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Among multiple subspecies of DNA polymerase α of calf thymus, only 10 S DNA polymerase α had a capacity to initiate DNA synthesis on an unprimed single-stranded, circular M13 phage DNA in the presence of ribonucleoside triphosphates (DNA primase activity). The primase was copurified with 10 S DNA polymerase α through the purification and both activities cosedimented at 10 S through gradients of either sucrose or glycerol. Furthermore, these two activities were immunoprecipitated at a similar efficiency by a monoclonal antibody directed against calf thymus DNA polymerase α. These results indicate that the primase is tightly bound to 10 S DNA polymerase α. The RNA polymerizing activity was resistant to α-amanitin, required high concentration of all four ribonucleoside triphosphates (800 μM) for its maximal activity, and produced the limited length of oligonucleotides (around 10 nucleotides long) which were necessary to serve as a primer for DNA synthesis. Covalent bonding to RNA to DNA was strongly suggested by the nearest neighbour frequency analysis and the DNAase treatment. The DNA synthesis primed by the RNA oligomers may be carried out by the associating DNA polymerase α because it was strongly inhibited by araCTP, resistant to d2TTP, and was also inhibited by aphidicolin but at relatively high concentration. The primase preferred single-stranded DNA as a template, but it also showed an activity on the double-stranded DNA from calf thymus at an efficiency of approx. 10% of that with single-stranded DNA.  相似文献   

Calf thymus DNA polymerase alpha-primase, human placenta DNA polymerase alpha-primase and human placenta DNA primase synthesized oligoriboadenylates of a preferred length of 2-10 nucleotides and multimeric oligoribonucleotides of a modal length of about 10 monomers on a poly(dT) template. The dimer and trimer were the prevalent products of the polymerization reaction. However, only the oligonucleotides from heptamers to decamers were elongated efficiently by DNA polymerase alpha.  相似文献   

The effect on DNA repair of several inhibitors of DNA synthesis has been investigated in CHO cells. Three assays were employed following ultraviolet irradiation of G1 cells: unscheduled DNA synthesis, removal of antibody binding sites and alkaline elution. Cytosine arabinoside and aphidicolin were found to reduce unscheduled DNA synthesis in a dose-dependent manner without affecting the removal of antibody-binding sites. Strand rejoining was also inhibited. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that inhibition is due to premature chain termination during repair synthesis some time after excision of the lesion. Conversely, inhibition of unscheduled DNA synthesis by novobiocin is paralleled by inhibition of excision of the lesion. However, no inhibition of incision was apparent. Since nalidixic acid, an inhibitor of topoisomerase II, did not inhibit excision, it is unlikely that the primary site of action of novobiocin is this topoisomerase. The possibility that a second topoisomerase and/or a polymerase are affected is discussed in the light of previously published data.  相似文献   

Most of the DNA polymerase α activity, bound to the heat-stabilized nuclear matrix prepared from HeLa S3 cells, was released as a matrix extract by sonication. When the extract was centrifuged in a 5–20 per cent linear sucrose gradient no definite peaks of activity could be identified. Most of the activity sedimented to the bottom of the tube under all the conditions tested, whilst the remaining activity was associated with matrix fragments of various and irregular size. No 10 S complexes, containing polymerase activity, were seen after incubation of the extract for 16 h before centrifugation. Other solubilization procedures (i.e. treatment of the matrix with chelating agents, high pH associated with reducing agents, ionic and nonionic detergents) failed to produce release of matrix-bound DNA polymerase α activity. In contrast, we released 10 S complexes, containing polymerase activity, from the matrix prepared from nuclei not exposed to heat. We conclude that a 37°C incubation of isolated nuclei before extraction with 2 M NaCl and DNase I digestion causes DNA polymerase α to bind to the nuclear matrix in a form that cannot subsequently be released as discrete components, at variance with previous results obtained with the matrix prepared from regenerating rat liver.  相似文献   

