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Alpine and arctic lemming populations appear to be highly sensitive to climate change, and when faced with warmer and shorter winters, their well-known high-amplitude population cycles may collapse. Being keystone species in tundra ecosystems, changed lemming dynamics may convey significant knock-on effects on trophically linked species. Here, we analyse long-term (1988–2010), community-wide monitoring data from two sites in high-arctic Greenland and document how a collapse in collared lemming cyclicity affects the population dynamics of the predator guild. Dramatic changes were observed in two highly specialized lemming predators: snowy owl and stoat. Following the lemming cycle collapse, snowy owl fledgling production declined by 98 per cent, and there was indication of a severe population decline of stoats at one site. The less specialized long-tailed skua and the generalist arctic fox were more loosely coupled to the lemming dynamics. Still, the lemming collapse had noticeable effects on their reproductive performance. Predator responses differed somewhat between sites in all species and could arise from site-specific differences in lemming dynamics, intra-guild interactions or subsidies from other resources. Nevertheless, population extinctions and community restructuring of this arctic endemic predator guild are likely if the lemming dynamics are maintained at the current non-cyclic, low-density state.  相似文献   

Rising temperatures and changes in the precipitation regime will have a strong impact on the quality of the snow cover in the Arctic. A snow cover of good quality protecting lemmings from cold temperatures and predators is thought to be an important factor for maintaining the cyclic dynamic of their populations in the tundra. We examined if the characteristics of annual fluctuations (amplitude and shape of phases) in brown lemming (Lemmus trimucronatus) density could be determined by snow depth, snow density, sub-nivean temperature and persistence of snow. Using an 18-year time series of brown lemming abundance on Bylot Island in the Canadian Arctic, we tested if snow variables could explain the residual variation between the observed lemming density and the one predicted by models where cyclicity had been accounted for. Our analysis provides support for the hypothesis that snow cover can affect the amplitude and possibly also the periodicity of lemming population cycles in the High Arctic. Summer abundance of brown lemmings was higher following winters with a deep snow cover and a low-density snow pack near the ground but was unaffected by the date of establishment or melting and duration of the snow cover. Two snow variables showed a temporal trend; mean winter snow depth tended to increase and date of establishment of the hiemal threshold occurred earlier over time. These temporal trends, which should be favourable to lemmings, may explain why healthy population cycles have apparently been maintained at our study site contrary to other Arctic sites.  相似文献   

The Yersinia high-pathogenicity island: an iron-uptake island.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Highly pathogenic Yersinia carry a pathogenicity island termed high-pathogenicity island (HPI). The Yersinia HPI comprises genes involved in the synthesis of the siderophore yersiniabactin and can thus be regarded as an iron-uptake island. A unique characteristic of the HPI is its wide distribution among different enterobacteria such as Escherichia coli, Klebsiella, Citrobacter and Salmonella. Other types of iron-uptake systems are also carried by different pathogenicity islands in enterobacteria.  相似文献   

The coexistence of two very similar species, stoat and least weasel, has puzzled many researchers. From their ecology it is expected that they do not coexist, not locally at least, and still they seem to do. We reviewed the specific hypotheses proposed to explain their coexistence and related these to general theories of competitive coexistence. To test these conjectures, we studied the habitat selection of least weasels and stoats on landscape and on local scale. The study was performed during the winters, the most critical season, in years 1986–2001 in northern Norway. Stoats were usually more numerous than least weasels. Stoats showed preference for productive areas both at the landscape and at the habitat scale and appeared stereotypic in their habitat selection. Least weasels were more generalized and flexible in their habitat selection. Contrary to results reported in many studies, least weasel did not react to the presence of stoats and were not excluded from the areas with stoats. We suggest that in the conditions of northernmost Fennoscandia, the two species exhibit a variant of classical competitive coexistence. Both species have a shared preference for rodents, but the access to exclusive alternative prey in stoats allows their coexistence with least weasels, which are more efficient predators on rodents. We suggest that more attention should be paid on survival resources, exploited during times of low resource density, when studying the coexistence between close competitors.  相似文献   

