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C S Tailor  D Kabat 《Journal of virology》1997,71(12):9383-9391
The surface (SU) envelope glycoproteins of feline leukemia virus subgroup B (FeLV-B) and amphotropic murine leukemia virus (A-MLV) are highly related, even in the variable regions VRA and VRB that have been shown to be required for receptor recognition. However, FeLV-B and A-MLV use different sodium-dependent phosphate symporters, Pit1 and Pit2, respectively, as receptors for infection. Pit1 and Pit2 are predicted to have 10 membrane-spanning domains and five extracellular loops. The close relationship of the retroviral envelopes enabled us to generate pseudotype virions carrying chimeric FeLV-B/A-MLV envelope glycoproteins. We found that some of the pseudotype viruses could not use Pit1 or Pit2 proteins but could efficiently utilize specific chimeric Pit1/Pit2 proteins as receptors. By studying Mus dunni tail fibroblasts expressing chimeric Pit1/Pit2 proteins and pseudotype virions carrying chimeric FeLV-B/A-MLV envelopes, we show that FeLV-B and A-MLV VRA and VRB interact in a modular manner with specific receptor domains. Our results suggest that FeLV-B VRA interacts with Pit1 extracellular loops 4 and 5 and that residues Phe-60 and Pro-61 of FeLV-B VRA are essential for receptor choice. However, this interaction is insufficient for infection, and an additional interaction between FeLV-B VRB and Pit1 loop 2 is essential. Similarly, A-MLV infection requires interaction of A-MLV VRA with Pit2 loops 4 and 5 and VRB with Pit2 loop 2, with residues Tyr-60 and Val-61 of A-MLV VRA being critical for receptor recognition. Together, our results suggest that FeLV-B and A-MLV infections require two major discrete interactions between the viral SU envelope glycoproteins and their respective receptors. We propose a common two-step mechanism for interaction between retroviral envelope glycoproteins and cell surface receptors.  相似文献   

D Ott  R Friedrich    A Rein 《Journal of virology》1990,64(2):757-766
Viral interference studies have demonstrated the existence of four distinct murine leukemia virus (MuLV) receptors on NIH 3T3 mouse cells. The four viral interference groups are ecotropic MuLV; mink cell focus inducing virus (MCF); amphotropic MuLV; and 10A1, a recombinant derivative of amphotropic MuLV that uses a unique receptor but also retains affinity for the amphotropic MuLV receptor. We report here that 10A1 infects rat and hamster cells, unlike its amphotropic parent. We isolated an infectious molecular clone of 10A1 and present here the sequences of the env genes and enhancer regions of amphotropic MuLV and 10A1. The deduced amino acid sequences of amphotropic MuLV and 10A1 gp70su are remarkably similar to those of MCF and xenotropic MuLV (for which mouse cells lack receptors), with 64% amino acids identical in the four groups. We generated a consensus from these comparisons. Further, the differences are largely localized to a few discrete regions: (i) amphotropic MuLV has two short insertions relative to MCF, at residues 87 to 92 and 163 to 169, and (ii) amphotropic MuLV and MCF are totally different in a hypervariable region, which is greater than 30% proline, at residues approximately 253 to 304. 10A1 closely resembles amphotropic MuLV in its N terminus but contains an MCF-type hypervariable region. These results suggest the possibility that receptor specificity is localized in these short variable regions and further that the unique receptor specificity of 10A1 is due to the novel combination of amphotropic MuLV and MCF sequences rather than to the presence of any novel sequences. The Env proteins of ecotropic MuLV are far more distantly related to those of the other four groups than the latter are to each other. We also found that the enhancer regions of amphotropic MuLV and 10A1 are nearly identical, although 10A1 is far more leukemogenic than amphotropic MuLV.  相似文献   

