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We investigated effects of paramyotonia congenita mutations F1473S and F1705I on gating of skeletal muscle Na+ channels. We used on-cell recordings from Xenopus oocytes to compare fast inactivation and deactivation in wild type and mutant channels. Then, we used gating current recordings to determine how these actions of PC mutants might be reflected in their effects on charge movement and its immobilization. F1473S, but not F1705I, accelerated deactivation from the inactivated state and enhanced the remobilization of gating charge. F1473S and F1705I decreased the completion of closed-state fast inactivation, and each mutant decreased charge movement over the voltage range at which channels did not activate. An unexpected result was that F1705I increased the extent of charge immobilization in response to strong depolarization. Our results suggest that the DIV S4-S5 linker mutation F1473S promotes the hyperpolarized position of DIVS4 to accelerate recovery. Inhibition of charge movement by F1473S and F1705I in the absence of channel opening is discussed with respect to their effects on closed-state fast inactivation.  相似文献   

We investigated effects of paramyotonia congenita mutations F1473S and F1705I on gating of skeletal muscle Na+ channels. We used on-cell recordings from Xenopus oocytes to compare fast inactivation and deactivation in wild-type and mutant channels. Then, we used gating current recordings to determine how these actions of PC mutants might be reflected in their effects on charge movement and its immobilization. F1473S, but not F1705I, accelerated deactivation from the inactivated state and enhanced the remobilization of gating charge. F1473S and F1705I decreased the completion of closed-state fast inactivation, and decreased charge movement over the voltage range at which channels did not activate. An unexpected result was that F1705I increased the extent of charge immobilization in response to strong depolarization. Our results suggest that the DIV S4-S5 linker mutation F1473S promotes the hyperpolarized position of DIVS4 to accelerate recovery. Inhibition of charge movement by F1473S and F1705I in the absence of channel opening is discussed with respect to their effects on closed-state fast inactivation.  相似文献   

To investigate of the gating properties in the voltage-activated potassium channel, we have mutated a variety of S2 and S4 residues in the Shaker potassium protein. Results showed that the R365C and R368C, but not the E283C, R362C, R365S, R368S or the ShB-IR, were sensitive to micromolar concentrations of Cd(2+) ions. This indicates that R365 and R368 play a crucial role in the channel gating due to a conformational modulation of the channel structure. Doubly mutated channels of the E283C/R365E and E283C/R368E caused a transient increase in current amplitude, which reached a peak within a few seconds and then decreased toward initial levels, despite the continual presence of Cd(2+). Taken together, our results suggest that E283, R365, and R368 form a network of strong, local, and electrostatic interactions that relate closely to the mechanism of the channel gating.  相似文献   

Voltage-gated sodium channels consist of a pore-forming alpha subunit associated with beta1 subunits and, for brain sodium channels, beta2 subunits. Although much is known about the structure and function of the alpha subunit, there is little information on the functional role of the 16 extracellular loops. To search for potential functional activities of these extracellular segments, chimeras were studied in which an individual extracellular loop of the rat heart (rH1) alpha subunit was substituted for the corresponding segment of the rat brain type IIA (rIIA) alpha subunit. In comparison with rH1, wild-type rIIA alpha subunits are characterized by more positive voltage-dependent activation and inactivation, a more prominent slow gating mode, and a more substantial shift to the fast gating mode upon coexpression of beta1 subunits in Xenopus oocytes. When alpha subunits were expressed alone, chimeras with substitutions from rH1 in five extracellular loops (IIS5-SS1, IISS2-S6, IIIS1-S2, IIISS2-S6, and IVS3-S4) had negatively shifted activation, and chimeras with substitutions in three of these (IISS2-S6, IIIS1-S2, and IVS3-S4) also had negatively shifted steady-state inactivation. rIIA alpha subunit chimeras with substitutions from rH1 in five extracellular loops (IS5-SS1, ISS2-S6, IISS2-S6, IIIS1-S2, and IVS3-S4) favored the fast gating mode. Like wild-type rIIA alpha subunits, all of the chimeric rIIA alpha subunits except chimera IVSS2-S6 were shifted almost entirely to the fast gating mode when coexpressed with beta1 subunits. In contrast, substitution of extracellular loop IVSS2-S6 substantially reduced the effectiveness of beta1 subunits in shifting rIIA alpha subunits to the fast gating mode. Our results show that multiple extracellular loops influence voltage-dependent activation and inactivation and gating mode of sodium channels, whereas segment IVSS2-S6 plays a dominant role in modulation of gating by beta1 subunits. Evidently, several extracellular loops are important determinants of sodium channel gating and modulation.  相似文献   

