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本文用间接免疫荧光法和电镜术观察了分别来自人表皮(PcaSE-1)、复层上皮(CNE)和单层上皮(SPC-A-1)的3个上皮细胞系的细胞在有丝分裂过程中中等纤维的行为。结果表明,CNE细胞和SPC-A-1细胞表达两种不同类型的中等纤维系统:角蛋白纤维和波形纤维,而PcaSE-1细胞仅表达角蛋白纤维。当细胞进入有丝分裂时,PcaSE-1细胞的角蛋白纤维维持完整的形态且将有丝分裂纺锤体围绕在细胞中央。相反,在CNE细胞和SPC-A-1细胞中,在细胞有丝分裂时,角蛋白纤维解聚成无定形的胞质小体,然而它们的波形纤维始终保持完整的形态。我们认为(1)在分裂上皮细胞中,角蛋白纤维的解聚与细胞的恶性程度有关,而与间期上皮细胞中是否含有丰富的角蛋白纤维无明显关系。(2)在上皮细胞有丝分裂时,中等纤维可能参于纺锤体的定位和趋中。(3)在分裂CNE细胞中,波形纤维的可能功能是染色体的定位和定向。  相似文献   

Immunofluorescence microscopy was used to follow the rearrangement of keratin filaments and vimentin filaments during mitosis in Vero and HeLa cell lines. The experiment results showed that the three dimensional organization and structure of intermediate filaments changed drastically during mitosis. The behavior of intermediate filaments was different in these two epithelial cell lines. In mitotic Vero cells the keratin filaments and vimentin filaments maintained their filamentous structure and formed a cage around the mitotic apparatus. In mitotic HeLa cells the keratin filaments and vimentin filaments reorganized extensively and formed granular cytoplasmic bodies. The ratio of granular cytoplasmic body formation changed in different mitotic phase. The interphase intermediate filament network was reconstructed after mitosis. It is proposed that the state of intermediate filament network in these cells is cell cycle-dependent and intermediate filaments may have some skeletal role in mitosis.  相似文献   

应用制备的血清抗体,采用免疫细胞化学方法观察了两株培养上皮细胞的分裂过程中IF的动态变化过程。实验结果显示,在上皮细胞分裂过程中,IF形态结构及空间分布发生了显著变化,不同细胞之间存在差异,分裂的Vero细胞中角蛋白纤维和波形纤维都维持纤维形态,围绕分裂器形成纤维网罩或纤维束环,随着细胞分裂的进行,IF网的空间组织结构和外观发生动态变化;分裂的HeLa细胞中,角蛋白纤维和波形纤维广泛重组形成颗粒状胞质小体,分裂结束后重建IF网。实验结果表明,IF变化具有细胞周期依赖性和一定的细胞特异性。本文对IF在细胞分裂过程中的功能意义作了讨论。  相似文献   

细胞的有丝分裂与细胞的增殖、分化及胚胎发育、组织器官形成、损伤组织的修复和疾病的发生有关.各种物理因素、细胞所处的微环境(包括细胞外基质、细胞粘附)等,以及胞内的多种信号因子均能对细胞的有丝分裂方向产生影响.大量文献表明,应力纤维的排列为有丝分裂中心粒分离和定位提供轨道,最终影响纺锤体和有丝分裂的定向.本实验室的micro-pattern和静态单轴拉伸应变实验进一步提示了应力纤维的排布方式是影响有丝分裂方向的重要因素.本文围绕着应力纤维的排布对有丝分裂方向的影响这一研究观点,综述分析了整合素介导的细胞外粘附-黏着斑的组装-应力纤维的排布-有丝分裂纺锤体定向等一系列影响贴壁哺乳动物细胞有丝分裂定向的过程.并根据酵母模型,对哺乳动物细胞有丝分裂定向过程的分子机制进行了介绍;在该过程中肌球蛋白、动力蛋白和kar9等蛋白质起到重要作用.  相似文献   