The recently described amphotropic group of murine leukemia viruses constitutes a distinct biological group, differing from the ecotropic and xenotropic groups in host range, cross interference, and serological reactivity. Viruses of this group have been detected only in wild mice from certain areas in California. By using a [3H]DNA probe synthesized in an endogenous reaction from detergent-lysed amphotropic virus (strain 1504-A), it was demonstrated that the amphotropic murine leukemia viruses are distinct biochemically, in that 20% of the viral genome sequences are not shared by AKR-type ecotropic or nay of three types of xenotropic murine leukemia virus tested. A subset of these amphotropic unique sequences, comprising one half of them, is present in the genome of wild mouse ecotropic viruses and in Moloney and Rauscher viruses as well. Sequences homologous to the entire genome of 1504-A amphotropic virus are present in the cellular DNA of all eight inbred mouse strains tested, as well as in wild Mus in Asia, in amounts varying from three to six complete viral genomes per haploid cell genome. Evidence is presented that at least 20% of the DNA sequences in both mouse- and mink-grown murine leukemia virus probes are of host-cell origin.  相似文献   

Tailor CS  Nouri A  Kabat D 《Journal of virology》2000,74(20):9797-9801
Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells are resistant to infections by gibbon ape leukemia virus (GALV) and amphotropic murine leukemia virus (A-MLV) unless they are pretreated with tunicamycin, an inhibitor of N-linked glycosylation. These viruses use the related sodium-phosphate symporters Pit1 and Pit2, respectively, as receptors in nonhamster cells, and evidence has suggested that the corresponding transporters of CHO cells may be masked by tunicamycin-sensitive secreted inhibitors. Although the E36 line of Chinese hamster cells was reported to secrete the putative Pit2 inhibitor and to be sensitive to the inhibitory CHO factors, E36 cells are highly susceptible to both GALV and A-MLV in the absence of tunicamycin. Moreover, expression of E36 Pit2 in CHO cells conferred tunicamycin-independent susceptibilities to both viruses. Based on the latter results, it was suggested that E36 Pit2 must functionally differ from the endogenous Pit2 of CHO cells. To test these ideas, we analyzed the receptor properties of CHO Pit1 and Pit2 in CHO cells. Surprisingly, and counterintuitively, transfection of a CHO Pit2 expression vector into CHO cells conferred strong susceptibility to both GALV and A-MLV, and similar overexpression of CHO Pit1 conferred susceptibility to GALV. Thus, CHO Pit2 is a promiscuous functional receptor for both viruses, and CHO Pit1 is a functional receptor for GALV. Similarly, we found that the natural resistance of Mus dunni tail fibroblasts to subgroup C feline leukemia viruses (FeLV-C) was eliminated simply by overexpression of the endogenous FeLV-C receptor homologue. These results demonstrate a novel and simple method to unmask latent retroviral receptor activities that occur in some cells. Specifically, resistances to retroviruses that are caused by subthreshold levels of receptor expression or by stoichiometrically limited masking or interference mechanisms can be efficiently overcome simply by overexpressing the endogenous receptors in the same cells.  相似文献   

Glvr1 encodes the human receptor for gibbon ape leukemia virus (GALV) and feline leukemia virus subgroup B (FeLV-B), while the related gene Glvr2 encodes the human receptor for amphotropic murine leukemia viruses (A-MLVs). The two proteins are 62% identical in their amino acid sequences and are predicted to have 10 transmembrane domains and five extracellular loops. A stretch of nine amino acids (region A) in the predicted fourth extracellular loop was previously shown to be critical for the function of Glvr1 as receptor for GALV and FeLV-B. Glvr1 and -2 show clusters of amino acid differences in several of their predicted extracellular loops, with the highest degree of divergence in region A. Chimeras were made between the two genes to further investigate the role of Glvr1 region A in defining receptor specificity for GALV and FeLV-B and to map which regions of Glvr2 control receptor specificity for A-MLVs. Region A from Glvr1 was sufficient to confer receptor specificity for GALV upon Glvr2, with the same chimera failing to act as a receptor for FeLV-B. However, introduction of additional N- or C-terminal Glvr1-encoding sequences in addition to Glvr1 region A-encoding sequences resulted in functional FeLV-B receptors. Therefore, FeLV-B is dependent on Glvr1 sequences outside region A for infectivity. The receptor specificity of Glvr2 for A-MLV could not be mapped to a single critical region; rather, N-terminal as well as C-terminal Glvr2-encoding sequences could confer specificity for A-MLV infection upon Glvr1. Surprisingly, though GALV/FeLV-B and A-MLV belong to different interference groups, some chimeras functioned as receptors for all three viruses.  相似文献   

