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The roots of young plants of Avicennia marina (Forsk.) Vierh.grown under simulated tidal conditions were harvested so asto obtain the entire root system. The roots were subdividedand weighed and subsamples taken for manometric determinationof respiration rates at different temperatures. The supply capacityof the above-ground portion of the root system was determinedand the results compared in terms of supply and demand. Theoxygen consumption rate of the roots at 15°C was found tobe 1·69±0·07 µmol kg–1 s–1for cable roots and 3·27±0·12 µmolkg–1 s–1 for fine roots. The Q10 for respirationwas 2·55 for oxygen consumption in both fine and cableroots, and for carbon dioxide production was 2·66 forfine roots and 3·04 for cable roots. The respiratoryquotient varied with temperature but was less than unity. Concentrationdifferences of between 1·8 mol m–3 and 3·4mol m–3 between the inside of root and the air were sufficientto permit aeration of the root system by diffusion alone, andthe aerenchyma contained sufficient oxygen to maintain aerobicconditions while the roots were covered with water. The effectof tide and seasonal temperature change on gas exchange, togetherwith the possibility of some form of carbon dioxide fixationwithin the root, are examined and the implications of theseeffects on growth and development are discussed. Key words: Mangrove, root aeration, respiration, aerenchyma  相似文献   

周涵韬  林鹏   《生物工程学报》2002,18(1):51-54
从福建龙海红树林自然保护区采集白骨壤的隐胎生果实 ,在实验室分别置于 0‰盐度海水和 50‰盐度海水进行沙培。分别取叶片 ,提取纯化RNA。通过锚定引物OligodT12 GC反转录和 8个 10核苷酸随机引物进行PCR扩增 ,经 8%非变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳后发现了 3个差异DNA片段只在高盐培养条件的白骨壤基因组中表达 ,而在无盐培养条件中没有出现。这 3个差异cDNA片段分别命名为csrg1(600bp)、csrg2(550bp)、csrg3(480bp)。3个差异cDNA片段的RNA杂交结果显示 ,只有csrg1片段存在明显差异 高盐中有杂交斑点 ,无盐中无杂交斑点 ;而其余 2个片段在高盐和无盐条件下都没有杂交斑点出现。从而表明csrg1就是耐盐相关cDNA。进一步将csrg1片段克隆 ,并进行DNA序列分析。全序列在GenBank中查询后 ,未发现相关同源片段。耐盐相关cDNA片段的获得 ,将为分离全长耐盐基因 ,搞清该基因表达调控的机理提供条件.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Growth Regulation - The present study has been conducted to evaluate the impact of silicon (Si) and salicylic acid (SA) in the regulation of Cd-induced toxicity in maize seedlings....  相似文献   

Measurements of gas exchange characteristics were made on intact, attached leaves of hydroponically grown seedlings of Avicennia marina (Forstk.) Vierh. var australasica (Walp.) Moldenke as the NaCl concentration of the culture solution was varied by step changes of 50 millimolar NaCl every 2nd day from 50 to 500 to 50 millimolar NaCl. The CO2 assimilation rate, stomatal conductance, intercellular CO2 concentration, and evaporation rate decreased at salinities above 250 millimolar NaCl and recovered substantially upon return to the original salinity.

The assimilation rate was measured as a function of the intercellular CO2 concentration [A(ci) curve]. The lower linear portion of this curve was insensitive to variation in salinity, whereas the upper nonlinear portion declined with increasing salinity, indicating a reduction in the capacity for CO2 assimilation which recovered upon return to the original salinity. Stomatal conductance changed such that the intercellular CO2 concentration measured under normal atmospheric conditions occurred in the transition between the lower, linear and upper nonlinear portions of the A(ci) curve. Thus, stomatal conductance and photosynthetic capacity together co-limited the assimilation rate. The changes in gas exchange characteristics were such that water loss was minimal relative to carbon gain.


