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Left-handed Z-DNA binding by the recA protein of Escherichia coli   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
recA binding to left-handed Z-DNA was measured using nitrocellulose filter binding assays with four DNA polymers with defined nucleotide sequences and four recombinant plasmids. Two to 7-fold preferential binding of recA to Z-DNA polymers was observed. Left-handed Z-DNA polymer binding by recA required ATP or its nonhydrolyzable analog, ATP(gamma S), while ADP inhibited binding. Complex formation with both B- and Z-forms was influenced by polymer length; recA bound longer DNAs better. recA binding to recombinant plasmids containing supercoil-stabilized Z-DNA was essentially similar to that found for the control vector; thus, no preferential binding of recA to the Z-form was observed. Comparative experiments with the rec1 protein of Ustilago maydis and the Escherichia coli recA protein were performed. In our hands, recA and rec1 have a similar capacity for binding left-handed Z-DNA polymers and for binding recombinant plasmids containing B- and/or Z-regions. recA contains a left-handed Z-DNA-stimulated ATPase activity. This activity differs from the right-handed B-DNA-stimulated activity since it is less sensitive to increasing pH. The kinetics of ATP hydrolysis in B-DNA/Z-DNA mixing experiments showed that the turnover of the Z-DNA recA complex was slower than for B-DNA suggesting that left-handed Z-DNA is more stably bound by recA. Our results are consistent with the postulate that left-handed Z-DNA is involved in genetic recombination.  相似文献   

ATP is required for the binding of precursor proteins to chloroplasts   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
One of the first steps in the transport of nuclear-encoded, cytoplasmically synthesized precursor proteins into chloroplasts is a specific binding interaction between precursor proteins and the surface of the organelle. Although protein translocation into chloroplasts requires ATP hydrolysis, binding is generally thought to be energy independent. A more detailed investigation of precursor binding to the surface of chloroplasts showed that ATP was required for efficient binding. Protein translocation is known to require relatively high levels (1 mM or more) of ATP. As little as 50-100 microM ATP caused significant stimulation of precursor binding over controls with no ATP. Several different precursors were tested and all showed increased binding upon addition of low levels of ATP. Nonhydrolyzable analogs of ATP did not substitute for ATP, indicating that ATP hydrolysis was required for binding. A protonmotive force was not involved in the energy requirement for binding. Other (hydrolyzable) nucleotides could substitute for ATP but were less effective at stimulating binding. Binding was stimulated by ATP generated inside chloroplasts even when an ATP trap was present to destroy external ATP. We conclude that internal ATP is required for stimulation of precursor binding to chloroplasts.  相似文献   

Covalent photolabeling of the melibiose permease (MelB) of Escherichia coli has been undertaken with the sugar analogue [(3)H]-p-azidophenyl alpha-D-galactopyranoside ([(3)H]-alpha-PAPG) with the purpose of identifying the domains forming the MelB sugar-binding site. We show that alpha-PAPG is a high-affinity substrate of MelB (K(d) = 1 x 10(-)(6) M). Its binding to or transport by MelB is Na-dependent and is competitively prevented by melibiose or by the high-affinity ligand p-nitrophenyl alpha-D-galactopyranoside (alpha-NPG). Membrane vesicles containing overexpressed histidine-tagged recombinant MelB were photolabeled in the presence of [(3)H]-alpha-PAPG by irradiation with UV light (lambda = 250 nm). Eighty-five percent of the radioactivity covalently associated with the vesicles was incorporated in a polypeptide corresponding to MelB monomer. MelB labeling was completely prevented by an excess of melibiose or alpha-NPG during the assay. Radioactivity analysis of CNBr cleavage or limited proteolysis products of the purified [(3)H]-alpha-PAPG-labeled transporter suggests that several domains of MelB are targets for labeling. One of the labeled CNBr cleavage products is a peptide with an apparent molecular mass of 5.5 kDa. It is shown that (i) its amino acid sequence is that of the Asp124-Met181 domain of MelB (7.5 kDa), which includes the cytoplasmic loop 4-5 connecting helices IV and V, the hydrophobic helix V, and the outer loop connecting helices V-VI, and (ii) that Arg141 in loop 4-5 is the only labeled amino acid of this peptide. Labeling of loop 4-5 provides independent evidence that this specific domain plays a significant role in MelB transport. Comparison with the well-characterized equivalent domain of LacY suggests that sugar transporters with similar structure and substrate specificity may have conserved domains involved in sugar recognition.  相似文献   