Molecular clones of the subgroup A feline leukemia virus FeLV-A/Glasgow-1 have been obtained. Nucleotide sequence analysis of the 3' end of the proviral genome and comparison with the published sequence of FeLV-B/Gardner-Arnstein showed that the most extensive differences are located within the 5' domain of the env gene. Within this domain, several divergent regions of env are separated by more conserved segments. The 3' end of env is highly conserved, with only a single amino acid coding difference in p15env. The proviral long terminal repeats are also highly conserved, differing by only eight base substitutions and one base insertion. Specific probes constructed from the FeLV-A or FeLV-B env genes were used to compare the env genes of various exogenous FeLV isolates and the endogenous FeLV-related proviruses of normal cat DNA. An FeLV-A-derived env probe showed no hybridization to normal cat DNA but detected all FeLV-A and FeLV-C isolates tested. In contrast, an FeLV-B env probe detected independent FeLV-B isolates and a family of endogenous FeLV-related proviruses. Our observations provide strong evidence to support the hypothesis that FeLV-B viruses have arisen by recombination between FeLV-A and endogenous proviral elements in cat DNA.  相似文献   

An epitope common to all classes of murine leukemia viruses (MuLVs) was detected by reactivity of MuLVs with a rat monoclonal antibody (MAb) termed 83A25. The antibody is of the immunoglobulin G2a isotype and was derived after fusion of NS-1 myeloma cells with spleen cells from a Fischer rat immunized with a Friend polytropic MuLV. The antibody reacted with nearly all members of the ecotropic, polytropic, xenotropic, and amphotropic classes of MuLVs. Unreactive viruses were limited to the Friend ecotropic MuLV, Rauscher MuLV, and certain recombinant derivatives of Friend ecotropic MuLV. The presence of an epitope common to nearly all MuLVs facilitated a direct quantitative focal immunofluorescence assay for MuLVs, including the amphotropic MuLVs for which no direct assay has been previously available. Previously described MAbs which react with all classes of MuLVs have been limited to those which react with virion core or transmembrane proteins. In contrast, protein immunoblot and immunoprecipitation analyses established that the epitope reactive with MAb 83A25 resides in the envelope glycoproteins of the viruses. Structural comparisons of reactive and nonreactive Friend polytropic viruses localized the epitope near the carboxyl terminus of the glycoprotein. The epitope served as a target for neutralization of all classes of MuLV with MAb 83A25. The efficiency of neutralization varied with different MuLV isolates but did not correlate with MuLV interference groups.  相似文献   

Endogenous feline leukemia virus (FeLV)-related sequences (enFeLV) are a family of proviral elements found in domestic cats and their close relatives. These elements can recombine with exogenous, infectious FeLVs of subgroup A (FeLV-A), giving rise to host range variants of FeLV-B. We found that a subset of defective enFeLV proviruses is highly expressed in lymphoma cell lines and in a variety of primary tissues, including lymphoid tissues from healthy specific-pathogen-free cats. At least two RNA species were detected, a 4.5-kb RNA containing gag, env, and long terminal repeat sequences and a 2-kb RNA containing env and long terminal repeat sequences. Cloning of enFeLV cDNA from two FeLV-free lymphoma cell lines (3201 and MCC) revealed a long open reading frame (ORF) encoding a truncated env gene product corresponding to the N-terminal portion of gp70env. Interestingly, all of three natural FeLV-B isolates include 3' env sequences which are missing from the highly transcribed subset and hence must be derived from other enFeLV elements. The enFeLV env ORF cDNA clones were closely similar to a previously characterized enFeLV provirus, CFE-16, but were polymorphic at a site corresponding to an exogenous FeLV neutralization epitope. Site-specific antiserum raised to a C-terminal 30-amino-acid peptide of the enFeLV env ORF detected an intracellular product of 35 kDa which was also shed from cells in stable form. Expression of the 35-kDa protein correlated with enFeLV RNA levels and was negatively correlated with susceptibility to infection with FeLV-B. Cell culture supernatant containing the 35-kDa protein specifically blocked infection of permissive fibroblast cells with FeLV-B isolates. We suggest that the truncated env protein mediates resistance by receptor blockade and that this form of enFeLV expression mediates the natural resistance of cats to infection with FeLV-B in the absence of FeLV-A.  相似文献   

