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Pollen dispersal from exotic eucalypt plantations   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
The introgression of genes from exotic species or populations into gene pools of native species is a widespread concern in agricultural systems. This is also an issue of increasing importance in forest systems as there has been a dramatic expansion of tree plantations, which have now reached 180 million ha globally. This has recently occurred in Australia with eucalypts. To help assess the risk of genetic pollution, we assess the pattern of realised pollen dispersal from exotic Eucalyptus nitens plantations into native E. ovata forest in Tasmania. We assessed the frequency of F1 hybrids in open-pollinated seed collected from native E. ovata trees located at varying distance from three exotic E. nitens plantations in Tasmania. Over 119,000 seedlings were screened for morphological markers diagnostic of each species and the F1 hybrid. F1 hybridisation averaged 7.2% within 100 m of the exotic E. nitens, with one native tree reaching 56%, but diminished to 0.7% by 200–300 m and continued at this low level to the limits of the sampling at 1.6 km. The decay in the percentage of interspecific F1 hybridisation with distance followed a power function with a negative exponent (%F1 = 91.435distance–0.789; R2=0.84). Eucalyptus nitens is exclusively pollinated by small insects (smaller than honeybees), which the study shows can disperse pollen over 1.6 km. However, the restriction of most exotic F1 hybridisation to within 200 m of exotic plantations presents clear opportunities to manage the genetic impacts of plantations on native forests.  相似文献   

? Transportation of forestry materials results in unintended co-introduction of nonnative species that may cause enormous ecological or economic damage. While the invasion ecology of plants and animals is relatively well-known, that of microorganisms, except aboveground pathogens, remains poorly understood. ? This work addresses host shifts and invasion potential of root symbiotic ectomycorrhizal fungi that were co-introduced with Australian eucalypts and planted in clear-cut miombo woodlands in Zambia, south-central Africa. ? By use of rDNA and plastid intron sequence analysis for identification and phylogenetic techniques for inferring fungal origin, we demonstrated that host shifts were uncommon in the Australian fungi, but frequent in the African fungi, especially in mixed plantations where roots of different trees intermingle. ? There was evidence for naturalization, but not for invasion by Australian ectomycorrhizal fungi. Nevertheless, the fungi introduced may pose an invasion risk along with further adaptation to local soil environment and host trees. Inoculation of eucalypts with native edible fungi may ameliorate the potential invasion risks of introduced fungi and provide an alternative source of nutrition.  相似文献   

Xu  D.  Dell  B.  Malajczuk  N.  Gong  M. 《Plant and Soil》2001,233(1):47-57
Eucalypt plantations in China have largely been established on soils that are low in phosphorus (P) and have few eucalypt-compatible ectomycorrhizal fungi. Effects of P application and ectomycorrhizal fungal inoculation on early tree growth in plantations of Eucalyptus urophylla Blake in Guangdong (Gaoyao) and E. globulus Labill. in Yunnan (Chuxiong) in southern China were investigated as part of a larger study. Application of superphosphate at establishment, in the presence of a basal fertiliser, increased early growth of E. urophylla and E. globulus. The optimum treatments for maximum stand volume at year 3 were 200 kg P ha–1 which increased stand volume by 750% on the strongly acidic, P-deficient lateritic red oxisol at Gaoyao, and 40 kg P ha–1 which increased stand volume by 55% on the mildly P-deficient red ultisol at Chuxiong, at 3 years. Superphosphate increased tree survival at Gaoyao as well as at Chuxiong. Nursery inoculation of eucalypt seedlings with ectomycorrhizal fungi significantly affected tree height and stand volume of the E. urophylla plantation, but the effect (positive or negative) was isolate-dependent and related to tree survival rate. A Laccaria isolate (CSIRO E4728) significantly increased stand volume by 27% at Gaoyao and a Scleroderma (MURU LH041) increased growth by 15% at Chuxiong at age 3 years. All isolates increased tree growth under P-limited soil conditions and only one isolate increased tree growth at marginal soil P. The results suggest that tree growth should be able to be optimised in plantations by the use of effective ectomycorrhizal fungi combined with a judicious fertilisation program at establishment.  相似文献   

