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利用帽儿山温带落叶阔叶林通量塔8层CO2/H2O浓度廓线的测定数据,比较分析了基于不同浓度变量\[密度(ρc)、摩尔分数(cc)和混合比(χc)\]计算CO2储存通量(Fs)的误差.结果表明: 通量观测的控制体积内部干空气储存量不为常数,其波动可引起CO2分子进出控制体积,即干空气储存通量调整项(Fsd)的变化.在夜间以及昼夜转换期,Fsd相对于涡动通量而言较大,忽略Fsd将为森林与大气之间净CO2交换量的计算带来误差.大气水热过程对Fs计算引起的误差包括3方面:空气温度变化引起的误差最大,比大气压强(P)的影响高1个数量级;水蒸气的影响在温暖湿润的夏季大于P的影响,但在寒冷干燥的冬季则相反; P的效应在全年均较低.基于ρc、cc和χc计算Fs分别平均高估CO2有效储存通量(Fs_E)8.5%、0.6%和0.1%.在通量计算过程中,建议选择对大气水热过程守恒的χc计算Fs.  相似文献   

2005—2007年,通过野外植物功能群去除试验,研究了内蒙古典型草原羊草群落植物多样性变化对土壤表层碳、氮库的影响.结果表明:典型草原生态系统表层土壤全碳、全氮含量年际变化较小(<15%),2005年的土壤全碳、全氮含量与2006、2007年无显著差异(P>0.05),但2006年的土壤全碳、全氮含量显著高于2007年(P<0.05);无机氮含量年际变化较大,2006年铵态氮含量比2007年高80%,差异显著(P<0.05),而硝态氮含量年变化不显著(P>0.05).去除植物功能群的数量和土壤硝态氮含量存在显著的线性正相关(P<0.05).说明植物物种多样性降低使土壤硝态氮含量增加,可能导致土壤氮的淋溶损失.  相似文献   

覆膜对绿洲棉田土壤CO2通量和CO2浓度的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于静态箱法和气井法分别测定新疆棉田覆膜位置的土壤CO2通量和CO2浓度.结果表明:土壤CO2通量和CO2浓度时间变化特征与土壤温度变化趋势一致,均表现为7月较高,10月最低.观测期内,棉田土壤CO2累积排放量非覆膜处理为2032.81 kg C·hm-2,覆膜处理为1871.95 kg C·hm-2;而1 m深度内土壤CO2浓度非覆膜处理为2165~23986μL·L-1,覆膜处理为5137~25945μL·L-1,即覆膜减少了棉田土壤排放CO2的同时增加了土壤CO2积累量.覆膜和非覆膜处理下不同深度土壤CO2浓度和CO2通量的相关系数分别为0.60~0.73和0.57~0.75,表明地表释放的CO2强烈依赖于土壤剖面储存的CO2.覆膜和非覆膜处理下Q10值分别为2.77和2.48,表明覆膜处理下的土壤CO2通量对土壤温度变化的响应更敏感.  相似文献   

干旱区盐碱土的土壤无机CO2通量是一个崭新、独特的科学现象,打破了土壤CO2通量完全来自于生物源的假设。为研究温度对土壤无机CO2通量的影响,2009年8—10月在阜康荒漠生态系统实验站,以盐土和碱土为研究对象,通过灭菌处理(121℃,24h),将土壤CO2通量拆分为土壤无机CO2通量和土壤有机CO2通量,分析三者的日动态特征及其与温度的相关关系。结果表明,土壤CO2通量、土壤无机CO2通量和土壤有机CO2通量均存在明显的日动态;除碱土的土壤有机CO2通量日动态呈弱双峰曲线外,盐土和碱土的土壤CO2通量、土壤有机CO2通量和土壤无机CO2通量日过程均呈单峰曲线,表现为日间CO2通量随温度升高而增加,峰值出现在12:00—14:00,随后随温度降低而减小,谷值出现在3:00—4:00。盐土和碱土的土壤无机CO2通量作用超过土壤有机CO2通量,主导土壤CO2通量的日变化。土壤CO2通量和土壤无机CO2通量主要受温度调控,呈直线方程关系。忽略土壤无机CO2通量对土壤CO2通量的贡献,将严重低估土壤有机CO2通量,是造成干旱区碳循环评估不准确的重要因素之一。  相似文献   