The Moloney murine leukemia virus (MuLV) is a highly leukemogenic virus. To map the leukemogenic potential of Moloney MuLV, we constructed chimeric viral DNA genomes in vitro between parental cloned infectious viral DNA from Moloney and amphotropic 4070-A MuLVs. Infectious chimeric MuLVs were recovered by microinjection of recombinant DNA into NIH/3T3 cells and tested for their leukemogenic potential by inoculation into NIH/Swiss newborn mice. Parental Moloney MuLV and amphotropic 4070-A MuLV induced thymic and nonthymic leukemia, respectively, when inoculated intrathymically. With chimeric MuLVs, we found that the primary determinant of leukemogenicity of Moloney and amphotropic MuLVs lies within the 1.5-kilobase-pair ClaI-PvuI long terminal repeat (LTR)-containing fragment. The presence of additional Moloney env-pol sequences with the Moloney LTR enhanced the leukemogenic potential of a chimeric MuLV significantly, indicating that these sequences were also involved in tumor development. Since parental viruses induced different forms of leukemia, we could also map the viral sequences conferring this disease specificity. We found that the 1.5-kilobase-pair ClaI-PvuI LTR-containing fragment of Moloney MuLV was necessary and sufficient for a chimeric MuLV to induce thymic leukemia. Similarly, the same LTR-containing fragment of amphotropic MuLV was necessary and sufficient for a chimeric MuLV to induce nonthymic leukemia. Therefore, our results suggest that specific sequences within this short LTR-containing fragment determine two important viral functions: the ability to transform cells in vivo (leukemic transformation) and the selection of a specific population of cells to be transformed (disease specificity).  相似文献   

A Mus dunni cell line has been developed that is permissive for all four classes of murine leukemia viruses (MuLV): ecotropic, amphotropic, xenotropic, and mink cell focus-forming viruses. The M. dunni cells contain fewer MuLV-related sequences than do feral or domestic mouse, rat, or mink cells. Infection of the line by ecotropic MuLV induces a distinct cytopathic effect, and the cells can be readily transfected by MuLV DNA. The M. dunni line has been used to isolate an endogenous MuLV from the SC-1 feral mouse cell line.  相似文献   

J L Battini  J M Heard    O Danos 《Journal of virology》1992,66(3):1468-1475
The envelope glycoproteins (SU) of mammalian type C retroviruses possess an amino-terminal domain of about 200 residues, which is involved in binding a cell surface receptor. In this domain, highly conserved amino acid sequences are interrupted by two segments of variable length and sequence, VRA and VRB. We have studied the role of these variable regions in receptor recognition and binding by constructing chimeric molecules in which portions of the amino-terminal domains from amphotropic (4070A), xenotropic (NZB), and polytropic (MCF 247) murine leukemia virus SU proteins were permuted. These chimeras, which exchanged either one or two variable regions, were expressed at the surface of replication-defective viral particles by a pseudotyping assay. Wild-type or recombinant env genes were transfected into a cell line producing Moloney murine leukemia virus particles devoid of envelope glycoproteins in which a retrovirus vector genome carrying an Escherichia coli lacZ gene was packaged. The host range and sensitivity to interference of pseudotyped virions were assayed, and we observed which permutations resulted in receptor switch or loss of function. Our results indicate that the determinants of receptor choice are found within the just 120 amino acids of SU proteins. Downstream sequences contribute to the stabilization of the receptor-specific structure.  相似文献   