Porcine circovirus is the only mammalian DNA virus so far known to contain a single-stranded circular genome (Tischer et al. (1982) Nature 295, 64–66). Replication of its small viral DNA (1.76 kb) appears to be dependent on cellular enzymes expressed during S-phase of the cell cycle (Tischer et al. (1987) Arch. Virol. 96, 39–57). In this paper we have exploited the porcine circovirus genome to probe for in vitro initiation and elongation of DNA replication by different preparations of calf thymus DNA polymerase α and δ as well as by a partially purified preparation from pig thymus. The results indicated that three different purification fractions of calf thymus DNA polymerase α and one from pig thymus initiate DNA synthesis at several sites on the porcine circovirus DNA. It appears that the sites at which DNA primase synthesizes primers are not entirely random. Subsequent DNA elongation by a highly purified DNA polymerase α holoenzyme which had been isolated by the criterion of replicating single-stranded M13 DNA (Ottiger et al. (1987) Nucleic Acids Res. 15, 4789–4807) is very efficient. Complete conversion to the double-stranded form is obtained in less than 1 min. When the DNA synthesis by DNA polymerase α is blocked with the DNA polymerase α specific monoclonal antibody SJK 132-20 after initiation by DNA primase, DNA polymerase δ can efficiently replicate from the primers. This in vitro DNA replication system may be used in analogy to the bacteriophage systems in E. coli to study initiation and elongation of DNA replication.  相似文献   

The measurement of the frequency of endonucleolytic incisions in ultraviolet-irradiated DNA serves as the test for the presence of pyrimidine dimers. In accordance with this approach, the lysates of three Micrococcus luteus strains containing radioactively labeled chromosomes were treated with purified M. luteus ultraviolet-endonuclease to trace segregation of dimers amongst parental and newly synthesized DNA and their removal during postreplication and excision DNA repair. A considerable proportion of the dimers in all strains tested proved to be insensitive to the action of exogenous incising enzyme. The use of chloramphenicol as an inhibitor of postirradiation protein synthesis in combination with ultraviolet-endonuclease treatment of DNA allowed to reveal at least two alternative pathways of postreplication repair: constitutively active recombinational pathway and inducible nonrecombinational one.  相似文献   

We have investigated whether or not ATP or other nucleoside di- and trisphosphates (including some nonhydrolysable ATP analogues) can stimulate the activity and/or the processivity of DNA polymerase α associated with the nuclear matrix obtained from HeLa S3 cell nuclei that had been stabilized at 37°C prior to subfractionation, as has been reported previously for DNA polymerase α bound to the nuclear matrix prepared from 22-h regenerating rat liver. We have found that HeLa cell matrix-associated DNA polymerase α activity could not be stimulated at all by ATP or other nucleotides, a behaviour which was shared also by DNA polymerase α activity that solubilizes from cells during the isolation of nuclei and that is thought to be a form of the enzyme not actively engaged in DNA replication. Moreover, the processivity of matrix-bound DNA polymerase α activity was low (< 10 nucleotides). These results were obtained with the matrix prepared with either 2M NaCl or 0·25 M (NH4)2SO4 and led us to consider that a 37° incubation of isolated nuclei renders resistant to high-salt extraction a form of DNA polymerase α which is unlikely to be involved in DNA replication in vivo.  相似文献   

The distribution of ultraviolet-induced repair patches along DNA loops attached to the nuclear matrix, was investigated by digestion with DNA-degrading enzymes and neutral sucrose gradient centrifugation. When DNA was gradually removed by DNAase 1, pulse label incorporated by ultraviolet-irradiated cells during 10 min in the presence of hydroxyurea or hydroxyurea/arabinosylcytosine showed similar degradation kinetics as prelabelled DNA. No preferential association of pulse label with the nuclear matrix was observed, neither within 30 min nor 13 h after irradiation. When the pulse label was incorporated by replicative synthesis under the same conditions, a preferential association of newly-synthesized DNA with the nuclear matrix was observed. Single-strand specific digestion with nuclease S1 of nuclear lysates from ultraviolet-irradiated cells, pulse labelled in the presence of hydroxyurea/arabinosylcytosine, caused a release of about 70% of the prelabelled DNA and 90% of the pulse-labelled DNA from the rapidly sedimenting material in sucrose gradients. The results suggest no specific involvement of the nuclear matrix in repair synthesis, a random distribution of repair patches along the DNA loops, and simultaneously multiple incision events per DNA loop.  相似文献   

