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Phosphoinositide 3-kinase δ is upregulated in lymphocytic leukemias. Because the p85-regulatory subunit binds to any class IA subunit, it was assumed there is a single universal p85-mediated regulatory mechanism; however, we find isozyme-specific inhibition by p85α. Using deuterium exchange mass spectrometry (DXMS), we mapped regulatory interactions of p110δ with p85α. Both nSH2 and cSH2 domains of p85α contribute to full inhibition of p110δ, the nSH2 by contacting the helical domain and the cSH2 via the C terminus of p110δ. The cSH2 inhibits p110β and p110δ, but not p110α, implying that p110α is uniquely poised for oncogenic mutations. Binding RTK phosphopeptides disengages the SH2 domains, resulting in exposure of the catalytic subunit. We find that phosphopeptides greatly increase the affinity of the heterodimer for PIP2-containing membranes measured by FRET. DXMS identified regions decreasing exposure at membranes and also regions gaining exposure, indicating loosening of interactions within the heterodimer at membranes.  相似文献   

Genetic alterations in PI3K (phosphoinositide 3-kinase) signalling are common in cancer and include deletions in PTEN (phosphatase and tensin homologue deleted on chromosome 10), amplifications of PIK3CA and mutations in two distinct regions of the PIK3CA gene. This suggests drugs targeting PI3K, and p110α in particular, might be useful in treating cancers. Broad-spectrum inhibition of PI3K is effective in preventing growth factor signalling and tumour growth, but suitable inhibitors of p110α have not been available to study the effects of inhibiting this isoform alone. In the present study we characterize a novel small molecule, A66, showing the S-enantiomer to be a highly specific and selective p110α inhibitor. Using molecular modelling and biochemical studies, we explain the basis of this selectivity. Using a panel of isoform-selective inhibitors, we show that insulin signalling to Akt/PKB (protein kinase B) is attenuated by the additive effects of inhibiting p110α/p110β/p110δ in all cell lines tested. However, inhibition of p110α alone was sufficient to block insulin signalling to Akt/PKB in certain cell lines. The responsive cell lines all harboured H1047R mutations in PIK3CA and have high levels of p110α and class-Ia PI3K activity. This may explain the increased sensitivity of these cells to p110α inhibitors. We assessed the activation of Akt/PKB and tumour growth in xenograft models and found that tumours derived from two of the responsive cell lines were also responsive to A66 in vivo. These results show that inhibition of p110α alone has the potential to block growth factor signalling and reduce growth in a subset of tumours.  相似文献   

A novel series of 2-aminothiazole-oxazoles was designed and synthesized as part of efforts to develop potent phosphoinositide 3-kinase γ (PI3Kγ) inhibitors. The modification of a high-throughput screening hit, compound 1, resulted in the identification of compounds 10 and 15, which displayed potent inhibitory activities in enzyme-based and cell-based assays.  相似文献   

Chronic rejection is the major cause of long-term heart allograft failure, characterized by tissue infiltration by recipient T cells with indirect allospecificity. Phosphoinositol-3-kinase p110δ is a key mediator of T cell receptor signaling, regulating both T cell activation and migration of primed T cells to non-lymphoid antigen-rich tissue. We investigated the effect of genetic or pharmacologic inactivation of PI3K p110δ on the development of chronic allograft rejection in a murine model in which HY-mismatched male hearts were transplanted into female recipients. We show that suppression of p110δ activity significantly attenuates the development of chronic rejection of heart grafts in the absence of any additional immunosuppressive treatment by impairing the localization of antigen-specific T cells to the grafts, while not inducing specific T cell tolerance. p110δ pharmacologic inactivation is effective when initiated after transplantation. Targeting p110δ activity might be a viable strategy for the treatment of heart chronic rejection in humans.  相似文献   

The phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt/mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) signaling pathway plays a critical role in the regulation of cellular growth, survival and proliferation. mTOR and PI3K have attracted particular attention as cancer targets. These kinases belong to the phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase-related kinase (PIKK) family and therefore have considerable homology in their active sites. To accelerate the discovery of inhibitors with selective activity against mTOR and PI3K as cancer targets, in this work, a homology model of mTOR was developed to identify the structural divergence in the active sites between mTOR and PI3Kα. Furthermore, two highly predictive comparative molecular similarity index analyses (CoMSIA) models were built based on 304 selective inhibitors docked into mTOR and PI3Kα, respectively (mTOR: q 2 = 0.658, r pre2 = 0.839; PI3Kα: q 2 = 0.540, r pre2 = 0.719). The results showed that steric and electrostatic fields have an important influence on selectivity towards mTOR and PI3Kα—a finding consistent with the structural divergence between the active sites. The findings may be helpful in investigating selective mTOR/PI3Kα inhibitors.  相似文献   

Phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) plays an important role in platelet function and contributes to platelet hyperreactivity induced by elevated levels of circulating peptide hormones, including thrombopoietin (TPO). Previous work established an important role for the PI3K isoform; p110β in platelet function, however the role of p110α is still largely unexplored. Here we sought to investigate the role of p110α in TPO-mediated hyperactivity by using a conditional p110α knockout (KO) murine model in conjunction with platelet functional assays. We found that TPO-mediated enhancement of collagen-related peptide (CRP-XL)-induced platelet aggregation and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) secretion were significantly increased in p110α KO platelets. Furthermore, TPO-mediated enhancement of thrombus formation by p110α KO platelets was elevated over wild-type (WT) platelets, suggesting that p110α negatively regulates TPO-mediated priming of platelet function. The enhancements were not due to increased flow through the PI3K pathway as phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate (PI(3,4,5)P3) formation and phosphorylation of Akt and glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK3) were comparable between WT and p110α KO platelets. In contrast, extracellular responsive kinase (ERK) phosphorylation and thromboxane (TxA2) formation were significantly enhanced in p110α KO platelets, both of which were blocked by the MEK inhibitor PD184352, whereas the p38 MAPK inhibitor VX-702 and p110α inhibitor PIK-75 had no effect. Acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) blocked the enhancement of thrombus formation by TPO in both WT and p110α KO mice. Together, these results demonstrate that p110α negatively regulates TPO-mediated enhancement of platelet function by restricting ERK phosphorylation and TxA2 synthesis in a manner independent of its kinase activity.  相似文献   

Comment on: Cortés I, et al. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2012; 109:11318-23.  相似文献   

Invadopodia are extracellular matrix-degrading protrusions formed by invasive cancer cells that are thought to function in cancer invasion. Although many invadopodia components have been identified, signaling pathways that link extracellular stimuli to invadopodia formation remain largely unknown. We investigate the role of phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) signaling during invadopodia formation. We find that in human breast cancer cells, both invadopodia formation and degradation of a gelatin matrix were blocked by treatment with PI3K inhibitors or sequestration of D-3 phosphoinositides. Functional analyses revealed that among the PI3K family proteins, the class I PI3K catalytic subunit p110α, a frequently mutated gene product in human cancers, was selectively involved in invadopodia formation. The expression of p110α with cancerous mutations promoted invadopodia-mediated invasive activity. Furthermore, knockdown or inhibition of PDK1 and Akt, downstream effectors of PI3K signaling, suppressed invadopodia formation induced by p110α mutants. These data suggest that PI3K signaling via p110α regulates invadopodia-mediated invasion of breast cancer cells.  相似文献   

The binding mechanism of a new class of lipid-competitive, ATP non-competitive, p110α isoform-selective PI3K (phosphoinositide 3-kinase) inhibitors has been elucidated. Using the novel technique of isoform reciprocal mutagenesis of non-conserved amino acids in the p110α and p110β isoforms, we have identified three unique binding mechanisms for the p110α-selective inhibitors PIK-75, A-66S and J-32. Each of the inhibitor's p110α-isoform-selective binding was found to be due to interactions with different amino acids within p110. The PIK-75 interaction bound the non-conserved region 2 amino acid p110α Ser(773), A-66S bound the region 1 non-conserved amino acid p110α Gln(859), and J-32 binding had an indirect interaction with Lys(776) and Ile(771). The isoform reciprocal mutagenesis technique is shown to be an important analytical tool for the rational design of isoform-selective inhibitors.  相似文献   

Addition of short (6 to 16 amino acids) peptide sequences to the N-terminus of p110α induces a gain of function. Such sequences include the common Flag, His, and VSV tags as well as random sequences. An N-terminal myristylation signal generally believed to activate p110α by providing a constitutive membrane address is also activating, if myristylation is mutationally abolished. The gain of function seen with N-terminally tagged (NTT) p110α constructs extends to signaling, oncogenic transformation and stimulation of cell growth. The activating effect of N-terminal tags requires a functional Ras-binding domain in p110α. Mutations in that domain (T208D and K227A) abolish the gains of function in oncogenicity and signaling. The dominant negative mutant of Ras, RasN17, interferes with transformation induced by NTT p110α. In contrast, binding to p85 activity is not required for cellular transformation and enhanced signaling by NTT p110α.  相似文献   

