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Objective: To explore whether birth weight (BW) has been increasing in Denmark at the same level as in other countries and whether this increase is paralleled by an increase in birth length (BL) or whether body proportionality, expressed as ponderal index (PI), has changed. Research Methods and Procedures: This study used data analysis of information from The Danish Medical Birth Registry including all single live births in Denmark from 1973 to 2003 (n = 1,863,456). BW, BL, gestational age, maternal age, and smoking status (only from 1991 on) were measured. Results: Mean BW increased steadily during the period (160 grams; equivalent to ~5 g/yr) at a rate higher than that reported from other countries. BL showed only a minor increase (2.4 mm), leading to an increase in PI (0.8 kg/m3) during the period. Controlling for the effect of increasing maternal age and decreasing gestational age and maternal smoking prevalence (only data after 1991), there was still an increase in BW of ~4 g/yr. Discussion: During the last 30 years, neonates have become bigger, with a larger relative increase in BW than BL, leading to an increase in PI. The increasing BW and PI, which may be caused by increased maternal weight, could further promote the obesity epidemic.  相似文献   

The objective of the work was to study the relationship between the oxidative state of the mother and the newborn at the moment of birth. We measured oxidative stress markers (carbonyl groups, lipid peroxides and total antioxidant capacity (TAC)) and found a good correlation between the oxidative state of the normal mother and the neonate, since a high mother oxidative stress corresponds to an even higher oxidative stress of the newborn in umbilical cord blood. We also found that smoking mothers and their newborns had a higher concentration of the carbonyl group, lipid peroxides and less TAC. Newborns from these mothers weighed significantly less than others at birth. These data suggest a need for interest in monitoring the oxidative state of mothers during the pregnancy period, especially taking into account that the oxidative level could be involved in later risks of metabolic diseases for both mother and newborn.  相似文献   

The objective of the work was to study the relationship between the oxidative state of the mother and the newborn at the moment of birth. We measured oxidative stress markers (carbonyl groups, lipid peroxides and total antioxidant capacity (TAC)) and found a good correlation between the oxidative state of the normal mother and the neonate, since a high mother oxidative stress corresponds to an even higher oxidative stress of the newborn in umbilical cord blood. We also found that smoking mothers and their newborns had a higher concentration of the carbonyl group, lipid peroxides and less TAC. Newborns from these mothers weighed significantly less than others at birth. These data suggest a need for interest in monitoring the oxidative state of mothers during the pregnancy period, especially taking into account that the oxidative level could be involved in later risks of metabolic diseases for both mother and newborn.  相似文献   

AimA systemic review and analysis of evolution journey of indices, such as conformity index (CI), homogeneity index (HI) and gradient index (GI), described in the literature.BackgroundModern radiotherapy techniques like VMAT, SRS and SBRT produce highly conformal plans and provide better critical structure and normal tissue sparing. These treatment techniques can generate a number of competitive plans for the same patients with different dose distributions. Therefore, indices like CI, HI and GI serve as complementary tools in addition to visual slice by slice isodose verification while plan evaluation. Reliability and accuracy of these indices have been tested in the past and found shortcomings and benefits when compared to one another.Material and methodsPotentially relevant studies published after 1993 were identified through a pubmed and web of science search using words “conformity index”, “Homogeneity index”, “Gradient index”,” Stereotactic radiosurgery”,” stereotactic Body radiotherapy” “complexity metrics” and “plan evaluation index”. Combinations of words “plan evaluation index conformity index” were also searched as were bibliographies of downloaded papers.Results and conclusionsMathematical definitions of plan evaluation indices modified with time. CI definitions presented by various authors tested at their own and could not be generalized. Those mathematical definitions of CI which take into account OAR sparing grant more confidence in plan evaluation. Gradient index emerged as a significant plan evaluation index in addition to CI whereas homogeneity index losing its credibility. Biological index base plan evaluation is becoming popular and may replace or alter the role of dosimetrical indices.  相似文献   

Objective: The Pro12Ala polymorphism in exon B of peroxisome proliferator‐activated receptor γ 2 (PPARγ2) gene has been related to obesity, insulin resistance, and risk of type 2 diabetes. In this study, the effect of the Pro12Ala polymorphism on long‐term changes in weight and body composition was investigated. Research Methods and Procedures: The Pro12Ala polymorphism was genotyped in 311 subjects who participated in our previous population‐based study. In that study, weight at birth, 7 years, 20 years, and 41 years, and ponderal index at birth and BMI and waist circumference at 41 years were recorded. Results: The Ala12 allele of the PPARγ2 gene was associated with high ponderal index at birth (2.77 ± 0.27 kg/m3 in subjects with the Ala12Ala genotype, 2.79 ± 0.29 kg/m3 in subjects with the Pro12Ala genotype, and 2.63 ± 0.25 kg/m3 in subjects with the Pro12Pro genotype, p = 0.007, adjusted for gender) and weight at 7 years (p = 0.045) and tended to be associated with high birth weight (p = 0.094). Subjects with this allele gained less weight between 7 and 20 years (p = 0.043) and more weight between 20 and 41 years (p = 0.001) and ended up having higher waist circumference (p = 0.040) in adulthood than did subjects with the Pro12Pro genotype. Discussion: We conclude that the Pro12Ala polymorphism of the PPARγ2 gene regulates weight and body composition from utero to adulthood.  相似文献   