西南喀斯特地区轮作旱地土壤CO2通量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
房彬  李心清  程建中  王兵  程红光  张立科  杨放 《生态学报》2013,33(17):5299-5307
中国已承诺大幅降低单位GDP碳排放,农业正面临固碳减排的重任.西南喀斯特地区环境独特,旱地面积占据优势比例,土壤碳循环认识亟待加强.以贵州省开阳县玉米-油菜轮作旱地为研究对象,采用密闭箱-气相色谱法对整个轮作期土壤CO2释放通量进行了观测研究,结果表明:(1)整个轮作期旱地均表现为CO2的释放源.其中油菜生长季土壤CO2通量为(178.8±104.8)mg CO2·m-2·h-1,玉米生长季为(403.0±178.8) mg CO2·m-2·h-1,全年平均通量为(271.1±176.4) mg CO2·m-2·h-1,高于纬度较高地区的农田以及同纬度的次生林和松林;(2)CO2通量日变化同温度呈现显著正相关关系,季节变化与温度呈现显著指数正相关关系,并受土壤湿度的影响,基于大气温度计算得出的Q10为2.02,高于同纬度松林以及低纬度的常绿阔叶林;(3)CO2通量与土壤pH存在显著线性正相关关系,显示出土壤pH是研究区旱地土壤呼吸影响因子之一.  相似文献   

温带落叶阔叶林冠层CO2浓度的时空变异   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
为了研究温带落叶阔叶林CO2浓度(摩尔分数, [CO2])的时空变化特征, 利用帽儿山通量塔8层[CO2]廓线系统分析了[CO2]的时间动态及垂直梯度, 并结合森林小气候的同步测定数据探讨了影响[CO2]时空变化的因子。结果表明: 帽儿山温带落叶阔叶林的[CO2]及其垂直梯度具有明显的日变化和季节变化。在日尺度上, [CO2]呈“单峰”曲线, 在夜间或日出前后出现最大值, 日出后迅速降低, 在午后达到最低值, 日落时分又开始迅速升高。在季节尺度上, 生长季的[CO2]日变幅明显大于非生长季, 且冬季(1、2和12月)白天呈“V”型, 其他季节白天呈“U”型, 这与白天对流边界层的持续时间随季节的变化趋势一致。在垂直方向上, [CO2]及其日变幅随高度增加而降低, 并且在生长季夜间湍流交换较弱时其垂直梯度最显著; 植被冠层的光合作用改变了生长旺季白天的[CO2]垂直格局, 使冠层高度的[CO2]最低; 休眠季节该垂直梯度大大减弱。近地层日均[CO2]与土壤温度的趋势相似, 呈单峰曲线; 而林冠上[CO2]在5月初和10月各出现一次峰值, 最低值出现在8月初, 与植被光合作用紧密相关。日尺度上[CO2]及其垂直梯度主要受控于大气边界层和生态系统碳代谢过程; 年尺度上近地层[CO2]主要受控于土壤呼吸, 而林冠上的[CO2]则受生态系统光合作用和呼吸作用的共同控制。  相似文献   

城市绿地是城市碳循环的重要组成部分,利用长期定位观测资料估算珠三角典型城市绿地的CO2通量,可以为应对气候变化、评价区域碳源汇提供参考。应用2009、2010年,东莞市植物园内的涡度相关法CO2通量定位观测资料,分析了净生态系统交换量(NEE)的年变化及其与气象要素的关系,结果表明:(1)年平均NEE总量为-104.2 gC.m-.2a-1,表明城市绿地生态系统具有固碳能力。(2)NEE随光温条件变化呈现明显的季节动态,12至3月表现为碳源,其他月份表现为碳汇。(3)根据白天NEE与光合有效辐射(PAR)逐月拟合Michaelis-Menten方程,得到年平均表观初始光能利用率(α)为(0.00134±0.00035)mgCO.2μmol-1光子,年平均光饱和生态系统生产力(Pmax)为(1.006±0.283)mgCO.2m-.2s-1。(4)利用夜间呼吸(Reco)与5 cm土壤温度(Ts)拟合指数方程,得到年平均Reco总量为1378.1 gC.m-.2a-1。(5)NEE与PAR、气温(Ta)和饱和水压差(VPD)的相关性分析显示,NEE与PAR偏相关系数的绝对值大于Ta和VPD,表明PAR对NEE的影响最大。  相似文献   