Addition of short (6 to 16 amino acids) peptide sequences to the N-terminus of p110α induces a gain of function. Such sequences include the common Flag, His and VSV tags as well as random sequences. An N-terminal myristylation signal generally believed to activate p110α by providing a constitutive membrane address is also activating, even if myristylation is mutationally abolished. The gain of function seen with N-terminally tagged (NTT) p110α constructs extends to signaling, oncogenic transformation and stimulation of cell growth. The activating effect of N-terminal tags requires a functional Rasbinding domain in p110α. Mutations in the RBD domain (T208D and K227A) abolish the gains of function in oncogenicity and signaling. The dominant negative mutant of Ras, RasN17, interferes with transformation induced by NTT p110α. In contrast, binding to p85 activity is not required for cellular transformation and enhanced signaling by NTT p110α.Key words: N-terminal tags, p110a, oncogenicity, Ras binding domain, p85 binding mutations  相似文献   

The rapid and accurate response of leukocytes to environmental cues is critical for a proper inflammatory reaction to foreign particles or invading microbes. In the last decade, the signal transduction enzyme phosphoinositide 3-kinase γ (PI3Kγ) has emerged as a critical modulator of leukocyte responses, with its effects spanning from recruitment to the site of inflammation to the production of reactive oxygen species. These findings initially obtained from genetically modified mice have led to the development of experimental anti-inflammatory inhibitors with reasonable selectivity and specificity. While such molecules have not yet reached clinical use, preclinical studies combining genetics and pharmacology continue to provide new therapeutic indications for targeting PI3Kγ. Thus, this review focuses on the latest discoveries regarding PI3Kγ function in leukocytes and on the most recent findings in disease models related to immunity.  相似文献   

Recent cryo-electron microscopic (cryo-EM) investigations have succeeded in the analysis of various structural conformations and functional states of PI3Kα, a dimer consisting of the catalytic subunit p110α and the regulatory subunit p85α of class IA of phosphoinositide 3-kinase. High resolution structures have been obtained of the unliganded and of BYL-719-bound PI3Kα. The latter provides information on excessively flexible domains of p85α that are then further analyzed with nanobodies and CXMS (chemical cross-linking, digestion and mass spectrometry). Analysis of p110α helical and kinase domain mutations reveals mutant-specific features that can be linked to the gain of function in enzymatic and signaling activities.  相似文献   

Chronic inflammation in the lung has long been linked to the pathogenesis of asthma. Central to this airway inflammation is a T-cell response to allergens, with Th2 cytokines driving the differentiation, survival and function of the major inflammatory cells involved in the allergic cascade. PI3Kδ (phosphoinositide 3-kinase δ) is a lipid kinase, expressed predominantly in leucocytes, where it plays a critical role in immune receptor signalling. A selective PI3Kδ inhibitor is predicted to block T-cell activation in the lung, reducing the production of pro-inflammatory Th2 cytokines. PI3Kδ is also involved in B-cell and mast cell activation. Therefore the inhibition of PI3Kδ should dampen down the inflammatory cascade involved in the asthmatic response through a wide breadth of pharmacology. Current anti-inflammatory therapies, which are based on corticosteroids, are effective in controlling inflammation in mild asthmatics, but moderate/severe asthmatic patients remain poorly controlled, experiencing recurrent exacerbations. Corticosteroids have no effect on mast cell degranulation and do not act directly on B-cells, so, overall, a PI3Kδ inhibitor has the potential to deliver improvements in onset of action, efficacy and reduced exacerbations in moderate/severe asthmatics. Additionally, PI3Kδ inhibition is expected to block effects of Th17 cells, which are increasingly implicated in steroid-insensitive asthma.  相似文献   

The phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) signaling pathway is frequently upregulated in cancer. PIK3CA, the gene coding for the catalytic subunit p110α of PI3K, is mutated in about 12% of all human cancers. Most of these mutants are single amino acid substitutions that map to three positions (hot spots) in the helical or kinase domains of the enzyme. The mutant proteins show gain of enzymatic function, constitutively activate AKT signaling and induce oncogenic transformation in vitro and in animal model systems. We have shown previously that hot-spot mutations in the helical domain and kinase domain of the avian p110α have different requirements for interaction with the regulatory subunit p85 and with RAS-GTP. Here, we have carried out a genetic and biochemical analysis of these "hot-spot" mutations in human p110α. The present studies add support to the proposal that helical and kinase domain mutations in p110α trigger a gain of function by different molecular mechanisms. The gain of function induced by helical domain mutations requires interaction with RAS-GTP. In contrast, the kinase domain mutation is active in the absence of RAS-GTP binding, but depends on the interaction with p85.  相似文献   