The highly charged transmembrane segments in each of the four homologous domains (S4D1-S4D4) represent the principal voltage sensors for sodium channel gating. Hitherto, the existence of a functional specialization of the four voltage sensors with regard to the control of the different gating modes, i.e., activation, deactivation, and inactivation, is problematic, most likely due to a functional coupling between the different domains. However, recent experimental data indicate that the voltage sensor in domain 4 (S4D4) plays a unique role in sodium channel fast inactivation. The correlation of fast inactivation and the movement of the S4D4 voltage sensor in rat brain IIA sodium channels was examined by site-directed mutagenesis of the central arginine residues to histidine and by analysis of both ionic and gating currents using a high expression system in Xenopus oocytes and an optimized two-electrode voltage clamp. Mutation R1635H shifts the steady state inactivation to more hyperpolarizing potentials and drastically increases the recovery time constant, thereby indicating a stabilized inactivated state. In contrast, R1638H shifts the steady state inactivation to more depolarizing potentials and strongly increases the inactivation time constant, thereby suggesting a preferred open state occupancy. The double mutant R1635/1638H shows intermediate effects on inactivation. In contrast, the activation kinetics are not significantly influenced by any of the mutations. Gating current immobilization is markedly decreased in R1635H and R1635/1638H but only moderately in R1638H. The time courses of recovery from inactivation and immobilization correlate well in wild-type and mutant channels, suggesting an intimate coupling of these two processes that is maintained in the mutations. These results demonstrate that S4D4 is one of the immobilized voltage sensors during the manifestation of the inactivated state. Moreover, the presented data strongly suggest that S4D4 is involved in the control of fast inactivation.  相似文献   

Calcium flux through store-operated calcium entry is a major regulator of intracellular calcium homeostasis and various calcium signaling pathways. Two key components of the store-operated calcium release-activated calcium channel are the Ca2+-sensing protein stromal interaction molecule 1 (STIM1) and the channel pore-forming protein Orai1. Following calcium depletion from the endoplasmic reticulum, STIM1 undergoes conformational changes that unmask an Orai1-activating domain called CAD. CAD binds to two sites in Orai1, one in the N terminal and one in the C terminal. Most previous studies suggested that gating is initiated by STIM1 binding at the Orai1 N-terminal site, just proximal to the TM1 pore-lining segment, and that binding at the C terminal simply anchors STIM1 within reach of the N terminal. However, a recent study had challenged this view and suggested that the Orai1 C-terminal region is more than a simple STIM1-anchoring site. In this study, we establish that the Orai1 C-terminal domain plays a direct role in gating. We identify a linker region between TM4 and the C-terminal STIM1-binding segment of Orai1 as a key determinant that couples STIM1 binding to gating. We further find that Proline 245 in TM4 of Orai1 is essential for stabilizing the closed state of the channel. Taken together with previous studies, our results suggest a dual-trigger mechanism of Orai1 activation in which binding of STIM1 at the N- and C-terminal domains of Orai1 induces rearrangements in proximal membrane segments to open the channel.  相似文献   