Formation of D-loops during the exchange of strands between a circular single-stranded DNA and a completely homologous linear duplex proceeds optimally when the duplex DNA is added to the complex of recA protein and single-stranded DNA formed in the presence of single-stranded DNA-binding protein and ATP. D-loops are undetectable when 200 microM adenosine 5'-O-(thiotriphosphate) is substituted for ATP. D-loops can be formed in the presence of adenosine 5'-O-(thiotriphosphate) if recA protein is the last component added to the reaction. However, these D-loops, which depend upon homologous sequences, are unstable upon deproteinization and are formed to a more limited extent than the structures formed with ATP. This finding indicates that D-loops formed under these conditions may be largely nonintertwined paranemic structures rather than plectonemic structures in which two of the strands are interwoven. When adenosine 5'-O-(thiotriphosphate) is added to an ongoing reaction containing ATP, formation of plectonemic structures and ATP hydrolysis is inhibited to an equivalent extent. We, therefore, conclude that ATP hydrolysis is required for the formation of plectonemic structures.  相似文献   

We have covalently modified the recA protein from Escherichia coli with the adenine nucleotide analog 5'-p-fluorosulfonylbenzoyladenosine (5'-FSBA). The rate at which the protein is modified shows a sigmoidal dependence on the concentration of 5'-FSBA suggesting that binding of the analog is characterized by positive cooperativity. Covalent modification of the protein results in irreversible inactivation of its single-stranded DNA-dependent ATPase activity such that 100% inactivation is achieved when 25% of the enzyme monomers have been modified. Attachment of 5'-FSBA is specific for the ATP-binding site of recA protein as judged by the following criteria: (i) attachment of the affinity label to the protein appears to saturate at 1 mol of 5'-FSBA/mol of protein; (ii) binding of 5'-FSBA to recA protein is inhibited by ATP and competitive inhibitors of its ATP hydrolytic activity, e.g. adenosine-5'-O-(thiotriphosphate), ADP, UTP, and GTP, but not by adenosine; (iii) attachment of 5'-FSBA to the protein occurs at a single site as determined by high pressure liquid chromatography peptide separation. Following trypsin digestion of recA protein that had been covalently modified with [3H]5'-FSBA we isolated a single labeled peptide (T31) containing the exclusive site of 5'-FSBA attachment. A secondary proteolytic digestion was performed on both 5'-FSBA modified T31 and unmodified T31 using Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease, and by comparison of the amino acid compositions of the resulting peptides we identified Tyr-264 as the exclusive site of 5'-FSBA attachment in recA protein.  相似文献   

The RecA proteins of the unusually strong protease-constitutive mutants recA1202 and recA1211 can use RNA in addition to single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) as a cofactor in the cleavage of the LexA repressor in vitro. In the presence of rRNA or tRNA, the effectiveness of these proteins decreased in the order RecA1202 greater than RecA1211 much greater than RecA+, which is also the order of their in vivo constitutive protease activities. The effectiveness of rRNA was comparable to that of ssDNA in the cleavage of the LexA repressor by either mutant protease. Although all the common nucleoside triphosphates can act as positive effectors for LexA cleavage by the two mutant proteins in the presence of ssDNA (W. B. Wang, M. Sassanfar, I. Tessman, J. W. Roberts, and E. S. Tessman, J. Bacteriol. 170:4816-4822, 1988), only dATP, ATP, and ATP-gamma-S were effective in the presence of RNA. Our results explain more fully why certain recA mutants have high constitutive protease activities in vivo.  相似文献   

