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Five species of the genus Neonectria (Nectriaceae, Hypocreales) collected from Japan are described with discussion and illustrated. Among them, one found on dead twigs of a broad-leaved tree is described as a new species, Neonectria tokyoensis (anamorph: Cylindrocarpon tokyoense). Neonectria cinnamomea and Neo. discophora are newly added to the Japanese mycobiota. Nectria azureo-ostiolata, recorded in 1977 from Japan, is reexamined as a synonym of Neo. jungneri. Neonectria radicicola, teleomorph of Cy. destructans, a well-known soil-borne plant pathogen in Japan, is newly recorded from Japan. Additional distribution records are provided for the Neonectria species hitherto recorded in Japan.  相似文献   

A new nectrioid fungus with its sporodochial Cylindrocarpon anamorph, collected on dead bark of Luchu pines (Pinus luchuensis) in the southern part of Japan (Kagoshima and Okinawa), having perithecia slightly constricted just below the papilla and conidia with a strongly hooked and acute apical cell, belongs to the genus Neonectria according to the recent concept of the Nectriaceae (Hypocreales). Molecular phylogenetic analysis based on the tub2 region of β-tubulin genes also supports the morphological consideration. This fungus is described as Neonectria amamiensis (anamorph: Cylindrocarpon amamiense).  相似文献   

Neonectria (Hypocreales: Nectriaceae) species having Cylindrocarpon anamorphs that lack microconidia and chlamydospores include: Neo. discophora var. discophora, Neo. discophora var. rubi, stat nov. et comb. nov., Neo. lucida, comb. nov., Neo. viridispora, sp. nov. and Neo. westlandica, comb. nov. Perithecia of these species are red and perithecial anatomyis of the N. mammoidea type, with a palisade of hypha-like cells in the outer perithecial wall. These species occur on recently dead or dying trees. Perithecia of Neo. betulae, sp. nov and Neo. dumontii, sp. nov. are anatomically and biologically similar to those of Neo. discophora. The only known culture of Neo. betulae remained sterile, while Neo. dumontii has not been cultured; their anamorphs are presumed to be Cylindrocarpon. Analyses of mit ssu rDNA sequences indicate that Neonectria/Cylindrocarpon is monophyletic. Within the genus, species having N. mammoidea type perithecia are paraphyletic. Most species cluster with Neo. discophora, but Neo. westlandica and Neo. trachosa are basal to a clade that includes species that do not have a N. mammoidea-type perithecium. Nectria fuckeliana clusters independently of Neonectria and Nectria. Although reported to have a Cylindrocarpon anamorph, fresh ascospore isolates of N. fuckeliana did not produce Cylindrocarpon macroconidia but produced acremonium- or verticillium-like anamorphs. A key to nectriaceous species of Neonectria that have Cylindrocarpon anamorphs that lack microconidia and chlamydospores and/or that have a N. mammoidea type perithecial wall anatomy is presented. New combinations are proposed for other species formerly included in Nectria that have non-microconidial Cylindrocarpon anamorphs: Neonectria cinnamomea, Neo. jungneri, Neo. platycephala, Neo. phaeodisca and Neo. verrucospora.  相似文献   

Virulence factors were compared in Aeromonas species isolated from clinically normal and septicaemic farmed frogs from Thailand. Haemolysin activities against frog erythrocytes were significantly different within the collection of aeromonads. Groups of high haemolytic activity (unspeciated Aeromonas, Au), moderate haemolytic activity (A. hydrophila), and low haemolytic activity (A. veronii biovar sobria, A. veronii biovar veronii, A. caviae, A. schubertii) were noted. DNA colony hybridisation studies revealed that Au isolates possessed a haemolysin gene (ASH1) which was not present in any of the other Thai aeromonads or type strains tested. Elastinolytic activity was demonstrated in 90% of the Au isolates, 60% of the A. hydrophila isolates and in none of the other motile aeromonads. The cytotoxic activity of the Aeromonas isolates varied according to the source of cells used in the assays. Cells from rainbow trout were extremely sensitive to Au toxins but less so to toxins produced by other species. In contrast mammalian cells showed very little sensitivity to Au toxins but were more sensitive to toxins produced by A. hydrophila. Selection of suitable assay substrates is therefore important.  相似文献   

