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Longiflorum and Asiatic lilies of the genus Lilium of the family Liliaceae are two important groups of modern lily cultivars.One of the main trends of lily breeding is to realize introgression between these groups.With cut style pollination and embryo rescue,distant hybrids between the two groups have been obtained.However,the F1 hybrids are highly sterile or some of them could produce a small number of 2n gametes,and their BC1 progenies are usually triploids.Dutch lily breeders have selected many cultivars...  相似文献   

Immunohistochemical localization of lutropin (LH) and follitropin (FSH) in the pituitary gland of the frog Rana japonica was studied by the peroxidase-anti-peroxidase method and the two-face, double-labeling method with different-sized gold particles at the light-and electron-microscopic levels, respectively, using monoclonal antibodies against bullfrog LH and FSH. Light-microscopic immunohistochemistry indicated that approximately 66.0% of all the gonadotrophs in the pituitary contained both LH and FSH, whereas 33.4% of gonadotrophs contained only LH, and 0.6% contained only FSH. The staining intensity of LH and FSH varied from cell to cell. The gonadotrophs were classified into four types (Types I–IV) in terms of their ultrastructural and immunolabeling characteristics. Moreover, several secretory granule types were recognized according to differences in their shape and electron density. In all the cell types, both LH and FSH were often seen in the same secretory granules, but the proportion of granules bearing both hormones ranged from 5.5% in Type I to 32.7% in Type IV. Most secretory granules in Types I and II were immunolabeled with LH alone, whereas a small number of granules were immunolabeled with FSH alone. More immunolabeled FSH granules were present in Types III and IV than in Types I and II.  相似文献   

《Comptes rendus biologies》2019,342(9-10):323-329
A new species of natricid snakes, Trachischium apteii sp. nov. is described from the northeastern Indian State of Arunachal Pradesh. The new species differs from its congeners in the following suite of characters: dorsal scales in 15:15:15 rows, SVL 293–299 mm, higher ventral count 143–150, very faint dorsal longitudinal lines, absence of yellow patch on the neck and the belly being pale yellow. Preliminary discussion on the phylogenetic position of the members of the genus Trachischium is presented. This discovery of a new snake species advocates the need for dedicated surveys to document biodiversity across Arunachal Pradesh and the neighbouring States of northeastern India.  相似文献   

We describe the results of a survey of farmers’ perceptions of and satisfaction with the performance of watershed development activities on socioeconomic, agriculture and livestock, and environmental attributes. We administered a questionnaire to 120 farmers randomly interviewed in the Morni Hill area of the Siwalik Himalayas in India. Our results show that the farmers have considerable knowledge about the implementation of watershed development activities and their impact on the economy, agriculture and the environment. Our respondents generally agreed or strongly agreed with most investigated parameters, with a few exceptions such as employment opportunities in the dairying sector, rise in panchayat funds, milk production, fuel wood availability, grazing lands and use of mechanical inputs in agriculture. Water availability has resulted in a positive change in the cropping pattern, which has shifted to more remunerative crops, such as paddy, pulses, vegetables and high yielding wheat. Approximately 45 % of respondents were highly satisfied with the results of the watershed development activities. The overall level of satisfaction pertaining to different socioeconomic, agriculture and livestock, and environmental parameters was approximately 56 %, which reveals that respondents are well aware of the impacts of the watershed development activities. Therefore, we suggest that farmers’ perceptions could usefully be incorporated into decision-making processes for targeting land and water management interventions.  相似文献   

