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The golden egg bug, Phyllomorpha laciniata Vill. (Heteroptera: Coreidae), is the only terrestrial insect in which females oviposit on the backs of female and male conspecifics. Eggs do not survive unless carried by a bug. Herein, I report laboratory observations that egg-carrying individuals actively brush their backs against the host plant seemingly in an effort to rub off eggs. Egg scraping is more common among individuals carrying many eggs than among those carrying only a few eggs. The most recently received eggs were rubbed off first. Females did not avoid laying eggs on the backs of egg-loaded individuals, nor did bugs carrying several eggs resist oviposition attempts more often than unloaded ones. Some males were likely to have fertilized the eggs they scraped off their backs. Laboratory results of active egg removal correspond with egg loss in the field, suggesting that egg scraping may explain egg loss in nature. The data indicate a cost of egg carrying to an individual and an evolutionary arms race between oviposition and discarding behavior.  相似文献   

In the golden egg bug (Phyllomorpha laciniata) eggs are laid mainly on the backs of conspecifics, and in many habitats eggs do not survive unless carried by bugs. Bugs are covered with small spines that may make them unpalatable. They are also cryptic, at least if not carrying eggs. We used domestic chicks as predators to examine if egg carrying influences susceptibility to avian predators. The special morphology of the bugs and/or possible chemical defense may make the bugs unattractive, as chicks that picked up bugs often rejected them. Eggs made bugs more attractive to chicks. The total number of attacks and the probability of being attacked at all increased significantly when bugs carried eggs. If mating with an egg-carrying bug, a female without eggs suffered as much as her egg-carrying partner when attacked. This study, together with previous results on ant predation, suggests that carrying eggs as well as mating with an egg-loadedbug are costly in terms of predation risk.  相似文献   

Golden egg bug Phyllomorpha laciniata (Heteroptera, Coreidae) females oviposit on male and female conspecifics that carry ova until they hatch. Embryos benefit from being carried because of diminished risks of predation. Female carriers are never the parents of carried eggs, and males are only rarely the fathers of any carried eggs. Eggs develop and hatch without being carried in the laboratory. Egg carriers may be viewed as victims, exploited by females that encumber them with eggs. The intensity of selection favouring resistance to egg carrying should be proportional to the costs of this behaviour. One possible cost could be a reduction in mobility caused by carried eggs. We compare movement rates among encumbered and unencumbered golden egg bugs of both sexes. Protracted copulations (often exceeding 20 h) typical of this species and mating may also cause reduction in bugs mobility. Therefore, we also evaluate rates of movement of coupled pairs of bugs. Our results indicate that egg loads do not affect the mobility and speed of either males or females. However, copulating pairs are significantly slowed as compared to single bugs. Thus protracted copulations have a clear cost in rates of movement and possibly risks of predation, but there are no apparent mobility costs for egg carrying.  相似文献   

Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the adaptivesignificance of prolonged copulations in insects, which includemate guarding and sperm loading functions. We have exploredthe adaptive significance of the prolonged copulations in thegolden egg bug (copulations up to 50 h) and the effect of anincreased risk of sperm competition on ejaculate investment.Our data support predictions derived from sperm competitiontheory, which posits that males are expected to increase ejaculateexpenditure in response to an increased risk of sperm competition.Results show a combined response by males that has not beenpreviously described: males in the presence of rivals increasecopulation duration and the rate of sperm transfer. No relationshipwas found between male or female size and copulation durationor ejaculate size. Golden egg bug males transfer sperm slowlyand gradually throughout copulation; thus an increase in theamount of sperm transferred and the corresponding increase inthe male's numerical representation in the female's storageorgans could be particularly important in a system in whichso few sperm are transferred and in which so few sperm are storedby females. In addition, copulation duration may not only serveto increase the total amount of sperm transferred, but it mayalso increase the chances that the female will lay an egg soonafter copulation has ended. This could explain why males tendto accept eggs after copulation, since they could be maximizingthe chances that such eggs are fathered by them, and in thisway they would substantially increase the survival rates oftheir offspring because eggs laid on plants suffer high mortalityrates.  相似文献   