Akira Ohta 《Mycoscience》1998,39(1):15-19
Fruit-body production of two ectomycorrhizal fungi,Hebeloma radicosum andhebeloma sp. (nagaenosugitakedamashi in Japanese), in pure culture was examined. First, nutrients that promote mycelial growth of the fungi when added to the basal medium consisting of barley grains and sawdust were determined. Then the fungi were cultivated to produce fruit-bodies in larger-scale media containing additional nutrients selected for each fungus. Mature fruit-bodies bearing basidiospores were formed after incubation at 22°C for 35–42 d, followed by incubation at 17°C for 21–32 d.  相似文献   

In vitro weathering of phlogopite by ectomycorrhizal fungi   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The ways in which ectomycorrhizal fungi benefit tree growth and nutrition have not been fully elucidated. Whilst it is most probably due to improved soil colonization, it is also likely that ectomycorrhizal fungi could be directly involved in nutrient cycling of soil reserves. This study assessed access by two species of ectomycorrhizal fungi to soil nonexchangeable K+ reserves. The incubation of ectomycorrhizal fungi in bi-compartment Petri dishes with phlogopite led to cation exchange reactions and to crystal lattice weathering. Paxillus involutus COU led to irreversible phlogopite transformations, while Pisolithus tinctorius 441 led to reversible ones. Simultaneous depletion in K+ and Mg2+ led to an enhanced weathering of phlogopite by P. tinctorius 441. The observation of phlogopite evolution shows that some specific Al3+ immobilization occurred under P. tinctorius 441. The data suggest that these bio-weathering mechanisms could be related to the release of fungal organic acids or other complex forming molecules.  相似文献   

外生菌根菌与森林树木的相互关系   总被引:23,自引:2,他引:23  
生态系统的每个过程都伴随着各种微生物的活动,其中最重要的功能群之一是菌根真菌(菌根菌)。一般认为,菌根菌是自然界多数植物生存最基本的组成部分,陆地上约90%以上的高等植物都具有菌根菌。这些菌类的菌丝体与植物根系结合形成菌根,使植物生长成为可能,使不同种类植物的根系联在一起。根据菌根菌入侵植物根系的方式及菌根的形态特征,菌根可分为外生菌根、内生菌根和内外生菌根3组共7种类型。外生菌根主要出现在松科、桦木科、壳斗科等树种的森林生态系统中,在根系表面形成菌丝鞘,部分菌丝进入根系皮层细胞间隙形成哈氏网表面。菌根菌剂在森林经营中得到广泛地应用。外生菌根菌对森林树木的作用可归纳为:1)促进造林或育苗成活与生长;2)提高森林生态系统中植物的多样性、稳定性和生产力;3)对森林生态系统的综合效应,主要表现在增加植物一土壤联结,改善土壤结构,促进土壤微生物,增强植物器官的功能;4)抗拮植物根部病害病原菌等。树木与菌根菌相互关系研究主要包括:1)菌根共生的机理;2)菌根菌在退化森林生态系统恢复与改造中的作用;3)菌根菌的分布格局与森林生态系统服务功能的关系;4)菌根菌对森林生态系统的综合效应,如菌根菌与森林植物群落结构、物种多样性以及森林系统稳定性和生产力的研究。  相似文献   

秦岭辛家山林区落叶松外生菌根真菌多样性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
【目的】以秦岭辛家山林区落叶松为研究对象,观察鉴定与其共生的外生菌根真菌。【方法】通过野外调查结合形态学和分子生物学鉴定方法。【结果】鉴定出31种外生菌根真菌,分属2门4目11科11属,分别有毛革菌属(Tomentella)、丝盖伞属(Inocybe)、红菇属(Russula)、Amphinema、蜡蘑属(Laccaria)、蜡壳耳属(Sebacina)、鹅膏菌属(Amanita)、牛肝菌属(Boletus)、丝膜菌属(Cortinarius)、乳菇属(Lactarius)和硬皮马勃属(Scleroderma),丝盖伞属是优势类群。阳坡外生菌根真菌多样性高于阴坡。对菌根根际土与非根际土化学性质分析表明,pH值显著低于非根际,速效磷、速效钾含量显著高于非根际。对根际土化学性质与外生菌根侵染率相关性分析表明,落叶松外生菌根侵染率与土壤pH值呈显著正相关;与速效钾呈极显著正相关;与全氮、速效磷呈显著负相关。【结论】落叶松外生菌根真菌多样性丰富,且受坡向影响。外生菌根真菌可降低根际pH,提高根际有机质、全氮、速效磷、速效钾、水溶性钙和水溶性镁的含量。外生菌根侵染率受土壤pH值、全氮、速效磷、速效钾的影响。  相似文献   