海南尖峰岭热带山地雨林近冠层CO2及通量特征研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
采用梯度法及CI-301PS CO2系统,实现了海南尖峰岭热带山地雨林近冠层CO 2、微气象因子梯度观测研究,结果表明雨季晴、晴间少云及多云天气,900~1800CO 2浓度平均值分别在349~350ml/m3(冠上2.8m)、346~348ml/m3(冠上0.8m)、345~349ml/m3(林内16m)、352~357ml/m3(林内5m),较旱季相应天气分别小14~17.5、10.1~23.7、1 6.4~35.7和18.1~36.1ml/m3;100~800,则雨季CO2浓度大于旱季;梯度浓度廓变量和实时动力计算反映出,800~1800CO2通量由大气向林冠层,旱、雨季平均CO2通量分别为(0.61×10-6kg/(m2·s)和0.71×10-6kg/(m 2·s),1900通量甚微,2000~700CO2通量则由林冠向大气,平均CO2通量分别为0.36×10-6kg/(m2·s)和0.32×10-6kg/(m2·s);雨季昼夜大气流向冠层的净CO2通量是相应旱季的1.56倍.总辐射、冠顶净辐射通量以1300~1 500为最大时域,相对林内21m,80%的辐射热能被冠层吸收,与CO2通量正相关;晴天冠上潜热、感热最高值分别在1300~1400和900,反映热带山地雨林近冠层的汇、源即白昼光合固定CO2大于夜间呼吸排放CO2效应,且雨季高于旱季.  相似文献   

论述了大气CO2浓度和温度升高下的植物生长、光合作用、产量以及水分养分利用效率等方面的研究进展.未来高CO2浓度下,光合作用速率有不同程度的提高,生物量和产量增加;气孔导度降低,水分利用效率(WUE)提高;一般地上部分和根系尤其是细根生物量增加,凋落物量随之增加,C/N比率提高,植物残体的腐解速率降低.CO2浓度升高后,会给根际微生物带来更多的底物,从而提高了微生物活性,加速养分的矿化过程,改善植物的养分状况.  相似文献   

首先介绍静态暗箱法气相色谱法观测确定陆地生态系统地气CO2净交换通量的基本原理和方法,然后讨论在开放式空气CO2增加(FACE)试验中应用该原理和方法观测研究大气CO2浓度升高对稻田生态系统大气CO2净交换通量的影响.因缺乏必要参数的实际观测值,本文只能根据暗箱观测值计算CO2净交换通量的最小取值NEEmin.NEEmin计算结果表明,在插秧1个月之后的水稻生长期内,大气CO2浓度升高200±40μmol·mol-1使稻田生态系统对大气CO2的净吸收约为对照的3倍.为根据暗箱观测准确确定NEE,还必须在FACE和对照条件下观测水稻植株的暗维持呼吸系数、地上生物量及根冠比动态.  相似文献   

The effects of rainfall events on soil CO2 fluxes were examined in a cool temperate Quercus/Betula forest in Japan. The soil CO2 fluxes were measured using an open-flow gas exchange system with an infrared gas analyzer in the snow-free season from August 1999 to November 2000. Soil CO2 flux showed no significant diurnal trend on days without rain. In contrast, rainfall events caused a significant increase in soil CO2 flux. To determine the effect of rainfall events and to evaluate more precisely the daily and annual soil carbon flux, we constructed a multiple polynomial regression model that included two variables, soil temperature and soil water content, using the soil CO2 flux data recorded on sunny days. Daily soil carbon fluxes on sunny days calculated by the model were almost the same as those determined by the field measurements. On the contrary, the fluxes measured on rainy days were significantly higher than those calculated daily from the soil carbon fluxes by the model. Annual soil carbon fluxes in 1999 and 2000 were estimated using models that both do and do not take rainfall effects into consideration. The result indicates that post-rainfall increases in soil CO2 flux represent approximately 16–21% of the annual soil carbon flux in this cool temperate deciduous forest.  相似文献   

准确测定森林生态系统中CO2储存通量(Fs)对于以涡动协方差(EC)法估算生态系统碳收支具有重要意义,而Fs不同算法引起的森林碳收支估测误差还未被全面评估。本研究利用2018年帽儿山落叶阔叶林的开路EC系统和8层CO2/H2O廓线系统(AP100, Campbell Scientific Inc., USA)数据,比较了2-min平均廓线(P2 min)、30-min平均廓线(P30 min)和30-min平均EC单点法(Ps)3种不同方法估算的Fs对净生态系统交换(NEE)、生态系统呼吸(Re)和总初级生产力(GPP)估算结果的影响。结果表明: Fs估算方法对森林碳通量的影响总体上随时间尺度增大而不断增大,表明通量数据插补和拆分会进一步放大Fs估算方法的影响。在年尺度上,P2 min法和Ps法的NEE分别比P30 min法的低36.3%和29.4%;P2 min法的ReP30 min法和Ps法高8.7%;而P2 min法的GPP比P30 min法的高5.4%,Ps法则比P30 min法的低2.1%。传统的P30 min法忽略了CO2浓度的瞬时变化,Ps法缺少林冠层内部CO2浓度变化,因此两者低估了真实Re。近似瞬时廓线的方法(2-min平均)具有更高的时间与空间分辨率,能够更加准确地估算非平坦地形和复杂冠层结构的森林碳收支,这对解决EC法在复杂条件下森林Re和GPP低估、净碳汇高估具有重要启示。  相似文献   