Interspecific crosses contribute significantly to plant evolution enabling gene exchanges between species. The efficiency of interspecific crosses depends on the similarity between the implicated genomes as high levels of genome similarity are required to ensure appropriate chromosome pairing and genetic recombination. Brassica napus (AACC) is an allopolyploid, resulting from natural hybridization between Brassica rapa (AA) and Brassica oleracea (CC), both being diploid species derived from a common ancestor. To study the relationships between genomes of these Brassica species, we have determined simultaneously the pairing and recombination pattern of A and C chromosomes during meiosis of AAC triploid hybrids, which result from the interspecific cross between natural B. napus and B. rapa. Different AAC triploid hybrids and their progenies have been analysed using cytogenetic, BAC-FISH, and molecular techniques. In 71% of the pollen mother cells, homologous A chromosomes paired regularly, and usually one chromosome of each pair was transmitted to the progeny. C chromosomes remained mainly univalent, but were involved in homoeologous pairing in 21.5% of the cells, and 13% of the transmitted C chromosomes were either recombined or broken. The rate of transmission of C chromosomes depended on the identity of the particular chromosome and on the way the hybrid was crossed, as the male or as the female parent, to B. napus or to B. rapa. Gene transfers in triploid hybrids are favoured between A genomes of B. rapa and B. napus, but also occur between A and C genomes though at lower rates.  相似文献   

The abundance and aggregation of eggs of Aedes aegypti L. and Aedes albopictus Skuse was evaluated in the municipalities of Cambé, Ibipor?, Jacarezinho, Maringá and Paranavaí, in the State of Paraná, Brazil by means of oviposition traps. Of the 225 installed traps, 100 were registered as positive for eggs; 4140 eggs were collected, thus demonstrating an highly aggregate distribution. Both species were registered in Cambé, Jacarezinho, Maringá and Paranavaí. Ae. albopictus was generally less abundant and was not present in Ibipor? nor in the oviposition traps of a second collection of Maringá. The relation between sexes for Ae. aegypti was approximately 1:1. In the comparison of the number of adults collected between the two species, a negative correlation was obtained in the samples of Maringá and Cambé, what was attributed the seasonality of these populations. The coexistence of these species indicates that both are under pressure by the control programs, therefore specific evaluations are necessary.  相似文献   

Two cytotypes (2n = 36 and 38) of blind mole rats, Nannospalax xanthodon (Nordmann, 1840), from the Ayd?n and Manisa provinces in Turkey were investigated. Conventional chromosome staining, Ag-NOR staining and C-banding analysis were carried out. From the cytogenetic point of view, the particular phylogenetic position of these populations is supported by their low diploid numbers only, and the Cbanding pattern and the NORs distribution seem generally similar to populations with higher chromosome numbers. Several autosomal pairs with centromeric dark Cbands were observed in the 2n=36 cytotype. One autosomal pair possessed an interstitial dark C-band on the short arm; another pair possessed an interstitial dark Cband on the long arm. Whole C-heterochromatic short arms were observed in three subtelocentric autosomal pairs in the 2n=38 cytotype. Most of the other autosomal pairs possessed centromeric dark C-bands. Distinct dark C-bands were observed also in the presumed X chromosomes of both the cytotypes. The Ag-NOR regions were found on three autosomal pairs of both the cytotypes. These sites were located in telomeric areas of the short arms of two subtelocentric and one submetacentric pair.  相似文献   

Understanding the dynamics of the Late Quaternary Caribbean mammal extinction event is complicated by continuing uncertainty over the taxonomic status of many species. Hispaniola is one of the few Caribbean islands to retain native non-volant mammals; however, there has been little consensus over past or present levels of diversity in Hispaniolan hutias (Capromyidae: Plagiodontinae). Craniodental measurement data from modern hutia specimens, previously classified as both Plagiodontia aedium and P. hylaeum, display morphological differences between Hispaniola's northern and southern palaeo-islands using MANOVA and PCA. Although attempts to amplify mitochondrial DNA from the holotype of Paedium were unsuccessful, this specimen is morphometrically associated with southern palaeo-island specimens. The mandibular size distribution of recent Plagiodontia specimens is unimodal, but the Late Quaternary mandibular size distribution is multimodal and displays much broader measurement spread, representing multiple extinct species. Finite Mixture Analysis was used to assess the best fit of different taxonomic hypotheses to the fossil mandibular size distribution. All retained FMA models include living hutias and P. spelaeum as distinct taxa; PCA further demonstrates that levels of morphological variation between modern hutia populations are lower than levels between living hutias and P. spelaeum, so that living hutias are interpreted as the single species P. aedium. Taxonomic differentiation for larger-bodied hutias is less well defined, but most retained models show only one larger species, for which the only available name is P. velozi. ‘Plagiodontiaaraeum is morphologically distinct from other species and is reassigned to Hyperplagiodontia. Hispaniola's plagiodontine fauna has lost its largest and smallest representatives; similar trends of body size selectivity in extinction risk are shown more widely across the Caribbean mammal fauna, possibly due to different regional anthropogenic threats (invasive mammals, hunting) affecting small-bodied and large-bodied mammals during the recent past. This apparent pattern of extinction selectivity is named the ‘Goldilocks Hypothesis’.  相似文献   