RecF protein is one of the important proteins involved in DNA recombination and repair. RecF protein has been shown to bind single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) in the absence of ATP (T. J. Griffin IV and R. D. Kolodner, J. Bacteriol. 172:6291-6299, 1990; M. V. V. S. Madiraju and A. J. Clark, Nucleic Acids Res. 19:6295-6300, 1991). In the present study, using 8-azido-ATP, a photo-affinity analog of ATP, we show that RecF protein binds ATP and that the binding is specific in the presence of DNA. 8-Azido-ATP photo-cross-linking is stimulated in the presence of DNA (both ssDNA and double-stranded DNA [dsDNA]), suggesting that DNA enhances the affinity of RecF protein for ATP. These data suggest that RecF protein possesses independent ATP- and DNA-binding sites. Further, we find that stable RecF protein-dsDNA complexes are obtained in the presence of ATP or ATP-gamma-S [adenosine-5'-O-(3-thio-triphosphate)]. No other nucleoside triphosphates served as necessary cofactors for dsDNA binding, indicating that RecF is an ATP-dependent dsDNA-binding protein. Since a mutation in a putative phosphate-binding motif of RecF protein results in a recF mutant phenotype (S. J. Sandler, B. Chackerian, J. T. Li, and A. J. Clark, Nucleic Acids Res. 20:839-845, 1992), we suggest on the basis of our data that the interactions of RecF protein with ATP, with dsDNA, or with both are physiologically important for understanding RecF protein function in vivo.  相似文献   

RecA is essential for recombination, DNA repair and SOS induction in Escherichia coli . ATP hydrolysis is known to be important for RecA's roles in recombination and DNA repair. In vitro reactions modelling SOS induction minimally require ssDNA and non-hydrolyzable ATP analogues. This predicts that ATP hydrolysis will not be required for SOS induction in vivo . The requirement of ATP binding and hydrolysis for SOS induction in vivo is tested here through the study of recA4159 (K72A) and recA2201 (K72R). RecA4159 is thought to have reduced affinity for ATP. RecA2201 binds, but does not hydrolyse ATP. Neither mutant was able to induce SOS expression after UV irradiation. RecA2201, unlike RecA4159, could form filaments on DNA and storage structures as measured with RecA–GFP. RecA2201 was able to form hybrid filaments and storage structures and was either recessive or dominant to RecA+, depending on the ratio of the two proteins. RecA4159 was unable to enter RecA+ filaments on DNA or storage structures and was recessive to RecA+. It is concluded that ATP hydrolysis is essential for SOS induction. It is proposed that ATP binding is essential for storage structure formation and ability to interact with other RecA proteins in a filament.  相似文献   

S W Morrical  M M Cox 《Biochemistry》1990,29(3):837-843
In vitro recombination reactions promoted by the recA protein of Escherichia coli are enhanced by the single-stranded DNA binding protein (SSB). SSB affects the assembly of the filamentous complexes between recA protein and ssDNA that are the active form of the recA protein. Here, we present evidence that SSB plays a complex role in maintaining the stability and activity of recA-ssDNA filaments. Results of ATPase, nuclease protection, and DNA strand exchange assays suggest that the continuous presence of SSB is required to maintain the stability of recA-ssDNA complexes under reaction conditions that support their recombination activity. We also report data that indicate that there is a functional distinction between the species of SSB present at 10 mM magnesium chloride, which enhances recA-ssDNA binding, and a species present at 1 mM magnesium chloride, which displaces recA protein from ssDNA. These results are discussed in the context of current models of SSB conformation and of SSB action in recombination activities of the recA protein.  相似文献   