In vitro weathering of phlogopite by ectomycorrhizal fungi   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Oxalate accumulation in external medium under hyphal mats of two ectomycorrhizal species is strongly stimulated (1.7 to 35 fold) by a simultaneous depletion of available K+ and Mg2+. Pisolithus tinctorius strain 441 accumulates oxalate both on NH4–N and on NO3–N whereas Paxillus involutus strain COU only accumulates oxalate on NO3–N. On NO3–N, under a simultaneous K+ and Mg2+ deficiency, P. involutus COU is a very active oxalate producer compared to P. tinctorius 441. The present results could explain the various mineralogical evolutions of a phlogopite mica previously recorded under P. involutus COU or P. tinctorius 441 and suggest a key role for fungal oxalic acid during mineral weathering in response to nutrient deficiency.  相似文献   

于浩  陈展  尚鹤  曹吉鑫 《生态学报》2017,37(16):5418-5427
外生菌根真菌能够提高宿主植物对外界环境胁迫的抵抗力。主要探讨野外条件下外生菌根真菌对酸雨胁迫下马尾松(Pinus massoniana)幼苗生长、养分元素以及表层土壤的影响,以期为酸雨严重区马尾松林恢复提供科学依据。以2年生马尾松幼苗为材料,采用原位试验,共设置6个处理:p H5.6(对照)处理未接种、对照处理接种、p H4.5酸雨处理未接种、p H4.5酸雨处理接种、p H3.5酸雨处理未接种、p H3.5酸雨处理接种。研究表明:(1)酸雨处理与对照处理相比显著降低了非菌根苗总生物量及各部位生物量(根、茎、叶),对株高无显著影响,接种外生菌根真菌可以缓解酸雨对马尾松幼苗生长的不利影响;(2)与对照处理相比,酸雨处理的非菌根苗的针叶中N、P、Ca含量升高,Mg含量降低,根系中N、P、Ca含量降低,Mg含量随p H的降低先升高后降低。接种外生菌根真菌显著提高了p H3.5酸雨处理的马尾松幼苗根系中N、P、Ca、Mg含量,而对针叶中N、P、Ca、Mg含量无显著影响。(3)在非菌根土壤中,p H3.5酸雨处理与对照处理相比显著降低了土壤中有机质、速效磷、速效钾、可溶性碳、可溶性氮、铵态氮、硝态氮含量,而接种外生菌根真菌显著提高了上述指标。酸雨对土壤阳离子交换量无显著影响。总而言之,接种外生菌根真菌促进了酸雨处理的马尾松幼苗生长、缓解了酸雨对马尾松幼苗养分元素和表层土壤的不利影响,由此可见接种外生菌根真菌是减轻酸雨对马尾松危害的一个重要途径。  相似文献   

Claridge  Andrew W. 《Plant and Soil》2002,244(1-2):291-305
The Australian continent is characterised by a harsh climate and highly weathered, nutrient-poor soils. Trees and shrubs in these stressful environmental conditions typically form ectomycorrhizae with a variety of fungi, many of which form hypogeous (underground) fruit-bodies. The total number of hypogeous fungi Australia-wide is unknown, although recent systematic studies in the far south-eastern corner of the country suggest that they may number well over a thousand. Similar surveys elswhere are urgently required to clarify the situation. The precise ecological role of many hypogeous fungi remains to be determined, although most presumably facilitate nutrient and water uptake on behalf of their mycorrhizal partners. Others may also protect their plant host from root pathogens. One key function of hypogeous fungi is the role their fruit-bodies play as a food resource for a large range of terrestrial mammals. For a few animals, hypogeous fungi form the single most important dietary item year-round, whereas for others they may only be of seasonal or supplementary value. The extent to which fungi form part of the diet of any mammal species is reflected in the various levels of adaptation toward acquiring, then processing and digesting these cryptic and nutritionally challenging foodstuffs.  相似文献   