纤维连接蛋白上调兔支气管上皮细胞过氧化氢酶表达   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Xiang Y  Qin XQ  Guan CX  Zhang CQ  Luo ZQ  Sun XH 《生理学报》2004,56(3):365-368
为从基因转录水平阐明纤维连接蛋白(fibronectin,Fn)与整合素(integrins)结合反应对支气管上皮细胞(bronchial epithelialCells,BECs)的抗氧化保护机制,本文在先前的工作基础上用臭氧(ozone,O_3)攻击原代培养的免BEC,RT-PCR扩增过氧化氢酶(catalase,CAT)的cDNA,PCR产物经琼脂糖凝胶电泳后用凝胶成像系统进行灰度分析,反映CAT mRNA的原始表达丰度,观察Fn处理的影响及蛋白酪氨酸激酶抑制剂genistein和钙调素抑制剂W_7的作用。同时,将电泳展开的PCR产物电转移至尼龙膜上,用CAT特异性寡核苷酸探针杂交,证实PCR扩增产物为特异性目的基因的转录产物。结果证实:Fn(10μg/ml)处理可提高CAT表达(P<0.01),蛋白酪氨酸激酶抑制剂genistein可阻断Fn对CAT mRNA表达的增强效应(P<0.01);钙调素抑制剂W_7对Fn处理后CAT mRNA表达增强也有抑制作用。提示:Fn可提高BEC细胞内CAT编码基因的转录水平,其上游信号途径与整合素介导的酪氨酸磷酸化或Ca~(2+)-钙调素通路有关。  相似文献   

有丝分裂是细胞增殖的主要方式,其发生过程较为抽象、复杂,期间涉及核膜、核仁、染色体、DNA等系列变化,对于初涉这一知识的学生来说无疑是一大难点.为了促进学生对本节知识的直观认识和有效建构.提出了一种制作有丝分裂过程模型的方法,制作材料廉价易得、制作过程简便易行,所制模型直观、形象.  相似文献   

致癌基因ras编码的RAS蛋白参与了多种细胞因子调控的有丝分裂过程。抗RAS抗体能抑制细胞正常的有丝分裂。ras基因转化的成纤维细胞NIH3T3还具有在无血清和生长因子刺激下自发完成细胞周期的能力。在这种细胞中有活性氧的生成,抗氧化剂能抑制该细胞的有丝分裂。RAS蛋白在有丝分裂的信号转导中参与了多条途径,是信号转导的重要组织者  相似文献   

Primarily cultured dorsal root ganglion cells and olfactory bulb cells were dissected from 12 to 14-d-old fetal C57 BL/6 J mice. After the cells were cultured for about two weeks, the growing status of cells were observed and the membrane potentials(MP) were recorded. The results show that mean value of the MP in anaphase was -68 +/- 3.1 mV (SE, n = 3), same as in interphase: Beginning from telophase, the cell membrane in the equator contracted gradually to become a concave ditch, and the MP decreased obviously, the mean value was -23.3 +/- 3.3 mV (SE, n = 6). After this, MP recovered gradually, till it divided into two sister cells. MP which were recorded separately in two sister cells were similar. But usually MP did not recovered to their normal values immediately.  相似文献   

细胞分裂是个体生长和生命延续的基础,而且它还是理解肿瘤发生机制所不可缺少的理论基础,因此关于控制细胞有丝分裂基本机制的研究是很有意义的,受到广泛的重视。Grandin等证明了在胚胎细胞分裂时细胞内pH和钙离子都有相应的变化,虽然他们也同时记录了膜电位的变化,但未作详细的分析,而且上述研究都是在两栖类动物的卵母细胞上进行的,至今尚未见有关哺乳动物神经细胞在有丝分裂过程中膜电位变化的报道。  相似文献   

Qin XQ  Xiang Y  Luo ZQ  Zhang CQ  Sun XH 《生理学报》2000,52(6):519-521
为验证细胞外基质成分纤维连接蛋白(fibronectin,Fn)对气道上皮细胞具有调控作用,本文用硝酸还原酶法测定了原代培养的兔支气管上皮细胞(bronchial epithelial cells,BEC)的一氧化氮(nitric oxide,NO)释放,并测定了细胞内一氧化氮合酶(nitric oxide synthesase,NOS)活性,观察纤维连接蛋白、精-甘-天冬氨酸肽(Arg-Gly-  相似文献   