An important question in feline leukemia virus (FeLV) pathogenesis is whether, as in murine leukemia virus infection, homologous recombination between the infecting FeLV and the noninfectious endogenous FeLV-like proviruses serves as a significant base for the generation of proximal pathogens. To begin an analysis of this issue, several recombinant FeLVs were produced by using two different approaches: (i) the regions of the viral envelope (env) gene of a cloned FeLV (subgroup B virus [FeLV-B], Gardner-Arnstein strain) and those of two different endogenous proviral loci were exchanged to create specific FeLV chimeras, and (ii) vectors containing endogenous env and molecularly cloned infectious FeLV-C (Sarma strain) DNA sequences were coexpressed by transfection in nonfeline cells to facilitate recombination. The results of these combined approaches showed that up to three-fourths of the envelope glycoprotein (gp70), beginning from the N-terminal end, could be replaced by endogenous FeLV sequences to produce biologically active chimeric FeLVs. The in vitro replication efficiency or cell tropism of the recombinants appeared to be influenced by the amount of gp70 sequences replaced by the endogenous partner as well as by the locus of origin of the endogenous sequences. Additionally, a characteristic biological effect, aggregation of feline T-lymphoma cells (3201B cell line), was found to be specifically induced by replicating FeLV-C or FeLV-C-based recombinants. Multiple crossover sites in the gp70 protein selected under the conditions used for coexpression were identified. The results of induced coexpression were also supported by rapid generation of FeLV recombinants when FeLV-C was used to infect the feline 3201B cell line that constitutively expresses high levels of endogenous FeLV-specific mRNAs. Furthermore, a large, highly conserved open reading frame in the pol gene of an endogenous FeLV provirus was identified. This observation, particularly in reference to our earlier finding of extensive mutations in the gag gene, reveals a target area for potentially productive homologous recombination upstream of the functional endogenous env gene.  相似文献   

Pseudotypes of gibbon ape leukemia virus/simian sarcoma-associated virus (GALV/SSAV) and feline leukemia virus subgroup B (FeLV-B) have been constructed by rescuing a Moloney murine leukemia virus vector genome with wild-type GALV/SSAV or FeLV-B. The resulting recombinant viruses utilized core and envelope proteins from the wild-type virus and conferred resistance to growth in L-histidinol upon infected cells by virtue of the HisD gene encoded by the vector genome. They displayed the host range specificity of the rescuing viruses and could be neutralized by virus-specific antisera. Receptor cross-interference was observed when the GALV/SSAV or FeLV-B pseudotypes were used to superinfect cells productively infected with either GALV/SSAV or FeLV-B. Although murine cells are resistant to FeLV-B infection, murine cells expressing the human gene for the GALV/SSAV receptor became susceptible to FeLV-B infection. Therefore GALV/SSAV and FeLV-B utilize the same cell surface receptor.  相似文献   

We determined the nucleotide sequences of the envelope genes of the Snyder-Theilen and Gardner-Arnstein isolates of feline leukemia virus subgroup B. Comparison of the deduced amino acid sequences of the envelope gene products revealed regions of sequence divergence, which we relate to structural features of the viral protein. We also examined nucleotide sequences within the long terminal repeats of these related isolates of feline leukemia virus subgroup B.  相似文献   

Titration of murine leukemia viruses with rat cell line RFL.   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
M Koga 《Journal of virology》1977,23(2):436-438
Normal rat embryo cell (RFL) from syncytia after infection with murine leukemia virus. The assay for counting the number of syncytium foci produced in RFL cells is a sensitive method for a direct infectivity assay of murine leukemia virus.  相似文献   

A mouse cDNA that confers susceptibility to ecotropic murine leukemia viruses following transfection into human EJ cells has been cloned and sequenced. We show that this sequence is likely to be Rec-1, the chromosome 5 locus originally defined by studies with somatic cell hybrids as responsible for virus susceptibility, and provide a specific chromosomal map position for this locus by analysis of an interspecies backcross. This locus maps in the distal region of chromosome 5 and is thus not within the cluster of retrovirus-related genes near the centromere.  相似文献   

