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Summary The nucleocapsid protein of Moloney murine leukemia virus (NCp10) is a 56-amino acid protein which contains one zinc finger of the CysX2CysX4HisX4Cys form, a highly conserved motif present in most retroviruses and retroelements. At pH5, NCp10 binds one zinc atom and the complexation induces a folding of the CysX2CysX4HisX4Cys box, similar to that observed for the zinc-binding domains of HIV-1 NC protein. The three-dimensional structure of NCp10 has been determined in aqueous solution by 600 MHz 1H NMR spectroscopy. The proton resonances could be almost completely assigned by means of phase-sensitive double-quantum-filtered COSY, TOCSY and NOESY techniques. NOESY spectra yielded 597 relevant structural constraints, which were used as input for distance geometry calculations with DIANA. Further refinement was performed by minimization with the program AMBER, which was modified by introducing a zinc force field. The solution structure is characterized by a well-defined central zinc finger (rmsd of 0.747±0.209 Å for backbone atoms and 1.709±0.187 Å when all atoms are considered), surrounded by flexible N- and C-terminal domains. The Tyr28, Trp35, Lys37, Lys41 and Lys42 residues, which are essential for activity, lie on the same face of the zinc finger, forming a bulge structure probably involved in viral RNA binding. The significance of these structural characteristics for the various biological functions of the protein is discussed, taking into account the results obtained with various mutants.  相似文献   

Ly H  Parslow TG 《Journal of virology》2002,76(7):3135-3144
Retroviral virions each contain two identical genomic RNA strands that are stably but noncovalently joined in parallel near their 5' ends. For certain viruses, this dimerization has been shown to depend on a unique RNA stem-loop locus, called the dimer initiation site (DIS), that efficiently homodimerizes through a palindromic base sequence in its loop. Previous studies with Moloney murine leukemia virus (Mo-MuLV) identified two alternative DIS loci that can each independently support RNA dimerization in vitro but whose relative contributions are unknown. We now report that both of these loci contribute to the assembly of the Mo-MuLV dimer. Using targeted deletions, point mutagenesis, and antisense oligonucleotides, we found that each of the two stem-loops forms as predicted and contributes independently to dimerization in vitro through a mechanism involving autocomplementary interactions of its loop. Disruption of either DIS locus individually reduced both the yield and the thermal stability of the in vitro dimers, whereas disruption of both eliminated dimerization altogether. Similarly, the thermal stability of virion-derived dimers was impaired by deletion of both DIS elements, and point mutations in either element produced defects in viral replication that correlated with their effects on in vitro RNA dimerization. These findings support the view that in some retroviruses, dimer initiation and stability involve two or more closely linked DIS loci which together align the nascent dimer strands in parallel and in register.  相似文献   

M Mougel  E Barklis 《Journal of virology》1997,71(10):8061-8065
Four putative hairpin structures (hairpins A to D) are involved in the specific encapsidation of Moloney murine leukemia virus (M-MuLV) RNA into M-MuLV virus particles. The C and D elements, encompassing M-MuLV viral nucleotides 310 to 374, facilitate encapsidation of heterologous RNA into virions. Thus, these two elements appear to act as a core RNA encapsidation signal. The loop sequences of the putative C and D hairpins are identical (GACG). However, when GACG loops were introduced into RNAs on heterologous stem sequences, they increased encapsidation levels only three- to fourfold. These results suggest that C and D stem-and-loop sequences contribute to the M-MuLV cis-acting site for encapsidation.  相似文献   

In Moloney murine leukemia virus, the encapsidation Psi element was shown to be necessary and sufficient to promote packaging of viral RNA, and to be required for dimerization. The conformation of the Psi domain (nucleotides 215 to 565) was investigated in solution by chemical probing. The four bases were monitored at one of their Watson-Crick positions with dimethylsulfate at cytosine N3 and adenosine N1, and with a carbodiimide derivative at guanosine N1 and uridine N3. Position N7 of adenine residues was probed with diethylpyrocarbonate. The analyses were conducted on in vitro transcribed fragments corresponding either to the isolated Psi domain or to the 5'-terminal 725 nucleotides. The RNA fragments were analyzed in their monomeric and dimeric forms. A secondary structure model was derived from probing data, computer prediction and sequence analysis of related murine retroviruses. One major result is that Psi forms an independent and highly structured domain. Dimerization induces an extensive reduction of reactivity in region 278 to 309 that can be interpreted as the result of intermolecular interactions and/or intramolecular conformational rearrangements. A second region (around position 215) was shown to display discrete reactivity changes upon dimerization. These two regions represent likely elements of dimerization. More unexpectedly, reactivity changes (essentially enhancement of reactivity) were also detected in another part of Psi (around position 480) not believed to contain elements of dimerization. These reactivity changes could be interpreted as dimerization-induced allosteric transitions.  相似文献   