Voltage-gated sodium channels mediate the initiation and propagation of action potentials in excitable cells. Transmembrane segment S4 of voltage-gated sodium channels resides in a gating pore where it senses the membrane potential and controls channel gating. Substitution of individual S4 arginine gating charges (R1–R3) with smaller amino acids allows ionic currents to flow through the mutant gating pore, and these gating pore currents are pathogenic in some skeletal muscle periodic paralysis syndromes. The voltage dependence of gating pore currents provides information about the transmembrane position of the gating charges as S4 moves in response to membrane potential. Here we studied gating pore current in mutants of the homotetrameric bacterial sodium channel NaChBac in which individual arginine gating charges were replaced by cysteine. Gating pore current was observed for each mutant channel, but with different voltage-dependent properties. Mutating the first (R1C) or second (R2C) arginine to cysteine resulted in gating pore current at hyperpolarized membrane potentials, where the channels are in resting states, but not at depolarized potentials, where the channels are activated. Conversely, the R3C gating pore is closed at hyperpolarized membrane potentials and opens with channel activation. Negative conditioning pulses revealed time-dependent deactivation of the R3C gating pore at the most hyperpolarized potentials. Our results show sequential voltage dependence of activation of gating pore current from R1 to R3 and support stepwise outward movement of the substituted cysteines through the narrow portion of the gating pore that is sealed by the arginine side chains in the wild-type channel. This pattern of voltage dependence of gating pore current is consistent with a sliding movement of the S4 helix through the gating pore. Through comparison with high-resolution models of the voltage sensor of bacterial sodium channels, these results shed light on the structural basis for pathogenic gating pore currents in periodic paralysis syndromes.  相似文献   

The role of positively charged arginines in the fourth transmembrane domain (S4) and a single negatively charged amino acid in the third transmembrane domain (S3) on channel biogenesis and gating of voltage-gated K(+) channels (Kv) has been well established. Both intermediate (KCa3.1) and small (KCa2.x) conductance, Ca(2+)-activated K(+) channels have two conserved arginines in S4 and a single conserved glutamic acid in S3, although these channels are voltage-independent. We demonstrate that mutation of any of these charged amino acids in KCa3.1 or KCa2.3 to alanine, glutamine, or charge reversal mutations results in a rapid degradation (<30 min) of total protein, confirming the critical role of these amino acids in channel biogenesis. Mutation of the S4 arginine closest to the cytosolic side of KCa3.1 to histidine resulted in expression at the cell surface. Excised patch clamp experiments revealed that this Arg/His mutation had a dramatically reduced open probability (P(o)), relative to wild type channels. Additionally, we demonstrate, using a combination of short hairpin RNA, dominant negative, and co-immunoprecipitation studies, that both KCa3.1 and KCa2.3 are translocated out of the endoplasmic reticulum associated with Derlin-1. These misfolded channels are poly-ubiquitylated, recognized by p97, and targeted for proteasomal degradation. Our results suggest that S3 and S4 charged amino acids play an evolutionarily conserved role in the biogenesis and gating of KCa channels. Furthermore, these improperly folded K(+) channels are translocated out of the endoplasmic reticulum in a Derlin-1- and p97-dependent fashion, poly-ubiquitylated, and targeted for proteasomal degradation.  相似文献   

Connexin37 (Cx37) is expressed principally in endothelial cells. We have introduced individual point mutations (Cx37-V156D or Cx37-K162E) in the putative pore lining segment M3 of a polymorphic human Cx37 (Cx37-S319) and expressed them in N2A and RIN cells. RT-PCR and immunofluorescence microscopy were used to confirm the expression of the proteins. Stably transfected cells were subjected to electrophysiological studies. Experiments were performed on cell pairs using the dual whole cell patch-clamp method. Single channel records showed that both mutants display a variety of conductive states (Cx37-V156D, 47-250 pS; Cx37-K162E, 58-342 pS) in contrast to the typical high conductance of 340-375 pS and subconductive state of 60-80 pS reported for Cx37-S319. Analysis of the macroscopic data for Cx37-K162E revealed a broadened Vo indicating the influence of the mutation on voltage gating. Our data indicate that substitution of a conserved residue with a charged residue could cause changes in the main state and/or in the size of the pore. It is possible that these particular residues in the M3 domain interact electrostatistically with several of the other domains in the Cx37 protein.  相似文献   