The effects of aphidicolin and α-amanitin on DNA synthesis by preimplantation mouse embryos were studied. It was found that both blastocyst and 8-cell embryos showed marked inhibition of 3H-thymidine incorporation into DNA by aphidicolin at concentrations of 20–50 μg/ml. However, aphidicolin did not inhibit the conversion of morula embryos to blastocyst embryos, although aphidicolin-treated blastocysts lost their blastocoel and collapsed into a compact form after prolonged exposure to the drug. Both 8-cell and blastocyst embryos were found to be susceptible to inhibition of DNA synthesis by α-amanitin.  相似文献   

These studies were aimed at characterizing the capability of an antitumor DNA-damaging drug, Ledakrin, and its analogs to inhibit DNA replication in HeLa S3 cells. The studied agents are extremely potent inhibitors of [3H]thymidine incorporation in whole cells. These compounds produced also a potent dose- and time-dependent inhibition of DNA synthesis in subcellular systems derived from drug-treated cells, as found by [3H]dGTP incorporation in cellular lysates and nuclei. Experiments in which nuclei from control and drug-treated cells were supplemented with cytoplasmic fractions from either control or drug-treated cells, or with exogenous DNA, demonstrate that Ledakrin and other 1-nitro-9-aminoacridines inhibit DNA replication in HeLa S3 cells by interfering with the DNA template, while not affecting DNA polymerase(s) or other enzymes and replication factors. The negligible effect of Ledakrin added to lysates or nuclei from untreated cells suggests that metabolic activation is a prerequisite for replication inhibition by Ledakrin. Analysis of the size of newly synthesized DNA, by alkaline sucrose gradient sedimentation, indicates that Ledakrin does not inhibit the initiation of replication but does interfere with chain growth. Impairment of DNA replication by 1-nitro-9-aminoacridines seems to originate from DNA damage and to result in the inhibition of cellular growth.  相似文献   

The base excision repair (BER) pathway involves gap filling by DNA polymerase (pol) β and subsequent nick sealing by ligase IIIα. X-ray cross-complementing protein 1 (XRCC1), a nonenzymatic scaffold protein, assembles multiprotein complexes, although the mechanism by which XRCC1 orchestrates the final steps of coordinated BER remains incompletely defined. Here, using a combination of biochemical and biophysical approaches, we revealed that the polβ/XRCC1 complex increases the processivity of BER reactions after correct nucleotide insertion into gaps in DNA and enhances the handoff of nicked repair products to the final ligation step. Moreover, the mutagenic ligation of nicked repair intermediate following polβ 8-oxodGTP insertion is enhanced in the presence of XRCC1. Our results demonstrated a stabilizing effect of XRCC1 on the formation of polβ/dNTP/gap DNA and ligase IIIα/ATP/nick DNA catalytic ternary complexes. Real-time monitoring of protein–protein interactions and DNA-binding kinetics showed stronger binding of XRCC1 to polβ than to ligase IIIα or aprataxin, and higher affinity for nick DNA with undamaged or damaged ends than for one nucleotide gap repair intermediate. Finally, we demonstrated slight differences in stable polβ/XRCC1 complex formation, polβ and ligase IIIα protein interaction kinetics, and handoff process as a result of cancer-associated (P161L, R194W, R280H, R399Q, Y576S) and cerebellar ataxia-related (K431N) XRCC1 variants. Overall, our findings provide novel insights into the coordinating role of XRCC1 and the effect of its disease-associated variants on substrate-product channeling in multiprotein/DNA complexes for efficient BER.  相似文献   

HeLa cells have been shown to internalize the avidin-biotin complex. Adsorptive pinocytosis seems to be the mechanism of this uptake as seen by the requirements of energy and the integrity of the microtubular assembly. Pretreatment of HeLa cells with cycloheximide inhibits uptake and binding of the avidin-biotin complex. Scatchard plot of specific binding of avidin indicates a single type of binding with a Kd of approx. 55 pM with about 21 500 receptors/cell. The lack of inhibition of binding by simple carbohydrates indicates that binding is not through the oligosaccharide chain of avidin.  相似文献   

