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Bioluminescence intensity acts as the indicator of the functional state of a plankton community. Data on bioluminescence intensity, zooplankton biomass, and chlorophyll a from the expeditions to the tropical and subtropical Atlantic Ocean were analyzed. The regression models implied a ~10-fold decline of bioluminescence intensity [bioluminescence potential (BP)] and zooplankton biomass for the 46 year time range from 1970 to 2016. The correlation was low between chlorophyll a (the indicator of phytoplankton biomass) and BP, but it was significant for the zooplankton biomass BP annual time series. The decline of BP was associated with the decreasing abundance of bioluminescent zooplankton, and increasing global warming-driven temperature.  相似文献   

The polar night in the Arctic is characterized by up to six months of darkness, low temperatures and limited food availability. Biological data on species composition and abundance during this period are scarce due to the logistical challenges posed when sampling these regions. Here, we characterize the plankton community composition during the polar night using water samplers and zooplankton net samples (50, 64, 200, 1500 μm), supplemented by acoustics (ADCPs, 300 kHz), to address a previously unresolved question–which species of zooplankton perform diel vertical migration during the polar night? The protist community (smallest plankton fraction) was mainly represented by ciliates (Strombidiida). In the larger zooplankton fractions (50, 64, 200 μm) the species composition was represented primarily by copepod nauplii and small copepods (e.g., Microcalanus spp., Pseudocalanus spp. and Oithona similis). In the largest zooplankton fraction (>1500 μm), the euphausiid, Thysanoessa inermis, was the most abundant species followed by the chaetognath Parasagitta elegans. Classical DVM was not observed throughout the darkest parts of the polar night (November–mid-January), although, subtle vertical migration patterns were detected in the acoustic data. With the occurrence of a more distinct day–night cycle (i.e., end of January), acoustical DVM signals were observed, paralleled by a classical DVM pattern in February in the largest fractions of zooplankton net samples. We suggest that Thysanoessa spp. are main responsible for the acoustical migration patterns throughout the polar night, although, chaetognaths and copepods may be co-responsible.  相似文献   

Whole-cell biosensors are potential candidates for on-line and in situ environmental monitoring. In this work we present a new design of a whole-cell bioluminescence biosensor for water toxicity detection, based on genetically engineered Escherichia coli bacteria, carrying a recA::luxCDABE promoter-reporter fusion. Sensitive optical detection is achieved using a single photon avalanche photodiode (SPAD) working in the Geiger mode. The present work describes a simple mathematical model for the kinetic process of the bioluminescence based SOS toxin response of E. coli bacteria. We find that initially the bioluminescence signal depends on the time square and we show that the spectral intensity of the bioluminescence signal is inverse proportional to the frequency. We get excellent agreement between the theoretical model and the measured light signal. Furthermore, we present experimental results of the bioluminescent signal measurement using a SPAD and a photomultiplier, and demonstrate improvement of the measurement by applying a matched digital filter. Low intensity bioluminescence signals were measured after the whole-cell sensors were exposed to various toxicant concentrations (5, 15 and 20ppm).  相似文献   

Bioluminescence measurements have been made using a bathyphotometer allowing the determination of stimulated light intensities down to 2,000 m depth, in the Mediterranean Sea on the Almeria-Oran front, during the winter 1997-1998, and in the northeastern Atlantic, on the Armorican continental shelf, during summers 1999 and 2000. Bioluminescence is weaker in the Mediterranean than in the Atlantic. In the epipelagic waters, day/night variations appear clearly, stimulated bioluminescence is higher at night than during the day. These diel variations can be explained by vertical migration of bioluminescent organisms and by photoinhibition of dinoflagellate bioluminescence. Fluorescence measurements made at the same time give information about potential bioluminescent sources, autotrophic and heterotrophic.  相似文献   

Luminescent lures, counter-shading in the dark blue sea, flashes of light intensive enough to temporarily blind a predator, love fireworks in the night to impress a mate, and toadstools that glow to attract parasitic wasps--these are just some of the many examples of bioluminescence at work in Nature. But how is the biological light produced? What are its evolutionary roots? Why are there so many different uses for the light?  相似文献   