The behavior of the keratin-type intermediate filaments (KIFs) during mitosis was characterized in cultured human keratinocytes by immunofluorescence microscopy using polyclonal antibodies to keratin. The structural relationship of KIFs with microtubules (MTs) was also studied at the same time using a monoclonal antibody to alpha-tubulin. The KIFs and MTs showed similar but different cytoskeletal networks and underwent structural rearrangements independently during the cell cycle. KIFs in keratinocytes formed two different arrangements during meta- and anaphase: a global aggregation of filaments around the spindle and a fibrous array radiating from the central, global aggregation of filaments to the cell periphery where they were connected with those of the adjacent cells at desmosomal sites. These radiating fibrous portions of KIFs appeared to play a role in retaining the cell in its correct relationship to the surrounding cells during mitosis. This behavior of KIFs in normal keratinocytes was different from the KIF-alterations which had been previously described in SV40-transformed keratinocytes and other cells which expressed two different IFs (keratin and vimentin).  相似文献   

A morphological analysis of the organizational changes in the type III intermediate filament (IF) system in dividing baby hamster kidney (BHK-21) cells was carried out by immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy. The most dramatic change occurred during prometaphase, when the typical network of long 10-nm-diameter IF characteristic of interphase cells disassembled into aggregates containing short 4-6 nm filaments. During anaphase-telophase, arrays of short IF reappeared throughout the cytoplasm, and, in cytokinesis, the majority of IF were longer and concentrated in a juxtanuclear cap. These results demonstrate that the relatively stable IF cytoskeletal system of interphase cells is partitioned into daughter cells during mitosis by a process of disassembly and reassembly. This latter process occurs in a series of morphologically distinct steps at different stages of the mitotic process.  相似文献   

The expression of the intermediate filament (IF) protein nestin is closely associated with rapidly proliferating progenitor cells during neurogenesis and myogenesis, but little is known about its function. In this study, we examine the effects of nestin expression on the assembly state of vimentin IFs in nestin-free cells. Nestin is introduced by transient transfection and is positively correlated with the disassembly of vimentin IFs into nonfilamentous aggregates or particles in mitotic but not interphase cells. This nestin-mediated disassembly of IFs is dependent on the phosphorylation of vimentin by the maturation/M-phase-promoting factor at ser-55 in the amino-terminal head domain. In addition, the disassembly of vimentin IFs during mitosis appears to be a unique feature of nestin-expressing cell types. Furthermore, when the expression of nestin is downregulated by the nestin-specific small interfering RNA in nestin-expressing cells, vimentin IFs remain assembled throughout all stages of mitosis. Previous studies suggest that nonfilamentous vimentin particles are IF precursors and can be transported rapidly between different cytoplasmic compartments along microtubule tracks. On the basis of these observations, we speculate that nestin may play a role in the trafficking and distribution of IF proteins and potentially other cellular factors to daughter cells during progenitor cell division.  相似文献   