虎纹蛙的含肉率及蛙肉和蛙皮氨基酸组成分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
测定了8只人工养殖虎纹蛙的含肉率及氨基酸组成。结果表明,虎纹蛙的含肉率平均为35.27%;蛙肉和蛙皮干物质中水解氨基酸总量分别为71.740%和79.084%,其中必需氨基酸分别为22.95%和15.88%,分别占氨基酸总量的32.00%和20.08%;游离氨基酸中6种呈味氨基酸含量丰富,分别占游离氨基酸总量的45.50%和60.40%;蛙肉和蛙皮限制氨基酸均为缬氨酸,必需氨基酸指数分别为43.83和27.66。认为虎纹蛙是一种营养价值和养殖价值都较高的品种。  相似文献   

Carex rugulosa Kük. develops riverside vegetation in brackish marshes along the lower parts of rivers. Because the rhizomatous ramets grow densely (590–950/m2) in its developed population, it is expected that seedlings cannot get enough light to grow if seeds germinate in crowded ramets. We studied the reproductive contribution of seed in a marshy meadow of the Ohashi River, Japan. The number of seeds produced was 6900–14 200/m2 in 2002. The number of buried seeds in the following germination season differed among sites from 1190 to 2690/m2. No seedlings were observed at plots where the ramets from rhizomes grew densely. In contrast, seedlings appeared in plots where all rhizomatous ramets were artificially cut. The number of seedlings corresponded to 17.5–39.5% of that of buried seeds. All these seedlings were submerged and died when it rained heavily. In the genotype analysis using allozyme detection, one of the phosphoglucoisomerase loci ( Pgi-2 ) indicated a pair of alleles. Among eight plots (each plot was 50 or 60-cm square), four showed an excess of heterozygotes and two showed homozygote domination in the Pgi-2 genotype. These results suggest that: (i) seed germination is suppressed in crowded ramets; (ii) seedling survival is severely reduced by inundation; and (iii) the population is usually maintained by clonal growth. As germination is induced in open areas, it is hypothesized that the main role of seed is recovery after vegetation decline caused by environmental stresses or colonization to other areas without dense vegetation.  相似文献   

虎纹蛙促性腺激素含量随年龄及季节的变化(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
促性腺激素(GtH;或LH和FSH)在脊椎动物生殖调节中起中C作用;脑垂体和血浆GtH水平在一定程度上反映着动物体的生殖生理状态。在蛙类,对脑垂体和血浆的LH及FSH含量进行过较全面研究的,仅在牛蛙和日本蟾蜍有过报道,结果显示它们的LH和FSH的含量存在有种类差异性。虎纹蛙属中国二级保护动物,也是唯一受保护的蛙类,对其生殖生物学的基础内容进行研究具有重要的意义。 为此,本文利用放射免疫测定法,测定了虎纹蛙幼蛙和不同性腺发育阶段(季节)成蛙脑垂体与血浆的LH及FSH含量,以弄清这些激素的含量变化与年龄、季节(性腺发育阶段)变化的关系,以期为虎纹蛙的基础生殖生物学及蛙类的生殖内分泌学充实新的内容,为虎纹蛙的人工繁殖和保护提供理论依据。结果是:幼蛙血浆LH水平显著高于各期成蛙(Fig.A),血浆FSH水平显著低于成熟前期成蛙,而和其它各性腺发育阶段成蛙相当(Fig.B)。而脑垂体LH或FSH的含量显著低于各期成蛙(Fig.C&D)。这说明,幼蛙脑垂体已具有一定的合成和释放LH及FSH的能力。 成蛙脑垂体和血浆LH及FSH水平随性腺发育阶段(季节)的不同而有一定的变化:雌蛙血浆LH水平在成熟期最高,性腺再发育期最低;  相似文献   

Teaching and Learning in Japan. Thomas Rohlen and Gerald Le Tendre, eds. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1996. 399 pp.  相似文献   

Neonectria ditissima is a fungal pathogen native to eastern North America that causes disfiguring cankers on numerous tree species, particularly birches (Betula spp.). In order to develop control strategies, fundamental knowledge of the pathogen's reproductive and dispersal dynamics is necessary. To undertake these studies, we developed genomic libraries enriched for clones containing microsatellites, and then designed primers flanking each locus. Of 34 loci that were screened, 11 were polymorphic among 38 isolates obtained from a single population. Gene diversities ranged from 0.05 to 0.862 with a mean of 0.409. These markers will be invaluable in population studies of this fungus.  相似文献   