The work is concerned with the effect of low concentrations (10–7 mol dm–3) of sodium naphthenate on total content of Cd and its particular forms in the intercellular space and inside cells, as well as on some physiological and biochemical parameters of young soybean plants grown in the presence of 1 mmol dm–3 solution of cadmium chloride. Presence of naphthenate reduced in average by 40 % content total and intracellular Cd in root, stem and leaves and alleviated the harmful effect of Cd on activity of nitrate reductase and content of photosynthetic pigments.  相似文献   

Ball MC  Critchley C 《Plant physiology》1982,70(4):1101-1106
Photosynthetic responses to irradiance by the grey mangrove, Avicennia marina (Forstk.) Vierh var. australasica (Walp.) Moldenke, were studied using seedlings grown under natural understory shade and exposed conditions as well as in the laboratory under high and low light regimes, i.e. 100% and 6% sunlight, respectively. Leaves in exposed locations were subjected to daylight quantum flux densities greater than 1,000 microeinsteins per square meter per second from 0900 to 1700 hours, whereas those in understory shade experienced only 30 to 120 microeinsteins per square meter per second, interrupted for brief periods by sunflecks ranging in quantum flux density from 800 to 1,500 microeinsteins per square meter per second. The low light regime was similar in light intensity to that of the understory environment, but lacked sunflecks.

Leaves from the understory environment showed several properties of `shade' leaves; i.e. they contained more chlorophyll on both a leaf area and fresh weight basis but had a lower specific weight and greater area than exposed leaves, and were enriched in chlorophyll b relative to a. However, there were no significant differences in either the gas exchange or leaf chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics of the two populations, both being typical of `sun' leaves.

Leaves grown in the laboratory under low and high light regimes had similar properties. However, light saturated assimilation rates in the leaves from the low light treatment were 20% less and became light saturated at a lower quantum flux density than those of leaves grown under the high light regime. The ecological significance of these results is discussed.


白骨壤对石油污染的生理生态响应   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
王雪峰  陈桂珠  许夏玲 《生态学报》2005,25(5):1095-1100
研究了4种不同剂量的石油处理对红树植物白骨壤的叶片叶绿素含量、过氧化氢酶活性、游离脯氨酸含量、含水量、相对电导率、根系活力与生物量、茎高和茎径生长量、存活率、萌发幼苗数、幼苗高度等生理生态指标的影响,结果表明15 0 mg剂量的伊朗轻质原油处理对白骨壤没有不利影响,30 0 mg、6 0 0 mg剂量的伊朗轻质原油处理有促进白骨壤生长的作用,12 0 0 mg剂量的伊朗轻质原油处理植株生长受到明显抑制而且出现较多的个体死亡现象。白骨壤对石油污染有较强的耐受性和适应性,但大剂量能引起植株死亡。  相似文献   

通过水培实验,以耐镉(Cd)性不同的甘蓝品种‘绿丰’(Cd敏感性)和‘牛心’(Cd耐性)为材料,研究外源硅(Si)对Cd胁迫下甘蓝生长、Cd含量、养分吸收、光合特性和抗氧化酶活性的影响,以揭示外源硅对甘蓝镉毒害的缓解作用机制。结果表明:(1)与对照相比,Cd胁迫显著抑制了甘蓝植株的生长,降低了植株体内营养元素(Mg、Fe、Mn、Cu)的含量以及抗氧化酶[超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(APX)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)]的活性和叶片的光合效率;并且显著增加了甘蓝植株内丙二醛(MDA)的含量。(2)与单独Cd处理相比,外源Si显著提高了甘蓝植株的生物量、地上部营养元素的含量以及光合参数[净光合速率(P_n)、气孔导度(G_s)及蒸腾速率(Tr)]、荧光参数值[原初光能转化效率(F_v/F_m)、实际光化学效率(Φ_(PSⅡ))、光化学淬灭系数(qP)]、光合色素含量和抗氧化酶活性;同时显著降低了甘蓝植株内MDA含量及Cd由根系向地上部的转运。研究发现,在镉胁迫环境下,外源Si可以通过降低Cd在甘蓝地上部的含量,提高抗氧化酶活性来降低膜脂过氧化,促进养分的吸收和转运,增强光合作用效率,从而缓解Cd对甘蓝生长的毒害。  相似文献   

