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Genomic sequencing has enabled the prediction of thousands of genes, most of which either cannot be assigned a function or can be only broadly categorized on the basis of sequence alone. High-throughput strategies for elucidating protein function are of high priority, and numerous approaches are being developed. Many of these approaches require the cloning of open reading frames (ORFs) into expression vectors that enable the encoded proteins to be tested for biological and biochemical activities. Typically, more than one type of vector must be employed, as different experiments require different conditions of protein production. Here we show that it is possible to simultaneously transfer a single ORF from a source vector to four target vectors using a commercially available in vitro recombination system. To test the approach, we constructed new vectors for expression of fusion proteins in yeast, including vectors for the LexA two-hybrid system. We show that individual ORFs can be efficiently transferred to four different vectors in a single in vitro reaction. The resulting expression plasmids can be separated using prototrophic markers specific to each vector. Using this system to produce multiple expression constructs simultaneously could greatly facilitate high-throughput subcloning and proteomic studies.  相似文献   

The expression of incompatibility properties between the IncX plasmids R6K and R485 of Escherichia coli was examined. For small autonomously replicating derivatives of both plasmid elements, the requirements for incompatibility expression include a functional R485 replicon and an active R6K beta-origin region. Functional R6K alpha and gamma origins are not directly involved in incompatibility expression between R6K and R485. A trans-acting replication system was constructed for plasmid R485. It consists of a 3.2-(kb) DNA fragment of R485 that specifies a product(s) in trans which supports replication from an R485 origin plasmid. A minimal R485 origin region of 591 bp was derived utilizing this trans-acting replication system and the nucleotide sequence of this origin region determined. The most striking feature of the sequence is the presence of six tandem 22-bp nucleotide sequence direct repeats.  相似文献   

The phoM gene is one of the positive regulatory genes for the phosphate regulon of Escherichia coli. We analyzed the nucleotide sequence of a 4.7-kilobase chromosomal DNA segment that encompasses the phoM gene and its flanking regions. Four open reading frames (ORFs) were identified in the order ORF1-ORF2-ORF3 (phoM)-ORF4-dye clockwise on the standard E. coli genetic map. Since these ORFs are preceded by a putative promotor sequence upstream of ORF1 and followed by a putative terminator distal to ORF4, they seem to constitute an operon. The 157-amino-acid ORF1 protein contains highly hydrophobic amino acids in the amino-terminal portion, which is a characteristic of a signal peptide. The 229-amino-acid ORF2 protein is highly homologous to the PhoB protein, a positive regulatory protein for the phosphate regulon. The ORF3 (phoM gene) protein contains two stretches of highly hydrophobic residues in the amino-terminal and central regions and, therefore, may be a membrane protein. The 450-amino-acid ORF4 protein contains long hydrophobic regions and is likely to be a membrane protein.  相似文献   

Gene organization of the 54-kb transfer region of IncI1 plasmid R64 was deduced from the DNA sequence. Forty-eight ORFs were found in this region. A unique DNA rearrangement designated shufflon is located at the downstream region of an operon responsible for synthesis of thin pilus. The shufflon of R64 consists of four DNA segments, designated as A, B, C, and D, which are flanked and separated by seven 19-bp repeat sequences. Site-specific recombination mediated by the product of the rci gene between any two inverted repeats results in a complex DNA rearrangement. An analysis of open reading frames revealed that the shufflon is a biological switch to select one of seven C-terminal segments of the pilV genes. The products of pilV genes were shown to be components of thin pilus which was required for liquid mating.Seven R64 derivatives where the pilV genes were fixed in the seven C-terminal segments were constructed and their transfer frequencies in liquid mating were measured using various bacterial strains as recipients. Transfer frequencies of R64 in liquid mating strongly depended on the combination of C-terminal segments of the pilV genes in donor cells and bacterial strains of recipient cells, suggesting that the shufflon determines the recipient specificity in liquid mating of plasmid R64.  相似文献   

When R64 DNA was digested with EcoRI, two DNA fragments not equimolar to the plasmid DNA were produced. A DNA region including these fragments was cloned (pKK009), and the pKK009 DNA sample was found to be a mixture of six or more DNA species with EcoRI, PstI, and AvaI cleavage sites at different positions, suggesting a complex rearrangement of DNA. When a part of the pKK009 DNA was removed by HindIII digestion, 33 different types of plasmids (pKK010-series plasmids) were obtained out of 58 clones tested, but no DNA rearrangement could be observed. On the basis of a comparison of the detailed restriction maps of these pKK010-series plasmids, we propose a model in which four DNA segments invert independently or in groups within the 1.95-kilobase region of R64, so that the arrangements of these four segments change randomly. The fixed pKK010-series plasmid DNA was again rearranged in the presence of R64, indicating that trans-acting gene function may be present to mediate the DNA rearrangement. The gene (tentatively designated as rci) was located on a 4.5-kilobase E9' fragment of R64.  相似文献   

To locate the transfer region of the 122-kiloase plasmid R64drd-11 belonging to incompatibility group I1, a series of deletion derivatives was constructed by in vitro recombinant DNA techniques followed by double homologous recombination in vivo. A plasmid designated pKK609 and bearing a 56.7-kilobase R64 sequence was the smallest transferable plasmid. A plasmid designated pKK610 and no longer possessing the 44-base-pair sequence of the R64 transfer system is located at one end. The other end of the R64 transfer region comprises a DNA segment of about 19 kilobases responsible for pilus formation. Shufflon, DNA with a novel rearrangement in R64, was found to be involved in pilus formation.  相似文献   