Carex rugulosa Kük. forms large meadows in moist zones along estuarine riversides. These meadows are usually maintained by rhizomatous ramet production (clonal growth), and the appearance of seedlings is uncommon. We studied the conditions required for seedling establishment. In areas in which clonal ramets were dense (906–1050/m2), and the relative light intensity at ground level was low (0.8–3.8%), seed germination was entirely suppressed. In contrast, many seedlings (288–513/m2) were observed in areas in which clonal ramets had been considerably reduced (13–269/m2) by continuous inundation in the previous year. In these areas, the relative light intensity had increased (20.5–79.3%). It was inferred that seeds resisted the prolonged inundation that killed the ramets, and that germination was induced under these open conditions. These results suggest that the main functions of sexual reproduction in C. rugulosa are recovery after severe damage to vegetation using seeds from the seed bank and the dispersal of seeds to areas without dense vegetation. Most seedlings died when the marshy meadow was temporarily inundated by heavy rain. However, transplanted seedlings survived better at artificially elevated sites that were not submerged. This shows that inundation during the seedling stage impedes seedling survival. Therefore, seeds can contribute to recovery after ramet decline or colonization to open area when (i) the rainfall is not heavy to cause seedling submergence or (ii) seeds are dispersed to higher area which is not inundated.  相似文献   

以酶学分析方法研究了虎纹蛙消化道淀粉酶和脂肪酶的分布以及pH和温度对这两种消化酶活力的影响。结果表明:在各自生理pH值条件下,虎纹蛙消化道不同部位淀粉酶活力大小顺序依次为前肠〉中肠〉后肠〉食道〉胃,胃和肠淀粉酶最适pH值分别为8.6和7.0,最适温度分别为35℃和40℃。脂肪酶活力大小顺序依次为中肠〉后肠〉前肠〉胃〉食道,各部位之间差异显著(P〈0.05),胃和肠脂肪酶的最适pH值均为9.0,最适温度分别为50℃和55℃。  相似文献   

(1) In tadpoles, chicken-II gonadotropin-releasing hormone (cGnRH-II) could be measured in the brains before metamorphosis, but mammalian gonadotropin-releasing hormone (mGnRH) did not appear until the stage of metamorphosis, i.e. cGnRH-II appeared earlier than mGnRH during ontogenesis. (2) During the metamorphic climax, mGnRH content increased more rapidly than cGnRH-II; the content of mGnRH was about two times of that of cGnRH-II. (3) In juveniles and adults, the content of mGnRH and cGnRH-II, and the distribution pattern of mGnRH (but not cGnRH-II) in the brains and pituitaries changed with age and stages of gonadal development. mGnRH mainly distributed in the rostral brain areas, whereas cGnRH-II had a widespread distribution in the brain. (4) Both mGnRH and cGnRH-II were present in the pituitaries at each stage of maturity. The gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) content at sexually maturity was significantly higher than that at other stages of gonadal development, and the content of mGnRH was about 15–18 times of that of cGnRH-II. (5) These results suggest that both mGnRH and cGnRH-II are potentially involved in the direct regulation of pituitary gonadotropes, and mGnRH may be the major active form, cGnRH-II may also serve as a neurotransmitter or neuromodulator in the brain.  相似文献   

