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假单胞菌因其生境和代谢类型的多样性,在污染环境修复、生物转化、生物防治等领域具有广阔的应用潜力;外源基因的导入是假单胞菌遗传改造的重要环节,而感受态细胞的制备和转化方法的建立是导入外源基因的重要方法学基础.本研究以从石油污染土壤中分离筛选的假单胞菌属的3个菌株Pseudomonas putida TS11、P. stutzeri DNB、P. mendocina JJ12为对象,通过3因素4水平正交实验设计,研究了不同CaCl2浓度、热激时间及复苏时间对不同假单胞菌感受态细胞制备及转化效率的影响.结果表明: CaCl2浓度是影响假单胞菌转化效率的最主要因素(P<0.05),且在制备感受态细胞之前用无菌蒸馏水多次洗涤菌体细胞,转化率明显提高.3种假单胞菌的CaCl2转化优化条件分别为:100 mmol·L-1 CaCl2,热激3 min,复苏1.5 h;50 mmol·L-1 CaCl2,热激6 min,复苏1.5 h;75 mmol·L-1 CaCl2,热激4.5 min,复苏0.5 h.在上述转化条件下,3种假单胞菌的外源质粒转化效率均达到10.5个转化子·μg-1 DNA水平.  相似文献   

沼泽红假单胞菌培养条件的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
就沼泽红假单胞菌P3.9菌株的主要培养条件进行了初步研究。P3.9菌株在厌氧光照条件下能利用多种类型的有机碳源物质;其细胞生长的最适pH为6.5—8,最佳光照强度为2000—3000Lx;培养基中添加酵母膏能明显促进细胞生长。在适宜的培养条件下,菌液细胞数可高达48亿个/ml。  相似文献   

作者从血、尿标本中分离出12株荧光假单胞菌,在研究生物学性状的基础上探讨了本菌的条件致病性问题,结果显示,凡能使机体免疫力下降的各种原因均可导致本菌感染。治疗本菌感染,必须进行药敏试验,选择有效的抗生素。  相似文献   

构建了荧光假单胞菌工程菌的转化系统,探索了多寄主质粒pSUP 106在不同CaCl_2浓度、不同热激时间和荧光假单胞菌受体在不同生长期的转化频率,建立了一个简便可行的荧光假单胞菌转化方法.结果表明,在荧光假单胞菌Pfx-18生长到0 D_(600)≈0.55时,用25mmol/L CaCl_2处理细胞,热激2min,转化频率最高,可达10~5/ng DNA.同时讨论了Mn~(2+)和Mg~(2+)对转化频率的影响,以及电转化的效果,为进一步利用该转化系统进行异源基因的克隆与表达研究奠定了基础.  相似文献   

假单胞菌胞外多糖发酵条件的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研究了假单胞菌(Pseudomonassp.6)利用木糖产胞外多糖的发酵条件。实验表明KH2PO4,O2和高碳氮比对多糖合成有促进作用,在发酵后期补加木糖有助于多糖产量的提高  相似文献   

假单胞基因工程菌的开发应用现状与展望   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
假单胞菌 (Pseudomonas)是一群革兰阴性的杆菌或球杆菌 ,需氧生长 ,多数有鞭毛有动力。按照《伯杰氏系统细菌学手册》第二版 ,假单胞菌科包括 2 9个属 ,数百个种和亚种。假单胞菌广泛存在于自然界 ,是土壤和水体微生态系统的重要组成部分 ,也是自然界的碳、氮循环的重要组成部分[1] 。尽管其中的某些种如铜绿假单胞菌可引起人和动物的机会感染、个别种如丁香假单胞菌可某些农作物致病 ,但大多数种是无害的 ,某些假单胞菌和荧光假单胞菌还是植物生长的有益菌。更重要的是 ,假单胞菌拥有极为复杂的酶系统 ,具有非凡的降解能力 ,在环保方面意…  相似文献   

生物膜(biofilm,BF)是细菌为了适应生存环境的需要而形成的与浮游细胞相对应的生存形式,是细菌生来具有的本领。不同的细菌形成生物膜的能力是不同的,铜绿假单胞菌极易形成生物膜,临床许多生物医学材料相关感染和某些慢性顽固性感染性疾病都与之密切相关,在生物膜中的细菌不仅耐抗生素还可耐抗体的杀菌作用,危害性严重。  相似文献   