We studied the reproductive biology ofPrunus spinosa andPrunus mahaleb (Prunoideae, Rosaceae) in the northwest Iberian Peninsula. The two species flowered at the same time (peaking on March 9 and 11, respectively in 1990) but differ significantly in their fruit maturation times. Nectar volume peaked in the early morning in both species, and was ten times greater inP. spinosa than inP. mahaleb. Neither species shows apomixis, nor does fruit-set occur if pollinators are excluded. In both species self-pollination resulted in fewer fruits than open pollination. The principal pollinators belong to theApidae family (79% and 63% of visits toP. spinosa andP. mahaleb, respectively). Results are compared with those for other rosaceous plants with fleshy fruits.  相似文献   

杨红军  李勇  袁玲  时安东 《生态学报》2014,34(5):1126-1133
外生菌根真菌是森林生态系统中的重要成分,参与树木养分的吸收利用。试验液体培养外生菌根真菌,设置不同供钾水平,添加钙信号抑制剂,研究了它们的有机酸和氢离子分泌,以及乙酸分泌对供钾和信号抑制剂的响应。结果表明,供试菌株的生长,氮、磷、钾含量和吸收量因菌株不同而异,生物量变化于52.91—121.72 mg/瓶之间,相差1倍以上。外生菌根真菌吸收养分的差异可能与它们对土壤养分环境的长期适应、进化、选择有关。在外生菌根真菌的培养液中,分别检测出草酸、乙酸、苹果酸、柠檬酸和丁二酸等,以及大量的氢离子,说明菌根真菌能分解土壤含钾矿物,释放钾离子,改善寄主植物的钾营养。其中,乙酸分泌量较大,具有普遍性,低钾刺激分泌乙酸,高钾时分泌减少,其分泌速率与供钾浓度和菌丝吸钾量之间呈显著负相关(r=-0.734,r=-0.617,n=60)。钾对菌根真菌分泌乙酸的调控作用具有改善森林钾素营养,防止土壤养分淋失的生理和生态意义。此外,在低钾条件下,阴离子通道和钙信号抑制剂抑制外生菌根真菌分泌乙酸。说明钙信号和阴离子通道参与了乙酸分泌,缺钾可能是刺激乙酸分泌的原初信号,通过信号转导和一系列级联反应促进乙酸分泌。  相似文献   

Chen YL  Liu S  Dell B 《Mycorrhiza》2007,17(6):527-535
The aim of this study is to assess the mycorrhizal status of Eucalyptus plantations in south China and to determine the need for inoculation. In four provinces in south China, 155 plantations were sampled for sporocarps of ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi, spores of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi, and mycorrhizas over 2 years. This study revealed a low above-ground diversity of ECM fungi consisting of 15 taxa fruiting beneath Eucalyptus plantations. The most common ECM genera were Scleroderma and Pisolithus, but they were infrequent. A total of 21 AM fungi, mostly Glomus species, were recognized from spores collected from eucalypt plantations. Four Glomus species were frequently present in soils, but spore density and relative abundance of AM fungi were generally low. Eucalypt roots from all plantation sites were poorly colonized by either ECM fungi or AM fungi. A bioassay with E. urophylla as a bait host, using soils collected from 11 eucalypt plantations, confirmed low levels of inoculum of both ECM and AM fungi in field soil. This is the first integrated study on the mycorrhizal status of eucalypt plantations in China. Findings from this research can be used to encourage adoption of mycorrhizal technology by eucalypt nurseries in the region. The potential of using spores of compatible ECM fungi or collections for forest nurseries is discussed.  相似文献   