Climatic effects in the ocean at the community level are poorly described, yet accurate predictions about ecosystem responses to changing environmental conditions rely on understanding biotic responses in a food‐web context to support knowledge about direct biotic responses to the physical environment. Here we conduct time‐series analyses with multivariate autoregressive (MAR) models of marine zooplankton abundance in the Northern California Current from 1996 to 2009 to determine the influence of climate variables on zooplankton community interactions. Autoregressive models showed different community interactions during warm vs. cool ocean climate conditions. Negative ecological interactions among zooplankton groups characterized the major warm phase during the time series, whereas during the major cool phase, ocean transport largely structured zooplankton communities. Local environmental conditions (sea temperature) and large‐scale climate indices (El Niño/Southern Oscillation) were associated with changes in zooplankton abundance across the full time series. Secondary environmental correlates of zooplankton abundance varied with ocean climate phase, with most support during the warm phase for upwelling as a covariate, and most support during the cool phase for salinity. Through simultaneous quantitation of community interactions and environmental covariates, we show that marine zooplankton community structure varies with climate, suggesting that predictions about ecosystem responses to future climate scenarios in the Northern California Current should include potential changes to the base of the pelagic food.  相似文献   

Bioluminescence has recently become a popular research tool in several fields, including medicine, pharmacology, biochemistry, bioprocessing, and environmental engineering. Beginning with purely qualitative goals, scientists are now targeting more demanding applications where accurate, quantitative interpretation of bioluminescence is necessary. Using the recent advances in fiber-optic technology, bioluminescence is easily monitored in vivo and in real time. However, the convenience of this measurement is often concealing an unsuspected problem: the bioluminescence signal might be corrupted by a large error caused by the extinction of light by biological cells. Since bioluminescent cultures not only emit light but also absorb and scatter it, the measured signal is related in a complex, nonlinear, and cell-concentration-dependent manner to the "true" bioluminescence. This light extinction effect, known as the "inner filter effect," is significant in high-density cultures. Adequate interpretation of the bioluminescence signal can be difficult without its correction. Here, we propose a real-time algorithm for elimination of the inner filter effect in a bioreactor. The algorithm yields the bioluminescence which would be measured if the glowing culture was completely transparent. This technique has been successfully applied to batch and continuous cultivation of recombinant bioluminescent Escherichia coli. (c) 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

A genual pattern of photophobic responses has been observedwhich differs for calanoid copepods from freshwater, estuarineand oceanic environments. Using a video-computer system formotion analysis, the photophobic responses of light and darkadapted calanoid copepods were compared. Dark-adapted copepodswere exposed to 600 ms flashes of dim blue light at 5 s intervalswhich simulated the flashes of biolumines-cent marine zooplankton.Light-adapted copepods were exposed to 600 ms intervals of darknessat 5 s intervals to simulate the shadows of organisms passingoverhead. Four species of coastal marine copepods (Acartia hudsonica,Centropages hamatus, Pseudocalanus minutus and Temora longicornis)all showed photophobic responses to both flashes and shadows.These responses may have adaptive value to the copepods sincethey live in an environment with predators that are bioluminescentat night and cast shadows on their prey during the day (e.g.ctenophores and cnidarian medusae). Two species of oceanic copepods(Euchaeta marina, Pleuromamma abdominalis) showed strong photophobicresponses to flashes but no response to shadows. This may correspondto the abundance of bioluminescent predators on copepods inthe oceanic environment (fish, ctenophores, siphonophores, etc.)and their lack of exposure to the shadows of predators, sinceboth these species are rarely found in the euphoric zone duringthe day. Two species of freshwater copepods (Diaptomus sanguineus,Epishwa massachusettsensis) showed no similar photophobic responseto flashes of light. This lack of startle response may relateto the lack of bioluminescence in the freshwater environment.Freshwater copepods showed a weak photophobic response to shadows.The adaptive value of this behavior is unclear, however, sincethe responses seem to be too weak to function for escape, andthe dominant predators large enough to cast shadows (fish) tendto approach their prey laterally. 1Present address: Marine Science Institute, University of Texasat Austin, Port Aransas, TX 78373–1267, USA  相似文献   