Increasing rates of obesity and heart disease are compromising quality of life for a growing number of people. There is much research linking adult disease with the growth and development both in utero and during the first year of life. The pig is an ideal model for studying the origins of developmental programming. The objective of this paper was to construct percentile growth curves for the pig for use in biomedical studies. The body weight (BW) of pigs was recorded from birth to 150 days of age and their crown-to-rump length was measured over the neonatal period to enable the ponderal index (PI; kg/m3) to be calculated. Data were normalised and percentile curves were constructed using Cole's lambda-mu-sigma (LMS) method for BW and PI. The construction of these percentile charts for use in biomedical research will allow a more detailed and precise tracking of growth and development of individual pigs under experimental conditions.  相似文献   

Summary Conventional selection index theory assumes that the total merit or profitability of animals is a linear function of measurable traits. However, in many cases merit may be a non-linear function of these traits. A linear selection index can still be used in this situation but the optimum index depends on the selection intensity to be used and on the number of generation over which the selection response is to be maximized. Nonlinear selection indices have been suggested but these result in a lower selection response than the best linear index. Linear selection indices suggested in the past are shown to correspond to the optimum linear index for either a very small selection response or, in the case of restricted indices, a very large selection response. The economic value of a trait may depend on management decisions taken by the farmer. In this situation the economic values should be calculated assuming that the management decisions taken maximize profit given the present genetic value of the animals.  相似文献   

The Plant Gene Index (PlantGI) database is developed as a web-based search system with search capabilities for keywords to provide information on gene indices specifically for agricultural plants. The database contains specific Gene Index information for ten agricultural species, namely, rice, Chinese cabbage, wheat, maize, soybean, barley, mushroom, Arabidopsis, hot pepper and tomato. PlantGI differs from other Gene Index databases in being specific to agricultural plant species and thus complements services from similar other developments. The database includes options for interactive mining of EST CONTIGS and assembled EST data for user specific keyword queries. The current version of PlantGI contains a total of 34,000 EST CONTIGS data for rice (8488 records), wheat (8560 records), maize (4570 records), soybean (3726 records), barley (3417 records), Chinese cabbage (3602 records), tomato (1236 records), hot pepper (998 records), mushroom (130 records) and Arabidopsis (8 records). AVAILABILITY: The database is available for free at http://www.niab.go.kr/nabic/.  相似文献   

几种景观分离程度评价指标的探讨   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
1 引  言景观分离程度是指同一景观类型斑块分布的离散程度 .正确评价景观分离程度对于理解景观格局的形成机制、全面认识景观格局的特点是十分重要的 .因此 ,几乎所有景观格局研究都需要计算景观分离程度指标 .景观分离度[1] 、最小距离指数[5] 、类斑散度[9] 是 3种比较重要的景观分离程度指标 .本文通过一个流域景观的研究 ,对以上指标进行了计算和比较 ,发现这些指标所反映的离散程度各有侧重 .因此提出了一个综合性更好一些的指标———平均距离指数 .2 计算方法  陈利顶等[1] 计算景观分离度的公式是 :  Fi=Di/Si (1)式…  相似文献   

干旱监测指数研究   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
日益严重的全球化干旱问题已经成为各国科学家和政府部门共同关注的热点,它直接威胁着人类的生存环境.而干旱监测,尤其是遥感干旱监测,一直是科学界公认的难题.本文对传统的干旱监测指数如帕尔默干旱指数、作物湿度指数、标准降水指数、地表水分供应指数的优缺点进行评述;将遥感干旱监测指数分成2类,一类是基于地表反射率和发射率的干旱监测指数;另一类是基于地表水和能量平衡模型的干旱监测指数,详细介绍了这2类干旱遥感监测指数的原理、方法以及适用范围.对各种干旱监测指数存在的问题以及干旱监测的发展趋势进行了探讨.  相似文献   

As studies of invertebrate reproduction are expensive in time and money, there is a need to make the maximum use of the resultant data. It is also important to ensure that the conclusions of a study can be legitimately drawn from the data. Both of these factors necessitate the development of appropriate statistical methodology in reproductive biology.

The structure of data in reproductive biology is detailed, and methods of analysing gonad indices and maturity indices are reviewed. Although gonad indices have been widely used, they are only really satisfactory in species with strong seasonality of reproduction. There is, however, considerable scope for extracting more information from gonad indices than is usually obtained. The value of periodic regression as a tool to aid the understanding of reproductive cycles deserves further investigation.