The creation of gaps can strongly influence forest regeneration and habitat diversity within forest ecosystems. However, the precise characteristics of such effects depend, to a large extent, upon the way in which gaps modify microclimate and soil water content. Hence, the aim of this study was to understand the effects of gap creation and variations in gap size on forest microclimate and soil water content. The study site, in North West England, was a mixed temperate broadleaved deciduous forest dominated by mature sessile oak (Quercus petraea), beech (Fagus sylvatica) and ash (Fraxinus excelsior) with some representatives of sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus). Solar radiation (I), air temperature (T A), soil temperature (T S), relative humidity (h), wind speed (v) and soil water content (Ψ) were measured at four natural treefall gaps created after a severe storm in 2006 and adjacent sub-canopy sites. I, T A, T S, and Ψ increased significantly with gap size; h was consistently lower in gaps than the sub-canopy but did not vary with gap size, while the variability of v could not be explained by the presence or size of gaps. There were systematic diurnal patterns in all microclimate variables in response to gaps, but no such patterns existed for Ψ. These results further our understanding of the abiotic and consequent biotic responses to gaps in broadleaved deciduous forests created by natural treefalls, and provide a useful basis for evaluating the implications of forest management practices.  相似文献   

帽儿山温带落叶阔叶林通量塔风浪区生物量空间格局   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
刘帆  王传宽  王兴昌  张建双  张著  王家骏 《生态学报》2016,36(20):6506-6519
采用网格法在帽儿山温带落叶阔叶林通量塔风浪区(1500 m×400 m)内设置直径为20 m的圆形样地106个,运用地统计学方法和回归分析法研究了乔木生物量空间格局及其驱动因子。结果表明,风浪区总生物量平均值为153.63 Mg/hm~2,变异系数为37.89%;根冠比平均0.25(变化范围0.18—0.36)。总生物量、地上生物量和地下生物量的空间自相关显著,半方差模型的结构比分别为0.50、0.61和0.50,空间异质性尺度分别为276 m、198 m和375 m。硬阔叶林与杂木林的生物量组分和根冠比差异均不显著,但以胸高断面积(BA)为协变量,生物量组分差异显著。硬阔叶林和杂木林生物量组分与BA均呈极显著的线性正相关关系,BA可以解释总生物量和地上生物量空间变异的85%以上,表明局域尺度上BA可作为森林乔木生物量的预测因子。两种林型的生物量与优势高呈对数线性关系,但相关程度较低(R~20.41)。杂木林的各生物量组分与坡度显著正相关,但硬阔叶林的关系不显著。帽儿山落叶阔叶林乔木生物量受BA、优势高、林型、坡度和坡向共同驱动而存在空间变异,因此在整合通量塔与地面碳汇测量时需要考虑空间异质性。  相似文献   

Seiwa K 《Annals of botany》2007,99(3):537-544
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: In spatially heterogeneous environments, a trade-off between seedling survival and relative growth rate may promote the coexistence of plant species. In temperate forests, however, little support for this hypothesis has been found under field conditions, as compared with shade-house experiments. Performance trade-offs were examined over a large resource gradient in a temperate hardwood forest. METHODS: The relationship between seedling survival and seedling relative growth rate in mass (RGR(M)) or height (RGR(H)) was examined at three levels of canopy cover (forest understorey, FU; small gap, SG; and large gap, LG) and at two microsites within each level of canopy cover (presence or absence of leaf litter) for five deciduous broad-leaved tree species with different seed sizes. KEY RESULTS: Within each species, both RGR(M) and RGR(H) usually increased with increasing light levels (in the order FU < SG < LG), whereas little difference was observed based on the presence or absence of litter. Seedling survival in FU was negatively correlated with both RGR(M) and RGR(H) in both LG and SG. The trade-off between high-light growth and low-light survival was more evident in the relationship with LG as compared with SG. An intraspecific trade-off between survival and RGR was observed along environmental gradients in Acer mono, whereas seedlings of Betula platyphylla var. japonica survived and grew better in LG. CONCLUSIONS: The results presented here strongly support the idea of light gradient partitioning (i.e. species coexistence) in spatially heterogeneous light environments in temperate forests, and that further species diversity would be promoted by increased spatial heterogeneity. The intraspecific trade-off between survival and RGR in Acer suggests that it has broad habitat requirements, whereas Betula has narrow habitat requirements and specializes in high-light environments.  相似文献   