X-ray diffraction data on a few retroviral integrases show a flexible loop near the active site. By sequence alignment, the peptide region 207-218 of Mo-MLV IN appears to correspond to this flexible loop. In this study, residues H208, Y211, R212, Q214, S215 and S216 of Mo-MLV IN were mutated to determine their role on enzyme activity. We found that Y211A, R212A, R212K and Q214A decreased integration activity, while disintegration and 3′-processing were not significantly affected. By contrast H208A was completely inactive in all the assays. The core domain of Mo-MLV integrase was modeled and the flexibility of the region 207-216 was analyzed. Substitutions with low integration activity showed a lower flexibility than wild type integrase. We propose that the peptide region 207-216 is a flexible loop and that H208, Y211, R212 and Q214 of this loop are involved in the correct assembly of the DNA-integrase complex during integration.  相似文献   

Replication-competent retroviruses can be modified to carry nonviral genes. Such gene transfer vectors help define regions of the retroviral genome that are required in cis for retroviral replication. Moloney murine leukemia virus has been used extensively in vector construction, and all of the internal protein-encoding regions can be removed and replaced with other genes while still allowing production of virions containing and transmitting the altered retroviral genome. However, inclusion of a portion of the gag region from Moloney murine leukemia virus markedly increases the titer of virus derived from these vectors. We determined that this effect was due to more efficient packaging of the vector RNA into particles and did not depend on protein synthesis from the gag region. We conclude that the retrovirus packaging signal extends into the gag region. We have found that retroviral vectors containing the complete packaging signal allow more efficient gene transfer into a variety of cell types. In addition, these results may help explain why many oncogenic retroviruses have retained gag sequences and often express transforming proteins that are gag-onc hybrids.  相似文献   

The disintegration activity of Moloney murine leukemia virus (M-MuLV) integrase (IN) was investigated through structural and sequence modifications of a Y substrate that resembles an integration intermediate. The Y substrates, constructed from individual oligonucleotides, contain a single viral long terminal repeat (LTR) joined to a nicked target DNA. Truncation of the double-stranded LTR sequences distal to the conserved 5'-CA-3' dinucleotide progressively diminished disintegration activity. M-MuLV IN was also able to catalyze disintegration of a heterologous double-stranded LTR sequence. Significantly, the activity of M-MuLV IN on single-stranded LTR Y substrates was more dependent on the sequence and length of the LTR strand than that reported for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) IN. Modifications introduced at the Y-substrate junction demonstrated that the 3'-hydroxyl group at the terminus of the target strand was necessary for efficient joining of the target DNA strands. The presence of a 2'-hydroxyl group at the 3' end of the target strand, as well as a single-nucleotide gap at the LTR-target junction, reduced disintegration activity. The absence of hydroxyl groups on the terminal nucleotide abolished joining of the target strands. The results presented here suggest that M-MuLV IN disintegration activity is dependent on substantially different LTR sequence requirements than those reported for HIV-1 IN and may be mediated primarily through a structural recognition event.  相似文献   

Genetic studies of the ploidy of Moloney murine leukemia virus.   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
An assay for Moloney murine leukemia virus was developed that made use of the production of morphologically altered foci in nonproducer mouse cells (15F) carrying murine sarcoma virus. Wild-type (wt) virus gave a ratio of titers at 39 degrees C/34degrees C = 1.05 +/- 0.45 (standard deviation;n = 20). A spontaneous, thermosensitive (ts) mutant of Moloney murine leukemia virus, ts3, defective in a late viral function, gave 39 degrees C/34degrees C = 0. A murine cell line (TB) was mixedly infected with ts3 and wt (multiplicities of infection, 7.8:4.3), cloned after infection, and shown to be infected by both viruses. At 34 degrees C it produced wt, ts, and particles of mixed parentage. The heterozygotes (hz) had ratios of assays 39 degrees C/34 degrees C = 0.06 to 0.84 (mean, 0.36). To eliminate possible interference by multiploid particles with determination of the proportions of the three types of particles, the virus produced by the mixedly infected, cloned cell line at 34 degrees C was distributed by velocity sedimentation in a sucrose gradient, and virus was picked from the lightest part of the gradient. The proportions of ts, wt, and hz were 0.27, 0.26, and 0.47. Those particles identified as hz segreated ts, wt, and hz in the proportions 0.24, 0.27, and 0.49, respectively. These values were not significantly different from those predicted from a diploid model of the genome.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1996,135(6):1841-1852
Retrovirus Moloney murine leukemia virus (M-MuLV) matures by budding at the cell surface. Central to the budding process is the myristoylated viral core protein precursor Gag which, even in the absence of all other viral components, is capable of associating with the cytoplasmic leaflet of the plasma membrane and assembling into extracellular virus- like particles. In this paper we have used heterologous, Semliki Forest virus-driven, expression of M-MuLV Gag to study the mechanism by which this protein is targeted to the cell surface. In pulse-chase experiments, BFA, monensin, and 20 degrees C block did not affect incorporation of Gag into extracellular particles thereby indicating that the secretory pathway is not involved in targeting of Gag to the cell surface. Subcellular fractionation studies demonstrated that newly synthesized Gag became rapidly and efficiently associated with membranes which had a density similar to that of plasma membrane- derived vesicles. Protease-protection studies confirmed that the Gag- containing membranes were of plasma membrane origin, since in crude cell homogenates, the bulk of newly synthesized Gag was protease- resistant as expected of a protein that binds to the cytoplasmic leaflet of the plasma membrane. Taken together these data indicate that targeting of M-MuLV Gag to the cell surface proceeds via direct insertion of the protein to the cytoplasmic side of the plasma membrane. Furthermore, since the membrane insertion reaction is highly efficient and specific, this suggests that the reaction is dependent on as-yet-unidentified cellular factors.  相似文献   