Diel vertical migration of Arctic zooplankton during the polar night   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
High-latitude environments show extreme seasonal variation in physical and biological variables. The classic paradigm of Arctic marine ecosystems holds that most biological processes slow down or cease during the polar night. One key process that is generally assumed to cease during winter is diel vertical migration (DVM) of zooplankton. DVM constitutes the largest synchronized movement of biomass on the planet, and is of paramount importance for marine ecosystem function and carbon cycling. Here we present acoustic data that demonstrate a synchronized DVM behaviour of zooplankton that continues throughout the Arctic winter, in both open and ice-covered waters. We argue that even during the polar night, DVM is regulated by diel variations in solar and lunar illumination, which are at intensities far below the threshold of human perception. We also demonstrate that winter DVM is stronger in open waters compared with ice-covered waters. This suggests that the biologically mediated vertical flux of carbon will increase if there is a continued retreat of the Arctic winter sea ice cover.  相似文献   

Animal courtship signals include many highly conspicuous traits and behaviors, and it is generally assumed that such signals must balance the benefits of attracting mates against some fitness costs. However, few studies have assessed the multiple costs potentially incurred by any one courtship signal, so we have limited understanding of the relative importance of different costs. This study provides the first comprehensive assessment of signal costs for Photinus fireflies (Coleoptera: Lampyridae), using controlled experiments to measure both the energy and predation costs associated with their bioluminescent courtship signals. We measured energy required to generate bioluminescent flashes, using differential open-flow respirometry, and found that flash signaling results in only a nominal increase in energy expenditure above resting levels. These results suggest that the energy required to generate bioluminescent flashes represents a minor component of the total cost of firefly courtship. However, controlled field experiments revealed that visually oriented predators imposed major costs on firefly courtship signals, with higher signaling rates significantly increasing the likelihood of predation. Together with previous results demonstrating that female fireflies prefer more conspicuous courtship signals, these results support the importance of multiple-receiver communication networks in driving signal evolution.  相似文献   

Light pulses were used to mimic dinoflagellate bioluminescence and test its effects on the swimming behavior of Acartia hudsonica (Pinhey). The horizontal swimming patterns of the copepod were tracked and described using a video-computer system. Single flashes of light of 60 ms duration, with a wavelength of peak emission of 475 nm and an intensity of 2 μE · m?2 · s?1 caused a “startle” response consisting of a short burst of high speed swimming. A series of these flashes repeated every 5 s resulted in higher average swimming speed, more swimming speed bursts, and straighter paths. These behavioral changes are similar to those previously found for A. hudsonica in the presence of bioluminescent dinoflagellates. The effects of altering the intensity, duration, and color of the simulated dinoflagellate flash were also tested. Our results support the hypothesis that dinoflagellate bioluminescence is a highly evolved adaptation for repelling nocturnal grazers.  相似文献   

For analytical purposes bioluminescence can be used in three main ways: 1. luminescence measurement of bioluminescent system components isolated in vitro; 2. determination of luminous organisms' reaction to the in vivo test-action; 3. measurement of bioluminescence in marine ecological systems. The majority of the reports of this Symposium are dealing with the first two topics. The aim of our presentation is to draw attention to the third one. The possibilities of bioluminescent analysis are wider than its traditional scheme of applications in the laboratory, when the emitting system is withdrawn from a native source and is placed in a cuvette of the light measuring device. The reverse scheme is also possible, i.e. the device can be introduced into light emitting system such as a marine biocenosis–the community of the sea inhabitants–where we obtain a highly sensitive and rapid means of gaining the information on the vital activity of marine ecosystems, i.e. their spatial structure, rhythms, man's influence upon them, etc. The present communication will consider the possibilities of this form of bioluminescent analysis.  相似文献   