Summary We studied the reproductive investment of microtine rodents (bank vole (Clethrionomys glareolus),Microtus epiroticus andMicrotus agrestis) in western Finland under predation risk from small mustelids. During 1984–1992, the yearly mean litter size of overwintered bank voles was smaller at high least weasel and stoat densities than at low densities (close to 3 versus 4–5). In addition, the annual mean litter size of young bank voles was negatively correlated to the least weasel density. In youngM. agrestis voles, the yearly late summer litter size was negatively associated with the autumn density of small mustelids. In the crash phase of the vole cycle (1989 and 1992), we removed small mustelids (mainly least weasels) from four unfenced areas in late April to late May and studied the reproduction of voles in four removal and comparable control areas (each 2–4 km2). Reduction of small mustelids significantly increased the proportion of pregnant bank vole females, but not that of pregnantMicrotus vole females. We conclude that predation risk apparently reduced reproductive investment of free-living bank vole females; these voles appear to trade their current parental investment against future survival and reproductive prospects. Accordingly, the presence of small mustelids (or their scent) may slow down the reproductive rate of voles. As antipredatory behaviours occurred on a large scale, our results add evidence to the hypothesis that crashes in multiannual vole cycles are driven by small mustelid predators.  相似文献   

By means of morphometric techniques, peculiarities in formation of the hypophyseal-thyroid system during prenatal and early postnatal periods have been studied in lemmings (Dicrostonyx torquatus) from the Wrangel island at growth stages and at the peak of the population quantity. Folliculoformation rate, time when the organ reaches the definitive structure, periods for establishing connection with the regulating center--the anterior hypophyseal lobe, correlation of differentiation rates of histo- and ultrastructures of the organ distinctly react to changes in the density population of the animals. Periods of initiation of folliculoformation are early and comparable at both stages of the population cycles. However, further at the peak of the population quantity, an essential retardation in the development of both histo- and ultrastructures of the thyroid cells is observed; formation of the histostructure significantly overtakes differentiation of the ultrastructures composing its cellular elements. The follicular structure begins to form only in newborn animals, the folliculogenesis completes on the 1st-6th days of the postnatal period. At the stage of growth of the population quantity, the folliculogenesis lasts 2 days (the 15th-17th days of the prenatal development), the organ's structure becomes definitive on the 17th day, at the same period connections are established with the anterior hypophyseal lobe. The role of the thyroid hormones in formation of reprodactive and adaptive potencies of the organism at various stages of the population cycle is discussed.  相似文献   


Many mammalian species decline on forest sites that are harvested by clearcutting because of a loss of food, cover, and other components of stand structure. Small mustelids are impacted negatively as is the southern red-backed vole (Myodes gapperi), a principal prey species, that disappears from clearcuts within a year of harvest. These effects may be potentially ameliorated by aggregated retention harvests that leave unlogged patches on clearcuts. We tested three hypotheses (H) that (H1) abundance, reproduction, and survival of M. gapperi populations, (H2) total abundance, species richness, and diversity of the forest-floor small mammal community, and (H3) the presence of small mustelids would be greater in large than small patches of retention forest on new clearcuts. We measured demographic responses of M. gapperi, total small mammals, and the presence of small mustelids (American marten, Martes americana, and small weasels (Mustela spp.)) from 2014 to 2016 in replicated treatments of four sizes (ha) of retention patches (means of 0.53, 1.50, 4.13, and 18.73) near Elkhart in south-central British Columbia, Canada. Mean abundance, reproduction, and survival attributes of M. gapperi were similar among treatment sites over the 3-year study. Overall mean abundance ranged from 3.5 to 5.3 voles per line in patches while this microtine was extirpated on clearcut sites (i.e., no forest patches). The similarity in population dynamics among the various forest patches across a gradient of increasing patch size of 4.5 to 35.3 times did not support H1. Mean abundance, species richness, and diversity of total forest-floor small mammals were similar among treatment sites, and hence did not support H2. Although not formally significant, mean species diversity did show a consistent increase from the largest (0.82) to the smallest (1.11) patch size, owing primarily to the presence of several generalist species such as Neotamias amoenus, Microtus, and Sorex in nearby early successional habitat. Small mustelids were present at similar levels among patch sizes, presumably in response to abundance of small mammal prey, and hence did not support H3. Although our results were relatively short-term, the detailed assessment of population dynamics of M. gapperi indicated that habitat quality was sufficient to maintain this species regardless of patch sizes, ranging from 0.3 to 20.0 ha. Similarly, the total forest-floor small mammal community and presence of small mustelids also followed this pattern. All sizes of forest patches have conservation value and will help to maintain abundance and diversity of forest mammals, both predator and prey species, on clearcuts. Longer-term studies (e.g., at 5- to 10-year intervals) are essential to determine if our results are sustainable in augmenting forest restoration.