Factors contributing to dwarfing in the mangrove Avicennia marina   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Naidoo G 《Annals of botany》2006,97(6):1095-1101
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: In Richards Bay, South Africa, Avicennia marina frequently exhibits a distinct productivity gradient, with tree height decreasing markedly from 6-10 m in the fringe zone to <1.5 m in the dwarf zone which is 120 m inland at a slightly higher elevation. In this investigation, soil physico-chemical conditions between fringe and dwarf A. marina were compared and the constraints imposed by any differences on mangrove ecophysiology and productivity determined. METHODS: Soil and plant samples were analysed for inorganic ions using spectrophotometry. Gas exchange measurements were taken with an infrared gas analyser and chlorophyll fluorescence with a fluorometer. Xylem psi was determined with a pressure chamber and chlorophyll content with a chlorophyll absorbance meter. RESULTS: In the dwarf site, soil salinity, total cations, electrical conductivity and soil concentrations of Na(+), K(+), Ca(2+), Mg(2+), Zn(2+), Mn(2+) and Cu(2+) were significantly higher than those in the fringe zone. Soil water potential and the concentration of soil P, however, were significantly lower in the dwarf site. In the leaves, Na(+) was the predominant ion and its concentration was 24 % higher in dwarf than fringe mangroves. Leaf concentrations of K(+), Ca(2+), Mg(2+), Mn(2+) and P, however, were significantly lower in dwarf mangroves. Photosynthetic performance, measured by gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence, was significantly reduced in the dwarf plants. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that hydro-edaphic factors contribute to high soil salinities, low water potentials, water stress and ion imbalance within tissues including P deficiency, which in interaction, contribute to dwarfing in Avicennia marina.  相似文献   

白骨壤模拟湿地系统中Pb的分布、迁移及其净化效应   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
陈桂葵  陈桂珠 《生态科学》2005,24(1):28-30,34
在温室中建立红树林植物白骨壤模拟湿地系统,分别用正常(NW)、5倍(FW)和10倍(TW)浓度人工配置的城市污水每周定时定量对模拟系统污灌2次,用海水作对照(CL),持续1年。研究重金属Pb在湿地系统中的分布、迁移及其被净化的效果。结果表明:加入系统中的Pb主要存留于土壤子系统中,很少迁移到植物体和凋落物中:植物各器官中的Pb含量在根中最高;模拟系统对重金属。Pb的净化效果显著,各污水处理组分别为:NW组97.97%、FW组97.86%、TW组98.06%。根据物质平衡模型计算得土壤子系统。Pb的环境容量较大,因此整个模拟系统对Pb污染的承受力较大。  相似文献   

白骨壤模拟湿地系统中磷的分配循环及其净化效应   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8  
陈桂葵  陈桂珠 《生态学报》2005,25(3):627-632
在温室中建立红树林植物白骨壤模拟湿地系统 ,分别用正常、5倍和 10倍 3种不同浓度的人工配置的污水每周定时定量对模拟系统进行污灌 1a。研究营养污染物 P在系统中的分配、循环及其被净化的效果。结果表明 :随污水处理浓度的升高 ,被更换的潮汐水中的含 P量和土壤含 P量都有明显提高 ;植物体各部分含 P量的高低顺序排列为 :叶 >茎 >根 ;在植物 -土壤系统中4个组分 CA0 、CA1 、CA5和 CA1 0 植物中 P元素的周转期依次为 4 .70 a、4 .6 1a、3.80 a和 5 .4 4 a;模拟植物 -土壤系统对污水中 P的净化效果显著 ,CA1 、CA5和 CA1 0 组的净化率分别为 81.2 3%、94 .4 0 %和 95 .6 3%。  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Plant Physiology - In this study, the response of Avicennia marina (Forssk.) Vierh. to salinities of 0, 150, 300, 600, 900, and 1200 mM NaCl was investigated under controlled...  相似文献   

MCCUSKER  ALISON 《Annals of botany》1971,35(3):707-712
The occurrence of knee roots in Avicennia marina (Forsk.) Vierh.is reported and specimens at various stages of development aredescribed Knee roots arise from horizontal roots in a mannersimilar to pneumatophores but anatomically they resemble horizontalroots After re-entering the soil the knee root reverts to ahorizontal position and gives rise to further pneumatophoresand anchoring roots.  相似文献   

Abstract The predispersal mortality of floral buds and fruits in the grey mangrove (Avicennia marina) was examined over a range of populations for 3 years. The average survival of floral buds to anthesis was 34%. Moth larvae (subtribe Phycitina) attack and consume the contents of variable numbers of flower buds, but their activities did not influence bud survival, as experimental exclusion of larvae did not increase the number of buds surviving to anthesis. Fruit mortality is initially high with an average of 21% of floral buds surviving to immature fruit. Subsequent mortality is lower until on average 2.9% of floral buds survive to become viable propagules. Several cohorts of the phycitine moth larvae feed throughout the development of the fruit, and up to 62% of mature fruit show signs of larval attack. Experimental exclusion of moth larvae doubled the survival of fruits. However more than 75% of fruit mortality may be attributed to maternal regulation. Hail storms can also cause fruit mortality. The potential fecundity (number of ovules) of A. marina was measured over a range of age-size classes of trees and the realized fecundity (viable propagules) was estimated from average predispersal mortality. These estimates were subsequently verified in the field. A fecundity schedule was constructed with assumptions on reproductive frequency and reproductive life. The average annual supply of propagules over a lifetime is estimated to be about 247 viable propagules per tree.  相似文献   