1.  In England, the loss of lowland heathland, a habitat of global conservation importance, is primarily due to the invasion of birch and pine. This encroachment has been researched in depth from a plant perspective but little is known about the role of mycorrhizal fungi. In lowland heathlands the resident dwarf shrubs form ericoid mycorrhizas whereas invading trees form ectomycorrhizas. Therefore, tree encroachment into heathlands can be regarded as the replacement of a resident mycorrhizal community by an invading one.
2 . This study examined how fungi form mycorrhizas with Betula and Pinus in lowland heathlands. We addressed the question of whether there are mycorrhizal fungi that mediate invasion using a molecular ecology approach to compare the mycorrhizal inoculum potential of soil at three levels of invasion (uninvaded heathland, invaded heathland and woodland) and the fungi forming mycorrhizas on tree seedlings and trees across diverse sites.
3.  We show that in lowland heathlands: (i) seedlings have severely limited access to ectomycorrhizal fungi relative to woodlands, (ii) there are few keystone spore-dispersed ectomycorrhizal fungi that can mediate tree invasion, (iii) tree seedlings can remain non-mycorrhizal for at least one year when no inoculum is present, even near saplings, and (iv) mycorrhizal seedlings achieve greater biomass than non-mycorrhizal seedlings. Within uninvaded heathland we detected only Rhizopogon luteolus , Suillus variegatus , S. bovinus ( Pinus symbionts) and Laccaria proxima (primarily a Betula symbiont).
4. Synthesis . Overall, ectomycorrhizal inoculum in lowland heathlands is rare; most tree seedlings growing in heathland soil are not mycorrhizal due to limited spore dispersal, poorly developed spore banks and weak common mycorrhizal networks. These seedlings can persist awaiting mycorrhization to boost their growth.  相似文献   

周志峰  王明霞  袁玲  黄建国 《生态学报》2016,36(10):2842-2850
以南北方不同生境下的10株外生菌根真菌为研究对象,采用液体培养的方法,研究了铝对不同菌根真菌的生物量、有机酸分泌及养分含量的影响,以期筛选出抗铝性强的优良菌株,并探讨其抗铝机理。结果表明:外生菌根真菌Sl 08抗铝性最强;Pt 715、Ld 03、Bo 11、Sl 01、Bo 15也具有不同程度的耐铝性;Sl 14、Gc 99、Cg 04抗铝性较差;Sg 11抗铝性最差。来自南方酸性森林土壤的菌株总体抗铝性强于来自北方石灰性土壤的菌株,这表明外生菌根真菌的铝耐受能力与其原始生境有着密切的联系。外生菌根真菌能分泌多种有机酸,且不同菌株分泌的有机酸种类不同。其中,受铝胁迫分泌量增加最多的是草酸。研究中,铝胁迫能增加大多数铝抗性菌株的草酸分泌量,其中铝抗性最强的Sl 08表现最为明显。但铝胁迫并没有促进具备一定铝抗性的Bo 11和Sl 01草酸的分泌量,同时在铝敏感的菌株中均观察到了草酸分泌量的增加。这表明分泌草酸可能并不是外生菌根真菌抵抗铝毒的唯一途径。对各菌株铝胁迫下对氮,磷及钾的吸收研究表明,除铝敏感菌株Sl 14外,铝胁迫均能促进各供试菌株对氮,磷或钾的吸收。综上,在一定铝浓度下,一些外生菌根真菌可通过增加草酸分泌来抵御铝毒。此外,铝胁迫下外生菌根真菌还可通过调控氮、磷、钾等营养元素的吸收来抵抗铝毒,即通过增加对营养元素的吸收来增强其在铝胁迫下的生存能力,这可能是其抵御铝胁迫的应激反应之一。  相似文献   