Epidermal pigmentation and UV exposure are related to the incidence of skin tumors. There is a higher incidence of UV related skin tumors in populations with low pigment and in vitiligo patients, resulting from DNA damage. Normally DNA repair processes set in with the expression of PCNA in the keratinocyte. The present study was conducted on the marginal zone skin in vitiligo. Whole skin organ cultures irradiated with increasing doses of UV in the 280–400 nm range show that in the depigmented area there is no expression of PCNA by the keratinocytes. In comparison, the marginal zone keratinocytes show a dose related positivity in the presence of UV responsive melanocytes. These photoresponsive melanocytes show dendricity and cytoplasmic PCNA positivity. The melanocytes interact with keratinocytes by active melanosome transfer. From this study it is suggested that this involves transfer of PCNA as well. The present study indicates the differentiating keratinocytes in skin do not express PCNA but appear to be dependent on active UV responding melanocytes for DNA repair. This factor could play an important role in the occurrence of UV-related skin tumors.  相似文献   

Earlier work of several laboratories established that the yields of radiation-induced ring and dicentric chromosomes are greater when human peripheral blood lymphocytes are irradiated in GH1 some hours after phytohemagglutinin stimulation than if they are irradiated in G0 before stimulation. Post-treatment of lymphocytes irradiated in G0 with the DNA polymerase inhibitor aphidicolin, which is effective against both pol α and pol δ, produces a similar increase in ring and dicentric yield. We found that aphidicolin post-treatment was much less effective in increasing ring and dicentric yield increases in cells irradiated in G1 four to five hours after stimulation. Because we had earlier found specific inhibitors of DNA pol α ineffective in producing increased yields in either G0 or G1 lymphocytes, we conclude that much of the G0 to G1 increase in yields is mediated by pol δ.  相似文献   

Xeroderma pigmentosum variant (XP-V) cells lack the damage-specific DNA polymerase eta and have normal excision repair but show defective DNA replication after UV irradiation. Previous studies using cells transformed with SV40 or HPV16 (E6/E7) suggested that the S-phase response to UV damage is altered in XP-V cells with non-functional p53. To investigate the role of p53 directly we targeted p53 in normal and XP-V fibroblasts using short hairpin RNA. The shRNA reduced expression of p53, and the downstream cell cycle effector p21, in control and UV irradiated cells. Cells accumulated in late S phase after UV, but after down-regulation of p53 they accumulated earlier in S. Cells in which p53 was inhibited showed ongoing genomic instability at the replication fork. Cells exhibited high levels of UV induced S-phase gammaH2Ax phosphorylation representative of exposed single strand regions of DNA and foci of Mre11/Rad50/Nbs1 representative of double strand breaks. Cells also showed increased variability of genomic copy numbers after long-term inhibition of p53. Inhibition of p53 expression dominated the DNA damage response. Comparison with earlier results indicates that in virally transformed cells cellular targets other than p53 play important roles in the UV DNA damage response.  相似文献   

By the method of sedimentation in 5–20% alkaline sucrose gradient, the process of maturation of the nascent DNA fragment was studied with cultured mouse FM3A cells treated with 8-methoxypsoralen plus near-ultraviolet radiation. This treatment is known to cause crosslinks of the chromosomal DNA strands. The profile of the newly-replicated DNA, labeled for 10 min with [3H]thymidine immediately after treatment, was the same as that of the untreated cells, where the incorporated radioactivity was present in the intermediate DNA fragment (about 50–80 S). But, when the treated cells were labeled after several hours of incubation, the labeled DNA became much shorter due to inhibition of maturation of the initial DNA fragment (the Okazaki fragment) to the intermediate DNA. With the use of aphidicolin, a specific inhibitor of eukaryotic DNA polymerase α, it became apparent that, in addition to formation of the crosslinks, further DNA replication is required to cause this inhibition of DNA maturation. Aphidicolin also suppressed the inhibition of incorporation of [3H]thymidine into cellular DNA after treatment, but inhibition of this incorporation resumed after its removal.  相似文献   

