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Mangrove (Avicennia marina) communities constitute an importantcomponent of the renewable natural vegetation resources of the coastalzones of the Arabian Gulf south of Kuwait. Attempts to introduce themangrove into the intertidal zones of the coastline of Kuwait are underwaybecause of the expected favorable environmental impact of this plant, andbecause of its moderating influence on the local climate and enhancementof the aesthetic and recreational value of the coastlines and fisheryresources. Propagules were collected from natural stands of mangrove inBahrain and the United Arab Emirates. Silvicultural practices were followedto produce healthy plants after growing of propagules in the greenhouse.Observations indicated that there is a positive correlation betweenpropagule weight and the length of the seedling stem. Outplanting wasdone in two sites in the intertidal zone around the Sulabikhat Bay, Kuwait.Data on plant survival showed that the most suitable level for successfulestablishment of mangrove was around or below the 3-meter contour tidalline. After 7 years of growth, plants reached a mean height of 250 cm,which is close to the height of their parent trees in Bahrain. The U.A.E.stock plants reached 288 cm after 5 years of growth in Kuwait. Plantsflowered and produced viable seeds. The biological feasibility ofestablishing mangrove plantations in the intertidal flats of Kuwait's coastlineswas documented from the field observation of the experimental plantations.Studies to document the environmental impact of the introduction areunderway.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Seed desiccation sensitivity limits the ex situ conservation of up to 47 % of plant species, dependent on habitat. Whilst desirable, empirically determining desiccation tolerance levels in seeds of all species is unrealistic. A probabilistic model for the rapid identification of woody species at high risk of displaying seed desiccation sensitivity is presented. METHODS: The model was developed using binary logistic regression on seed trait data [seed mass, moisture content, seed coat ratio (SCR) and rainfall in the month of seed dispersal] for 104 species from 37 families from a semi-deciduous tropical forest in Panamá. KEY RESULTS: For the Panamanian species, only seed mass and SCR were significantly related to the response to desiccation, with the desiccation-sensitive seeds being large and having a relatively low SCR (i.e. thin 'seed' coats). Application of this model to a further 38 species, of known seed storage behaviour, from two additional continents and differing vegetation types (dryland Africa and temperate Europe) correctly predicted the response to desiccation in all cases, and resolved conflicting published data for two species (Acer pseudoplatanus and Azadirachta indica). CONCLUSIONS: This model may have application as a decision-making tool in the handling of species of unknown seed storage behaviour in species from three disparate habitats.  相似文献   

55 accessions of wild peanuts (Arachis spp.) introduced from South America were analyzed for seed storage protein composition using SDS-PAGE electrophoresis. The objectives of the study were to evaluate variability within sect.Arachis and to classify taxa based on protein composition. 25 different band positions were resolved. Individual accessions had 11 to 18 bands which included the conarachin region (MW > 50 kD), two to five bands in the acidic arachin region (MW 38–49.9 kD), three to seven in the intermediate MW region (23 to 37.9 kD), two to five bands in the basic arachin region (18–22.9 kD), and one to three bands in the low MW protein region (14–17.9 kD). These data were utilized in a principal coordinate analysis based on the matrix of genetic distances between all pairs of the 55 accessions. Several groups of accessions conformed to expected species classification includingA. batizocoi, A. stenosperma, andA. monticola; whileA. duranensis, A. cardenasii, A. helodes, andA. correntina did not form good groups. The study showed that great diversity exists for protein profiles and seed storage proteins have potential for aiding species classification and for serving as markers for interspecific hybridization studies.  相似文献   