Extrachromosomal DNA obtained from mink cells acutely infected with the Snyder-Theilen (ST) strain of feline sarcoma virus (feline leukemia virus) [FeSV(FeLV)] was fractionated electrophoretically, and samples enriched for FeLV and FeSV linear intermediates were digested with EcoRI and cloned in lambda phage. Hybrid phages were isolated containing either FeSV or FeLV DNA "inserts" and were characterized by restriction enzyme analysis, R-looping with purified 26 to 32S viral RNA, and heteroduplex formation. The recombinant phages (designated lambda FeSV and lambda FeLV) contain all of the genetic information represented in FeSV and FeLV RNA genomes but lack one extended terminally redundant sequence of 750 bases which appears once at each end of parental linear DNA intermediates. Restriction enzyme and heteroduplex analyses confirmed that sequences unique to FeSV (src sequences) are located at the center of the FeSV genome and are approximately 1.5 kilobase pairs in length. With respect to the 5'-3' orientation of genes in viral RNA, the order of genes in the FeSV genome is 5'-gag-src-env-c region-3'; only 0.9 kilobase pairs of gag and 0.6 kilobase pairs of env-derived FeLV sequences are represented in ST FeSV. Heteroduplex analyses between lambda FeSV or lambda FeLV DNA and Moloney murine sarcoma virus DNA (strain m1) were performed under conditions of reduced stringency to demonstrate limited regions of base pair homology. Two such regions were identified: the first occurs at the extreme 5' end of the leukemia and both sarcoma viral genomes, whereas the second corresponds to a 5' segment of leukemia virus "env" sequences conserved in both sarcoma viruses. The latter sequences are localized at the 3' end of FeSV src and at the 5' end of murine sarcoma virus src and could possibly correspond to regions of helper virus genomes that are required for retroviral transforming functions.  相似文献   

C Peredo  L O'Reilly  K Gray    M J Roth 《Journal of virology》1996,70(5):3142-3152
A series of 22 chimeric envelope (env) genes were generated between the ecotropic Moloney murine leukemia virus and the amphotropic 4070A isolate. The chimeric envelopes were expressed within the complete, replication-competent provirus and tested for virus viability by transient expression assays. Eleven of the 22 viruses were viable. Five of these chimeric viruses showed an ecotropic host range, and six exhibited an amphotropic host range and viral interference. The host range determinants map to the first half of the surface (SU) protein. The N-terminal 72 amino acids of 4070A (42 of processed SU) are not required for amphotropic receptor usage. Ecotropic and amphotropic viruses differ in their ability to form large, multinucleated syncytia when cocultured with the rat XC cell line. Ecotropic murine leukemia virus forms large syncytia with XC cells, whereas no syncytia are reported for amphotropic virus. All chimeras which contained the N-terminal half of the ecotropic SU protein, encoding the receptor binding domain, formed the large multinucleated syncytia with XC cells.  相似文献   

The ontogenic appearance and lymphoid tissue distribution of the murine B cell IgE FcR (Fc epsilon R) was examined. Flow cytometry was utilized to study the expression of the Fc epsilon R on splenic B cells from mice of increasing age, as well as B cells from various lymphoid organs. A large panel of B cell tumors was also screened for the presence of the Fc epsilon R. The results demonstrate that the Fc epsilon R appears very late in B cell development, and is preceded in appearance even by IgD. In adult animals, the Fc epsilon R was found to be expressed on virtually all mature IgM, IgD bearing B cells, whether taken from the spleen, lymph nodes, or Peyer's patches. Further examination showed that B cells which had switched to express an isotype other than IgD, appeared to no longer display the Fc epsilon R. When surveying a variety of B cell tumors, the Fc epsilon R was found to be present on WEHI 279, an IgM, IgD-bearing lymphoma. The receptor was not found on pre-B cell, immature B cell, switched B cell, or secreting B cell tumors. Taken together, these results indicate that the B cell Fc epsilon R is expressed predominantly on mature, virgin B cells, and is lost after activation and switching.  相似文献   

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