We located a novel binding site for grayanotoxin on the cytoplasmic linkers of voltage-dependent cardiac (rH1) or skeletal-muscle (mu 1) Na(+) channel isoforms (segments S4-S5 in domains D1 and D4), using the alanine scanning substitution method. GTX-modification of Na(+) channels, transiently expressed in HEK 293 cells, was evaluated under whole-cell voltage clamp, from the ratio of maximum chord conductance for modified and unmodified Na(+) channels. In mu 1, mutations K237A, L243A, S246A, K248A, K249A, L250A, S251A, or T1463A, caused a moderate, but statistically significant decrease in this ratio. On making corresponding mutations in rH1, only L244A dramatically reduced the ratio. Because in mu 1, the serine at position 251 is the only heterologous residue with respect to rH1 (Ala-252), we made a double mutant L243A&S251A to match the sequence of mu 1 and rH1 in S4-S5 linkers of both domains. This double mutation resulted in a significant decrease in the ratio, to the same extent as L244A substitution in rH1 did, indicating that the site at Leu-244 in rH1 or at Leu-243 in mu 1 is a novel one, exhibiting a synergistic effect of grayanotoxin.  相似文献   

Pyrethroids are a class of voltage-dependent sodium channel modifiers widely used as insecticides for control of disease vectors and agricultural pests. Many insect populations have developed resistance to pyrethroids linked to nervous system insensitivity and structural mutations in neuronal sodium channels. Pyrethroid resistant strains of the moth Heliothis virescens carry single point mutations leading to amino acid substitutions in either transmembrane segment I-S6 (V421M) or II-S6 (L1029H) of the para-homologous sodium channel. We analyzed the consequences of V421M and L1029H mutations constructed in the Drosophila para sodium channel heterologously expressed in Xenopus oocytes, and found that both mutations confer channel insensitivity to permethrin, with the L1029H mutation having a more pronounced effect. Both mutations also modify the intrinsic voltage-dependent gating properties of the channel, but L1029H less so than V421M. These results suggest that mutation V421M exacts a higher fitness cost than L1029H, providing a plausible explanation for genetic succession observed in field strains, where V421M was replaced by L1029H during the past decade.  相似文献   

Summary Three synthetic peptides corresponding to parts of S4 of the first repeat of eel electroplax sodium channel were synthesized. The basic peptide was C 1 + which corresponds to amino acids 210–223 (eel channel numbering) and two subfractions: an external fraction, C 1ex + (amino acid 210–217); and an internal part, C 1in + (amino acid 218–221). Peptide C 1 + includes four of the charged amino acids of this domain; peptide C 1ex + includes three of the charged amino acids and is closer to the external membrane surface (according to channel models) than peptide C 1in + which includes the fourth charged amino acid alone.Antibodies generated in rabbits against these peptides were shown to be site specific. Using the whole-cell patch-clamp technique, we found that in rat dorsal root ganglion (DRG) cells, the antibodies against C 1in + but not against C 1ex + had an effect on the gating parameters. They shifted the Na-channel inactivation curve towards hyperpolarization and decreased the slope of the Na-channel activation curve. These results demonstrate that during the conformational changes associated with channel gating, the fourth charged amino acid of S4 must be accessible to antibodies given to the external solution. Furthermore, they indicate a specific involvement of S4 in the voltage dependency of the gating processes.This study was supported by a basic research grant of The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities (#430.87 to H.M. and G.S.).We wish to express our gratitude to Dr. M. Tosteson (Harvard Medical School) for providing us with samples of peptide S4IV to use in the ELISA assays. We thank Dr. R. Gordon (The Max Planck Institute for Biophysics, Frankfurt) for immunochemical advise and protocols. The advice of Drs. M. Sammar, M. Paizi, R. Schatzberger, I. Zeitoun and Y. Mika (Technion) was very useful. We thank Mrs. A. Schwartz (Technion) for participating in the experiments.  相似文献   

The periodic paralyses are a group of autosomal dominant muscle diseases sharing a common feature of episodic paralysis. In one form, paramyotonia congenita (PC), the paralysis usually occurs with muscle cooling. Electrophysiologic studies of muscle from PC patients have revealed temperature-dependent alterations in sodium channel (NaCh) function. This observation led to demonstration of genetic linkage of a skeletal muscle NaCh gene to a PC disease allele. We now report the use of the single-strand conformation polymorphism technique to define alleles specific to PC patients from three families. Sequencing of these alleles defined base pair changes within the same codon, which resulted in two distinct amino acid substitutions for a highly conserved arginine residue in the S4 helix of domain 4 in the adult skeletal muscle NaCh. These data establish the chromosome 17q NaCh locus as the PC gene and represent two mutations causing the distinctive, temperature-sensitive PC phenotype.  相似文献   