Thrombomodulin (TM) is an integral membrane glycoprotein, which occurs as both a chondroitin sulfate (CS) proteoglycan (PG) form (β-TM) and a non-PG form without a CS chain (α-TM) and hence is a part-time PG. An α-TM preparation isolated from human urine contained the glycosaminoglycan linkage region tetrasaccharide GlcUAβ1-3Galβ1-3Galβ1-4xylose, and the nonreducing terminal GlcUA residue is 3-O-sulfated. Because the human natural killer-1 sulfotransferase (HNK-1ST) transfers a sulfate group from 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulfate to the C-3 position of the nonreducing terminal GlcUA residue in the HNK-1 antigen precursor trisaccharide, GlcUAβ1-3Galβ1-4GlcNAc, the sulfotransferase activity toward the linkage region was investigated. In fact, the activity of HNK-1ST toward the linkage region was much higher than that toward the glucuronylneolactotetraosylceramide, the precursor of the HNK-1 epitope. HNK-1ST may be responsible for regulating the sorting of α- and β-TM. Furthermore, HNK-1ST also transferred a sulfate group from 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulfate to the C-3 position of the nonreducing terminal GlcUA residue of a chondroitin chain. Intriguingly, the HNK-1 antibody recognized CS chains and the linkage region if they contained GlcUA(3-O-sulfate), suggesting that HNK-1ST not only synthesizes the HNK-1 epitope but may also be involved in the generation of part-time PGs.  相似文献   

Summary Relatively large quantities of seed were obtained from the interspecific backcross (A. fistulosum xA. cepa) ×A. cepa allowing, for the first time, an extensive study of the heritable traits exhibited by backcross progeny. Two backcross populations, BC1034 and BC1040, distinguished by differentA. fistulosum parents, were characterized for the isozyme markersIdh-1, Adh-1, andPgi-1. Statistical methods are described to calculate cell probabilities for a mixed population of F2 and BC1 progeny, using an estimate of the fraction of F2 progeny in the population derived from the isozyme data. Cell probability distributions were calculated for a mixed population with independent pairs of loci and a mixed population with nonindependent pairs of loci. The isozyme lociIdh-1 andPgi-1 appear to be linked, with a map distance estimated at 33 centimorgans (cM) in BC1034 and 42 cM in BC1040. The probability distribution model for linked loci did not account for all of the distorted segregation ratios inIdh-1 ×Adh-1 orPgi-1 ×Adh-1. The cytological literature does not support linkage betweenIdh-1 ×Adh-1 orPgi-1 ×Adh-1. The distorted segregation ratios for these pairs of loci are likely the result of genetic incompatibilities between the two species.Journal Article No. 1578, Agricultural Experiment Station, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM, USA  相似文献   