The process of egg formation in the body cavity of a phytoseiid mite, Phytoseiulus persimilis, was observed to examine fertilization of male eggs. After insemination, one of the ova at the periphery of the ovary began to expand, taking up yolk. Two pronuclei appeared in the expanded egg, located dorsally in the ovary, and yolk granules were formed gradually. After the egg became filled with yolk granules the two pronuclei fused. The egg moved via the narrow entrance at the ventral region into the oviduct, where the eggshell was formed. When the eggshell was complete, and while embryogenesis proceeded, the egg was deposited. In the meantime some ova began to expand sequentially and two joining pronuclei appeared in expanding eggs. The joining pronuclei in the first egg proved male diploidy. This is additional evidence of pseudo-arrhenotoky in this phytoseiid mite species, since the first eggs developed into males.  相似文献   

The eggplant lace bug, Gargaphia solani, was used to investigate the proximate factors regulating maternal care and a noncaring, condition dependent strategy called egg dumping. We hypothesize that the act of delaying oviposition while searching for a dumping opportunity suppresses oogenesis and triggers guarding behavior. We examined several predictions of this hypothesis by measuring: (1) whether females do delay oviposition in the absence of dumping stimuli, (2) whether females in transition between egg dumping and egg guarding are capable of expressing either reproductive option, (3) the effect of nymphal interactions and antennal ablation on the duration of maternal care, and (4) oogenesis in guarding and dumping females. We found that females without a dumping opportunity wait, on average, 30 h longer to oviposit than females exposed to a dump mass. Females that had initiated their own egg mass could resume eggdumping if they had laid less than half of their eggs but were unlikely to abandon their eggs when most had been laid. Maternal care in G. solani can be prolonged if interactions with nymphs are artificially prolonged. Females require antennae to maintain maternalcare. Presumably antennae transduce cues from eggs and nymphs. Dissections of dumping and guarding females 72 h after their first oviposition demonstrated that dumpers continue to produce primary oocytes after a dumping event but guarders terminate oogenesis whilecaring for their first brood. We interpret all of these results within the context of the hypothesis that juvenile hormone titers regulate the expression of both egg dumping and egg guarding.  相似文献   

This study examines the effect of juvenile hormone (JH) or a similarly acting juvenoid on the expression of maternal egg guarding and its life history alternative, egg dumping, in the lace bug, Gargaphia solani Heidemann. JH manipulations were indirect: methoprene, a synthetic JH analog, and precocene II, an allatocidal phytochemical commonly used to reduce JH synthesis, were applied exogenously to test the hypothesis that high JH titers promote egg production and egg dumping behavior, while low titers terminate egg production and initiate maternal care. As predicted, egg dumpers treated with precocene II ignored dumping opportunities and became egg guarders. Similarly, egg guarders that were treated with methoprene became gravid within 2 days and abandoned their eggs to become egg dumpers. These manipulations suggest that hormones can trigger the expression of both egg dumping and egg guarding in G. solani even when environmental conditions are inappropriate.  相似文献   

Although separated by 7000-km,Gilia millefoliata, a rare annual plant from California and Oregon coastal dunes andG. valdiviensis, a rare Chilean coastal endemic are morphologically and ecologically quite similar. Their disjunct distribution was proposed to result from recent, birdmediated, intercontinental long-distance dispersal. Both species are morphologically similar to the abundant and ecologically diverse South American taxonG. laciniata. The relationship among these three taxa was investigated using DNA sequence from the nuclear ribosomal (ITS) and chloroplasttrnL regions, as well as isozyme and morphological variation to determine the roles of long-distance dispersal and ecological adaptation in the evolution of the group. These data suggest that aG. millefoliata-like ancestor underwent long-distance dispersal to South America, and there gave rise to the narrow endemicG. valdiviensis and the widespreadG. laciniata.  相似文献   