Depolarization of sodium channels initiates at least three gating pathways: activation, fast inactivation, and slow inactivation. Little is known about the voltage sensors for slow inactivation, a process believed to be separate from fast inactivation. Covalent modification of a cysteine substituted for the third arginine (R1454) in the S4 segment of the fourth domain (R3C) with negatively charged methanethiosulfonate-ethylsulfonate (MTSES) or with positively charged methanethiosulfonate-ethyltrimethylammonium (MTSET) produces a marked slowing of the rate of fast inactivation. However, only MTSES modification produces substantial effects on the kinetics of slow inactivation. Rapid trains of depolarizations (2-20 Hz) cause a reduction of the peak current of mutant channels modified by MTSES, an effect not observed for wild-type or unmodified R3C channels, or for mutant channels modified by MTSET. The data suggest that MTSES modification of R3C enhances entry into a slow-inactivated state, and also that the effects on slow inactivation are independent of alterations of either activation or fast inactivation. This effect of MTSES is observed only for cysteine mutants within the middle of this S4 segment, and the data support a helical secondary structure of S4 in this region. Mutation of R1454 to the negatively charged residues aspartate or glutamate cannot reproduce the effects of MTSES modification, indicating that charge alone cannot account for these results. A long-chained derivative of MTSES has similar effects as MTSES, and can produce these effects on a residue that does not show use-dependent current reduction after modification by MTSES, suggesting that the sulfonate moiety can reach a critical site affecting slow inactivation. The effects of MTSES on R3C are partially counteracted by a point mutation (W408A) that inhibits slow inactivation. Our data suggest that a region near the midpoint of the S4 segment of domain 4 plays an important role in slow inactivation.  相似文献   

Voltage-gated K+ channel activation is proposed to result from simultaneous bending of all S6 segments away from the central axis, enlarging the aperture of the pore sufficiently to permit diffusion of K+ into the water-filled central cavity. The hinge position for the bending motion of each S6 segment is proposed to be a Gly residue and/or a Pro-Val-Pro motif in Kv1-Kv4 channels. The KCNQ1 (Kv7.1) channel has Ala-336 in the Gly-hinge position and Pro-Ala-Gly. Here we show that mutation of Ala-336 to Gly in KCNQ1 increased current amplitude and shifted the voltage dependence of activation to more negative potentials, consistent with facilitation of hinge activity that favors the open state. In contrast, mutation of Ala-336 to Cys or Thr shifted the voltage dependence of activation to more positive potentials and reduced current amplitude. Mutation of the putative Gly hinge to Ala in KCNQ2 (Kv7.2) abolished channel function. Mutation-dependent changes in current amplitude, but not kinetics, were found in heteromeric KCNQ1/KCNE1 channels. Mutation of the Pro or Gly of the Pro-Ala-Gly motif to Ala abolished KCNQ1 function and introduction of Gly in front of the Ala-mutations partially recovered channel function, suggesting that flexibility at the PAG is important for channel activation.  相似文献   

Acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) are neuronal Na(+) channels that are members of the epithelial Na(+) channel/degenerin family and are transiently activated by extracellular acidification. ASICs in the central nervous system have a modulatory role in synaptic transmission and are involved in cell injury induced by acidosis. We have recently demonstrated that ASIC function is regulated by serine proteases. We provide here evidence that this regulation of ASIC function is tightly linked to channel cleavage. Trypsin cleaves ASIC1a with a similar time course as it changes ASIC1a function, whereas ASIC1b, whose function is not modified by trypsin, is not cleaved. Trypsin cleaves ASIC1a at Arg-145, in the N-terminal part of the extracellular loop, between a highly conserved sequence and a sequence that is critical for ASIC1a inhibition by the venom of the tarantula Psalmopoeus cambridgei. This channel domain controls the inactivation kinetics and co-determines the pH dependence of ASIC gating. It undergoes a conformational change during inactivation, which renders the cleavage site inaccessible to trypsin in inactivated channels.  相似文献   