The chemical composition, antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of Eryngium palmatum, an endemic plant species from the Balkan Peninsula, were investigated. The flavonoids apigenin (9.5±0.3 mg g?1) and apigenin 7-O-glucoside (2.4±0.1 mg g?1) were determined in a methanol extract of aerial parts using HPLC analysis. The methanol extract of roots contained catechin (5.0±0.1 mg g?1), epicatechin (2.9±0.1 mg g?1), chlorogenic acid (1.6±0.0 mg g?1), gallic acid (0.9±0.0 mg g?1) and rosmarinic acid (0.9±0.2 mg g?1). GC-FID and GCMS analysis of a chloroform extract of aerial parts showed that the main volatile constituents were falcarinol, linoleic acid, hexadecanoic acid and methyl linoleate (comprising 32.6%; 24.4%; 19.9; 13.2% of the volatile fraction, respectively), while octanoic acid, tetradecanol and dodecanol dominated in the chloroform extract of the roots (34.9%; 25.8%; 22.2% of the volatile fraction, respectively). Investigation of antimicrobial activity by broth microdilution showed that the methanol and chloroform extracts of aerial parts and roots exerted a significant effect (MIC 3.5–15.6 μg mL?1) against tested Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. The methanol extracts of aerial parts or roots exerted moderate ferric reducing antioxidant power, DPPH radical scavenging activity and hydroxyl radical scavenging activity.  相似文献   

Jerboas belonging to the genus Jaculus are widely distributed rodents inhabiting Palearctic desert and semi‐desert areas. Previous studies on the lesser Egyptian jerboa Jaculus jaculus showed the existence of various morphological forms of controversial taxonomic status. They were sometimes related to two different species, J. jaculus and Jaculus deserti, although this has not been recognized in recent taxonomic updates. To clarify the systematic status of J. jaculus in Tunisia, we performed molecular (phylogenetic analyses of cytochrome b sequences), morphological (multivariate analyses of 13 skull measurements) and karyotypic (standard preparations from bone marrow cells) analyses on a number of specimens collected from ten localities. Our analyses revealed two monophyletic, well differentiated clades, with a mean genetic divergence value (K2P = 10.9 ± 0.01%), which is within the range of distances generally observed between rodent species. Morphometric analyses clearly separated populations of the two genetic clades from each other. However, karyotypes of individuals from both clades appeared similar. Individuals from both molecular clades/morphometric groups were found in sympatry in most of the localities sampled. These results, as obtained from a restricted area of the total distribution, suggest that there are two separate species within the currently accepted J. jaculus in Tunisia. Alternative hypotheses such as the occurrence of a strong, ancient phylogeographic structure, or the presence of pseudogenes, are also considered to account for the results obtained. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 99 , 673–686.  相似文献   

Summary The Giemsa C-banding technique was used to identify individual meiotic and somatic chromosomes in 21 monosomic lines of Avena byzantina C. Koch cv Kanota (genome designation AACCDD). The hexaploid complement is composed of three sets of seven chromosome pairs. The heterochromatin in the putative diploid progenitors is located at the telomeres (genome A), at the centromeric and interstitial regions (genome C), or more evenly spread throughout the set (genome D). Comparisons based on C-banding between A. byzantina and its diploid progenitor species allowed us to allocate individual chromosomes into specific genomes. The C-banding technique may be useful for interspecific chromosome pairing analyses. Nucleolar activity and competition were studied using a silver-staining procedure. Only three chromosome pairs showed nucleolar organizer regions, thus indicating that nucleolar competition occurs naturally in hexaploid oats.  相似文献   

Two specimens of Valenciennea helsdingenii (Bleeker, 1858) were collected off Punnakayal coast, from Gulf of Mannar, southeast coast of India in November 2012. The morphometric and meristic characters of the recorded specimens are described and discussed. This is the first record of the species from the Indian waters that is a range extension of its known range within the Indian Ocean.  相似文献   

[Pt(COD)Cl2] (COD=1,5-cyclooctadiene) is a versatile starting material for the synthesis of Pt(II) compounds. The preparations of the new compounds [Pt(COD)Cl(NO3)], [Pt(COD)(NO3)2] and [Pt(PPh3)3(NO3)](NO3) and also of the known compounds cis[Pt(PPh3)2Cl2], cis [Pt(PPh3)2Cl(NO3)], cis[Pt(PPh3)2(NO3)2] and [Pt(PPh3)3Cl](NO3)are reported. The compounds are characterized by elemental analysis, 31P{1H} NMR spectroscopy and IR spectroscopy.  相似文献   

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