棘胸蛙、虎纹蛙、黑斑蛙血细胞的比较   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
胡知渊  来雅萍  陈文静 《四川动物》2005,24(1):5-8,F004
应用Giemsa染色法对棘胸蛙、虎纹蛙和黑斑蛙的血细胞进行显微观察和各形态参数测定,并对各类细胞作了图示和描述。结果表明,红细胞和白细胞的形态和数量比例有一定属和种的特征,并与其生长环境和进化地位有一定联系。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The mandibular glands of the two species of ant, Myrmica schencki Em. and Myrmica rugulosa Nyl., contain mixtures of similar compounds, but in different proportions. M.rugulosa produces 3-pentanol, 3-hexanone, 3-hexanol, 3-heptanone, 3-heptanol, 3-octanone (by far the most abundant component), 3-octanol, 3-nonanol, 3-decanone and 6-methyl-3-octanone, in addition to small amounts of ethanal, acetone and methylpropanal. M.schencki produces most of these (though much less 3-octanone and much more 3-octanol), but also produces significant amounts of 3-nonanol, 3-decanol and 6-methyl-3-octanol, while producing no detectable 3-pentanol or 3-hexanone. The mandibular gland secretions of these two species attract the workers, increase their linear speed, and reduce their sinuosity of movement. In M.schencki these behavioural activities are caused by 3-octanol and 3-octanone, the effect of a synthetic mixture of the two being exactly like that of an isolated mandibular gland; the two compounds act together to cause attraction and increase linear speed, and in synergy to reduce the workers' sinuosity of movement. In M.rugulosa , 3-octanol, 3-octanone and 6-methyl-3-octanone are the major active constituents. 3-Octanone attracts the workers, its effect being enhanced by 3-octanol; it also increases the ants' linear speed, this effect being moderated slightly by the 3-octanol. Presented together these two substances act synergistically to decrease the workers' sinuosity of movement, and reproduce exactly the overall behavioural activity of an isolated mandibular gland. The chemical and behavioural results are combined with those previously reported to explain the responses of M.rubra, M.ruginodis, M.rugulosa, M.sabuleti, M.schencki and M.scabrinodis workers to isolated mandibular glands of these species.  相似文献   

The darkling beetle Pimelia rugulosa rugulosa Germar, 1824 was selected to investigate the process of colonization in a volcanic archipelago and the role of volcanism in determining spatial patterns of genetic variability. Analyses were conducted in the Aeolian Islands, located in the central Mediterranean directly off the Sicilian coast. Genetic variability and geographic structure were studied in individuals from each island of the archipelago based on sequences of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit 2 mitochondrial gene; a network approach was employed to identify haplotype lineages. A strong genetic structure, with no haplotype sharing among islands, was observed. Six separate lineages were identified that independently colonized different islands of the archipelago from the mainland and differentiated locally to form small haplogroups. Variability of observed haplogroups is correlated with island age and a positive correlation between tenebrionid diversity and mitotype diversity is reported. Some, yet undescribed, catastrophic event is hypothesized to explain the depletion of a substantial part of the genetic, as well as biological diversity in the island of Filicudi. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 104 , 29–37.  相似文献   

利用在体注射实验和放射免疫测定法,研究了多巴胺能药物对性腺处于再发育期虎纹蛙的促性腺激素释放激素(GnRH)及促黄体激素(LH)分泌活动的影响。结果是:多巴胺(DA)及其激素剂阿扑吗啡(APO)可显著降低血浆LH水平;而多巴胺的拮抗剂-地欧酮(DOM)可显著增加垂体LH含量。DA对脑中cGnRH-Ⅱ的合成有抑制作用,而OM对其mGnRH的释放有一定的刺激作用。结果表明:DA可在脑及垂体水平分别抑制虎纹蛙GnRH和LH的释放,DA对LH释放的抑制作用很可能是通过D2受体实现的。  相似文献   

The progress of the neurophysiological research in Japan during the past 45 years is related. Modern Japanese neurophysiology started immediately after the end of World War 2. The introduction of microelectrode techniques contributed greatly to most fields of Japanese neurophysiology. These techniques were used to study most neurophysiological phenomena: sensory physiology including vision, audition, chemical sensitivity, and other modalities; learning and memory. These techniques plus lesions, transplants, and behavioral physiology were used to study circadian rhythm, posture and motor control, and sex. These and other techniques were used to study neural plasticity, immunity, membrane excitability, pain and other psychophysiological functions. The disciplines advanced quickly into multidiscipline approaches into not only electrophysiological, but biophysical, biochemical and immunological research fields. From the past research results our neurophysiologists can be expected to advance rapidly toward further development in the future of Japanese neurophysiology.  相似文献   

T. Hosoya 《Mycoscience》2002,43(1):0047-0057
Three Hyphodiscus species are described and illustrated: Hyphodiscus otanii sp. nov., Hyphodiscus hymeniophilus, and H. theiodeus, which is new to Japan. Culture studies revealed Phialophora-like anamorphs. Catenulifera gen. nov. is proposed for the anamorph of Hyphodiscus. The history of the genus is reviewed. Hyphodiscus can be delimited to members with gelatinized excipulum, Cistella-like hairs with more coarse granulation, small asci, ascospores with conspicuous globules, cylindrical, flexuous paraphyses, and a Catenulifera anamorph. Received: September 6, 2001 / Accepted: October 4, 2001  相似文献   

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