TSS及CaCl2转化方法的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 :比较 TSS及 Ca Cl2 二种转化方法的转化效率。方法 :用 TSS及 Ca Cl2 方法转化质粒 p QE,并比较二者的转化效率及简便性。结果 :Ca Cl2 方法的转化效率为 5 .6× 10 6转化子 / μg DNA,TSS方法转化效率为 8.2× 10 7转化子 / μg DNA;TSS转化方法不需要 42℃热休克。结论 :TSS转化方法优于 Ca Cl2 转化方法。  相似文献   

假单胞菌产脂肪酶条件的初步探索   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
对假单胞菌(Pseudomonassp)2106菌株产脂肪酶条件的初步探索表明,该菌株脂肪酶为组成型,不受油脂类底物的诱导。碳源的种类(单糖、双糖、多糖)和浓度对产酶影响不大,氮源以豆饼粉和玉米浆混合添加最好。最适发酵温度为32℃,摇瓶转速140r/min。实验中还通过正交试验优化了产酶培养基组成。  相似文献   

铜绿假单胞菌最佳电转化条件的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以临床分离的一株铜绿假单胞菌 (Pseudomonasaeruginosa)PA68作受体菌 ,将具有卡那霉素抗性标记的质粒pSMC2 8通过电转化导入到受体菌中 ,研究细胞生长状态、电击电压、细胞浓度、感受态细胞的贮备方式对转化效率的影响。结果表明 ,在细胞生长至OD5 40 =0 7~ 0 8时收集菌体 ,在低温 (2℃ )条件下 ,制备浓度为 10 11个细胞 mL的感受态细胞 ,在较高的电压 (2 6kV)电击下 ,能获得较高的转化效率。最高可达 1 68× 10 8个转化子 μgDNA(CFU μgDNA)。用此优化的转化条件 ,在国际上首次成功地将Mu转座复合物导入到P .aeruginosa中 ,并获得 2 4× 10 4 CFU μgDNA的高转化效率。由于Mu转座重组技术具有随机单点插入的优点 ,克服了传统转座子能在染色体上迁移的缺点 ,保证了表型的改变与转座子插入位点所在的基因突变的一一对应关系 ,为进一步研究P .aerugi nosa的基因组功能奠定基础  相似文献   

Pseudomonas stutzeri and related species undergo natural transformation   总被引:19,自引:9,他引:10  
Cells of Pseudomonas stutzeri are naturally transformed by homologous chromosomal DNA; they do not require chemical treatment to become competent. This capacity to undergo natural transformation was found to be shared by the closely related species P. mendocina, P. alcaligenes, and P. pseudoalcaligenes, but was not detectable in strains of P. aeruginosa, P. perfectomarinus, P. putida, P. fluorescens, or P. syringae. P. stutzeri could be transformed either on plates or in liquid medium. Only double-stranded chromosomal DNA was effective; single-stranded DNA and plasmid DNA were not. DNA fragments larger than 10 kilobase pairs were more effective than smaller fragments. The transformation frequency was proportional to DNA concentration from 1 ng/ml to 1 microgram/ml; higher concentrations were saturating. The maximum frequency, about 10(-4) transformants per recipient cell, was obtained with cells from a culture in the early stationary growth phase. A variety of chromosomal mutations have been transformed, including mutations to auxotrophy and to antibiotic resistance. Other systems for genetic exchange in P. stutzeri have not yet been found; transformation offers a means for the genetic analysis of this metabolically versatile organism.  相似文献   

B Michel  B Niaudet    S D Ehrlich 《The EMBO journal》1982,1(12):1565-1571
We have constructed plasmids carrying direct internal repeats 260-2000 bp long. Monomers of such plasmids transformed Bacillus subtilis competent cells. The efficiency of transformation varied with the square of the length of repeats. The transformed clones harbored either the entire transforming plasmid and the plasmid arising by recombination between the repeats, or only the latter plasmid. Internally-repeated plasmids linearized by in vitro cleavage with restriction endonuclease could transform, yielding clones which exclusively harbored a plasmid resulting from recombination between the repeats. When the transforming plasmid carried repeats which differed slightly, conversion of one repeat into the other could occur. The following model of plasmid transformation accounts for these data: (1) plasmid DNA is cleaved and rendered linear in contact with competent cells; (2) a linear, at least partially double-stranded plasmid molecule is introduced or formed by repair within the cell; (3) a circular viable plasmid is produced by recombination between repeats carried on this molecule; (4) alternatively, a viable plasmid is produced by repairing the cut within one of the repeats by DNA synthesis which uses the other repeat as a template.  相似文献   