Maturation of dimeric viral RNA of Moloney murine leukemia virus.   总被引:31,自引:20,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
W Fu  A Rein 《Journal of virology》1993,67(9):5443-5449
We have analyzed the dimeric RNA present in Moloney murine leukemia virus (MoMuLV) particles. We found that the RNA in newly released virions is in a conformation different from that in mature virions, since it has a different electrophoretic mobility in nondenaturing agarose gels and dissociates into monomers at a lower temperature. On the basis of these results, we suggest that the RNA initially packaged into nascent virions is already dimeric but that the dimer undergoes a maturation process after the virus is released from the cell. In further experiments, we tested the possibility that this maturation event is linked to the maturation cleavage of the virion proteins, which is catalyzed by the viral protease (PR). We found that the dimeric RNA isolated from PR- mutant virions resembles that from immature virions: it has a lower electrophoretic mobility and a lower sedimentation rate, and it also dissociates at a lower temperature than does RNA from mature wild-type virions. When Kirsten sarcoma virus is rescued by a PR- mutant or by a somewhat leaky cysteine array mutant of MoMuLV, its RNA also exhibits a electrophoretic mobility lower than that in the wild-type pseudotype. These results suggest that the maturation of dimeric RNA in released virus particles requires the cleavage of the Gag precursor and the presence of an intact cysteine array in the released nucleocapsid protein.  相似文献   

32P- and methyl-3H-labeled 70S Moloney murine leukemia virus RNA was purified from virions produced in Moloney murine leukemia virus-infected mouse embryo cells. Primer-free RNA subunits obtained by heat treatment and zonal centrifugation were digested with RNase T2, and methylated oligonucleotides were chromatographed on DEAE-Sephadex in 7 M urea. Approximately one molecule of RNase T2-stable oligonucleotide (-5 charge) was isolated per subunit. Structural analysis indicated that the sequence of the oligonucleotide is m7GpppGmpCp. Analysis of the mononucleotide fraction isolated by DEAE-Sephadex chromatography of the RNase T2 digest identified 15 to 23 internal N6-methyladenylic acid molecules per subunit.  相似文献   

Genetic studies have indicated that integration of retroviral DNA into the host genome depends on the presence of the inverted repeats at the free termini of the long terminal repeats on the unintegrated DNA and on the product of the 3' end of the pol gene (the integrase [IN] protein). While the precise function of the Moloney murine leukemia virus IN protein is uncertain, others have shown that it is a DNA-binding protein and functions in the processing of the inverted repeats prior to integration. By using site-directed mutagenesis, we cloned and expressed the IN protein in Escherichia coli. Crude extracts of total cellular protein were fractionated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, transferred to nitrocellulose filters, denatured in guanidine, renatured, and incubated with oligonucleotide probes. Single- and double-stranded oligonucleotides corresponding to the termini of unintegrated linear viral DNA were specifically bound by the IN protein in this assay. These data suggest that the role of the Moloney IN protein in the early steps of integration involves sequence-specific recognition of the DNA sequences found at the ends of the long terminal repeats.  相似文献   

Moloney murine leukemia virus 35S RNA (molecular weight 3 to 3.4 × 106) is cleaved by nuclease activity present in microsomal fractions from MLV infected or uninfected mouse embryo cells to two RNA species of approximate molecular weights 1.8 × 106 and 1.5 × 106. Microsomal fractions from MLV infected and uninfected cells also contained nucleolytic activity that solubilized [3H]poly(A)·poly(U) but not [3H]poly(C) or [3H]poly(U); the cleavage of poly(A)·poly(U) was inhibited by ethidium bromide. The cleavage of MLV RNA was also inhibited by ethidium bromide, suggesting double stranded regions in 35S RNA as the site of cleavage.  相似文献   

We report the isolation and sequence of a cDNA clone containing part of the env message of the Moloney murine leukemia virus (MoMuLV). This clone was derived from a rat thymic lymphoma induced by MoMuLV. The AG acceptor site employed in this message is located at position 5490 in the MoMuLV genome. This splice site is detectable at the cDNA level by the creation of a novel SacI restriction site not present in the viral genome. In the -1 to -40 region, this AG acceptor site is preceded by four conserved heptanucleotides (PyXPyTPuAPy) that may function as acceptors for removal of the 5' end of the intron.  相似文献   

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