The aerenchyma differentiation in cable roots, pneumatophores, anchor roots, and feeding roots of the mangrove plant, Avicennia marina (Verbenaceae) was analyzed using a light microscope and scanning electron microscope. In all types, cortex cells were arranged in longitudinal columns extending from the endodermis to the epidermis. No cells in the cortex had intercellular spaces at the root tip (0–150 m), and aerenchyma started developing at 200 m from the root apex. The aerenchyma formation was due to cell separation (schizogeny) rather than cell lysis. The cell separation occurred between the longitudinal cell columns, forming long intercellular spaces along the root axis. During aerenchyma formation, the cortex cells enlarged longitudinally by 1.8–3.9 times and widened horizontally by 2.2–2.9 times. As a result, the aerenchyma had a pronounced tubular structure that was radially long, elliptical or oval in cross section and that ran parallel to the root axis. The tube had tapering ends, as did vessel elements, although there were no perforated plates. The interconnection between neighboring tubes was made by abundant small pores or canals that were schizogenous intercellular spaces between the wall cells. All aerenchyma tubes in the root were interconnected by these small pores serving as a gas pathway.  相似文献   

李绍锋  王国红  饶佳媚  杨民和 《生态学报》2015,35(21):7011-7022
内生真菌是一类共生于植物体内,能够不同程度影响宿主植物生态适应性和竞争能力的微生物。分析内生真菌在豚草种子中的分布、种群结构,以及内生真菌发酵液对种子发芽和幼苗生长的作用。结果显示:发生于6个地区的豚草种子均能分离获得内生真菌,分离率在19%—92.63%之间,不同地区之间差异极显著(P0.01)。内生真菌主要存在于种子的总苞部位,分离率达到65.52%。发生于福建省长乐市松下镇的豚草种带内生真菌种群包含5个属,以链格孢属(Alternaria)真菌为优势菌群,占82.26%;其次为镰孢属(Fusarium)真菌,占9.68%;其它3个属的真菌发生较少,均低于5%。内生真菌主要以水平传播方式在豚草不同世代之间传播。供试的7个内生真菌菌株的发酵液均不同程度地抑制豚草种子发芽,降低幼苗地上部高度、根长度、根数量和总生物量,但不同菌株发酵液之间抑制程度差异明显,显示不同菌株对豚草种子发芽和幼苗生长产生不同的影响。内生真菌发酵液处理后的种子仍然保持较高程度的活力;不同内生真菌发酵液处理后,有活力的种子维持在50%—87.5%之间,均高于(或等于)清水处理的种子,说明内生真菌代谢产物只是抑制种子的发芽,但并不导致种子的腐烂和死亡。这些研究结果初步显示种子携带的内生真菌可能在豚草入侵生物学中发挥重要的作用。  相似文献   

Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was used to investigate the seed proteins of 36 accessions belonging toSolanum sect.Solanum (Solanaceae). These accessions represented 20 species, of four differing ploidy levels, and included infraspecific morphological variants. The resultant band patterns tended to reflect the morphological differences and genetical isolation displayed by many of the species. The most variable band patterns were encountered in the taxa with the greatest infraspecific variation, while many of the more morpho-genetically distinct taxa seemed to have species-specific band patterns.Good matches were found between the band patterns of artificial hybrids, those of their known parents, and mixtures of the parental protein extracts. This illustrates the potential use of such a technique for pinpointing possible genome donors of natural hybrids, and especially of polyploids. These comparative band patterns confirmed experimental work on the origin of the hexaploidS. nigrum from the diploidS. americanum and the tetraploidS. villosum, and also supported the suggestion thatS. nigrum contains two genomes from the diploidS. sarrachoides, but not four genomes of the diploidS. americanum.  相似文献   

The desiccation sensitivity in relation to the stage of development was investigated in embryonic axes from the homoiohydrous (recalcitrant) seeds of Landolphia kirkii. Electrolyte leakage, used to assess membrane damage after flash (very rapid) drying, indicated that axes from immature (non-germinable) seeds were the most desiccation-tolerant, followed by those from mature seeds, while axes from seeds germinated for increasing times were progressively more desiccation-sensitive. Differential scanning calorimetry was used to study the relationship between desiccation sensitivity and the properties of water in the tissues. Axes from immature seeds had a lower content of non-freezable water than that of any other developmental stage and a higher enthalpy of melting of freezable water. For mature and immature axes electrolyte leakage increased at the point of loss of freezable water. At other developmental stages the water content at which electrolyte leakage increased markedly correlated with the other properties of the water, such as the change in the shape of the melting endotherm and the onset temperature. Ultrastructural studies of axes at the various developmental stages showed changes in the degree and pattern of vacuolation, the presence and quantities of lipid and starch, and the degree of endomembrane development. The results are discussed in relation to current hypotheses on the basis of desiccation tolerance.Abbreviation DSC differential scanning calorimetry  相似文献   