Hemoglobin characteristics were investigated in 492 blood specimens collected in a small island community (1,450 inhabitants) in the Bahamas. Using two different methods, abnormal variants were detected in 20.3% of the sample, including genotypes AS, AC, AF(A/HPFH), SC, and SF. Biodemographic evidence suggests that the origin and distribution of the hemoglobinpathies in this population have been influenced by historical migrations and genetic drift. The opportunity for drift has been particularly heightened by the “founder effect,” the maintenance of small population size, a relatively endogamous mating structure, and restricted immigration. Health survey results reveal a wide discrepancy between the actual prevalence of abnormal hemoglobins and that indicated by informant reports.  相似文献   

Azpiroz MF  Bascuas T  Laviña M 《PloS one》2011,6(10):e26179
Genomic islands are DNA regions containing variable genetic information related to secondary metabolism. Frequently, they have the ability to excise from and integrate into replicons through site-specific recombination. Thus, they are usually flanked by short direct repeats that act as attachment sites, and contain genes for an integrase and an excisionase which carry out the genetic exchange. These mobility events would be at the basis of the horizontal transfer of genomic islands among bacteria.Microcin H47 is a ribosomally-synthesized antibacterial peptide that belongs to the group of chromosome-encoded microcins. The 13 kb-genetic system responsible for its production resides in the chromosome of the Escherichia coli H47 strain and is flanked by extensive and imperfect direct repeats. In this work, both excision and integration of the microcin H47 system were experimentally detected. The analyses were mainly performed in E. coli K12 cells carrying the microcin system cloned in a multicopy plasmid. As expected of a site-specific recombination event, the genetic exchange also occurred in a context deficient for homologous recombination. The DNA sequence of the attachment sites resulting from excision were hybrid between the sequences of the direct repeats. Unexpectedly, different hybrid attachment sites appeared which resulted from recombination in four segments of identity between the direct repeats. Genes encoding the trans-acting proteins responsible for the site-specific recombination were shown to be absent in the microcin H47 system. Therefore, they should be provided by the remaining genetic context, not only in the H47 strain but also in E. coli K12 cells, where both excision and integration occurred. Moreover, a survey of the attachment sites in data banks revealed that they are widely spread among E. coli strains. It is concluded that the microcin system is a small island -H47 genomic island- that would employ a parasitic strategy for its mobility.  相似文献   

We report geometry optimization results on heme compound I (ferryl-oxo + porphyrin cation radical), compound II (ferryl-oxo) and ferric-hydroxo species with thiolate or imidazole axial ligands. We also examine protonated forms of compound I and compound II species, prompted by recent reports that, in at least two different hemoproteins, compound II may in fact contain a hydroxo rather than an oxo ligand. We propose that the stable compound I and compound II species of hemoproteins (e.g., peroxidases and myoglobin) most likely contain a hydroxo rather than the oxo ligand traditionally assumed, whereas the extremely transient compound I species of monooxygenase hemoproteins (P450) would contain an oxo atom. We show evidence impacting the previously accepted notion in hemoprotein computational chemistry that non-covalent interactions and medium polarization effects are essential in properly describing the electronic structure of heme-thiolate high-valent complexes. On a different note, we find that the charge density on the iron remains essentially the same throughout the catalytic cycles of heme-containing oxygenases and peroxidases, despite clear changes in bond lengths and spin densities suggestive of various iron oxidation states. The iron thus appears to simply relay the electron flux between the porphyrin and the axial dioxygen/superoxo/peroxo/oxo/hydroxo ligands.  相似文献   

