound protoheme IX. ApoHx was retained by variously charged metal affinity chelate resins in the following order: Ni(2+) > Cu(2+) > Co(2+) > Zn(2+) > Mn(2+). The Hx-heme complex exhibited similar behavior except the order of retention of the complex on Zn(2+)- and Co(2+)-charged columns was reversed. One-dimensional (1)H NMR of apoHx in the presence of Ni(2+) implicates at least two His residues and possibly an Asp, Glu, or Met residue in Ni(2+) binding. Potentiometric titrations establish that apoHx possesses more than two metal ion binding sites and that the capacity and/or affinity for metal ion binding is diminished when heme binds. For most metal ions that have been studied, potentiometric data did not fit to binding isotherms that assume one or two independent binding sites. For Mn(2+), however, these data were consistent with a high-affinity site [K(A) = (15 +/- 3) x 10(6) M(-)(1)] and a low-affinity site (K(A) 相似文献   

The binding of chlorpheniramine to human serum albumin has been studied by fluorescence quenching, as a function of temperature; the experimental data could only be fitted to the Stern-Volmer modified equation. A statistical analysis of the results was performed in order to determine the significance of the constants calculated by this equation, as well as their thermodynamic parameters. The chlorpheniramine binding to human serum albumin accounts for almost half of the binding of this antihistaminic agent to human plasma proteins.  相似文献   

A study was made of the binding of a fluorescent probe K-35 (N-(carboxyphenyl)imide of 4-(dimethylamino)naphthalic acid), used as an indicator of albumin structural changes in pathology, to human serum albumin (HSA). Based on the data on the fluorescence decay of the probe, four types of site of K-35 binding to HSA have been recognized, which differ in fluorescence decay time (τ) and binding constant (K). Probe molecules bound to the first type of site have a decay time of 8–10 ns; this value corresponds to a high fluorescence quantum yield of about 0.7. These sites have a maximal binding constant, K 1 = 5 · 104 M−1. The τ2 of the second type of site is close to 3.6 ns and K 2 = 1 · 104 M−1, which is much lower than K 1; however, the number of these sites is several times greater. The number of sites of the third type and the binding constant are close to those of the second type, but the decay time τ3 is 1 ns, which is significantly lower than τ2. The binding of K-35 to sites of the second and the third types is characterized by a positive cooperativity. Their properties are similar but not completely identical. The total number of sites of these three types is about two per one HSA molecule. There are also one-two sites of the fourth type where bound K-35 molecules have a very short decay time τ4 ≪ 1, i.e., are virtually nonfluorescent, and K 4 = 1 · 104 M−1. The major contribution to the steady-state fluorescence is made by probe molecules bound to sites of the first and second types. As a rule, the concentration of albumin binding sites in blood is significantly higher than the concentration of metabolites and xenobiotics transferred by albumin. Therefore, the metabolite—or the probe in these experiments—is distributed among different sites in accordance with their K i n i values (n i is the number of sites of the i-th type per albumin molecule). The low occupancy of the sites results in an approximately equal number of K-35 molecules bound to different sites of types 1, 2, and 3. The competition of K-35 with phenylbutazone, a marker of the albumin drug-binding site I, allows one to suggest that the K-35 site of the first type is localized exactly in the drug site I region, while the sites of the second and third types are close to it.  相似文献   

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