离休花生胚发育过程中,渗透调节(简称渗调)物质提高了胚内源ABA含量,促进了贮藏蛋白质花生球蛋白和伴花生球蛋白Ⅱ两个组分的合成,诱导和促进LEA蛋白的合成,内源ABA合成抑制剂fluridone抑制了渗调物质的作用。  相似文献   

黄枝油杉为中亚热带喀斯特地区珍贵树种,该物种分布范围狭窄,野生种群幼苗数量少,严重限制了其自然更新。为探求该物种濒危的原因,同时为其保护和利用提供参考,该文对黄枝油杉的种实性状进行了测定,并研究了温度、光照、土壤含水量、基质、贮藏温度和时间、不同地理种源等因素对种子萌发的影响。结果表明:(1)黄枝油杉球果平均结种率为7.45%±6.54%,种子有较长种翅[(2.27±0.32)cm],种子平均长度为(1.55±0.15)cm(不含种翅),平均宽度为(0.62±0.05)cm,平均厚度为(0.46±0.04)cm,平均千粒重为(214.81±14.76)g,风干种子平均含水量为15.28%±1.66%。(2)黄枝油杉种子萌发的适宜温度为25 ℃,在20 ℃和30 ℃下萌发率显著降低(P<0.05); 种子萌发不需要光照,但周期性光照条件下的萌发率显著高于持续光照和持续黑暗条件(P<0.05); 种子在土壤含水量为10%~30%条件下均能萌发,且能耐一定程度的干旱; 适宜萌发基质为质地疏松、透气性好的泥炭土和珍珠岩; 种子不耐贮藏,采集后应及时播种; 3个不同地理种源中以桂林恭城县三江乡种群种子萌发率最高。黄枝油杉球果结种率较低,种子萌发对温度要求严格,且种子易失去活力,这可能与其濒危有很大关系。  相似文献   

The endogenous levels of abscisic acid (ABA), cytokinins (CKs) and gibberellins (GA1/GA3 combined) in Leucospermum glabrum embryos were monitored in axes and cotyledons separately during normal germination. Plant growth substance changes were correlated with known morphological, structural and ultrastructural events in the embryo of Proteaceae. The effect of exogenous application of 6-benzyladenine (BA) and GA4+7 under three known dormancy-enforcing environmental conditions were studied in L. glabrum and L. cordifolium. The endogenous levels of the hormone classes GAs and CKs changed phasically during normal germination under a single alternating temperature regime. GA1/GA3 levels increased in cotyledons within 3 d of hydration while at the same time initial CK levels decreased. Following this transient peak GAs fell to a low level throughout the germinative period. Subsequently the CKs, Z and ZR, and to a lesser extent their dihydro-derivatives, appeared in both the axes and the cotyledons as fluctuating, transient peaks. Early increases in GAs are thought to control the induction of the germination process. The CK pattern suggests that CKs control at least three major processes of germination sensu stricto following induction: 1) early mobilization of protein and lipid reserves in the axis and later in cotyledons, 2) cotyledon expansion which causes the endotesta to split permitting radicle protrusion and 3) later, radicle growth.Our results indicate that dormancy in intact Leucospermum seeds is enforced by embryo anoxia, regulated by the impermeable exotesta. In addition synthesis of or tissue sensitizing to both hormone classes GAs and CKs depends on moderately low temperature as the primary environmental requirement. For GA synthesis a secondary, daily pulse of high temperature is required. Inhibitory hormones, specifically ABA, appear not to play a role.Abbreviations ABA Abscisic acid - BA 6-benzyladenine - CK Cytokinin - DHZ Dihydrozeatin - DHZR Dihydrozeatin riboside - GA Gibberellin - HPLC High performance liquid chromatography - iP Isopentenyladenine - IPA Isopentenyladenosine - PGS Plant growth substance - RIA Radioimmunoassay - Z Zeatin - ZR Zeatin riboside  相似文献   