Integrin-mediated cell adhesion activates several signaling effectors, including phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), a central mediator of cell motility and survival. To elucidate the molecular mechanisms of this important pathway the specific members of the PI3K family activated by different integrins have to be identified. Here, we studied the role of PI3K catalytic isoforms in β1 integrin-induced lamellipodium protrusion and activation of Akt in fibroblasts. Real-time total internal reflection fluorescence imaging of the membrane–substrate interface demonstrated that β1 integrin-mediated attachment induced rapid membrane spreading reaching essentially maximal contact area within 5–10 min. This process required actin polymerization and involved activation of PI3K. Isoform-selective pharmacological inhibition identified p110α as the PI3K catalytic isoform mediating both β1 integrin-induced cell spreading and Akt phosphorylation. A K756L mutation in the membrane-proximal part of the β1 integrin subunit, known to cause impaired Akt phosphorylation after integrin stimulation, induced slower cell spreading. The initial β1 integrin-regulated cell spreading as well as Akt phosphorylation were sensitive to the tyrosine kinase inhibitor PP2, but were not dependent on Src family kinases, FAK or EGF/PDGF receptor transactivation. Notably, cells expressing a Ras binding-deficient p110α mutant were severely defective in integrin-induced Akt phosphorylation, but exhibited identical membrane spreading kinetics as wild-type p110α cells.We conclude that p110α mediates β1 integrin-regulated activation of Akt and actin polymerization important for survival and lamellipodia dynamics. This could contribute to the tumorigenic properties of cells expressing constitutively active p110α.  相似文献   

A series of suitable five-membered heterocyclic alternatives to thiophenes within a thienobenzoxepin class of PI3-kinase (PI3K) inhibitors was discovered. Specific thiazolobenzoxepin 8-substitution was identified that increased selectivity over PI3Kβ. PI3Kβ-sparing compound 27 (PI3Kβ Ki,app/PI3Kα Ki,app = 57) demonstrated dose-dependent knockdown of pAKT, pPRAS40 and pS6RP in vivo as well as differential effects in an in vitro proliferation cell line screen compared to pan PI3K inhibitor GDC-0941. A new structure-based hypothesis for reducing inhibition of the PI3K β isoform while maintaining activity against α, δ and γ isoforms is presented.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase beta (PI3Kβ) is an important therapeutic target in arterial thrombosis and special types of cancer. In this study, a new series of aminopyridine-based PI3Kβ selective inhibitors have been developed by the structure-based design strategy. When incorporated with the phenyl ring on sulfonamide moiety, aminopyrimidine analogs showed good potency on PI3Kβ and selectivity over PI3Kα. Intriguingly, replacement of phenyl group on sulfonamide with naphthyl group enhanced selectivity over PI3Kα while retaining submicromolar PI3Kβ potency. Molecular modeling suggests that increased PI3Kβ specificity is caused by the interaction with salt bridge (Lys782-Asp923) and Asp862 that creat a unique pocket in PI3Kβ. These results clearly provide useful insight in the design of new PI3Kβ inhibitors with high potency and selectivity.  相似文献   

Phosphoinositide 3-kinases (PI3Ks) family has emerged as promising targets for novel therapeutic agents against neoplastic diseases. Pharmacophore and 3D-quantitative structure–activity relationship modelling were applied to study the structure–activity relationship of PI3K inhibitors. The best HypoGen pharmacophore hypothesis Hypo1 with a correlation coefficient of 0.961 consists of one hydrogen-bond acceptor, one hydrogen-bond donor and two hydrophobic features, whereas the best phase hypothesis AADRRR.378 with favourable statistics (q2 = 0.7368, r2 = 0.9863) has two hydrogen-bond acceptors, one hydrogen-bond donor and three ring aromatic features. Multiple methods, such as Fischer validation, molecular docking and mapping of test set molecules, were carried out to validate these pharmacophore models. Furthermore, a comparative molecular similarity indices analysis candidate hypothesis model was generated as a supplement of pharmacophore hypothesis. Detailed protein–ligand binding information obtained by Glide was utilised in compound optimisation and virtual screening. A molecular database of 133 known inhibitors and 6179 decoys was built for a screening test to quantitatively analyse various hypotheses and scoring parameters. Finally, we designed a workflow integrating HypoGen pharmacophore searching, phase pharmacophore searching and molecular docking for screening the database. With an improved criterion of enrichment factor (EF = 17.43) and ROC curve (AUC = 0.946), this workflow would provide us an original method for novel PI3K inhibitors.  相似文献   

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