The properties of the high-affinity single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) binding state of Escherichia coli recA protein have been studied. We find that all of the nucleoside triphosphates that are hydrolyzed by recA protein induce a high-affinity ssDNA binding state. The effect of ATP binding to recA protein was partially separated from the ATP hydrolytic event by substituting calcium chloride for magnesium chloride in the binding buffer. Under these conditions, the rate of ATP hydrolysis is greatly inhibited. ATP increases the affinity of recA protein for ssDNA in a concentration-dependent manner in the presence of both calcium and magnesium chloride with apparent Kd values of 375 and 500 microM ATP, respectively. Under nonhydrolytic conditions, the molar ratio of ATP to ADP has an effect on the recA protein ssDNA binding affinity. Over an ATP/ADP molar ratio of 2-3, the affinity of recA protein for ssDNA shifts cooperatively from a low-to a high-affinity state.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli genes specifically required for transport of iron by the siderophore enterobactin are designated fep. The studies reported here were initiated to identify and localize the fepB product. The plasmid pCP111, which consisted of an 11-kilobase E. coli DNA fragment containing fepB ligated to pACYC184, was constructed. The fepB gene was subcloned; in the process, complementation tests and Tn5 mutagenesis results provided evidence for the existence of a new fep gene, fepC. The order of the transport genes in the ent gene cluster is as follows: fepA fes entF fepC fepB entE. Minicell, maxicell, and in vitro DNA-directed protein synthesizing systems were used to identify the fepB and fepC products. The fepC polypeptide was 30,500 daltons in standard sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels. The fepB gene was responsible for the appearance of three or four bands (their apparent molecular weights ranged from 31,500 to 36,500) in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels, depending on the gel system employed. The largest of these was tentatively designated proFepB, since it apparently had a leader sequence. Localization experiments showed that FepC was a membrane constituent and that mature FepB was present in the periplasm. An additional polypeptide (X) was also encoded by the bacterial DNA of pCP111, but its relationship to iron transport is unknown. The results indicated that ferrienterobactin uptake is mediated by a periplasmic transport system and that genes coding for outer membrane (fepA), periplasmic (fepB), and cytoplasmic membrane (fepC) components have now been identified.  相似文献   

Studies on amino acid binding proteins of Escherichia coli   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Single stranded DNA binding proteins (SSBs) are vital for the survival of organisms. Studies on SSBs from the prototype, Escherichia coli (EcoSSB) and, an important human pathogen, Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MtuSSB) had shown that despite significant variations in their quaternary structures, the DNA binding and oligomerization properties of the two are similar. Here, we used the X-ray crystal structure data of the two SSBs to design a series of chimeric proteins (mβ1, mβ1'β2, mβ1-β5, mβ1-β6 and mβ4-β5) by transplanting β1, β1'β2, β1-β5, β1-β6 and β4-β5 regions, respectively of the N-terminal (DNA binding) domain of MtuSSB for the corresponding sequences in EcoSSB. In addition, mβ1'β2(ESWR) SSB was generated by mutating the MtuSSB specific 'PRIY' sequence in the β2 strand of mβ1'β2 SSB to EcoSSB specific 'ESWR' sequence. Biochemical characterization revealed that except for mβ1 SSB, all chimeras and a control construct lacking the C-terminal domain (ΔC SSB) bound DNA in modes corresponding to limited and unlimited modes of binding. However, the DNA on MtuSSB may follow a different path than the EcoSSB. Structural probing by protease digestion revealed that unlike other SSBs used, mβ1 SSB was also hypersensitive to chymotrypsin treatment. Further, to check for their biological activities, we developed a sensitive assay, and observed that mβ1-β6, MtuSSB, mβ1'β2 and mβ1-β5 SSBs complemented E. coli Δssb in a dose dependent manner. Complementation by the mβ1-β5 SSB was poor. In contrast, mβ1'β2(ESWR) SSB complemented E. coli as well as EcoSSB. The inefficiently functioning SSBs resulted in an elongated cell/filamentation phenotype of E. coli. Taken together, our observations suggest that specific interactions within the DNA binding domain of the homotetrameric SSBs are crucial for their biological function.  相似文献   