The role of microtubules and intermediate filaments in control of cell shape of cultured cells of hepatomas McA-RH-7777 and 27 was investigated. Indirect immunofluorescence with specific polyclonal antibodies against tubulin and monoclonal antibodies against prekeratin with molecular weight 49 kD and vimentin was used. Incubation of cells in colcemid, resulting in specific distribution of microtubules did not change either prekeratin or vimentin distribution in cells of both the hepatomas, but reversed polarization of elongated McA-RH-7777 cells. These data suggest that the effect of disruption of microtubular system on the cell shape is not mediated by alterations of intermediate filaments.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1983,97(5):1429-1434
Analysis by means of two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (IEF) of [32P]orthophosphate-labeled proteins from mitotic and interphase transformed amnion cells (AMA) has shown that keratins IEF 31 (Mr = 50,000; Hela protein catalogue number), 36 (Mr = 48,500), 44 (Mr = 44,000), 46 (Mr = 43,500), as well as vimentin (IEF 26; Mr = 54,000) are phosphorylated above their interphase level during mitosis. Similar studies of normal human amnion epithelial cells (AF type) confirmed the above observations except in the case of keratin IEF 44 whose relative proportion was too low to be analyzed. Immunofluorescent staining of methanol/acetone-treated mitotic transformed amnion cells with a mouse polyclonal antibody elicited against human keratin IEF 31 showed a dotted staining (with a fibrillar background) in all of the cells in late anaphase/early telophase (characteristic "domino" pattern) and in a sizeable proportion of the cells in other stages of mitosis. Normal mitotic amnion cells on the other hand showed a fine fibrillar staining of keratins at all stages of mitosis. Similar immunofluorescent staining of normal and transformed mitotic cells with vimentin antibodies revealed a fibrillar distribution of vimentin in both cell types. Taken together the results indicate that the transformed amnion cells may contain a factor(s) that modulates the organization of keratin filaments during mitosis. This putative factor(s), however, is most likely not a protein kinase as transformed amnion cells and amnion keratins are modified to similar extents. It is suggested that in general the preferential phosphorylation of intermediate-sized filament proteins during mitosis may play a role in modulating the various proposed associations of these filaments with organelles and other cellular structures.  相似文献   

The properties of keratin intermediate filaments (IFs) have been studied after transfection with green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged K18 and/or K8 (type I/II IF proteins). GFP-K8 and -K18 become incorporated into tonofibrils, which are comprised of bundles of keratin IFs. These tonofibrils exhibit a remarkably wide range of motile and dynamic activities. Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) analyses show that they recover their fluorescence slowly with a recovery t(1/2) of approximately 100 min. The movements of bleach zones during recovery show that closely spaced tonofibrils (<1 microm apart) often move at different rates and in different directions. Individual tonofibrils frequently change their shapes, and in some cases these changes appear as propagated waveforms along their long axes. In addition, short fibrils, termed keratin squiggles, are seen at the cell periphery where they move mainly towards the cell center. The motile properties of keratin IFs are also compared with those of type III IFs (vimentin) in PtK2 cells. Intriguingly, the dynamic properties of keratin tonofibrils and squiggles are dramatically different from those of vimentin fibrils and squiggles within the same cytoplasmic regions. This suggests that there are different factors regulating the dynamic properties of different types of IFs within the same cytoplasmic regions.  相似文献   

Intermediate filaments (IF) appear to be attached to the nuclear envelope in various mammalian cell types. The nucleus of mouse keratinocytes is enveloped by a cagelike network of keratin-containing bundles of IF (IFB). This network appears to be continuous with the cytoplasmic IFB system that extends to the cell surface. Electron microscopy reveals that the IFB appear to terminate at the level of the nuclear envelope, frequently in association with nuclear pore complexes (Jones, J. C .R., A. E. Goldman, P. Steinert, S. Yuspa, and R. D. Goldman, 1982, Cell Motility, 2:197-213). Based on these observations of nuclear-IF associations, it is of interest to determine the fate and organizational states of IF during mitosis, a period in the cell cycle when the nuclear envelope disassembles. Immunofluorescence microscopy using a monoclonal keratin antibody and electron microscopy of thin and thick sections of mitotic mouse keratinocytes revealed that the IFB system remained intact as the cells entered mitosis and surrounded the developing mitotic spindle. IFB were close to chromosomes and often associated with chromosome arms. In contrast, in HeLa, a human epithelial cell, keratin-containing IFB appear to dissemble as cells enter mitosis (Franke, W. W., E. Schmid, C. Grund, and B. Geiger, 1982, Cell, 30:103-113). The keratin IFB in mitotic HeLa cells appeared to form amorphous nonfilamentous bodies as determined by electron microscopy. However, in HeLa, another IF system composed primarily of a 55,000-mol-wt protein (frequently termed vimentin) appears to remain morphologically intact throughout mitosis in close association with the mitotic apparatus (Celis, J.E., P.M. Larsen, S.J. Fey, and A. Celis, 1983, J. Cell Biol., 97:1429-34). We propose that the mitotic apparatus in both mouse epidermal cells and in HeLa cells is supported and centered within the cell by IFB networks.  相似文献   

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