Mozena obtusa Uhler (Heteroptera: Coreidae) was examined in quarantine for its potential as a biological control agent of Prosopis species (mesquite) in Australia. Trials were conducted on 16 nontarget plant species to estimate its developmental host range. Complete development occurred on all Prosopis species that have become naturalized in Australia as well as on four Australian native species (Neptunia species and Paraserianthes lophantha), although reproductive diapause prevented assessment of subsequent fecundity. Development through the first feeding nymphal instar also occurred on other plant species representing two subfamilies. Nymphal performance was highly variable on both target and nontarget species, possibly because variation in plant nitrogen composition affected plant quality. The correlation between environment, plant nitrogen, and plant quality is likely to be sufficiently strong to determine whether a plant species can support development. Plant quality should therefore be considered when predicting the field host range of M. obtusa and of sap-sucking coreids generally. Nonetheless, our preliminary results suggest that M. obtusa may not be sufficiently specific for release in Australia, although insufficient understanding of its oviposition behavior in the field and the effect of plant quality on development means that its rejection would be premature.  相似文献   

Predaceous Heteroptera are important components of natural and managed habitats. The extent of predatory habits among taxa ranges from those that are totally (or nearly totally) predaceous to those that are nearly totally phytophagous, but occasionally feed on arthropod prey. Because of that variability in predatory habit, the contributions of heteropteran taxa to management of pest species will vary greatly. The late Robert (Bob) J. O’Neil (1955–2008) added significantly to understanding the roles of and benefits from facultatively predaceous Heteroptera. His focus on behavioral and physiological attributes that permitted facultatively predaceous species to persist in agricultural habitats demonstrated that facultative predators could help prevent pest outbreaks, but were less effective at reducing numbers of species already considered above economic thresholds.  相似文献   

The responses of females of the egg parasitoid Trissolcus basalis (Wollaston) (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) to volatile and contact chemicals from its host Nezara viridula (L.) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) were investigated in a Y-tube olfactometer and under open arena conditions. In the Y-tube tests, volatiles from virgin males and from females in a preovipositional state attracted T. basalis females, while volatiles from host virgin females did not. In an open arena, traces left by N. viridula adults in different physiological conditions function as contact cues inducing the wasps to remain longer in the arena and to change the pattern of their walking behavior. However, only contact kairomones from N. viridula mated females in a preovipositional condition induced an arrestment response characterized by an increase in patch searching time and turning rates and a reduction in linear speed. The chemical ecological implications of these results on this host–parasitoid association are discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of the present paper was to study, with the use of video-recordering and computerized methods, the flight and wing movement behavior in two wing morphs of the flightless bug Pyrrhocoris apterus during the first 14 days of their adult life. We demonstrated the capability of macropterous males and females of this heteropteran to flap their fore- and hindwings for the first time. Flight was not observed in any of the tested males and females. We revealed that wing flapping does not occur earlier than on the fourth and fifth day after adult emergence in males and females, respectively. Time-series analysis of the obtained data showed that the maximum activity of wing flaps is limited to the light phase of the 12-h light/12-h dark photocycle, with the peak occurring in the morning, i.e., about 3 h after turning the light on. No substantial differences in the peaks of wing flapping activities in males versus females were found. The present paper is the first experimental demonstration of wing flap activity in a representative species with a nonfunctional alary polymorphism.  相似文献   

Egg discrimination in hosts of the common cuckoo Cuculus canorus is frequently studied by experimental parasitism, using model cuckoo eggs. We compared egg rejection behaviour of the great reed warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus to either model cuckoo eggs made of plastic or painted real host eggs. We simultaneously parasitised host nests by two different egg types to simulate cuckoo parasitism. A previous study revealed very similar, ca. 70%, rejection rates against both of these egg types (beige or bluish background colour maculated with dark brown) when they were used for single parasitism. In the present study we showed 96% average rejection rates against these egg types when they were applied in multiple experimental parasitism, causing a more predictable output for rejection behaviour. Hard plastic eggs and painted real eggs were rejected at similar frequencies, and videotaping revealed that model egg rejection caused extra work for great reed warblers. We revealed a new type of rejection behaviour, when hosts tried to eject hard-shelled model cuckoo eggs: Hosts made little holes in the middle part of these plastic eggs by pecking them several times before ejection, as if seeking the possibility to pierce and hold these eggs in their bills. Painted real eggs were rejected by actually puncturing the eggshell and holding them in the bill during ejection. No instances of grasp ejection were recorded during filming. Most experimental eggs of either type were ejected within 1 day after the introduction of the eggs, indicating that hosts made their rejection decisions quickly. Our observations suggest the lack of plasticity in the mode and timing of ejection behaviour towards experimental cuckoo eggs of different types in great reed warblers.  相似文献   