A noteworthy metabolic signature accompanying oil body (OB) biogenesis during oilseed development is associated with the modulation of the oil body membranes proteins. Present work focuses on 2-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2-D PAGE)-based analysis of the temporal changes in the OB membrane proteins analyzed by LC-MS/MS accompanying the onset of desiccation (20–30 d after anthesis; DAA) in the developing seeds of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). Protein spots unique to 20–30 DAA stages were picked up from 2-D gels for identification and the identified proteins were categorized into 7 functional classes. These include proteins involved in energy metabolism, reactive oxygen scavenging, proteolysis and protein turnover, signaling, oleosin and oil body biogenesis-associated proteins, desiccation and cytoskeleton. At 30 DAA stage, exclusive expressions of enzymes belonging to energy metabolism, desiccation and cytoskeleton were evident which indicated an increase in the metabolic and enzymatic activity in the cells at this stage of seed development (seed filling). Increased expression of cruciferina-like protein and dehydrin at 30 DAA stage marks the onset of desiccation. The data has been analyzed and discussed to highlight desiccation stage-associated metabolic events during oilseed development.  相似文献   

A. Hepher  J. A. Roberts 《Planta》1985,166(3):321-328
Treatment of Trollius ledebouri seeds with gibberellins A4+A7 promotes germination. The efficacy of the treatment is dependent upon the duration of imbibition in distilled water prior to GA4+7 application. Presoaking increases both the final percentage germination attained and also its rate of achievement. No presoaking effect is exhibited by seeds induced to germinate by testa removal in the absence of GA4+7. Active washing of Trollius seeds enhances the presoaking effect and the eluent from washed seeds is inhibitory to germination. The results support the hypothesis that the presoaking effect exhibited by Trollius is the result of the leaching of a germination inhibitor from the seeds which is antagonistic to GA4+7. Additionally, treatment of Trollius seeds with the gibberellin-biosynthesis inhibitor (2-chloroethyl)-trimethylammonium chloride (CCC) prior to testa removal retards germination. The inhibitory effect of CCC on germination is overcome by GA4+7. Although CCC inhibits embryo growth during the presoaking of intact seeds, it does not affect the increased sensitivity of presoaked seeds to GA4+7. Therefore, although endogenous gibberellins may be involved in the germination process, they do not contribute to the presoaking phenomenon. The expansion of isolated endosperm tissue is not affected by CCC. However, the chemical markedly inhibits endosperm expansion in intact seeds and implicates the embryo as both the site of production of the germination inhibitor and of gibberellin. These results are discussed in relation to previous studies and a model is presented to account for the characteristics of germination in Trollius.Abbreviations GA gibberellin - CCC (2-chloroethyl)-trimethylammonium chloride  相似文献   

Electrophoretic analysis of seed albumins (PAGE) covered 173 accessions representing nine species ofVicia sect.Faba. The number of albumin bands recorded in particular species varied from three inV. eristaloides to 23 inV. faba; in total, 38 bands were distinguished in the investigated material. The examined species, exceptV. eristalioides, showed intraspecific variation with respect to the number and relative staining intensity of albumin bands; individual variation was especially marked inV. faba and inV. narbonensis. Hierarchical clustering of the investigated taxa was based onBhattacharyya distances calculated from the electrophoretic data. The taxa grouped in three main clusters.Vicia faba and the rather remotely relatedV. kalakhensis formed one cluster. The second cluster was composed ofV. narbonensis distantly related toV. hyaeniscyamus. The third cluster comprised three subgroups: 1.V. johannis, V. galilaea andV. serratifolia, 2.V. eristalioides, and 3.V. bithynica. The obtained results are discussed with reference to taxonomic relationships inVicia sect.Faba.  相似文献   