Two novel rolling circle replication (RCR) plasmids, pOYM (3932 nt) and pOYNIM (3062 nt), were isolated from a mildly pathogenic variant line (OY-M) and a mildly pathogenic plus non-insect-transmissible line (OY-NIM), respectively, of onion yellows (OY) phytoplasma, a plant and insect endocellular mollicute. OY-M was isolated from an original wild-type line (OY-W) after regular maintenance using alternate plant/insect infections, while OY-NIM was further isolated from OY-M after maintenance by plant grafting without insect vectors. The RCR-initiator proteins (Rep) of both plasmids, which have a characteristic structure with both plasmid- and virus-like domains, were highly homologous to that of a previously described OY-W plasmid, pOYW (3933 nt), and were expressed in OY-M- and OY-NIM-infected plants, indicating that this replicon is stably maintained in the phytoplasma. Interestingly, pOYNIM lacked two ORFs that exist in both pOYW and pOYM, which encode a single-stranded DNA binding protein (SSB) and an uncharacterized putative membrane protein, indicating that these two proteins are not necessary for the phytoplasma to live in plant cells. These are the first candidates as phytoplasma proteins possibly related to host specificity.  相似文献   

A 2.3-kb replication-proficient fragment was previously obtained from a cryptic plasmid (pPS41) isolated from a marine Vibrio splendidus isolate (P. A. Sobecky, T. J. Mincer, M. C. Chang, A. Toukdarian, and D. R. Helinski, 1998, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 64, 2822-2830). Analysis of the complete nucleotide sequence of plasmid pPS41 revealed two additional open reading frames (ORFs). Analysis of ORF-1 revealed that its translated product has 125 amino acids with a predicted MW of 16,978 and ORF-2 encodes a putative protein of 151 amino acids with a predicted MW of 19,802. The ORF-2 encoded protein showed 31 to 35% sequence homology to proteins identified to have a role in plasmid mobilization. These proteins are encoded on plasmids found in Escherichia coli and Pasteurella multocida. Plasmid pPS41 could be mobilized by a conjugative plasmid at frequencies of 1 x 10(-2) to 2 x 10(-2).  相似文献   

We have developed a computer program which predicts internal exons from naive genomic sequence data and which will run on any IBM-compatible 80286 (or higher) computer. The algorithm searches a sequence for 'spliceable open reading frames' (SORFs), which are open reading frames bracketed by suitable splice-recognition sequences, and then analyzes the region for codon usage. Potential exons are stratified according to the reliability of their prediction, from confidence levels 1 to 5. The program is designed to predict internal exons of length greater than 60 nucleotides. In an analysis of 116 genes of a training set, 384 out of 441 such exons (87.1%) are identified, with 280 (63.5%) of predictions matching the true exon exactly (at both 5' and 3' splice junctions and in the correct reading frame), and with 104 (23.6%) exons matching partially. In a similar analysis of 14 genes in a test set unrelated to the genes used to generate the parameters of the program, 70 out of 80 internal exons greater than 60 bp in length are identified (87.5%), with 47 completely and 23 partially matched. SORFs that partially match true internal exons share at least one splice junction with the exon, or share both splice junctions but are interpreted in an incorrect reading frame. Specificity (the percentage of SORFs that correspond to true exons) varies from 91% at confidence level 1 to 16% at confidence level 5, with an overall specificity of 35-40%. The output displays nucleotide position, confidence level, reading frame phase at the 5' and 3' ends, acceptor and donor sequences and scoring statistics and also gives an amino acid translation of the potential exon. SORFIND compares favourably with other programs currently used to predict protein-coding regions.  相似文献   

A previous report described the discovery of a group I, self-splicing intron in the DNA polymerase gene of the Bacillus subtilis bacteriophage SPO1 (1). In this study, the DNA polymerase genes of three close relatives of SPO1: SP82, 2C and phi e, were also found to be interrupted by an intron. All of these introns have group I secondary structures that are extremely similar to one another in primary sequence. Each is interrupted by an open reading frame (ORF) that, unlike the intron core or exon sequences, are highly diverged. Unlike the relatives of Escherichia coli bacteriophage T4, most of which do not have introns (2), this intron seems to be common among the relatives of SPO1.  相似文献   

A method is presented for construction of randomized open reading frame sequences (ORFs) and gene libraries containing them. The building blocks for the ORFs were 75 bp long DNA fragments generated by cloning sequences from a single synthetic oligonucleotide preparation by bridge mutagenesis. The fragments had the property that, regardless of their orientation in the ligated product, the ORF of the construct was maintained. The heterogeneity of the ORFs resulted from the random ligation of 2000 different DNA fragments. The randomized ORFs were cloned downstream from the lac promoter in a multicopy plasmid in Escherichia coli. To test the method, a library of 10(6) clones was constructed.  相似文献   

Comprehensive open reading frame (ORF) clone collections, ORFeomes, are key components of functional genomics projects. When recombinational cloning systems are used to capture ORFs in master clones, these DNA sequences can be easily transferred into a variety of expression plasmids, each designed for a specific assay. Depending on downstream applications, an ORF is cloned either with or without a stop codon at its original position, referred to as closed or open configuration, respectively. The former is preferred when the encoded protein is produced in its native form or with an amino-terminal tag; the latter is obligatory when the protein is produced as a fusion with a carboxyl-terminal tag. We developed a streamlined protocol for high-throughput, simultaneous cloning of both open and closed ORF entry clones with the Gateway recombinational cloning system. The protocol is straightforward to set up in large-scale ORF cloning projects, and is cost-effective, because the initial ORF amplification and the cloning in a pDONR vector are performed only once to obtain the two ORF configurations. We illustrated its implementation for the isolation and validation of 346 Arabidopsis ORF entry clones.  相似文献   

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