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In extracts ofThiocapsa floridana strain 6311 andChromatium strains 1611, 2811 and 6412 a high specific activity of adenosine 5-phosphosulfate reductase was found. In contrast, little activity of this enzyme was found inChromatium strain D.Adenosine 5-diphosphate sulfurylase is present in extracts fromThiocapsa floridana strain 6311. The enzyme appears to be involved in the oxidation of reduced sulfur compounds to sulfate.Sulfite oxidase could not be demonstrated in any of the strains examined.  相似文献   

Thiocapsa floridana strain 1711, andChromatium strains 1611 and 6412 can grow with molecular hydrogen replacing sulfide as the electron donor. Sulfate suffices as the sulfur source. The incorporation of radioactive sulfur from35S-sulfate was measured in growing cells in which molecular hydrogen or acetate was the electron donor. In cells pre-grown in sulfide, the incorporation of radioactivity began slowly after a lag period; in contrast, cells grown in sulfate took up the marker at a faster rate and without a lag. The radioactivity appeared in protein as cysteine and methionine. No elimination of sulfide was detected during growth. Thus, the reduction of sulfate was purely assimilatory.  相似文献   

Stoichiometry of sulphide and intracellular sulphur oxidation in connection with CO2 fixation was studied inChromatium okenii. The equipment used was a special stirred cuvette with a rapid-sampling arrangement, which allowed short-time experiments with illuminated bacterial suspensions under anaerobic conditions. Turnover of the sulphur compounds is controlled by a linear CO2 fixation rate which amounts to 0.069µmoles of CO2/min mg of cell protein at light saturation. Van Niel's equations for bacterial photosynthesis could be confirmed for short periods under the condition that sulphate is produced during increase of intracellular sulphur; i.e., oxidation of sulphide and of intracellular sulphur do not occur consecutively but simultaneously. The full oxidation rate of intracellular sulphur starts after complete consumption of sulphide. The time during which sulphide is oxidized to intracellular sulphur amounts to 1/3–1/4 of the time necessary for the complete quantitative oxidation of the sulphide to sulphate.  相似文献   

Growth experiments and short term experiments in a stirred cuvette showed thatChromatium okenii strain Ostrau is not able to oxidize any reduced sulphur compounds except sulphide and elementary sulphur; thiosulphate, sulphite, and thioglycolate can not be utilized as reducing agents for photosynthesis. The cells are not able to use H2; hydrogenase could not be demonstrated. In the dark, sulphide is formed from intracellular sulphur and the carbon content of the cells decreases. Growth and turnover of sulphur compounds was followed in the light in the presence and absence of acetate as a second carbon source. Sulphide oxidation depends on the presence of CO2 and on light intensity, i.e. sulphur metabolism is governed by the photosynthetic activity of the cells.  相似文献   

Onion (Allium cepa L.) was able to use atmospheric H(2)S as sole sulphur source for growth. The foliarly absorbed H(2)S was rapidly metabolized into water-soluble, non-protein thiol compounds, including cysteine, and subsequently into other sulphur compounds in the shoots. In H(2)S-exposed plants, the accumulation of sulphur compounds in the shoots was nearly linear with the concentration (0.15-0.6 microl l(-1)) and duration of the exposure. Exposure of onion to H(2)S for up to 1 week did not affect the sulphur content of the roots. Secondary sulphur compounds formed a sink for the foliarly absorbed sulphide, and the sulphur accumulation upon H(2)S exposure could, for a great part, be ascribed to enhancement of the content of gamma-glutamyl peptides and/or alliins. Furthermore, there was a substantial increase in the sulphate content in the shoots upon H(2)S exposure. The accumulation of sulphate originated both from the pedosphere and from the oxidation of absorbed atmospheric sulphide, and/or from the degradation of accumulated secondary sulphur compounds. From studies on the interaction between atmospheric and pedospheric sulphur nutrition it was evident that H(2)S exposure did not result in a down-regulation of the sulphate uptake by the roots.  相似文献   

1. The foundations of our understanding of acid deposition were laid in the last century, but the scale and scope of damage to sensitive receptors has only been subject to intensive investigation over the last 30 years or so. Negotiations are now well underway to reduce emissions, and for some pollutants policy is in place, so that these receptors may be protected adequately. Crucial to this has been the 'critical loads' approach adopted in the U.K. and elsewhere in Europe over the last 6 years.
2. This paper describes the source of acidic emissions, how these emissions are transformed in the atmosphere and subsequently deposited. Measurements of wet deposition are made at a number of sites in the U.K. and some of the results from the networks are presented. These results allow wet and dry deposition to be mapped and the methodologies and underlying assumptions to these procedures are described, and S deposition has been estimated for the U.K. Acid Waters Monitoring Network sites.  相似文献   

1. The foundations of our understanding of acid deposition were laid in the last century, but the scale and scope of damage to sensitive receptors has only been subject to intensive investigation over the last 30 years or so. Negotiations are now well underway to reduce emissions, and for some pollutants policy is in place, so that these receptors may be protected adequately. Crucial to this has been the 'critical loads' approach adopted in the U.K. and elsewhere in Europe over the last 6 years.
2. This paper describes the source of acidic emissions, how these emissions are transformed in the atmosphere and subsequently deposited. Measurements of wet deposition are made at a number of sites in the U.K. and some of the results from the networks are presented. These results allow wet and dry deposition to be mapped and the methodologies and underlying assumptions to these procedures are described, and S deposition has been estimated for the U.K. Acid Waters Monitoring Network sites.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of S nutrition and availability on the forms of S and N in the endosperm cavity and endosperm of wheat, and on the capacity of the endosperm to utilize those compounds for the synthesis of proteins. Plants were grown in solution culture with 2 mM N and either 200 microM S (high-S) or 50 microM S (low-S) and all nutrients were withdrawn at various times from booting until 8 d post-anthesis. Sulphate was the major form of soluble S in the endosperm cavity and endosperm of high-S plants during the time of rapid grain development. By contrast, glutathione (GSH) was the major form of soluble S in the endosperm cavity and in the endosperm in low-S plants. Crude extracts of endosperm tissue from both high-S and low-S plants supported (i) the hydrolysis of GSH to gamma-glutamyl cysteine and glycine, and of gamma-glutamyl cysteine to glutamate and cysteine, and (ii) sulphate-dependent PPi-ATP exchange and the sulphydration of O-acetylserine catalysed by ATP sulphurylase and cysteine synthase, respectively. High-S nutrition enhanced the in vitro rates of ATP sulphurylase and cysteine synthase.  相似文献   

Cysteinyl- and methionyl-tRNA synthetases (EC 6.11.-) were purified 1200- and 1000-fold, respectively, from sonic extracts of Paracoccus denitrificans strain 8944, and kinetics, substrate specificity and regulatory properties were determined using the ATP-PPi exchange reaction. Both enzymes had pH optima of approx. 8 and were inhibited by sulphydryl-group reagents. Cysteinyl-tRNA synthetase catalysed L-selenocysteine- and alpha-aminobutyric acid-dependent ATP-PPi exchange and methionyl-tRNA synthetase catalysed L-homocysteine-, L-selenomethionine- and norleucine-dependent ATP-PPi exchange. Both enzymes were inhibited by O-acetylserine. Cysteinyl-tRNA synthetase activity was stimulated by methionine and methionyl-tRNA synthetase activity was stimulated by sulphide, cysteine, and cysteic acid.  相似文献   

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