In the dinoflagellate Gonyaulax polyedra , bioluminescence is known to be controlled by proton transfer from an acidic vacuole system to the scintillons. We demonstrate that bafilomycin A 1 , a specific blocker of V-type proton ATPases, inhibits at low concentrations (down to 2 × 10 -8 M) bioluminescence and, in particular, the circadian glow maximum. For many hours bafilomycin A 1 does not interfere with the capacity of the bioluminescent system. Therefore, we conclude on the participation of a V-type ATPase in proton accumulation in the acidic vacuoles. Inhibition of tryptophan hydroxylase by p-chlorophenylalanine, p-fluorophenylalanine, or 5-fluorotryptophan also suppresses the circadian glow maximum. After inhibition of the enzyme by p-chlorophenylalanine, the glow peak can be restored, without any additional unspecific effects on bioluminescence, by supplementation with 5-hydroxytryptophan. Therefore, the availability of indoleamines is required for the expression of the glow maximum. Since 5-methoxytryptamine is the only physiologically occurring indoleamine with substantial effects on bioluminescence at low concentrations (below 10 -7 M), and since this substance accumulates in the second half of the night to stimulatory concentrations, this indolic metabolite may represent the physiologically active substance involved in the expression of the glow maximum.  相似文献   

NanoLuc (NLuc)-furimazine bioluminescence system offers several advantages over established systems, including improved stability, smaller size, and >150-fold enhancement in bioluminescence. Herein, we designed and synthesized a series of bioluminescent substrates with varying at the C-6 position of furimazine for NLuc-furimazine bioluminescence system. Among all derivatives, compounds A6 and A11 provided excellent bioluminescence characteristics compared with furimazine in vitro and in vivo. We believe that these new NLuc substrates can broaden the application of NLuc bioluminescence techniques, especially in vivo bioluminescent imaging.  相似文献   

In the dinoflagellate Gonyaulax polyedra, bioluminescence is known to be controlled by proton transfer from an acidic vacuole system to the scintillons. We demonstrate that bafilomycin A 1, a specific blocker of V-type proton ATPases, inhibits at low concentrations (down to 2 × 10 –8 M) bioluminescence and, in particular, the circadian glow maximum. For many hours bafilomycin A 1 does not interfere with the capacity of the bioluminescent system. Therefore, we conclude on the participation of a V-type ATPase in proton accumulation in the acidic vacuoles. Inhibition of tryptophan hydroxylase by p-chlorophenylalanine, p-fluorophenylalanine, or 5-fluorotryptophan also suppresses the circadian glow maximum. After inhibition of the enzyme by p-chlorophenylalanine, the glow peak can be restored, without any additional unspecific effects on bioluminescence, by supplementation with 5-hydroxytryptophan. Therefore, the availability of indoleamines is required for the expression of the glow maximum. Since 5-methoxytryptamine is the only physiologically occurring indoleamine with substantial effects on bioluminescence at low concentrations (below 10 –7 M), and since this substance accumulates in the second half of the night to stimulatory concentrations, this indolic metabolite may represent the physiologically active substance involved in the expression of the glow maximum.  相似文献   

Using a series of exogenous fluorescent molecules as potential energy acceptors, the hypothesis on the activity of the upper electron-excited states in bioluminescence was tested. The results in bacterial and firefly bioluminescent enzyme systems were compared. Similar activity to the energetic precursor in bacterial bioluminescence was not proven in the case of the firefly system, the result of a very efficient intramolecular energy transfer in the emitter of the firefly bioluminescence. The influence of a number of metallic salts on a bacterial bioluminescent enzyme system was studied. Bioluminescence inhibition coefficients were compared to the free energies of electron withdrawing of cations. The correlation shows that inhibition and activation of luminescence intensity result from the effects of cations on electron transfer in the bioluminescent system.  相似文献   