An overview of Cistus ectomycorrhizal fungi   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The genus Cistus comprises a group of about 20 shrub species found in wide areas throughout the whole Mediterranean region to the Caucasus. Being one of the main constituents of the Mediterranean-type maquis, this plant genus is peculiar in that it has developed a range of specific adaptations to resist summer drought and frequent disturbance events, such as fire and grazing. In addition, it can form both ectomycorrhizas and arbuscular mycorrhizas. In this paper, we review the information available on the ectomycorrhizal fungi of Cistus across its entire geographic range, as gathered and critically sifted from both published literature sources and personal observations. Although the resulting data matrix was based primarily on accounts of sporocarp inventories in the field, existing knowledge on the features of Cistus natural and synthesized ectomycorrhizas was also included and discussed. In total, more than 200 fungal species belonging to 40 genera have been reported so far to be associated with Cistus. An analysis of the pattern of ectomycorrhizal diversity and host specificity revealed that members of the Cortinariaceae and Russulaceae make the most of both Cistus-aspecific and Cistus-specific mycobionts. Further studies are needed to expand our preliminary knowledge of the mycorrhizal ecology and biology of Cistus and its fungal associates, focusing on topics such as mycobiont diversity, host specificity, fungal succession, mycorrhizal influence on stress tolerance, and impact of disturbances, while comparing the findings with those from other ecosystems.  相似文献   

外生菌根(ECM)真菌可促进宿主植物对土壤中水分和营养的吸收,提高宿主植物的抗逆性及对环境的适应,在森林生态系统的物质循环中发挥了重要作用。为探明寒温带地区ECM真菌多样性和群落组成以及土壤理化因子对真菌群落组成的可能影响机制,采用高通量测序(Illumina Miseq)平台对大兴安岭4种典型森林类型白桦、樟子松、兴安落叶松和偃松的根围土壤ECM真菌群落组成进行了分析。结果表明,4种典型森林类型根围土壤中共获得167个ECM真菌可操作分类单元(OTUs),隶属于2个门、4个纲、10个目、24个科、36个属。在门水平上,担子菌门(Basidiomycota)真菌的相对丰度占96.4%,子囊菌门(Ascomycota)真菌占3.6%。在属水平上,红菇属(Russula,30.2%)、丝膜菌属(Cortinarius,17.1%)、Piloderma(9.6%)、棉革菌属(Tomentella,7.2%)、丝盖伞属(Inocybe,7.2%)和蜡壳耳属(Sebacina,6.2%)的相对丰度均>5.0%,是该地区的优势ECM真菌类群。不同森林类型的优势ECM真菌在属水平上的组成存在显...  相似文献   

Culture solutions of the ectomycorrhizal fungi Pisolithus tinctorius and Paxillus involutus are shown to reduce a high valency oxide of manganese at a range of pH values from 3.0 to 13.0. Manganese reduction in unmoculated culture media was confined to pH values below 5.0 and above 10.0. The results are consistent with the release of a reducing substance from the fungal mycelium.  相似文献   

Australia is unique in having two highly diverse plant genera, Eucalyptus and Acacia, that dominate the vegetation on a continent‐wide scale. The recent shift in plantation forestry away from exotic Pinus radiata to native Eucalyptus species has resulted in much more extensive exchange of biota between native forest and plantation ecosystems than exchange in the past with plantations of exotic species. Growing numbers of hectares are being planted to Eucalyptus globulus across Australia, and plantations are providing resources and corridors for native biota. The present paper focuses on both the benefits and risks of having large‐scale forestry plantations of native species that are closely related to dominant native taxa in local forests. At least 85 species of insects have been recorded as pests of Eucalyptus plantations around Australia; the vast majority of these have been insects using the same host species, or closely related taxa, in native forests. Plantations of native species may also benefit from closely related local forests through the presence of: (i) the diverse array of ectomycorrhizal fungi favourable for tree growth; (ii) natural enemies harboured in native habitats; and (iii) recruitment of other important mutualists, such as pollinators. Exchanges work in two directions: plantations are also likely to influence native forests through the large amount of insect biomass production that occurs in outbreak situations, or through the introduction or facilitation of movements for insects that are not native to all parts of Australia. Finally, older plantations in which trees flower may exchange genes with surrounding forest species, given the high degree of hybridization exhibited by many Eucalyptus species. This is an aspect of exchange for which few data have been recorded. In summary, because of Australia’s unique biogeography, plantation forestry using eucalypt species entails exchanges with natural habitats that are unparalleled in scale and diversity in any other part of the world. More exchanges are likely as plantations occupy greater area, and as the time under cultivation increases.  相似文献   

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