The habitat use of small mustelids in a tundra area in Norwegian Lapland was studied chiefly by means of snow-tracking 1986-89 Stoats showed strong peference to a habitat complex immediately beneath the thrust line of the Scandes, with exceptional abundance of luxuriant habitats, whereas weasel activity was more evenly spread over the lowland tundra Mustelid activity on the high tundra above the thrust line was consistently low Within each subarea. stoat activity was concentrated to the most luxuriant habitats Similar preferences were shown by weasels on the lowland but not in the vicinity of the thurst cliff Daily movements of both species varied from local (c 200 m) to extensive (up to 4 km), no consistent interspecific differences in travel distances could be observed
The results largely conform to the hypothesis of patchy exploitation ecosystems (T Oksanen 1990a), according to which predator activity tends to "spill over' from luxuriant habitats, capable of supporting predator populations, to adjacent barren ones, due to despotic behavior within and between species and due to opportunistic predation by transient predators However, predator activity in barren habitats during the crash winter could not be explained by these mechanisms alone A third mechanism - breakdown of habitat preferences of predators during crash phases of a cyclic prey population - was thus introduced  相似文献   

Lemming population cycles in the Arctic have an important impact on the Arctic food web, indirectly also affecting breeding success in Arctic‐nesting birds through shared predators. Over the last two decades lemming cycles have changed in amplitude and even disappeared in parts of the Arctic. To examine the large scale effect of these recent changes we re‐analysed published data from the East Atlantic Flyway (EAF), where a relationship between lemming cycles and wader breeding success was earlier found, and new data on breeding success of waders in the East Asian–Australasian Flyway (EAAF). We found that 1) any long‐term periodicities in wader breeding success existed only until the year 2000 in the EAAF and until the 1980s in the EAF; 2) studying these patterns at a smaller spatial scale, where the Siberian–Alaskan breeding grounds were divided into five geographical units largely based on landscape features, breeding success of waders from the EAAF was not correlated to an index of predation pressure, but positively correlated to Arctic summer temperatures in some species. We argue that fading out of lemming cycles in some parts of the Arctic is responsible for faltering periodicity in wader breeding success along both flyways. These changed conditions have not yet resulted in any marked changing trends in breeding success across years, and declining numbers of waders along the EAAF are therefore more likely a result of changing conditions at stop‐over and wintering sites.  相似文献   

Aim The aims were: (1) evaluate the potential of Watson's framework for studying species composition in fragments and islands for a specific landscape type: cryptobiotic crust systems in the arid south‐western US; (2) expand Watson's original model to include ephemeral/non‐equilibrium systems by revising his categories of patch age and matrix contrast; and (3) examine the interplay between patch dynamics and species autecology, demonstrating the need for more work on ephemeral patchy systems. Location Cryptobiotic crust systems in two piñon‐juniper sites in Central New Mexico, western North America. Results Watson's patch age designation was not applicable to our system because of its ephemeral or non‐equilibrial nature. Based on this result, we constructed what we refer to as a ‘speed key’ that includes equilibrium and non‐equilibrium patches of all kinds. For this model we maintained one of Watson's original traits: patch origin, and amended two others to describe persistence and permeability across the matrix. Importantly, persistence and matrix permeability must be evaluated as functions of the organisms under consideration. Systems that may be in equilibrium for one taxon may well be non‐equilibrial (ephemeral) for another. A patch that appears to be in high contrast with its intervening matrix may actually be in low contrast, depending on the dispersal ability of the organism through that matrix. Main conclusions To improve substantially on our understanding of patchy systems (whether islands or fragments) it is important to account explicitly for relevant organismal life‐history traits in the designation of those systems. Too often, patches are defined by how the researcher views them from his/her own spatio‐temporal viewpoint. Once we move to an organism‐centred understanding of these patches we may find surprising and novel comparisons that allow us to move across scales and inform our view of ecological patterns and processes. By incorporating non‐equilibrium systems into a model of insularity, this work has general implications that go beyond the scope of cryptobiotic crusts to add to the current dialogue in biogeography.  相似文献   

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