The promoter of the recA gene of Escherichia coli   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Summary The tif-1 mutation has been shown to affect protein synthesis in vitro by increasing translational ambiguity (Ephrati-Elizur, Luther-Davies and Hayes, 1976). It is demonstrated here that some recA mutations confer similar abnormality. By comparing suitable combinations of ribosomes and soluble proteins from recA + and recA cells the defect is shown to be associated with ribosomes. The recA mutation, which suppresses most phenotypic characteristics of the tif-1 mutation (Castellazzi, George and Buttin, 1972(b)) does not suppress the ribosomal abnormality. Sience the closely linked tif-1 and recA mutations lead to the expression of a common property they may be in the same gene.  相似文献   

Oh M  Chai SH  Wee S 《Molecules and cells》1999,9(5):517-525
Fur (ferric uptake regulation) binding fragments were isolated by in vitro binding of purified Fur protein with Sau3AI-digested genomic DNA fragments. The Fur-bound DNA fragments were filtered on nitrocellulose paper, isolated, cloned, and sequenced. The protein binding was confirmed by gel retardation assay for five DNA fragments. The sequence data were used to identify the genes by comparison with the GenBank data. The proposed Fur binding regions lie on or near the putative promoter regions of marAB (multiple antibiotic resistance), pyrC (dihydroorotase), mreB (mecillinam resistance) and an unidentified gene (ecouw93) near argI and in the middle of the treBC (trehalose permease enzyme II) coding region. The proposed Fur binding sites of the known iron regulating operators including the genes of this work are AAT(pyrimidine) and A(purine)TT. The two conserved sequences are 10 bases apart and palindromic to each other, which might suggest the classical pattern of protein binding toward one side of the DNA in contrast to the concept of the Fur protein wrapping around the DNA.  相似文献   

To understand why the RecA proteins of the protease-constitutive recA1202 and recA1211 mutants show very high protease activities in vivo without the usual need for DNA damage (E. S. Tessman and P. Peterson, J. Bacteriol. 163:677-687, 1985), we examined the activation of the mutant proteins by nucleoside triphosphates (NTPs) in vitro. In vivo, the mutant protease activities are resistant to inhibition by cytidine plus guanosine (C + G) in the growth medium, in contrast to the activities of weaker mutants, such as recA441, which are sensitive to C + G inhibition. We found that RecA1202 and RecA1211 proteins, in contrast to RecA+, can use natural NTPs other than ATP and dATP as cofactors in the cleavage of LexA repressor. The effectiveness of NTPs in promoting LexA cleavage by RecA1202 and RecA1211 proteins decreased in roughly the following order: dATP greater than ATP greater than UTP greater than ATP-gamma S greater than dCTP greater than CTP greater than dGTP greater than GTP greater than TTP. These mutant proteins showed higher affinities for ATP and single-stranded DNA and higher repressor cleavage activities than RecA+ protein. With the various effectors (single-stranded DNA or NTPs), the RecA1202 protein always showed more activity than RecA1211 in the cleavage of LexA repressor in vitro, which is consistent with the greater activity of the recA1202 mutant in vivo. The results explain, in part, why some recA mutants have unusually high constitutive RecA protease activity and why that activity is more or less resistant to C + G inhibition.  相似文献   

Kanamycin sulphate causes the efficient induction of recA gene, being an inhibitor of protein synthesis. Kanamycin is not known to damage the DNA structure. Possibly, the antibiotic ability to induce the SOS-genes is explained by activation of endogenous nucleases activity or by the increase of "alarmone" synthesis, the latter playing the "trigger" role in derepression of SOS-operon.  相似文献   

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