In Lac Pavin Acanthodiaptomus denticornis was found to be intensely reddish-orange coloured by keto-carotenoids of the astaxanthin type. Such pigments are not normally found in phytoplankton algae, and apparently these carotenoids result from the metabolism of pigments of dietary origin. The carotenoid content of the zooplankton showed a distinct 2.5-fold diurnal variation, with a minimum at night time and a maximum in the early morning. The possible impact of a diurnal difference in zooplankton feeding activity is discussed.  相似文献   

The luxA, B, C, D, and E genes from Photorhabdus luminescens were cloned and functionally expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae to construct a bacterial lux-based yeast bioreporter capable of autonomous bioluminescence emission. The bioreporter was engineered using a series of pBEVY yeast expression vectors that allowed for bi-directional constitutive or inducible expression of the individual luxA, B, C, and E genes. The luxD gene, encoding the acyl-ACP transferase that ultimately supplies the requisite aldehyde substrate for the bioluminescent reaction, was fused to a yeast internal ribosomal entry site (IRES) sequence to ensure high bi-cistronic expression. Although self-generation of bioluminescence was achieved by the bioreporter, the signal was relatively weak and decayed rapidly. To overcome this instability, a flavin oxidoreductase gene (frp) from Vibrio harveyi was co-expressed to provide sufficient concentrations of the FMNH(2) co-factor required for the bioluminescent reaction. Expression of frp with the lux genes not only stabilized but also enhanced bioluminescence to levels approaching 9.0x10(5) times above background.  相似文献   

Diel changes in the specific growth rates of natural bacterial communities as a whole and of different groups within the communities were followed over 2 days during July 1982, in stratified waters in the vicinity of a shallow sea tidal mixing front in the Irish Sea. Waters well above (4 m) and below (60 m) the thermocline were enclosed in dialysis bags and incubated in situ. The results show that there were periods of altered growth rates of the whole bacterial community and synchronous cell division of morphological groups. An increase in mean cell volume within both 4 and 60 m communities preceded an increase in specific growth rates, with a resultant decrease in the mean cell volume. Above the thermocline the whole bacterial community, as well as the rod and coccoid forms, doubled in number once a day. The doubling time of the whole bacterial community at 60 m was 2 days and slower than that at 4 m. This was due to a slower doubling time (3 days) for the coccoid forms. Rod forms at the two depths had a similar doubling time (1 day). The time of day when maximum division rate occurred was also different in the two water masses. At 4 m more coccoid forms divided during the night, whereas at 60 m more divided during the day. Conversely, at 4 m more rod forms divided during the day, whereas at 60 m more divided at night.These data indicate that the bacterial community and members of the community may be adapted to exploit the diurnal rhythms of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) release by other organisms and that portions of the bacterial community may therefore be more active at certain times of the day. The diurnal growth of the bacterial community may thus vary between different water masses and largely reflects the differences in the chemical and biological characteristics of the two water masses investigated.  相似文献   

Mesoscale eddies of the ocean (with a characteristic diameter of about 100 km and a life time-span of about several weeks) are habitats of plankton organisms, many of which are bioluminescent. The spatial heterogeneity of bioluminescence of the upper mixed layer associated with the impact of mesoscale eddies is poorly studied. The 45-year historical data set was retrieved, in order to select the bathy-photometric surveys carried out in the form of station grids and transects across eddies. Data from 71 expeditions deployed in 1966–2022 to the Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean and Mediterranean Sea basin were analyzed, in order for the spatial heterogeneity of bioluminescent fields to be elucidated across eddy fields. The stimulated bioluminescence intensity was characterized by the bioluminescent potential, which represented the maximal amount of radiant energy emitted in a given volume of water by bioluminescent organisms. The normalized bioluminescent potential over oceanographic station grids exhibited correlation with the eddy kinetic energy and zooplankton biomass (r = 0.8, at P = 0.001 and r = 0.7, at P = 0.05, respectively), in a broad range of energy and bioluminescence units (0.02–0.2 m2 s−2; 0.4–92.0 × 10−8 W cm−2 L−1, respectively). Overall, estimates of bioluminescent potential variability on the mesoscale contribute to the assessment of the multiple-scale variation of the bioluminescent field of the World Ocean.  相似文献   

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