The DNA polymerase α-DNA primase complex was purified over 17 000-fold to near homogeneity from calf thymus using an immunoaffinity column. Sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis revealed three polypeptides with molecular weights of 140, 50 and 47 kDa, in a ratio of 1:2:0.25. The complex showed a sedimentation coefficient of 9.7 S, a Stokes radius of 56 Å and a native molecular weight of 250–260 kDa. Taken together, the data suggest that the calf thymus dNA polymerase α-DNA primase complex is essentially a heterotrimer of large (140 kDa) and small (50 kDa) subunits in a ratio of 1:2, with a globular conformation. Electron-microscopic studies of the complex revealed a spherical particle of 120 Å in diameter, in agreement with the physicochemical results. The binding of the complex to DNA was also demonstrated.  相似文献   

Murakumo Y 《Mutation research》2002,510(1-2):37-44
Translesion DNA synthesis (TLS) is an important damage tolerance system which rescues cells from severe injuries caused by DNA damage. Specialized low fidelity DNA polymerases in this system synthesize DNA past lesions on the template DNA strand, that replicative DNA polymerases are usually unable to pass through. However, in compensation for cell survival, most polymerases in this system are potentially mutagenic and sometimes introduce mutations in the next generation. In yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S. cerevisiae), DNA polymerase ζ, which consists of Rev3 and Rev7 proteins, and Rev1 are known to be involved in most damage-induced and spontaneous mutations. The human homologs of S. cerevisiae REV1, REV3, and REV7 were identified, and it is revealed that the human REV proteins have similar functions to their yeast counterparts, however, a large part of the mechanisms of mutagenesis employing REV proteins are still unclear. Recently, the new findings about REV proteins were reported, which showed that REV7 interacts not only with REV3 but also with REV1 in human and that REV7 is involved in cell cycle control in Xenopus. These findings give us a new point of view for further investigation about REV proteins. Recent studies of REV proteins are summarized and several points are discussed.  相似文献   

The growth of HeLa cells in Hepes-buffered medium was significantly more sensitive to the inhibitory effects of erythromycin than in medium buffered by the more conventional bicarbonate-CO2 system. Since growth inhibition by erythromycin became more pronounced as the pH of the medium was increased the difference in erythromycin sensitivity between the Hepes-buffered medium vs. the bicarbonate-CO2-buffered medium is most likely due to pH effects. The relative growth sensitivity to erythromycin of ERY2301, an erythromycin-resistant mutant of HeLa, was also affected by elevated pH of the growth medium. However, ERY2301 cells were able to proliferate to a greater extent in the presence of erythromycin than HeLa cells grown under the same conditions. The selective growth advantage of ERY2301 (in the presence of erythromycin) is best seen in medium of pH 7.4, or in the Hepes-buffered medium. In vitro protein synthesis by intact mitochondria isolated from HeLa cells was relatively insensitive to erythromycin inhibition at pH 7.4 and 7.6, but at high pH values was inhibited approx. 50%. Although the erythromycin sensitivity of ERY2301 mitochondrial protein synthesis was also affected by increasing the pH, the incorporation of [3H]leucine was more resistant to erythromycin than that observed for HeLa mitochondria over the pH range tested. Increasing the concentration of erythromycin at a given pH did not result in a further increase in the inhibition of either HeLa or ERY2301 mitochondrial protein synthesis. When the mitochondrial membranes were disrupted by Triton X-100, erythromycin inhibition of HeLa mitochondrial protein synthesis was pH dependent and, at the lower pH values tested, greater inhibition was observed as the erythromycin concentration was increased. ERY2301 mitochondrial protein synthesis under the same conditions displayed a high level of erythromycin-resistant activity independent of both pH and erythromycin concentration. It is suggested that, as has been proposed for bacterial systems, only the non-protonated molecule of erythromycin is effective in inhibiting mitochondrial protein synthesis. The ability of erythromycin to permeate the mitochondrial membranes and the plasma membres may also be facilitated by a higher pH.  相似文献   

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