The effect of structural peculiarities of DNAs from integrative plasmids on the transformation activity was studied. Monomeric forms of the plasmids can only transform B. subtilis competent cells, when plasmid selective marker is inserted into chromosomal fragment within the plasmid. Polymeric forms are needed for efficient transformation. Both single- and double-stranded DNAs of integrative plasmids transform no B.subtilis protoplasts, this being irrespective of plasmid structure.  相似文献   

Dimethylbenzothiophenes are among the sulfur heterocycles in petroleum that are known to be degraded by microbial activity. Six of the 15 possible isomers of dimethylbenzothiophene were synthesized and used in biotransformation studies with three Pseudomonas isolates that oxidize a variety of condensed thiophenes including methylbenzothiophenes and methyldibenzothiophenes. The isomers of dimethylbenzothiophene were chosen to have a variety of substitution patterns: both methyl groups on the thiophene ring (the 2,3- isomer); a methyl group on each of the rings (the 2,7-, 3,5- and 3,7-isomers); and both methyl groups on the benzene ring (the 4,6- and 4,7- isomers). Each isolate was grown on 1-methylnaphthalene or glucose in the presence of one of the dimethylbenzothiophenes and culture extracts were analyzed to identify nearly 30 sulfur-containing metabolites in total. Sulfoxides and sulfones were commonly found metabolites in culture extracts from the 2,3-, 2,7- and 3,7-isomers, whereas 2,3-diones, 3(2H)-ones and 2(3H)-ones were formed from the 4,6- and 4,7-isomers. High-molecular-weight products, some of which were tentatively identified as tetramethylbenzo[b]naphtho[1,2-d]thiophenes, were detected in the extracts of cultures incubated with 4,6- or 4,7-dimethylbenzothiophene. The methyl groups of all of the isomers, except 4,6-, were oxidized to give hydroxymethyl-methylbenzothiophenes and methylbenzothiophene-carboxylic acids, and these were the only products detected from the oxidation of 3,5-dimethylbenzothiophene.  相似文献   

Dimethylbenzothiophenes are among the sulfur heterocycles in petroleum that are known to be degraded by microbial activity. Six of the 15 possible isomers of dimethylbenzothiophene were synthesized and used in biotransformation studies with three Pseudomonas isolates that oxidize a variety of condensed thiophenes including methylbenzothiophenes and methyldibenzothiophenes. The isomers of dimethylbenzothiophene were chosen to have a variety of substitution patterns: both methyl groups on the thiophene ring (the 2,3- isomer); a methyl group on each of the rings (the 2,7-, 3,5- and 3,7-isomers); and both methyl groups on the benzene ring (the 4,6- and 4,7- isomers). Each isolate was grown on 1-methylnaphthalene or glucose in the presence of one of the dimethylbenzothiophenes and culture extracts were analyzed to identify nearly 30 sulfur-containing metabolites in total. Sulfoxides and sulfones were commonly found metabolites in culture extracts from the 2,3-, 2,7- and 3,7-isomers, whereas 2,3-diones, 3(2H)-ones and 2(3H)-ones were formed from the 4,6- and 4,7-isomers. High-molecular-weight products, some of which were tentatively identified as tetramethylbenzo[b]naphtho[1,2-d]thiophenes, were detected in the extracts of cultures incubated with 4,6- or 4,7-dimethylbenzothiophene. The methyl groups of all of the isomers, except 4,6-, were oxidized to give hydroxymethyl-methylbenzothiophenes and methylbenzothiophene-carboxylic acids, and these were the only products detected from the oxidation of 3,5-dimethylbenzothiophene.  相似文献   

Siderophore production in 382 Pseudomonas and related strains of mineral water origin were screened and the antimicrobial activities of 158 of these tested against nine target organisms of health significance. Presence of siderophores could be detected in 54·4% and the majority of strains tested (91·2%) inhibited at least one of the nine target strains. Staphylococcus, Escherichia coli and Aeromonas hydrophila were particularly sensitive. Addition of iron eliminated the inhibitory activity in 96·7% of cases ; the antagonistic effect should be largely determined by siderophore-mediated competition for iron. Most of the inhibitory strains produced siderophores, whereas the non-inhibitory strains did not. Few strains also produced bacteriocins showing activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Aer. hydrophila. Strains isolated from mineral water have a broad antibacterial potential.  相似文献   

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