A recent tryptophan scanning of the alpha-TM3 domain of the Torpedo californica AChR demonstrated that this domain can modulate ion-channel gating [Guzman, G., Santiago, J., Ricardo, A., Martí-Arbona, R., Rojas, L., Lasalde-Dominicci, J. (2003) Biochemistry 42, 12243-12250]. Here we extend the study of the alpha-TM3 domain to the muscle-type AChR by examining functional consequences of single tryptophan substitutions at five conserved positions (alphaM282, alphaF284, alphaV285, alphaA287, and alphaI290) homologous to the alpha-TM3 positions that were recently characterized in the Torpedo AChR. Similarly to the Torpedo AChR, mutations alphaM282W and alphaV285W, which are presumed to face the interior of the protein, did not exhibit functional channel activity. Nevertheless, significant expression levels of these mutants were observed at the oocyte surface. In contrast to the Torpedo AChR, in the muscle-type AChR, tryptophan substitution at positions F284, A287, and I290 produces a significant increase in normalized macroscopic response. Single-channel recordings at low ACh concentration revealed that the increase in AChR sensitivity for the F284W, A287W, and I290W is due to an increase in the mean open duration. These results suggest that tryptophan substitution directly affects channel gating, primarily the channel closing rate. Our results suggest that residues facing the interior of the protein (i.e., alphaM282 and alphaV285) may similarly affect channel gating in Torpedo and muscle-type AChR. However, equivalent mutations (i.e., F284W and I290W) presumably facing the lipid environment display a very different functional response between these two AChR species.  相似文献   

The type IIA voltage-gated sodium Na(+) channel from rat brain is composed of a large, pore-forming alpha subunit and the auxiliary subunits beta1 and beta2. When expressed in Xenopus oocytes, the beta1 subunit modulates the gating properties of the type IIA alpha subunit, resulting in acceleration of both inactivation and recovery from inactivation and in a negative shift in the voltage dependence of fast inactivation. The beta1 subunit is composed of an extracellular domain with a single immunoglobulin-like fold, a single transmembrane segment, and a small intracellular domain. A series of chimeras with exchanges of domains between the Na(+) channel beta1 and beta2 subunits and between beta1 and the structurally related protein myelin P0 were constructed and analyzed by two-microelectrode voltage clamp in Xenopus oocytes. Only chimeras containing the beta1 extracellular domain were capable of beta1-like modulation of Na(+) channel gating. Neither the transmembrane segment nor the intracellular domain was required for modulation, although mutation of Glu(158) within the transmembrane domain altered the voltage dependence of steady-state inactivation. A truncated beta1 subunit was engineered in which the beta1 extracellular domain was fused to a recognition sequence for attachment of a glycosylphosphatidylinositol membrane anchor. The beta1(ec)-glycosylphosphatidylinositol protein fully reproduced modulation of Na(+) channel inactivation and recovery from inactivation by wild-type beta1. Our findings demonstrate that extracellular domain of the beta1 subunit is both necessary and sufficient for the modulation of Na(+) channel gating.  相似文献   

The p.I141V mutation of the voltage-gated sodium channel is associated with several clinical hyper-excitability phenotypes. To understand the structural bases of the p.I141V biophysical alterations, molecular dynamics simulations were performed. These simulations predicted that the p.I141V substitution induces the formation of a hydrogen bond between the Y168 residue of the S2 segment and the R225 residue of the S4 segment. We generated a p.I141V-Y168F double mutant for both the Nav1.4 and Nav1.5 channels. The double mutants demonstrated the abolition of the functional effects of the p.I141V mutation, consistent with the formation of a specific interaction between Y168-S2 and R225-S4. The single p.Y168F mutation, however, positively shifted the activation curve, suggesting a compensatory role of these residues on the stability of the voltage-sensing domain.  相似文献   

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