Mangrove (Avicennia marina) communities constitute an importantcomponent of the renewable natural vegetation resources of the coastalzones of the Arabian Gulf south of Kuwait. Attempts to introduce themangrove into the intertidal zones of the coastline of Kuwait are underwaybecause of the expected favorable environmental impact of this plant, andbecause of its moderating influence on the local climate and enhancementof the aesthetic and recreational value of the coastlines and fisheryresources. Propagules were collected from natural stands of mangrove inBahrain and the United Arab Emirates. Silvicultural practices were followedto produce healthy plants after growing of propagules in the greenhouse.Observations indicated that there is a positive correlation betweenpropagule weight and the length of the seedling stem. Outplanting wasdone in two sites in the intertidal zone around the Sulabikhat Bay, Kuwait.Data on plant survival showed that the most suitable level for successfulestablishment of mangrove was around or below the 3-meter contour tidalline. After 7 years of growth, plants reached a mean height of 250 cm,which is close to the height of their parent trees in Bahrain. The U.A.E.stock plants reached 288 cm after 5 years of growth in Kuwait. Plantsflowered and produced viable seeds. The biological feasibility ofestablishing mangrove plantations in the intertidal flats of Kuwait's coastlineswas documented from the field observation of the experimental plantations.Studies to document the environmental impact of the introduction areunderway.  相似文献   

Swales  A.  Reeve  G.  Cahoon  D. R.  Lovelock  C. E. 《Ecosystems》2019,22(6):1232-1255
Ecosystems - Mangrove forests are vulnerable to accelerated sea-level rise associated with climate warming because they occupy a relatively narrow zone on the mid-to-upper-intertidal flats. The...  相似文献   

Gas exchange characteristics were studied in two mangrove species, Aegiceras corniculatum (L.) Blanco and Avicennia marina (Forstk.) Vierh. var australasica (Walp.) Moldenke, grown under a variety of salinity and humidity conditions. The assimilation rate was measured as a function of the intercellular CO2 concentration [A(ci) curve]. The photosynthetic capacity decreased with increase in salinity from 50 to 500 millimolar NaCl, as shown by decline in both the initial linear slope and the upper plateau of the A(ci) curve, with A. corniculatum being the more sensitive species. The decline in photosynthetic capacity was enhanced by increase in the leaf to air vapor pressure difference from 6 to 24 millibars, but this treatment caused a decrease in only the upper plateau of the A(ci) curve. Stomatal conductance was such that the intercellular CO2 concentration obtaining under normal atmospheric conditions occurred near the transition between the lower linear and upper plateau portions of the A(ci) curves. Thus, stomatal conductance and photosynthetic capacity together co-limited the assimilation rate, which declined with increasing salinity and decreasing humidity. The marginal water cost of carbon assimilation was similar in most treatments, despite variation in the water loss/carbon gain ratio.  相似文献   

Avicennia marina is a high-Cd-tolerant species in the mangrove wetlands. A hydroponic experiment was carried out to research the accumulation and chemical form distribution of Cd in the tissues of A. marina under different concentrations and durations of Cd stress. It was found that the concentrations of Cd in plant tissues followed the order of root > stem > leaf. The data suggested that root activity decreased, Cd accumulation ability weakened in roots, and the translocation factor increased in stems and leaves with the increase of stress duration. With a proactive defense mechanism, most Cd was bound to pectates, organic acids, and protein, especially in roots and stems with the most proportion of 88.51 and 78.91%, respectively, having lower biological activities. The Cd bounded to water-soluble organic acid and free inorganic aminophenol–Cd showed the lowest concentration. The pectates, organic acids, and protein-integrated Cd seem the most important in affecting Cd detoxification for A. marina; this mechanism of change in Cd biological activities decreases the toxicity of this aggressive pollutant and presents new knowledge about the tolerance of mangrove plants.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Growth Regulation - The reported study investigated the interaction between salicylic acid (SA) and citric acid (CA) in cadmium (Cd)-stressed Brassica juncea plants. Seedling...  相似文献   

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