The population dynamics of Lethocerus deyrollei, including the seasonal change in the habitat utilization, were studied in five types of waters, permanent and temporary pools, ditch, rice paddy and marsh in a Satoyama, the traditional landscape in Japan consisting of mixtures of coppice woodlands, farmlands, and settlements, in northern Osaka, from June, 1999 to December, 2001. A mark and recapture census was carried out with adults, and the stage and the number were recorded in nymphs. A total of 95 adults were numbered, and 48 (51%) were recaptured in all the five water types during the study period. Adults of the new generation appeared from late July, and disappeared before the winter in all types of waters. A total of three overwintered adults were recaptured in permanent and temporary pools, ditch, and paddy from between early April and early June. Densities of both L. deyrollei adults and their prey, tadpoles and frogs, were high in permanent and temporary pools, and ditch, in which water temperatures were high in the summer season. Third to fifth (final) instar nymphs were also observed in all water types with different densities in summer, while first and second instars were found only in permanent pool, ditch and paddy habitats in which water temperatures were high and oviposition substrata such as the rice plant, other hygrophytes and wooden stakes existed. These results show that the traditional water system of paddy in the Satoyama landscape as a whole provides an important habitat for L. deyrollei which is now under threat by changing agricultural practices like other native biota inhabiting the system.  相似文献   

In most species of small mammals, males are exposed to higher levels of risk than females because they compete for mates, travel greater distances to find and procure mates, and/or defend a territory. This suggests that males and females might have different responses to risky situations, such as the presence of a predator. We tested responses to a visual predator cue (an owl silhouette) in male and female golden hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus). In a laboratory arena, there was no significant sex difference in the latency to enter the burrow or time spent in the burrow immediately after exposure to the owl silhouette. Males, however, were less likely to be active during the 3-min period following the animal’s exposure to the silhouette, indicating that male golden hamsters are more wary after exposure to an aerial predator cue than females. Most studies of responses to predators or predator cues have not considered sex differences, but our results show that males and females may have quite different responses to predator cues. Further work should be done to characterize and quantify sex differences in response to predators or predator cues.  相似文献   

The crab Paralomis verrilli in the waters of southeast Sakhalin is infected by the parasitic rhizocephalan barnacle Briarosaccus callosus. The prevalence of parasitic infection was on the average 4.36% (6.29% for females, 3.28% for males) and varied between samples from none up to 14.9%. The degree of prevalence was not related to the average carapace width and the sex ratio of crabs in samples. Sterilization of female P. verrilli was caused by the B. callosus infestation or its consequences. No more than two parasite externae per crab were found. Crabs with two externae made up 5.6% of all infected specimens. The infestation of crab hosts with two B. callosus externae negatively influenced the growth of the externae. A positive relationship was found between the width of the crab carapace and the length of the parasitic externae. The survival rate of P. verrilli with either one or two parasite B. callosus externae did not differ substantially. The proportion of crabs with externae and those with “scars” (12.2% in our case) can be taken as the index of survival of the parasitized crabs.  相似文献   

The effects of experience, egg load, and wasp size on the response of four strains of Trichogramma nr. brassicae (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) to three economically important hosts, Heliothis punctigera (Noctuidae), Phthorimaea opercullela (Gelechiidae), and Sitotroga cereallela (Gelechiidae) were investigated. Experience effects due to rearing host and oviposition were considered in all combinations of host species. Both these effects altered response levels to low-ranked hosts but not to highly preferred hosts. Size was correlated with host response in some strains; larger females took more encounters with a host before accepting it, while egg load was not correlated with number of host encounters. However, egg load, rearing host, and size all affected acceptance of the low-ranked host S. cereallela. Females were more likely to accept this host if they were reared on S. cereallela, had a small size, and had a high egg load. Effects were consistent across strains, although overall acceptance levels differed among strains.  相似文献   

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