If microscopic preparations of the gonads are being produced to estimate maturity indices, it is definitely worthwhile measuring oocyte sizes in the females, as the amount of information gained is considerable.  相似文献   

Different dietary starch sources can have a great impact in determining starch digestion potential, thus influencing the postprandial blood glucose response. Our objectives were to define: (i) the incremental plasma glucose response in pigs fed diets containing various sources of starch differing in in vitro digestion patterns, (ii) the in vivo glycemic index (GI) values for the same diets, (iii) the possible relationship between in vitro and in vivo data. Diets, formulated with 70% of starch from five heterogeneous sources, were characterized in depth by using two distinct in vitro evaluations. The first one was based on the Englyst-assay for nutritional classification of starch fractions, whereas the second one was based on a time-course multi-enzymatic assay up to 180 min from which the hydrolysis indices (HIs) were calculated and used as a link between the physicochemical properties of starch from diets and the in vivo responses. For the in vivo study, five jugular-catheterized pigs (35.3 ± 1.1 kg body weight) were fed one of the five diets for 6-day periods in a 5 × 5 Latin square design. On day 5, blood was collected for 8 h postprandially for evaluating glucose appearance. On day 6, blood was collected for 3 h postprandially for the estimation of the GI. Starchy diets differed for rapidly digestible starch (from 8.6% to 79.8% of total starch (TS)) and resistant starch contents (from 72.5% to 4.5% of TS). Wide between-diets variations were recorded for all the kinetic parameters and for the HI calculated from the in vitro digestion curves (P < 0.05). On the basis of the obtained HI, diets contained starch with a very low to a very high in vitro digestion potential (ranging from 26.7% to 100.0%; P < 0.05). The glucose response differed among diets (P < 0.05), with marked differences between 15 and 120 min postprandial. Overall, the ranking of incremental glucose appearance among diets agreed with their in vitro HI classification: high HI diets increased plasma glucose response more (P < 0.05) than low HI diets. Lastly, different in vivo GIs were measured (ranging from 30.9% to 100.0%; P < 0.05). The relationship between HI and GI showed a high coefficient of determination (R2 = 0.95; root mean square error (RMSE) = 15.8; P < 0.05). In conclusion, diets formulated with starches with a wide range in HI potential can strongly affect the postprandial glucose response in pigs.  相似文献   

高光谱植被指数与水稻叶面积指数的定量关系   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
基于不同水稻品种、施氮水平和不同生育期下的大田试验,确立了水稻叶面积指数(LAI)与冠层光谱特征参数的定量关系.结果表明:水稻叶面积指数与部分高光谱植被指数存在良好的相关性,其中原始光谱组成的2波段差值指数(DI)形式相关性最好,其次为比值(RI)和归一化(NI)植被指数.相关最好的原始光谱植被指数是由近红外波段组成的差值指数DI(854,760),相关最好的一阶导数光谱植被指数是红光和近红外光组成的导数差值指数DI(D676, D778),但总体上导数光谱指数不如原始光谱指数与LAI关系密切.独立试验数据检验结果表明,以差值指数DI(854,760)为变量建立的水稻LAI监测模型具有较好的表现,可用于水稻LAI的估测.  相似文献   

Chao A  Jost L  Chiang SC  Jiang YH  Chazdon RL 《Biometrics》2008,64(4):1178-1186
SUMMARY: A traditional approach for assessing similarity among N (N > 2) communities is to use multiple pairwise comparisons. However, pairwise similarity indices do not completely characterize multiple-community similarity because the information shared by at least three communities is ignored. We propose a new and intuitive two-stage probabilistic approach, which leads to a general framework to simultaneously compare multiple communities based on abundance data. The approach is specifically used to extend the commonly used Morisita index and NESS (normalized expected species shared) index to the case of N communities. For comparing N communities, a profile of N- 1 indices is proposed to characterize similarity of species composition across communities. Based on sample abundance data, nearly unbiased estimators of the proposed indices and their variances are obtained. These generalized NESS and Morisita indices are applied to comparison of three size classes of plant data (seedling, saplings, and trees) within old-growth and secondary rain forest plots in Costa Rica.  相似文献   

The factors which regulate the transition to lung gas exchange in the newborn are not well understood. The transition begins within seconds of birth with the newborn's first breath and is largely complete by 30 min of age at which time breathing is continuous, and arterial blood gas tensions and pH approach stable newborn values. Experiments indicate that sensory stimulation caused by cutaneous cooling or sciatic nerve stimulation can result in the initiation of breathing within seconds. Thus, massive sensory stimulation of the newborn caused by labour and delivery probably plays an important role in promoting the rapid onset of lung ventilation. Any delay in the onset of lung gas exchange causes a rise in arterial PCO2 and fall in pH which would stimulate breathing probably via stimulation of the central chemoreceptors. Since an impairment of CO2 elimination is usually observed after birth, a rise in arterial PCO2 likely stimulates breathing in the newborn. However, this impairment is transient and is usually corrected within 30 min to 2 h of age. Recent experiments suggest that placental perfusion inhibits the fetal central respiratory system and that this effect may be mediated by a placentally-produced respiratory inhibitor. Thus, withdrawal of a respiratory inhibitor from the circulation may play an important role in maintaining breathing in the newborn after sensory stimulation wanes and arterial PCO2 returns to normal fetal levels.  相似文献   

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