二氧化碳储存通量对森林生态系统碳收支的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
涡度相关系统观测高度以下的CO2储存通量对准确评价森林生态系统与大气间净CO2交换量(NEE)有着重要的影响.本研究以长白山阔叶红松林为研究对象,利用2003年的涡度相关观测数据以及CO2浓度廓线数据,分析了CO2储存通量的变化规律及其对碳收支过程的影响.结果表明:涡度相关观测高度以下的CO2储存通量具有典型的日变化特征,其最大变化量出现在大气稳定与不稳定层结转换期.利用涡度相关系统观测的单点CO2浓度变化方法与利用CO2浓度廓线方法计算的CO2储存通量差异不显著.忽略CO2储存通量,在半小时尺度上会造成对夜间和白天的NEE分别低估25%和19%,在日和年尺度上,会对NEE低估10%和25%;忽略CO2储存通量,会低估Michaelis-Menten光响应方程及Lloyd-Taylor呼吸方程的参数,并且对表观初始量子效率α和参考呼吸Rref的低估最大;忽略CO2储存通量,在半小时、日及年尺度上,均会对总光合作用(GPP)和生态系统呼吸(Re)低估约20%.  相似文献   

We measured diurnal and wintertime changes in CO2 fluxes from soil and snow surfaces in a Japanese cool-temperate Quercus/Betula forest between December 1994 and May 1995. To evaluate the relationship between these winter fluxes and temperature, flux measurements were made with the open-flow infrared gas analyzer (IRGA) method rather than with the more commonly used closed chamber method or the snow CO2 profile method. The open-flow IRGA method proved to be more successful in measurements of winter CO2 fluxes than the two standard methods. Despite colder air temperatures, soil temperature profiles were greater than 0°C because of the thermal insulation effect of deep snowpack. This reveals that soil temperature is satisfactory for microbial respiration throughout the winter. Unfrozen soils under the snowpack showed neither diurnal nor wintertime trends in CO2 fluxes or in soil surface temperature, although there was a daily snow surface CO2 flux of 0.18–0.32 g m–2. By combining this with other reference data, Japanese cool-temperate forest soils in snowy regions can be estimated to emit < 100 g m–2 carbon over an entire winter, and this value accounts for < 15% of the annual emission. In the present study, when data for all winter fluxes were taken together, fluxes were most highly correlated with deep soil temperatures rather than the soil surface temperature. Such a high correlation can be attributed to the relatively increased respiration of the deep soil where the temperature was higher than the soil surface temperature. Thus, deeper soil temperature is a better predictor of winter CO2 fluxes in cold and snowy ecosystems.  相似文献   

Forest successional trajectories covering the last 2000 yr from a mixed deciduous forest in Denmark show a gradual shift in dominance from Tilia cordata to Fagus sylvatica and a recent increase in total forest basal area since direct management ceased in 1948. The successions are reconstructed by combining a fifty-year record of direct tree observations with local pollen diagrams from Draved Forest, Denmark. Five of the seven successions record a heathland phase of Viking Age dating from 830 AD. The anthropogenic influence is considerable throughout the period of study even though Draved contains some of the most pristine forest stands in Denmark. Anthropogenic influence including felling masks the underlying natural dynamics, with the least disturbed sites showing the smallest compositional change. Some effects of former management, such as loss of Tilia cordata dominance, are irreversible. Artificial disturbance, particularly drainage, has accelerated and amplified the shift towards Fagus dominance that would have occurred on a smaller scale and at a slower rate in the absence of human intervention.  相似文献   

卢伟  范文义  田甜 《生态学杂志》2016,27(5):1353-1358
控制其他参数为经验常数,利用迭代方法对主要光合作用参数最大羧化速率(Vc max) 及最大电子传递速率(Jmax)进行不同数值组合,将得到的多组模拟结果的逐日总初级生产力(GPP)分别与东北帽儿山落叶阔叶林的通量观测数据进行比较,实现对小时步长BEPSHourly模型Vc maxJmax的参数优化.结果表明: 对于东北温带落叶阔叶林,当Vc max为41.1 μmol·m-2·s-1Jmax 为82.8 μmol·m-2·s-1时,模拟的2011年逐日GPP与观测数据比较的均方根误差(RMSE)最小,为1.10 g C·m-2·d-1,R2最高,为0.95.经过光合作用参数Vc maxJmax优化后,BEPSHourly模型能更好地模拟GPP的季节变化.  相似文献   

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