We investigated patterns of acorn growth in Quercus variabilis Blume and Quercus serrata Thunb., seasonal trends in emergence of seed insects found in the acorns, oviposition periods of the insects and falling periods of insect-infested acorns. In Q. variabilis, two insect guilds were associated with acorn development: (i) the immature acorn feeding (IAF) guild [Curculionidae sp., Poecilips cardamomi (Schaufuss), and Characoma ruficirra (Hampson)]; and (ii) the mature acorn feeding (MAF) guild [Curculio robustus (Roelofs), Curculio sikkimensis (Heller), and Cydia glandicolana (Danilevsky)]. In Q. serrata, there were three guilds: (i) the pistillate flower feeding (PFF) guild (cynipid wasp); (ii) the IAF guild [sap absorption by Mechoris ursulus (Roelofs)]; and (iii) the MAF guild (M. ursulus, C. sikkimensis, Cydia danilevskyi (Kuznetzov), C. glandicolana and Autostichidae sp.). The succession of guilds during acorn development may be a consequence of the use by different species of the limited food resource. The lack of a PFF guild in Q. variabilis that was found in our field site would have a positive effect on IAF guilds in utilizing the acorns.  相似文献   

为获取其孢子萌发类型与该属植物系统发育、生态选择以及生殖策略选择的相关性,该研究通过室内人工培养的方式,在微米量级下观察并描述了碎米藓属(Fabronia)碎米藓(F.pusilla)和东亚碎米藓(F.matsumurae)两种藓类植物孢子萌发、原丝体发育和配子体发生的过程.结果表明:(1)两种藓类植物孢子均为壁外萌发...  相似文献   

青海云杉是我国沙区通过种子育苗引种成功的物种。通过对不同储藏时间青海云杉和沙地云杉种子生活力测定、种子萌发对温度、光照、水盐胁迫以及幼苗生长对水盐胁迫和沙埋的响应实验,比较两种种子萌发和幼苗生长对环境因子适应性,为沙地云杉在我国沙区广泛引种提供参考。结果表明:1)在2年的储藏过程中,沙地云杉和青海云杉种子生活力分别由79%和72%下降了19%和5%; 2)沙地云杉和青海云杉种子适宜萌发温度分别为15—30℃和10—30℃,最适萌发温度分别为25℃(72%)和25/15℃(69%),除10℃和10/30℃外,两种种子萌发率在各温度下没有显著差异; 3)沙地云杉种子萌发光照条件为14 h光照/8 h黑暗交替(67%),青海云杉为24 h光照(61%)或24 h黑暗(61%); 4)水势在-2.7—0 MPa时,2种云杉的IGR(初始萌发率)、RGR(恢复萌发率)、ISL(初始幼苗长度)和RSL(恢复幼苗长度)均没有显著差异; 5) NaCl浓度在200 mmol/L和250 mmol/L,青海云杉种子IGR显著大于沙地云杉,NaCl浓度在0—450 mmol/L,青海云杉和沙地云杉种子RGR没有显著差异,当NaCl浓度为50 mmol/L和100 mmol/L,青海云杉ISL显著大于沙地云杉; 6)在0.5—2.0 cm沙埋深度时,青海云杉出苗率显著高于沙地云杉,沙地云杉最适沙埋深度0.5 cm,青海云杉为0.5—1.5 cm。因此,青海云杉种子萌发和幼苗生长比沙地云杉有更强的环境适应性,但只要采取合理的播种时间、播种深度和水分管理等措施,沙地云杉会和青海云杉一样在我国沙区大面积引种育苗。  相似文献   

Soaking seeds of cucumber and pumpkin with an extract of Westiellopsis prolifica, an N2-fixing cyanobacterium, promoted germination and their subsequent growth and development. An extract of Lyngbya sp., a non-N2-fixing cyanobacterium, had no significant effect.The authors are with the Algal Physiology Laboratory, Department of Botany, Berhampur University, Berhampur-760007, Orissa, India.  相似文献   

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